View Full Version : game theory homework help: on-equilibrium and off-equilibrium?

04-22-2007, 06:40 PM
I have no idea what on and off equilibrium are. I have be going to lecture and I couldn't find anything in the index of our text book or much on google.

my homework problem is:

Problem 5: Explain what “On Equilibirum” and “Off Equilibirum” mean (for any game, not just the Prisoners’ Dilemma) and why one needs to use the 1-SDP for both of these phases to verify whether a strategy profile is an SPE.

also, she spelled them wrong so idk what is going on.

any help would be great, thanks, its due april 23rd

04-22-2007, 06:46 PM
and in case you are rusty

SPE - subgame perfect equilibrium
1SDP - one step deviation property