View Full Version : Why do people hate Jews?

05-16-2007, 06:15 PM
I don't get it. I can understand why many other forms of racial or theological hatred exist - why some black people hate white people and vice versa, why some muslims hate non-muslims vice versa, etc... I'm not trying to comment on these viewpoints, and I'm obviously not saying that I support them - All that I mean is that I am fairly confident in my understanding of where these viewpoints come from. Now, as I understand it, now and historically, a lot of people hate or hated Jews. Why?

I have, of course, heard some reasons, but they don't seem sufficient - for instance, that they are hated because they aren't the same religion as the majority, or that they are hated because of the state of Israel. There was strong hatred before the creation of Israel, and other minority religious groups are not the object of the same amount of hatred. Why, both now and historically, have Jews been the object of hatred from a wide variety of groups? (especially considering that the world's Jewish population is rather small relative to other groups).

I'm not trying to be controversial with this post or push any agenda. I'm not trying to comment on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the reasons for hatred of Jews. I'd just honestly like to understand what those reasons are. (Perhaps this post doesn't belong here - delete or move it if you must, I just felt that this is where I would be most likely to get the best answers).

I'm not Jewish. I'm not anti-semitic either. I went to a Jewish grad school if that means anything. I have no stance on Judaism or anti-semitism whatsoever. I am also an atheist. I just want to understand why a lot of people hate Jews.

05-16-2007, 06:23 PM
Look up anti-semitism on wikipedia.

here are some quick reasons:

1. Some christians view jews as enemies because they reject jesus as a messiah, and also, the jews supposedly demanded that pontius pilate kill jesus (this is almost certainly a historical falsehood)

2. They have a historical stigma as moneylenders, because catholics were forbidden by their religion to lend money at interest. According to the torah, jews are allowed to lend money at interest to those outside the congregation of yahweh (nonjews)
This is a really dumb reason also. Why hate moneylenders? They're doing you a favor...
3. Demagoguery by protestants like Martin Luther, as well as just the catholic church in general are definitely largely to blame for european anti-semitism. This is pretty standard for religious leaders to increase cohesion in their own ranks by bigotry against others.
4. The chosen people thing probably pissed off quite a few people, maybe in the same way that the black panthers pissed off quite a few people.
5. Scapegoating by political demagogues. The czarist secret police fabricated the protocols of the elders of zion (it's actually a rewrite from a french text) and circulated it in russia and then europe in general.
6. Israel has done some pretty nasty things, and people often make the mistake of identifying Israel with jews as a whole, so some people that dislike israel are also anti-semites.

05-16-2007, 06:43 PM
I would be happy to give a candid response to this question, but 2+2 is sensitive to criticism of Jewish culture. I like this forum and don't want to get banned.

05-16-2007, 06:56 PM
I would be happy to give a candid response to this question, but 2+2 is sensitive to criticism of Jewish culture. I like this forum and don't want to get banned.

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Yes, I agree Phil,
One of my favorite posters - whom I dare not name, for fear of being banned myself was permanently banned for even broaching this very sensitive topic.

05-16-2007, 07:24 PM
That's not quite accurate - he went all the way into talking and hinting about Zionist world domination policies, which I think are silly.

Also, I've been fairly critical of Israel's politics on these boards and have never been censored. But I don't want to push it. When it comes to Jews people have trouble separating racial comments from cultural and political ones. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

05-16-2007, 07:28 PM
I think a lot of it, quite frankly, is that for a people very oppressed, they have done quite well for themselves on the whole. And this pisses a lot of people off in the same way that people don't like "the rich".

05-16-2007, 07:55 PM
Why do people hate Jews?

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Why do people hate fellow humans with black or dark colored skin? The reasons are varied and mixed and also have religious, cultural, social and historical antecedents, some very complex and intermixed.

For a simple catch all answer: It is easy. And it provides an easy excuse to hate, belittle, abuse, and degrade someone (or some group) for the shallowest of reasons, all bogus, without much thought.


PS, This reminds me of something that happened many years ago. I may post about it depending on how this thread develops.

05-16-2007, 08:06 PM
I don't get it. I can understand why many other forms of racial or theological hatred exist - why some black people hate white people and vice versa, why some muslims hate non-muslims vice versa, etc... I'm not trying to comment on these viewpoints, and I'm obviously not saying that I support them - All that I mean is that I am fairly confident in my understanding of where these viewpoints come from. Now, as I understand it, now and historically, a lot of people hate or hated Jews. Why?

I have, of course, heard some reasons, but they don't seem sufficient - for instance, that they are hated because they aren't the same religion as the majority, or that they are hated because of the state of Israel. There was strong hatred before the creation of Israel, and other minority religious groups are not the object of the same amount of hatred. Why, both now and historically, have Jews been the object of hatred from a wide variety of groups? (especially considering that the world's Jewish population is rather small relative to other groups).

I'm not trying to be controversial with this post or push any agenda. I'm not trying to comment on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the reasons for hatred of Jews. I'd just honestly like to understand what those reasons are. (Perhaps this post doesn't belong here - delete or move it if you must, I just felt that this is where I would be most likely to get the best answers).

