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Old 12-06-2005, 04:35 AM
roy_miami roy_miami is offline
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Default Re: Genital warts and Compound W Freeze Off

Although I will tell future partners that I have had genital warts, I will at least also be able to say that I have had them treated and that the doctor has said that all the visible warts are gone. And, of course, I plan to use condoms with any future partners. And I won't have to worry about someone seeing my penis and going "ewww".

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I wouldn't tell. Genital warts are natural, sacrificing sex to point out warts to your partner isn't. Do you think lions point to their cock warts before mounting the lioness? No, she's lucky he doesn't bitch slap her in the back of the head. Plus of all the STD's, warts are the least problematic, I mean its just a little bump on the skin that you can't even feel. Plus the wart virus can be carried for years before it becomes an actual wart, if she does get them you can easily claim ignorance. Actually, unless you never had sex with anyone besides your ex, its impossible to say if she is the one who gave you the warts.
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Old 01-07-2006, 02:23 AM
MikeSmith MikeSmith is offline
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Default Re: Genital warts and Compound W Freeze Off

Wow I didn't know Compound W or anybody else had some kind of freezing product. Or how it would work. I guess it's over the counter?

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Yes. Go here and you'll see a box that says Compound W Freeze Off. That is what I got.

The last time I had Compound W, it was a light acid that would just burn off the last layer or so of skin on the wart, and after what seemed like a long period of time and the eating away of plenty of non-wart skin too, maybe you would get rid of the wart. Kind of sucked that all the messing around there could actually spread warts if you weren't careful.

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Yeah - the one you're talking about contains salicylic acid.

By the way, BHT, which you can often see as a preservative in foods, supposedly has quite an effect on killing viruses when taken as capsules. It's effective on herpes, etc. Twinlabs sells it, and other vitamin companies do, too. It also helps keep your kitchen oils from going rancid, so it's not a bad thing to pop a capsule in your bottle of oil. Completely tasteless.

It's not expensive at all. I'd try some if I were you.

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This is interesting; I'll investigate this.

Good luck on the rest of your warts.

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Thank you.

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I had a wart on my leg shot with liquid nitrogen or whatever dermatoligists use nowadays and it went black before it fell off never to be seen again, i know this thread is old but i just wanted to throw taht out there

i hope all is well..
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Old 03-07-2006, 07:06 AM
spikehead spikehead is offline
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Default Re: Genital warts and Compound W Freeze Off

I am new here, and haven't read all of the posts on this thread, but I was an unfortunately sufferer of anal warts - they SUCKED!
I am in complete sympathy with everyone on here - the medical community was more harmful than helpful, and I tried everything (podophlyn, aldera, and even horrible electrocution surgery) before I found a great clinic in my own town (Milwaukee at the time). This placed saved me so much headache, pain, downtime, and hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

If anyone is in the Milwaukee area and in need of help with their "problems", I would HIGHLY recommend STD Specialties. It costs $40 per visit (! Try getting that from ANY insurance policy!) and you meet with a nurse who can WRITE PRESCRIPTIONS! Not to mention the fact they used cryo (NOT liquid nitrogen applied directly, but Nitrous oxide which cooled a metal wand for easier and cleaner application). My warts were gone in about two painless treatments, with absolutely no down time.

I know I sound like an ad, but this place is worth FLYING to if you can't get good service from your own doctor - and I was unable to find a better clinic in both NYC and L.A. In any case, make sure you try cryo treatment FIRST - if it doesn't work, you can always resort to other more extreme measures.

Good luck!
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Old 02-20-2007, 01:10 AM
username888999 username888999 is offline
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Default Re: Genital warts and Compound W Freeze Off

The Compound W Freeze Off over-the-counter freezing stuff works
+ I had them for several months, tried Aldera which didn't help at all, had to keep going back to the doctor for the professional freeze off. Aside from being cheaper and much more convenient, the real benefit of the home stuff is you can take lots of time to really, really look for them, and hit them as soon as you find one. Here's what to do:
+ Buy a couple canisters of the product
+ Use an electric razor to shave as much hair off as possible (just use the heavy-duty trimmer piece that flips out). Doesn't have to be 100% gone, just get as much as you easily can so you can see. The shaft and around the base is where you get them. Douse yourself with plenty of alcohol immediately afterwards to any HPV that might spread.
+ Then sit in a chair and take about 30 minutes to very very carefully find all of the warts. Use a flashlight, or better yet for me was sunlight from a private window as it is brighter.
+ Follow the instructions in the booklet and stick to the times (saturate tip, hold upside down, apply for I think 45 seconds). I changed the swabs for every like 3rd burning just because it was easier and it kept working fine.
+ The swab tips are a little big, but you also want to get the area around the wart and I'd rather do too much area than miss it.
+ Don't get too carried away and start burning every small bump that's just the bottom of a hair follicle. You'll know them when you see them, they may be small but they are raised and a little shiny or off-colored.
+ After you burn them, apply an anti-biotic ointment immediately and liberally. Get several tubes of the stuff and coat everything, then reapply at least 3 times a day for a week (when you awake, during lunch, when you go to bed). This cut the healing time and scarring dramatically.
+ It will take at least a week for the scabs to form and fall off. Then you will have pink spots for another couple weeks until they fade. Plan on 4 weeks to heal. You can use the equipment before then, but it will be noticeable, certainly in the first 2 weeks.
+ Check yourself at least once per week after your first burning session. Shave again after a couple weeks and keep looking religiously. Chances are that you've either missed one or another few will pop up. You may even have to burn the same one twice although this didn't happen to me.
+ Don't use Aldera afterwards. I did this after a doctor did the burning and a couple of the spots became dark pigmented and took a couple of months for the pigment to go away. I never had that issue without the Aldera.
+ Try very hard to boost your immune system. Take a multivitamin, quit smoking, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, exercise. Use some sort of lubricant when you spank off, otherwise the rubbing seems to encourage them to return.
+ As to whether you get rid of them, there's a lot of conflicting crap out there. After researching it to death my conclusion is that as a guy, if you check yourself religiously and don't find any for a year, then you are no more likely to have it than anyone else. In fact you are probably less likely because you are looking for it whereas other guys have it and never realize it.
+ I think it's more difficult for women because they can't check and treat themselves as easily. I'm convinced that my girlfriend of over a year gave them to me, I think she had a persistent case that didn't treat it aggressively and decided not to tell me because she didn't want to lose me.
+ And by the way, I think LOTS of women have it and don't tell their partners for that reason – A gyno told me the reason they don't give the new HPV vaccine to women over 23 is that it doesn't work if you've been exposed and the vast majority of women have been exposed by then. It strikes me as especially amazing that no woman I have ever dated has mentioned a previous HPV incident to me. It is simply not possible.
+ I also found that I couldn't get rid of them while dating a woman that also had them. Maybe trading back / forth, maybe she couldn't beat them but without her they are gone. I’m not sleeping w/ anyone else for 6 months and then only w/ a condom thereafter.
+ Good Luck!
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