View Full Version : Science, Math, and Philosophy

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  1. stupid math riddle...
  2. Another Physics Problem
  3. A quick puzzle
  4. Odds Question
  5. Kind of a Monty Hall Problem
  6. Cutting off your finger
  7. Energy is the eternal delight
  8. I lie and feel very good
  9. Confusing/humorous church slogan...
  10. A challenging Number Theory problem
  11. effects of intelligence on the universe
  12. Unitarian Universalism?
  13. Pope John Paul II Miracle
  14. pascal's pyramid question
  15. Morality poll
  16. How do you . .
  17. Atheist dilemma
  18. Heaven – Please share your thoughts
  19. And another proof for Evolution
  20. Sapiens are fulfilled only in play
  21. philosophy
  22. Religious Beliefs vs. Political Beliefs
  23. pascal's triangle, pyramid, then what?
  24. Disinterested knowledge is play dough
  25. i has a question. its about springs and rubberbands.
  26. Free Choice /Psychology & Religion (My Rant)
  27. Logistics
  28. an inconvenient truth
  29. Psychohistory
  30. Someone know this proof?
  31. Religion is 'Evil'?
  32. aids
  33. Poll for NotReady
  34. solution to "what's the next number in this sequence?" problems
  35. Evil Retards
  36. I propose a definition for malicious thought
  37. Genocide & Atheists of the 20th Century *DELETED*
  38. To "Know God"
  39. Climate predictions
  40. Finding multiples of a # using Ti-83?
  41. Be afraid
  42. Questions for atheists
  44. The Leviathan $CHALLANGE$
  45. Internet Forum: a catalyst for change
  46. Making Learning Fun!
  47. Nietzsche books.
  48. is this art?
  49. thought experiment
  50. Circuit Analysis Question (Electrical Engineering majors holla)
  51. The Universe in a Single Atom
  52. Question for a Chemist
  53. Why don't earth Freeze.
  54. Is a Zen Koan "Accurate"?
  55. Question for Physics Nerds
  56. NeiKung Masters Powers
  57. maximizing a function with multiple independent variables
  58. Can Christianity exist without other religions?
  59. Does Rousseau support Absolute Monarchy?
  60. Should I take his girlfriend
  61. They were wrong before :) [Catholics and limbo]
  62. CNN Stupidity
  63. a couple problems WITH PRIZE FOR SOLVING
  64. Dying from "Old Age"
  66. The effects of sex crimes on the victims
  67. Life expectancy - how long can humans live?
  68. Sim World
  69. Solving The Problem of War, Terrorism, Mass Murder and Gun Control
  70. This is Huge
  71. game theory homework help: on-equilibrium and off-equilibrium?
  72. Genesis
  73. Hero Professor In Hell Right Now
  74. Holy Feck I Feel Stupid.....
  75. Can color consciousness create corruption?
  76. Semantics - atheism
  77. Calculus flashback (do my homework)
  78. 2 short math proofs - numbers in base 5
  79. Ok im confused about "facts" regarding global warming
  80. Gambling on global climate change
  81. Quick medical (not ethical/moral) question on lethal injection
  82. Subjectivity and scope with respect to 'self awareness'
  83. The Great Atheist Schism
  84. Potentially habitable planet found
  85. Not having "In God We Trust" on your license plate will cost you $15
  86. teaser
  87. Back On Topic With The Hero Professor
  88. Analyzing a Voting System (Math Geeks Please Help!)
  89. High School Heroes
  90. Math Problem....
  91. Log Normal Distribution wtf?
  92. Thoughts on Time Travel
  93. Probability Question for David Sklansky
  94. The Rational Atheist mindset
  95. Colony Collapse Disorder
  96. Religion Poisons Everything
  97. Speed and Intelligence
  98. Do you know my son, with what little understanding the earth is ruled.
  99. Your word or your morals?
  100. Making meaningful connections
  101. Neurotheology
  102. What the heck is sameness, really?
  103. Several questions and an odd one.
  104. Quadratic Equation
  105. Two Pi
  106. Hypothetical : stop existing or randomly become any person on the worl
  107. Religion should borrow something from the Olympics
  108. "The Dissolute Dogmatists"
  109. Inertia physics question
  110. Why is income inequality bad?
  111. Why is a human life sacred?
  112. Commiting murder in different situations
  113. hypothetical discovery (what to do with it?)
  114. Life, life, everywhere
  115. my friend on evolution
  116. Allocating Public Disease Research Resources
  117. 1 and .9999999... the same number?
  118. Does Atheism Cause More Wars Than Theism?
  119. essay on synthesis of identity
  120. Whats The Definition Of "Believe"?
  121. accelleration going uphill at a steady speed (gravity)?
  122. What Religion Is Supposed To Be
  123. Unconscious thought forms 95% of all thought
  124. Mars
  125. Happy National Day of Reason
  126. Textbooks on Principal Component Analysis
  127. "Inner Horizon" of a Black Hole??