I'm not Jewish. I'm not anti-semitic either. I went to a Jewish grad school if that means anything. I have no stance on Judaism or anti-semitism whatsoever. I am also an atheist. I just want to understand why a lot of people hate Jews.

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My take is that there is a combination of things going on here:
1) Jews tend to preserve their culture and resist integration. It's actually still pretty easy to identify someone who is Jewish, and they often conform to certain stereotypes.
2) Jews are very successful, and as a result have acquired a fair amount of 'power'...that is, they do tend to occupy more prominent positions because of their success. The underlying reason for the success could be genetic/cultural/whatever...
3) point 1 makes them a target of xenophobia, and point 2 makes this xenophobia well publicized, and increases the resentment against jews. That is, I think anti-semitism is stronger than other forms of racism because of their success, and that anti-semitism is more well-publicized because of their 'power'.

I suspect that racism against blacks etc. is actually more pervasive than that against jews.

05-16-2007, 10:04 PM
Look up anti-semitism on wikipedia.

here are some quick reasons:

1. Some christians view jews as enemies because they reject jesus as a messiah, and also, the jews supposedly demanded that pontius pilate kill jesus (this is almost certainly a historical falsehood)

2. They have a historical stigma as moneylenders, because catholics were forbidden by their religion to lend money at interest. According to the torah, jews are allowed to lend money at interest to those outside the congregation of yahweh (nonjews)
This is a really dumb reason also. Why hate moneylenders? They're doing you a favor...
3. Demagoguery by protestants like Martin Luther, as well as just the catholic church in general are definitely largely to blame for european anti-semitism. This is pretty standard for religious leaders to increase cohesion in their own ranks by bigotry against others.
4. The chosen people thing probably pissed off quite a few people, maybe in the same way that the black panthers pissed off quite a few people.
5. Scapegoating by political demagogues. The czarist secret police fabricated the protocols of the elders of zion (it's actually a rewrite from a french text) and circulated it in russia and then europe in general.
6. Israel has done some pretty nasty things, and people often make the mistake of identifying Israel with jews as a whole, so some people that dislike israel are also anti-semites.

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For the same reasons people hate wallmart perhaps?

05-17-2007, 03:21 AM
Look up anti-semitism on wikipedia.

here are some quick reasons:

1. Some christians view jews as enemies because they reject jesus as a messiah, and also, the jews supposedly demanded that pontius pilate kill jesus (this is almost certainly a historical falsehood)

2. They have a historical stigma as moneylenders, because catholics were forbidden by their religion to lend money at interest. According to the torah, jews are allowed to lend money at interest to those outside the congregation of yahweh (nonjews)
This is a really dumb reason also. Why hate moneylenders? They're doing you a favor...
3. Demagoguery by protestants like Martin Luther, as well as just the catholic church in general are definitely largely to blame for european anti-semitism. This is pretty standard for religious leaders to increase cohesion in their own ranks by bigotry against others.
4. The chosen people thing probably pissed off quite a few people, maybe in the same way that the black panthers pissed off quite a few people.
5. Scapegoating by political demagogues. The czarist secret police fabricated the protocols of the elders of zion (it's actually a rewrite from a french text) and circulated it in russia and then europe in general.
6. Israel has done some pretty nasty things, and people often make the mistake of identifying Israel with jews as a whole, so some people that dislike israel are also anti-semites.

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good post. Also it says in the bible something like people who claim to be jews but arent are really agents of satan or something like that, so even though the new testament isn't anti-jew, it is easy to misconstrue that and come to the conclusion that jews are agents of satan.

05-17-2007, 12:54 PM
I think one reason (in the US, at least) is that jews are one of the few remaining ethnic groups with a cradle-to-grave parallel society. You can be born in a jewish hospital, be educated in jewish schools, go to a jewish university, be active in jewish organizations, and die in a jewish retirement home. This used to be true of many ethnic groups in this country (eg Irish and Italians) but they have now almost completely integrated. I'm not saying this causes antisemitism per se, but it does cause some suspicions. Americans will embrace anyone who accepts our culture, but as others have pointed out, jews have historically been resistant to full integration.

I would guess another reason is that "the Jews" is an abstraction and it's much easier to blame your problems on an abstraction than something concrete like economics or laziness.

Some pro-Israeli groups and people have irresponsibly spread the idea that the nation of Israel = the relgion of judaism. Some people disagree with Israeli policies and actions and blame "jews" for the actions of a secular state. This isn't the politics forum, so I'm not going to talk about this in any more depth or discuss my opinions of Israel.

