View Full Version : God knows me

05-07-2007, 05:53 PM
It seems to me that 'God' is self awareness. Not in an egotistical way, but in the way of seeing your ego clearly. That is, seeing the underlying intention from which your ego or personality is a reflection of.

The problem that 'religious' people have, is that they hate, therefore disown, and therefore do not see themselves clearly. They have made up an excuse in their minds for being ugly, or whatever it is that they are not satisfied with, and then their lives revolve around diversion, in its' many forms. Instead of meeting life head-on, they glance at life and thus feel unsatisfied, like they are constantly missing something, not being content in their own skin. The not so recent plastic surgery boom is an example of this basic human problem of existence.

You get a boob job because you want to feel better about yourself . . . so you can feel love, for yourself. This is obviously a mistake tho, because anyone who has ever loved and been loved knows it is unconditional, something that you can do nothing about, neither create nor hide from. 'Love' is there when you (your ego) dies. You don't have to do anything and voila it's there.

How does your ego die? You listen to it, you are silent, and then maybe you will accept it and begin to transcend it instead of staying stale, like an old dog that can't learn new tricks. Only if you avoid your ego (yourself) will you become an old dog, incapable of creativity. If you are constantly aware of your ego then you have a chance for freedom. Otherwise you'll be one of the crowd that thinks their way is right, like someone you don't want to talk politics with when you're drunk cause they're so opinionated and not able to take the place of another. . . and that to me is what spirituality is initially about. Being able to take the place of another. To identify with what they identify with, to see where their coming from. If you cannot do that it means you are stuck in your own mind. But if you can see and accept your own streams of consciousness, there is no limit to your power, which is 'God', when your intention has been purified by killing yourself (ego)/transcending life, whatever that means.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but if you really hate what I wrote just ignore me, that'll really make me feel like [censored]. Cheers.

05-07-2007, 08:05 PM
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying but why are you using the word "God" to describe something that nobody else would describe with that same word?

When most people use the word "God" it means something similar to this:

"A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions."

I don't believe that such a God exists. When you totally throw out what the word "God" means and put in a completely new definition why don't you use a different word to describe the phenomenon?

05-07-2007, 09:54 PM
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying but why are you using the word "God" to describe something that nobody else would describe with that same word?

When most people use the word "God" it means something similar to this:

"A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions."

I don't believe that such a God exists. When you totally throw out what the word "God" means and put in a completely new definition why don't you use a different word to describe the phenomenon?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hereby define "God" to be the nose on your face.

Then to start with, the existence of "God" is as obvious as, well, the nose on your face.

And you would have to admit, that wherever you go, you are almost always following "God".


05-07-2007, 10:17 PM
faith to me is kind of a moot point when you live a care-full life. if you are attentive of what is going on there is no need to strive for any attainment as accomplishment happens naturally. for example, how did robert pirsig attend to his motorcycle in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance . . . much the same way a professional athlete plays when he's 'in the zone'. is there any belief at this moment? maybe, but it's secondary to the experience of the moment. why is there a need for thinking of how to do this or that when you are meditatively absorbed in an activity . . . and can't that activity of absorbtion extend infinitely . . . when the mind is 'right'?

and what does it mean when the mind is 'right'? to me it seems that when the mind or ego is humbled in the presence of the moment or, reality, or whatever you want to call it, then you can actually see reality more clearly. there is less projection of your own separated belief system and more basic, root awareness, which makes doing anything easier. And that this can be 'practiced' until you reach a state of no-mind and more absorption/connectedness with the basic/average/plainess of intrinsic consciousness, which is ultimately fulfilling as it the only real thing or, reality itself.

i don't mean to create a new definition of 'God', i just interpret the 'oneness' haha, from my experiential perspective.

"A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions."

how is this different than what you yourself are??? God, or what the religions have interpreted as God is not different than you, it's very rational when you think about it. if god is omnipotent, omniscient and perfect then how could 'he' lol, be separate from what you are already. Only if you think you're something different than you already are will you not see this. and this is basically what i'm saying. people hate themselves so they disown themselves and they become shells of the people they were when they were born/younger and they didn't have concepts about this and that . . . original sin. . . do you follow this line of thinking? . . . that when you identify with you're own suffering you create a story that is separate (ego) from the oneness of the nothing that you already are. i'm looking at it right now, it's the basic nothing that's already there. thoughts? who needs em.

05-07-2007, 10:18 PM
sure nh.

05-07-2007, 10:27 PM
wowowow i messed this part up. . .

Otherwise you'll be one of the crowd that thinks their way is right, like someone you don't want to talk politics with when you're drunk cause they're so opinionated and not able to take the place of another. . . and that to me is what spirituality is initially about.

[/ QUOTE ]

if you are truly 'spiritual' you don't mind talking to anyone about politics because you're really not averse to anything. this may seem a little idealistic since in practice everyone seems to have dislikes and likes and personal preferences, but if you get to the core of what i'm trying to say i don't think there is anything you can hide from/hate.

05-08-2007, 06:50 AM
Someone post goatse or lemonparty please.

I mostly agree with your post, which is quite thoughtful - but I'm curious as to what extent you think God is an external reality - as in a soul, an afterlife, Jesus, intervention in the world, and all that. As it stands your philosophy sounds very atheist or buddhist in nature.