View Full Version : Science, Math, and Philosophy

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  1. Bi-spherical grid results (no content; pretty pictures)
  2. Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman died today
  3. Help - I think I'm right
  4. Biochemical Effects of Adderall
  5. Do you agree with the following statement?
  6. Glenn Beck- Latest Example of Logic Challenged Arrogant Moron
  7. Atheists
  8. Take these shackles off my feet
  9. Diminishing certainty of probabilistic judgements.
  10. Largest genetically isolated human population
  11. if God doesn't exist....
  12. Stupidity and violence
  13. A Fairly Simple Probability Question
  14. atheists and thanksgiving?
  15. Crime drop poll
  16. network marketing, shady and immoral or not so bad?
  17. Some questions about sexual preferance
  18. How Does A Big Minimum Wage Hike Help?
  19. Alien Fever
  20. I can do hypothetical questions too.
  21. The Big Thread of Holy Book Contradictions, Errors, etc.
  22. A Free-for-All on Science and Religion
  23. Homeopathy question.
  24. Democracy: Appeal to the Majority
  25. I creid during a movie today...
  26. Does God sleep?
  27. Will they have guns in heaven?
  28. What makes someone a racist?
  29. Is There Something Wrong With "Profiling"?
  30. Hypothetical question for Utilitarians.
  31. Consciousness and free will
  32. Quick question regarding time dilation
  33. Start questioning, [censored].
  34. Endorphines and politics/morality, Part 1 (Warning NSFW links)
  35. Can a person believe in God without believing in the Bible?
  36. Intelligent design.. for real!
  37. unquestioning soldiers
  38. WTF at shortages of consoles when launched?
  39. Hardest Philosophical Question EVER
  40. David Sklansky: What is your Erdos Number?
  41. The best approach to achieve one's goals (medium sized)
  42. Would you be willing?
  43. Good Samaritan Laws
  44. Expected Value of Life
  45. Astrophysics question
  46. Dawkins - The God Delusion
  47. Having problems... please help...
  48. "blind chance" argument is getting old
  49. Sklansky-Pascal Wager
  50. Sam Harris debates Dennis Prager (conservative talk show host)
  51. post-singularity evolution
  52. The Revolutionary War
  53. Fake Math Question
  54. What constitutes a lie?
  55. Time magazine on preferences and biases
  56. Best way/evidence to show evolution to a young earth creationist
  57. Best Post Ever On This Forum
  58. '6000 year old' earth figure
  59. Attracting Alien Life
  60. Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With Intelligent Falling Theory
  61. Define Love
  62. All loving God? (Bible quotes post)
  63. Why Does Religion Draw So Much Ire?
  64. Have my own forum now
  65. the bleak eternity that the godless face
  66. Female+sexy+skeptic = 1 in a million? // Men are better than women?
  67. Religion as a successful mutation
  68. Tuna Sub on Floor
  69. Are we vessels for dna?
  70. Need Help With Simplifying
  71. Tricky math factoring problem
  72. Why are there caucasians?
  73. STATS.org - an interesting site
  74. My Brother's New Religion: Categorize
  75. Evolution Outlawed!
  76. Bananas, proof that God Exists.
  77. Why is suicide illegal?
  78. Futurists/Ray Kurzweil
  79. Illusionist Derren Brown "converts" atheists
  80. Beating the death race?
  81. Cobalt 60 safe cracking
  82. "The Original Ship" or "Shippy II"?
