View Full Version : Religion in the US

05-16-2007, 02:47 PM
Why has all the western world (europe, canada, latin america, etc.) become more secular in the past decades, while the influence of religion on american society seemingly persists or arguably even manages to grow? I think there is vast evidence of this and many people whom I've discussed this with agree.

This is also paradoxal in some points, as religion conflicts with several values we idenfify as being "american". Because of american social freedom, what you see in american society and media is always at the blasphemy-vanguard of the world, yes you see a great preocupation of people with religion (just look at the quantity of topics about religion at this forum.. they are much more than one might expect from a modern, secular, society)

05-16-2007, 04:04 PM
I would answer because of money and greed.