View Full Version : Fitness Careers

03-27-2007, 10:02 PM
I'd like to hear any opinions, experiences, or observations you have about careers in fitness. I kind of assume that personal training is the entry level for most fitness related career paths. I know that they typically do not make a lot of money, but it is just as much a sales job as it is about training... so the potential is there to make good $$$ if u have sales skills.

Do you know any PTs or anything similar?

Please share...

03-27-2007, 10:44 PM
Im friends with a lot of the PT's in my gym. They make 30$ an hour and typically booked a month in advance. It really depends on your location though. My brother in law is a PT in San diego and does extremely well. Im sure if he was in the boondocks he would be struggling.

03-27-2007, 10:59 PM
I've known a lot of PT's and most of them like at first then hate it and get other jobs. The problem (they tell me) is that the people who actually pay for a PT are loser old rich people who just want a baby sitter to watch them work out. That makes the job frustrating and boring. Also most gyms are really pretty nasty places to hang out many hours every day.

Personally I think it would be awesome to be a strength coach for a college team or something like that where the people are actually working really hard, but obv you have to have a lot more qualifications to get those jobs.