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Old 12-01-2007, 07:49 PM
DLKeeper1 DLKeeper1 is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

south park, colorado
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:27 PM
AdamBragar AdamBragar is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

I really have no idea since I have a blanket policy of not giving money to homeless people who just hold signs and panhandle for money, but when NYC used to be packed with panhandlers (pre-Guiliani) here was the best gig:

When you were stopped at stop lights (especially coming out of the Lincoln tunnel), there would be a homeless person with a dirty rag and a bucket of water "cleaning" the windshields of people's cars. They would usually not ask (if they were smart) and just wash someone's windshield, and then ask for money. People would give them money because they felt that even though their windshield were no cleaner, the homeless person had provided some sort of service. After a while, homeless windshield washer income increased because native New Yorkers became aware that the dirty rags made their windshield more dirty. So, instead, when the homeless person would walk up to clean the window, the driver would pay them NOT to clean the window, thereby allowing for more cars per red light to be reached.
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Old 12-02-2007, 03:25 AM
clownassassin clownassassin is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

These are from first or second hand experience.

1. I had some friends in high school that would dress poorly and then go panhandle outside of Orchestra Hall at the end of the performance easy $200 every night. Rich guys trying to impress their dates = easy money.

2. There is a lady that drags her two infant kids around with her and lurks near the ATMs at my bank(after hours) in a busy shopping center. No bank employees to complain, the ATM is busy, and she's getting 20 bucks a pop cause that's what the ATM dispenses.
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Old 12-02-2007, 03:56 AM
ImsaKidd ImsaKidd is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

I really have no idea since I have a blanket policy of not giving money to homeless people who just hold signs and panhandle for money, but when NYC used to be packed with panhandlers (pre-Guiliani) here was the best gig:

When you were stopped at stop lights (especially coming out of the Lincoln tunnel), there would be a homeless person with a dirty rag and a bucket of water "cleaning" the windshields of people's cars. They would usually not ask (if they were smart) and just wash someone's windshield, and then ask for money. People would give them money because they felt that even though their windshield were no cleaner, the homeless person had provided some sort of service. After a while, homeless windshield washer income increased because native New Yorkers became aware that the dirty rags made their windshield more dirty. So, instead, when the homeless person would walk up to clean the window, the driver would pay them NOT to clean the window, thereby allowing for more cars per red light to be reached.

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Hahah this is so amazing, I cant decide if this was sheer luck from the panhandlers or they planned this?
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:34 AM
edfurlong edfurlong is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

Outside whole foods or any of its twins.
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:42 AM
GTL GTL is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

1.) Inside a subway car. (Doesn't work as well if you can't speak because the key is to get people to notice others giving and lay a guilt trip on them. This can be accomplished by shaking a cup with coins in it.)

you walk into the car and everybody sees you because people generally don't walk through the cars in a subway. then, you move down the line and everyone sees others donate. this is key. people give more if they feel guilty. once you get a few people donating, then your profit goes way up in that car.

2.) outside the bar.

this one is high variance. you will have to deal with angry drunks, but some nights you might get to knockoff early when one of those drunks gives you a 20.
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:50 AM
GTL GTL is offline
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Default Re: PDT 1/2 : Best place to panhandle

This thread really makes me want to go out there and extort some panhandlers. It sounds like they make so much money and would make great targets for gangs that want to make some extra cash. It's not like they can call for help from the police.

[/ QUOTE ]

Many of the panhandlers in third world countries who target tourists are actually organized groups of children (think runaways and orphans) who are controlled by various criminal organizations. I'm fairly certain india has a big problem with this sort of thing.
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