View Full Version : Need suggestions for fitness motivation

03-20-2007, 10:36 AM
First, some background: I'm 31, 5'9", about 220. I'm not as fat as that sounds because I have a large barrell chest and I used to be in rather good shape (bench press 350 among other things, yo).

But maybe 6 years ago, I tore up my shoulder in a football game. I wasn't able to lift or move my shoulder for 6 months and never quite got back into lifting. The cardio also went to the dogs around this time and I have been getting softer and softer.

Lately I have been diagnosed with some mild medical problems (high cholestorol, triglycerides, etc.) and I've modified my diet which helped. But I really think I need to lose around 30lbs as well.

Plus my shoulder (other one, not the one that got hurt) has really been weak for the last 9 months and strangely, I think it is just weak from atrophy. If I do a few push ups during the week, it feels better by week end.

Anyway, on to the question (sorry, all that background prob wasn't necessary): I have been out of a routine for so long that I am really having trouble getting myself back to the gym. I just can't get motivated. I work maybe 45 hours per week and I've been very busy lately getting ready for my baby (3-5 weeks from now prob). I'm worried that I'm going to have some real problems in the future if I don't permanently incorporate exercise into my lifestyle. Plus having a kid will make it that much harder for me to force myself into the gym.

Give me some tips/hints. How do I get motivated and turn this into a habit?

Colt McCoy
03-20-2007, 10:54 AM
First, you'd better start now before the baby comes. No way you're starting a new workout regimen once he/she gets here (and congrats by the way!).

It's only going to be harder to get to the gym once the baby gets here. Maybe go out and buy a power rack and some new weights? That will make it more conveneient and give you less excuses. Plus buying something new always helps my motivation.