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Old 08-22-2006, 06:30 PM
dalston dalston is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 162
Default Re: OOT, help me make my girlfriend dinner

having more that one course is always impressive as well so you might want to think about an easy starter as well, especially if you pick something delicious that is just a matter of throwing good ingredients together. For example, it is a great time of year for a good Caprese salad. Find some really good tomatoes - heirloom are in seaosn if you can get them - and some mozzarella di bufala (made from buffalo milk) or burrata (mozzarella with added cream). Add some fresh basil, salt, pepper and a generous slug of olive oil and you have a totally delicious starter.

The key to this is the quality of the tomatoes and mozzarella. If the tomatoes don't smell of anything then don't buy them. And don't settle for most domestic mozzarella. but if you have good speciality stores, a farmer's market or even a Whole Foods or Trader Joes near you this couldn't be easier.
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