  128. Bayes' Theorem/Bayesian Probability
  129. Dropped off of an airplane, into a wall.
  130. New News on Heaven and Hell!
  131. The Uncertainty Principle
  132. Logins and Empaths
  133. Which scenario would my coffee be warmer?
  134. how tall would you let your kid get?
  135. Do you agree with this quote?
  136. How Do You Think?
  137. Please Explain the Biblical Canon
  138. Living is a philosophical endeavor
  139. Calculus based Physics
  140. "only 11% of land animals are larger than a sheep"
  141. Post links to good religion/ philosophy sites
  142. Probability of Extraterritorial Life in the Solar System
  143. Are You into Time?
  144. Creationfest '07!
  145. Does fine champaign produce smaller bubbles?
  146. challenge: try to describe a society more evil...
  147. Look, do you have time on YOUR hands
  148. How can you convert..
  149. Machine Means End To Sleepless Nights
  150. Atheist book comparison
  151. Did 2+2 birth a new logical fallacy?
  152. How do Christians Still follow the bible?
  153. God knows me
  154. A Physics Question
  155. where did the first cell come from?
  156. Random Conceptions
  157. Experiencing God's Presence
  158. Beer foam: why does it make a difference the way you fill a glass?
  159. Another thread about drugs
  160. Religious based moive documentaries: Suggestions? (ie jesus camp)
  161. Logical Positivism
  162. Is it possible to shrink something without removing anything ?
  163. Probability question
  164. Doyle Brunson's Cancer
  165. Undergraduate Math Competitions?
  166. Are The Odds Regarding Particles Definitely Independent Events?
  167. Good math books on real analysis and calc
  168. German Biologist: Global Warming Is Good For US
  169. What's in a name?
  170. Why so witty are Jews and African-Americans? I know!
  171. Religion without eternal life
  172. which would you choose?
  173. We Are All Sinners With Free Will?
  174. nightline face off - "Debate"
  175. Standard Deviation
  176. The Logical Implications Of China's Lack Of Christianity
  177. question about evolution?
  178. For those of you the beleive mans purpose in life is his own happiness
  179. why Christianity is popular
  180. Religious History
  181. Drain vortices and religion
  182. Why did this happen? (science question)
  183. War: America's second best consumer of goods
  184. Modular exponentiation question
  185. Can We All Agree With These "Facts" About God?
  186. Spirit/Spirituality: A marshmallow word suitable only for roasting?
  187. What % of SMP believe in Ghosts?
  188. Mormon Funeral Trip Report
  189. Religious Wishful Thinking
  190. large American Religious Identification survey
  191. Free will argument
  192. Plinko price is right game, help me figure math out
  193. Hitler And God
  194. How Much Wiggle Room Does A Literal Bible Reading Allow
  195. Who takes over during a blackout?
  196. Fundamental Theorem of Investing
  197. correct strategy in THE PRICE IS RIGHT
  198. Haunted house question
  199. Walk a mile in Omar's shoes
  200. Feral Hogs
  201. DNA + Microevolution+ Bayes =Macroevolution
  202. Game Theory Question
  203. Jerry Falwell Goes to Heaven
  204. Modern Pascal's Wager adaptation: For real.
  205. Fruit Flies and Free Will
  206. Religion in the US
  207. Another "put a price on your beliefs" Q for atheists
  208. Strength of Will
  209. I Am Getting Bugged By Atheists
  210. Why do people hate Jews?
  211. Math is God, Euler is Jesus
  212. Infinity
  213. My Final Word On Religion For A While
  214. Has the US's philosophy on terrorism changed?
  215. (L/NC) Your All-Star SMP Debate Team
  216. Grandpa, how can I remember all the things I ought to do?
  217. regression analysis
  218. Synapses, Impulses, & Reflexes.
  219. Terrorism
  220. Houdini, Randi and God
  221. Steps to solve this algebra equation
  222. Funny math cartoon
  223. Gas
  224. What do you think?
  225. Did Jesus think that the world was flat?
  226. Another boring modular arithmetic question
  227. The Science of Tilt (x-post)
  228. Math Problem.. regression line?
  229. The Type-A crusades
  230. Artificial Evolution
  231. One In A Googol vs One In A Googolplex
  232. The youtube is quicker than the eye
  233. Atheist Critique of Dawkins, Hitchens, et al.
  234. Help me understand this problem - P and NP
  235. Chimp Blood
  236. A Math Magic God Problem
  237. Humans are artifact adoring artisans
  238. A quick follow-up thought to Sklansky's googleplex post
  239. The Well or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Become Big Nothing
  240. Hating The Sin Not The Sinner
  241. Reopening the Torture Debate
  242. Al-Qaeda's biggest target? Other Muslims
  243. Manichaeism is the one true faith!
  244. Harris on Torture
  245. Question about how to solve combination problem
  246. Chance of Life Elsewhere
  247. road to reality
  248. Parallel torture ? with a paradox twist on the backside
  249. Dinosaurs on Mars?
  250. The Second Commmandment