View Full Version : working different areas on different days

04-01-2007, 07:19 PM
So I was just wondering what is the most effective way to do a workout. IE Chest and shoulders one day or Biceps and triceps the other. Im not exactly sure of the combinations to maximize workout efficiency.

04-01-2007, 07:27 PM
A simple beginner split I'd reccommend is:

Day 1: Squat/Compound pull (pullups, cleans, bent over rows etc.)
Day 2: Deadlift/Compound press (bench, standing military, dips)
Day 3: cardio or cardio with whatever bodybuilding lameness you want to do (bicep curls, skull krushers, lat pulldowns etc.)
Day 4: rest

Getting every individual muscle group (euphemism for hitting bi's and tri's) is extremely over rated imo. Do the big compound lifts and functional strength and size will follow. Do bicep curls and shoulder raises, and um... your arms will get sore.

04-01-2007, 07:47 PM
If you're not already huge, do Rippetoe's Starting Strength program. Most of it is outlined on this page:

Workout A: Ass-to-grass squat, bench press, deadlift
Workout B: ATG squat, standing military press, bent over rows (pendlay rows)

Do three workouts per week, on non-consecutive days.

Week 1:
Monday-workout A

Week 2: