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Old 01-22-2007, 01:36 PM
Jorge10 Jorge10 is offline
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Default Taking the Blame

Ill start with a little story. I recently transferred to a new college. When I transferred my friend who was already there quickly told me what he thought of everyone that was in my math class(only 6 people). My friend wasnt in my advanced linear algebra class he was in my advanced calculus class. He told me person A who appears later in the story was a hard worker. Half way through the semester me, my friend, A, and another classmate are in the library doing some homework. We start to talk about cheating in school. I say I never did it because I never had a class that was challenging enough to warrant it. My friend says the same thing. Then A goes into a rant about how good she is at cheating. She says she cheated her way through college and doesnt know any math. She is a math major that will graduate next semester.

I was in a linear algebra class, which had 6 students. I knew 2 of them and they didnt know much of anything. Out of the other 3, 1 was very good and was number 1 by far in the class, while the other 2 were by far the worst in the class. I was probably number two in the class grades wise.

We had a take home final. I never had a take home final before. About 3 days after I get the test(I had a week to do it) I get a call from someone in the class that wants to work on it with me. I say yes because I didnt want to be a douche and say no since I know this person and we had worked on homework before, its person A from my previous story. Then the next day I get an email from another person in the class saying the same thing as the one before, lets call this person B. I had never really talked to person B much, which made his email even more surprising.

Well we end up working on the exam together. One of my answers looks similar to the answer given by A and the teacher calls us out on it. Only 1 out of the 5 problems was exactly the same. A calls me crying saying she is going to get kicked out of school and that she has a kid(she does) and blah blah blah. I am the youngest person in the class and the only one without kids. I am thinking of taking the blame for this. Am I insane? Or whats the deal?

If it matters a few days after the teacher called us out on the similar answers, person A went and talked to the teacher and basically told him I was the cheater without telling me. I just got an email from the teacher accusing me.

Yes I know I shouldnt have helped anyone. Yes I know I didnt need them. In fact they brought nothing to the table. I just have a hard time saying no when people ask for help. No person B wasnt a girl. He was just an older dude in the class who seeemed to need help. No I dont know how he didnt get caught, my guess is that he is good at changing his answers slightly.

So what are your thoughts people? Am I insane for taking the blame for this and letting person A off the hook? I know I went against the rules because you werent supposed to discuss the test with others, but feel free to point out my stupidity as I deserve it.
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Old 01-22-2007, 02:42 PM
kordothebear kordothebear is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

person A is a moron for not changing her work to cover up her cheating like person B. You both were stupid to admit u cheated. The teach cant really prove you cheated, he/she just knows you cheated, but Its not what u know, its what u can prove.

You need to cut ur ties with person A and not take the blame at all for this. You need to tell the teacher exactly what happend, then call person A and tell her that u wish she had never asked you to help her with the test. Basically over the phone you need to have her admit to being the 1 who needed the help, and asked you if you would help her. Then u need to record this, or just have the teacher listen into ur phone call if thats possable. Basically you need to prove the the prof. that it wasnt ur idea, but u just didnt want to be a [censored]. Because right now it is your word against person A's word.

I hate person A and people like her. She calls you and tries to make u feel sorry for her by telling u she is getting kicked out and she has a kid. That by no means is your problem at all. Its hers! she needs to take responablitly for her actions. She clearly is always only looking out for herself. I feel very sorry for her child.

Also u will most likely be downed at least 1 or 2 letter grades on your final or even for final grade for helping her. But like I said if u prove its her fault, and that she needed that help not you, you should still pass the class with at least a C and maybe a B.
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Old 01-22-2007, 03:08 PM
skiier04 skiier04 is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

I would have considered it until I got to this part:

If it matters a few days after the teacher called us out on the similar answers, person A went and talked to the teacher and basically told him I was the cheater without telling me. I just got an email from the teacher accusing me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Screw that bitch
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Old 01-22-2007, 03:34 PM
bluef0x bluef0x is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

If you are telling the truth then there's no way in hell I would take the blame. Having a kid and being old doesn't factor in the decision, the cheaters should have taken that into consideration BEFORE cheating.
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Old 01-22-2007, 04:09 PM
aheravi aheravi is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

I'll second what the other guys are saying. Her kid situation is not your problem.

However, I would NOT contact A at all. A is not going to admit anything. At this point, go to the prof, confess your sins, but give it to him/her straight. INCLUDING the conversation between you, A, and the other dude where A admitted long-term cheating.

I would assume you can make a huge stink about this. Just because A was the first to confess does not make her right. Plus, if need be, I'm sure you can get phone records.

Take the blame for what YOU did, but do not take the fall for anyone else.

WTF ever happened to honesty?
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Old 01-24-2007, 07:13 PM
fm191124 fm191124 is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

deny deny deny,,,,,tell person A to deny also. In math despite it being calc answers can be simalar?

if not throw person A under the bus

make sure you dont accidentally screw person B when talking to the teacher
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Old 01-24-2007, 07:50 PM
Suerte Suerte is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

jesus man are you seriously thinkin about risking gettin kicked out of school for this? i second what fm191124 says right above this.
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Old 01-26-2007, 01:32 AM
gamblore99 gamblore99 is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

I cant believe you are even considering helping that bitch A. College cheating is usually a big deal. I might have considered it if A was a nice person, but its pretty clear she is a backstabbing whore. DO NOT HELP HER
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Old 01-26-2007, 11:52 AM
Scary_Tiger Scary_Tiger is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

wtf, of course you are to blame! You cheated, go to hell. What kind of [censored] genius works together on a take home test with people dumber than him? In a class of eight people or whatever? wtf.

Your play here varies a lot. If admitting to precisely what you did will get you kicked out, then well don't do that. If it will only fail you in the class or just on the test than do that. But be sure to throw A under the bus. I just can't comprehend how you're this stupid though.
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Old 01-26-2007, 03:11 PM
bladesmn bladesmn is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

I personally think you can get out of this.
since obv you are one of the smartest in the class
tell the prof you have no idea whats going on
and have him look at your past grades (which should reflect this one according to your story)

also, if you do take the blame for this
how is this going to help person A?
is she going to continually get through life doing nothing whatsoever? no, eventually it will catch up to her and possibly hurt her farther ahead in the future.
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