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04-15-2007, 02:12 PM
I have been preparing a scientific paper for publication relating to the technology applied to the animal and human transportion protocol applied during the relatively recent trans-global deluvian event.

In particular I am wondering how those virii and micro-organisms which require living vectors or hosts were preserved without the expected mortality among the transportees.

A solution to this problems would have huge implications for modern medical science.

04-15-2007, 05:29 PM
Obviously the ability to remain dormant is a huge darwinian advantage for the modern parasitic microorganism. The bottlenecks of modern medicine are diagnosis (as an estimated 25% of clinical patients are misdiagnosed) and detection. The layman with an HIV infection will be baffled as to why he's so 'unlucky' as to get three colds in rapid succession, and never think once of going to the doctor.

Macroscopic deception and subversion is therefore the ultimate evolution for the microscopic parasitic organism, at least when the preferred host is intelligent.

As far as implications for medicine, many millions of dollars are already being poured into research regarding metabolic stasis in microorganisms and viruses. Many have an 'off switch'. As humans if we can turn them 'on' they are far more vulnerable because when they are 'off' they are almost indistinguishable from the myriad of other particles floating around in the human body.