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Old 10-27-2007, 01:06 AM
pnoles pnoles is offline
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Default 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

My apologies to all. This hand was played on another computer, and as such, I do not have the hand history in my archive. I'll try to make this as easy to read as possible.

Reads: I've never sat with Villain before, but he is multitabling, from what I've seen is a pretty good "thinking" player, doesn't just play like a robot.

History: I'm on the button in my 3rd orbit at the table. The first time, MP limped for $2, and I raised the button to $10 and took the pot on the flop. The second time, Villain (CO) limped for $2, and I again raised to $10 and took the pot on the flop.

Full 6-handed table PokerStars 1/2 NL

CO (VILLAIN): about $500
Button (HERO): about $200

Dealt to HERO: J [img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img]T [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

UTG: Folds
MP: Call $2
VILLAIN: Call $2
HERO: Raise to $10
SB: Folds
BB: Folds

MP: Calls $8
VILLAIN: Calls $8

I think raising here is pretty self-explanatory

FLOP: A [img]/images/graemlins/spade.gif[/img]2 [img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img]4 [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

MP: Check
HERO: Bet $16

I see no reason to not keep the pressure on here. It's likely both opponents missed the flop / are scared of the ace.

MP: Folds
VILLAIN: Calls $16

At this point, I figure he may have any weak suited ace. I think we can rule out AJ+ at the very least. A2s or A4s are likely to have raised my bet for value. 22 and 44 are definitely possible, with AA extremely unlikely. He also may have a middle-to-low pair. Given that he has seen me make this move 2 straight orbits, it's reasonable for him to be stubborn with that holding, feeling that I may in fact have nothing.

Turn: 2 [img]/images/graemlins/spade.gif[/img]


This is the part of the hand I'd like an opinion on. Is firing a second barrel here smart? Because the 3 most likely possibilities are that he has me crushed with a set, has a weak ace (note he cannot have the weak ace with a flush draw), or has a mid-low pp, I feel like the second barrel might scare him out of the weaker two categories. Then again, the deuce on the turn makes this pretty much the same as the c-bet on the flop, which he called. Thoughts?

We're going to proceed with a hypothetical scenario anyway, just so I can get an opinion on possible river action.

HERO: Bets $46
VILLAIN: Calls $46

RIVER: T [img]/images/graemlins/club.gif[/img]

HERO: ???

This may sound like an awful, awful question, but I feel like we're up against a stubborn hand like 88 a lot more than something like A6s, due to players feeling much stupider paying off like AK with a weak ace than making a "hero" call with 88. Can we ::gulp:: bet the river 10 for value here? I think it's pretty much narrowed down to the weak ace or the pp at this point (with my inclination being that the latter is more likely), seeing as how a set probably would have raised the turn or bet out on the river.

To recap:

1) Do we double-barrel the turn?
2) If we back into a pair on the river, should we bet for value?


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Old 10-27-2007, 01:10 AM
thac thac is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

Check the turn definitely, the board didn't change and if he called the flop, he's most likely calling the turn. Flop is standard. I'd check behind now because we have a little bit of SD equity against an idiot that called with a 4 twice.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:12 AM
pnoles pnoles is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

True, the board not changing is the biggest argument against betting. I'm sure that this guy is not an idiot, however.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:19 AM
thac thac is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

True, the board not changing is the biggest argument against betting. I'm sure that this guy is not an idiot, however.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just because he is a multi-tabler doesn't mean he's good. It also makes me wanna not bet turn even more. But I definitely don't bet the river.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:24 AM
pnoles pnoles is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

Any particular reason? Do you feel the ace is more likely than the PP?
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:25 AM
jakeduke jakeduke is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

villain limping probably means he's an idiot. I'd pretty much never bet that turn, especially when it pairs the bottom card. i don't think you get a fold from many pairs at all. on the river i definitely check b/c you beat any villain holding that isn't an ace, and villain is never folding an ace.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:27 AM
thac thac is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

A multitabler isn't gonna get in a marginal spot by calling with like 77 here (most of them). You c-bet in a 3-way pot after being the pfr, he's gonna fold a lot of his hands. After he calls, what do you think his range is?

He seems kinda weak limping in 2 times in 3 orbits btw.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:29 AM
orange orange is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

give up.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:29 AM
jakeduke jakeduke is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

honestly, i think a lot of people who are limp/calling here with a hand like 66 are probably willing to call 2 barrels with it on this board.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:32 AM
pnoles pnoles is offline
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Default Re: 200NL Double-Barrel A-high Board with Air?

jake - do you think the holdings that we're beating will call the 3rd bet, considering little has changed?
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