View Full Version : Comments on Global Warming From National Center for Policy Analysis

12-07-2006, 10:59 AM
What I have known all along. (http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=77195)

"The Public Has Been Vastly Misinformed," NCPA's Deming Tells Senate Committee

Gee, I wonder if it is because idiot entertainers with superiority complexes in Hollywood really don't understand the science, or maybe it is because the science is selectively distorted or culled because of someones agenda?

12-07-2006, 12:15 PM
What I have known all along. (http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=77195)

"The Public Has Been Vastly Misinformed," NCPA's Deming Tells Senate Committee

Gee, I wonder if it is because idiot entertainers with superiority complexes in Hollywood really don't understand the science, or maybe it is because the science is selectively distorted or culled because of someones agenda?

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You appear to have no idea what's actually happening. I think you need to read this book.


There is overwhelming evidence that the Bush Agenda is to suppress overwhelming evidence.

12-07-2006, 12:39 PM
Don't know what's going on? It would appear I'm not the only one. (http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0611/S00145.htm)


Coalition Challenges Al Gore to Face the NZ Media
Friday, 10 November 2006, 10:23 am
Press Release: New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
The New Zealand
Climate Science Coalition
Website: www.climatescience.org.nz (http://www.climatescience.org.nz)
The Coalition is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization dedicated to climate science and has no political affiliation. We take a science and evidence-based approach to climate change issues.

Media release (immediate) 10 November 2006
Climate Science Coalition Challenges Al Gore to Face the NZ Media
The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition has challenged Al Gore to front up to the New Zealand media on his visit to Auckland this Tuesday, and explain the “convenient mistruths” he uses in his alarmist film about global warming.
The coalition understands that Mr Gore is declining to face the media during his visit, and that, instead, he will privately address the board of the New Zealand Super Fund, and give a lecture to an invited audience of MPs and business leaders.
“Mr Gore’s film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, makes a number of claims that are plain wrong and have deliberately misled the New Zealand public,” says Rear Admiral Jack Welch, chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. “And yet he is having a private audience with some of the country’s most powerful people. You can bet he’ll be spinning the same mistruths to them
“Any foreign private citizen,” continues Admiral Welch, “who has such privileged access to the nation’s leaders and seeks to influence New Zealand’s environmental and economic policy to the extent that Mr Gore does, should face the scrutiny of the New Zealand media.”
Admiral Welch thinks that Mr Gore should be asked to answer the following questions:
1. Where are the Pacific Island refugees that Mr Gore claims have had to flee to New Zealand to escape the rising sea levels brought on by global warming?
2. How can Mr Gore claim that the Antarctic ice sheet is in danger of collapse when actual temperature records show that the majority of the Antarctic is in fact cooling?
3. How can Mr Gore claim that the science is settled, and that there is consensus that man-made carbon emissions are provoking global warming, when the IPCC 2001 report (Note: to distinguish from SPM) says : the observed changes may be natural or “A more detailed analysis is required to provide evidence of the human impact ?
4. Satellite records show clearly that the world has cooled by about 0.3 deg from its 1998 peak. 2006 will be cooler than 2005. The climate models predicted that the world would warm rapidly. As they failed to predict 8 years of cooling, why should we believe computer based predictions of warming? (Note: graph of satellite observations is attached).
“Mr Gore’s slick political propaganda,” says Mr Welch, “has duped a lot of New Zealanders. For the sake of the country and our future, we can only hope that his ‘climate catastrophe’ evangelizing doesn’t dupe our MPs, our business leaders and our superannuation guardians when he speaks to them on Tuesday.”

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12-07-2006, 02:18 PM

“Mr Gore’s slick political propaganda,” says Mr Welch, “has duped a lot of New Zealanders. For the sake of the country and our future, we can only hope that his ‘climate catastrophe’ evangelizing doesn’t dupe our MPs, our business leaders and our superannuation guardians when he speaks to them on Tuesday.”

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Could you tell me again about how objective and unbiased your group is, Mr. Welch?

12-09-2006, 03:32 PM
Don't know what's going on? It would appear I'm not the only one.

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Well apparently you confused NCPA for a bona fide organization. It's just a Exxon funded think tank. The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition is headed by the joke of a scientist Bob Carter. That website references smoking-does-not-cause-cancer Fred Singer and CFC's-are-too-heavy-to-float-in-air Steven Milloy. Those names should sound familiar as you've referenced them before. Same people, different organization.

If you are going to try to debunk global warming please do a preliminary background check via sourcewatch, exxonsecrets, and wikipedia. You are referencing complete hack jobs.

12-11-2006, 08:14 AM

May I ask why you despise climate change and mainstream scientific institutions so much? It really seems like you are going to extreme lengths to disprove what every major scientific society on the planet says is obvious.

The once and future king
12-11-2006, 09:28 AM
or maybe it is because the science is selectively distorted or culled because of someones agenda?

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Oh delicous irony.