05-18-2007, 01:06 AM
i am jewish, and though i don't ascribe to the religion i do identify myself as jewish culturally and ethnically. i am from LA where there are obviously a lot of jews, but i do notice that, and i know i am guilty of this myself, jews tend to trust other jews more than others, which makes us segregate ourselves and in communities with very few jewish families this can seem threatening.
if there are 5 families in a town that tend to socialize together, go to religious services together, and other things which non-jews are usually not involved in, this creates paranoia and contempt. jewish families usually have a differnet way of raising children, so our family dynamic is often different and has a differnet focus for children than other families. jewish children tend to be, at least from my experience, competitive especially when it comes to intelligence.
it also seems that the anti-semitism is self-perpetuating, i know my dad had told me from a relatively young age that whatever i do, i should do whatever i can not to work for other people because in reality the jews are likely to be the first ones to go. im not agreeing or disagreeing with this because i haven't really worked outside of poker, but this is the mentality i was raised with. i could go on but this is getting kid of wordy, if you want further input i'll be glad to chime in.

05-18-2007, 02:03 AM
Blatant ignorance.

I am Jewish and have heard many stories from family and friends, of plain ignorance. From what I see, most Jewish families tend to congregate in "Jewish towns". This leads to most of the nation being plain ignorant.

My uncle just brought up a story from when he went to college (granted, 40ish years ago) and one of the first days there someone found out he was Jewish and asked where his horns were...

05-18-2007, 02:20 AM
Because they're jealllouussss.

But seriously... there is plenty of discrimination going the opposite way. It may be bad, but I'll admit that when I see a Jesus fish on a car, or a virgin Mary statue on a lawn, I think less of the person. Not that I think less of all Christians.... I might just be a prejudice bastard... I don't know.

05-18-2007, 02:31 AM
Jewish people are often successful because they keep the power within them selfs. They employ people from the same religion and generally work together like a well oiled machine.
Is this true?
I think the fact that they consider them selfs the chosen people is why some people hate them.

05-18-2007, 05:33 AM
It's because they're so god damn loud at the movies.


Bill Haywood
05-18-2007, 10:38 AM
Some pro-Israeli groups and people have irresponsibly spread the idea that the nation of Israel = the relgion of judaism. Some people disagree with Israeli policies and actions and blame "jews" for the actions of a secular state.

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Yes. For people who are already antisemitic, Israel provides the most current rationalizations for their beliefs. A lot of Zionists insist that antisemitism and criticizing Israel are one in the same, which is a gift to antisemites like David Duke.

05-18-2007, 11:01 AM
Because they perform barbaric sexual multilation ceramonies.

05-19-2007, 05:28 PM
Post deleted by Rduke55

Sorry, I don't know how I missed this thread

05-19-2007, 07:55 PM
Blatant ignorance.

I am Jewish and have heard many stories from family and friends, of plain ignorance. From what I see, most Jewish families tend to congregate in "Jewish towns". This leads to most of the nation being plain ignorant.

My uncle just brought up a story from when he went to college (granted, 40ish years ago) and one of the first days there someone found out he was Jewish and asked where his horns were...

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lol...in seriousness?

05-19-2007, 07:58 PM
Ummm....if you think quoting makes it better, you're mistaken. I can see why people get banned when these subjects are discussed.

You need to be, because this is stupid and disgusting.
Actually, you need to be more than banned...Feel free to PM me your name and address.

05-20-2007, 10:42 AM
Ummm....if you think quoting makes it better, you're mistaken. I can see why people get banned when these subjects are discussed.

You need to be, because this is stupid and disgusting.
Actually, you need to be more than banned...Feel free to PM me your name and address.

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Did you even read the quote?

05-20-2007, 08:57 PM

I read the quote, and it's pretty clearly anti-semetic. It's also anti-black, anti-asian, etc. It argues these conclusions through a seperatist position, instead of a white supremicist position, using reasons based on an unspecified knowledge of genetics.

I doubt anyone will be convinced by the stuff you quoted, unless they were already proto-fascists.

05-20-2007, 09:11 PM
Post deleted by Rduke55

05-20-2007, 09:46 PM

You're pretty retarded. It makes no judgement about any of the other groups of people; it simply states the inclusion of different cultures to another can only dilute it (using his position as an Indo-European), and the only thing that solves this is the removal of it. You've also treated "fascism" and "racism" as the same thing (it isn't).

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wtf? I clearly said it's a seperatist position and not a white supremicist position, and I recognize that the essay you quoted strays away from placing an intrinsic judgment of races and cultures.

That doesn't mean that the conclusions of the article aren't still basically fascist. Fascism is concerned with strengthening the collective through means of purging impure elements. No doubt, whoever desired to affect these precepts would also find it necessary to get rid of jew sympathizing whites, and black sympathizing whites, and probably some labor leaders and homosexuals for good measure.

I think the only people who qualify to be gotten rid of are people who think that others need to be gotten rid of.

edit: also, the only way that states have ethnic identities is for a group of violent people to seize control and force that identity on the people. That's fascism dude.

05-20-2007, 10:43 PM
Poster banned.

05-20-2007, 11:13 PM

Poster banned.

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Probably a good idea in this specific case, however in general one should consider that those who hold majority opinions can benefit greatly from having their views challenged, even by the wackiest of sources.

05-21-2007, 10:07 AM

Poster banned.

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Probably a good idea in this specific case, however in general one should consider that those who hold majority opinions can benefit greatly from having their views challenged, even by the wackiest of sources.

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I certainly did consider that but appreciate the thought.