  83. Interesting assignment
  84. Are We Really That Stupid? (long)
  85. Help me understand something about dna..
  86. Book Recommendations Please
  87. Small Changes to My 50K Challenge
  89. einstein
  90. Challenging The More Liberal Christians
  91. Do you own your mind and body?
  92. Dealt vs. Contributed RB math
  93. From the Dark Age to the Dark Age again
  94. Need help with binary -> decimal DIGITS
  95. My $50,000 Challenge
  96. Translation Of The Bluff Interpretation of Non Believer's Afterlife?
  97. Thoughts on Cosmetic Surgery
  98. Stumbling Blocks to Faith
  99. Sharing knowledge: capitalism vs socialism
  100. A Globe, Clothing Itself with a Brain
  101. How do gravitons escape a black hole?
  102. Yet another God question
  103. Morality of stealing money
  104. Where is the chance/skill cusp for Hold'em?
  105. Question for Borodog
  106. The God Delusion
  107. Jesus meets Socrates
  108. Unique patterns within species of animals
  109. BCS math--please double check
  110. On the namings of fundamental and organic sciences
  111. Pride And Faith (The 50K Challenge)
  112. Voluntary Exchange: A Prisoner's Dilemma
  113. Why the poker cash game cannot be legalized as skill based
  114. Development of life on earth question
  115. Sharpening the Mind
  116. Do you want God to exist?
  117. Help me plan an "it's okay to not believe" day at school
  118. Probability/Stats Extra Credit (NOT POKER)
  119. Christian Cartoons (Link to post in LOL)
  120. Can you beat yourself in a fight...
  121. Did the Big Bang happen?
  122. One's goal in life
  123. Dawkins talks about some interesting stuff
  124. Question on the topic of LOGIC
  125. Several random questions about physics, biology, math
  126. Not Ready's Noteworthy Statement
  127. Govt scam #459276: fluoride in the water
  128. Muslim fundamentalists trash evolution
  129. Billions of Planets
  130. Shakespeare Vs. Einstein
  131. Open question to Sklansky and/or his FanBoys
  132. A REAL surprise
  133. My hair-brained theory of the week: Gravity
  134. Question only for devout atheists
  135. Math Problem
  136. For the Christians on the form.
  137. Free will - have we polled this?
  138. Ray Bonart Please explain your ethics.
  139. Society is unfair to the diagnosed mentally sick
  140. Question to chezlaw
  141. bum ethics
  142. Efficiency in electric space heaters (?)
  143. anyone know a way to calculate this?(math)
  144. the earth is flat
  145. Christianity and Buddhism are the Same Sickness
  146. What are the chances we can get a LaTeX preprocessor for 2+2 posts?
  147. 'Recent' flowing water points to life on Mars
  148. Real life physics question - gymnastics
  149. random problem, seems easy but am i missing something
  150. Long the fixation of physicists worldwide, a tiny particle is found
  151. The poor capitalist
  152. Your life is a movie...
  153. Comments on Global Warming From National Center for Policy Analysis
  154. Letter to Richard Dawkins
  155. Evolution Question
  156. Math question
  157. Normally distributed random deviates.
  158. Theological question for Intelligent Design proponents
  159. Consciousness and Evolution
  160. Abstract question(s) about evolution
  161. Can your brain send information back in time?
  162. Division by zero solved??
  163. Intelligence and Communication
  164. Socrates meets Jesus
  165. Question/Statement on Occam's Razor
  166. Science/Philosophy poll
  167. Can someone explain subjectivism for me?
  168. What Is The Meaning Of Life?
  169. On The Cusp
  170. Slit experiments - how do they emit a "single photon?"
  171. Christians: Are you saying...
  172. If God let you make the decision
  173. Christian Death
  174. Another Book Advice Thread
  175. Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations & Gravity
  176. Contrasting Divine and Human-made Laws
  177. Simple Question For Not Ready And Others
  178. Atheist Activism with Dollars
  179. I want to be famous.
  180. How oil scarcity will affect the future from a scientific perspective
  181. In the womb
  182. Religion A perfectly rational belief
  183. Help with a calculation
  184. Vigilantism
  185. Raising Children as Atheists?
  186. Help with LaTex project
  187. The question I ask Xtian evangelists...
  188. Please Check Out My Catholic-Muslim Post
  189. Saw an inconvient truth, one big problem with all those who argue GW
  190. Raised a Christian, thought about it, I'm here, now what?
  191. Matter & Consciousness
  192. Lactose Tolerance in East Africa Points to Recent Evolution
  193. Morality and Happiness
  194. Proof Time Travel Can't Exist
  195. Why all agnostics/people "on the fence" are actually athiests
  196. Chemistry: Turpentine
  197. Bible Club
  198. Apocalypse of Peter
  199. Math question, crosspost from Probability
  200. Premonitions
  201. I support cheaters 100%, and I will cheat if I can
  202. Remember all the circumcision hating awhile back?
  203. Attacking one's intellect -
  204. Embarrased, but I can't remember -
  205. Same ol, same ol....athiest pov article on TNR.com.
  206. Uncle CSER wants YOU!
  207. Chess match between equally skilled opponents
  208. A Lutheran Pastor Disagrees With Not Ready
  209. Anyone else think all this discussion of Christianity is ridiculous??
  210. How likely is it that the following exist.
  211. Thinking of skill in a different way
  212. Shermer vs. Hovind (How to debate a creationist) video
  213. Pet food Vs Famine in Africa
  214. What one book would it be?
  215. Can Humans Truly "Think"?
  216. A Question of Proof: DS caught on tape
  217. Math q.
  218. Alternative theory of gravity without dark matter
  219. An Interesting Read on Time Travel
  220. Rape - How much sympathy and how much culpability?
  221. A loose arguement regarding our course of evolution
  222. IQ And Global Inequality
  223. Infinite- some thoughts and questions.
  224. Barbara Walters' special on Heaven
  225. Does Chaos Mathematics Explain the Universe as a Fractal?
  226. Why Believing Is Necessary For "Salvation" Implies Stupidity
  227. Another Way To Explain My Rape/ Prostitute Position
  228. A Simpler $1000 Freeroll Challenge
  229. Smart people more likely to be right?
  230. Question to Athiests strongly built on Scientific Reasoning
  231. Is it okay to eat animals???
  232. A Christmas Poll for Atheists
  233. A Simple Fact Regarding- Intelligence- Religion -Etc
  234. What should be the main factor in deciding jail sentences?
  235. Proof that Jesus accepts Atheists
  236. Why determinism cannot be proven
  237. Monkey Business
  238. Do prisoners deserve to be raped?
  239. Survival of the fittest religion
  240. Platonic Relationships with Attractive Girls
  241. Atheist Scientists Who Haven't Studied The Bible
  242. Cosmology Question
  243. Curing Cancer And AIDS With Viruses
  244. learning GR question.
  245. Canabalism In Survivial Situations
  246. The Bottom Line On My Anti- Fundamentalist Posts
  247. No More Takers on 50K Challenge Accepted
  248. What millenium problem will be solved next?
  249. Bible Club - Matthew
  250. Andy Fox's Brilliant Idea