Werewolf Game Schedule (updated 07/28/07)
Submit long games to durron597 by PM using the following format: IF YOU WANT YOUR GAME UPDATED AT ALL YOU MUST USE THIS EXACT FORMAT (INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY THE {} INSTEAD OF [] ). YOU MUST DO ALL THE WORK TO MAINTAIN YOUR GAME. IF YOUR GAME HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED VIA PM TO ME WITHIN 1 WEEK AFTER ITS STATUS HAS CHANGED, IF I AM IN A GOOD MOOD I WILL MOVE IT TO THE CATEGORY IT BELONGS IN. IF I AM NOT, I WILL DELETE YOUR ENTRY. THIS MEANS I WILL NOT BE SWITCHING YOUR ENTRY FROM A SIGNUP THREAD LINK TO A GAME THREAD LINK. {b}<Title>{/b} {u}Mod:{/u} ModName {u}Starting:{/u} New 2/6/06: Preferred date range. From now on I will be assigning dates, please give me two week period preference (4 dates) and I will reply to your PM with the date you've been assigned. {u}Seeking Players?{/u} Yes or No (if game is in signup phase) {u}Summary:{/u} Enter a description of the game to attract interest. {u}Link:{/u} Post a link to the sign-up thread or game thread USING {url=<game thread>}game thread{/url} {u}Results:{/u} If game is over, you can post which team won. <u>Scheduled Games</u> Average Speed XVII <u>Mod:</u> theSmell <u>Starting:</u> July 30 <u>Seeking Players?</u> Yes <u>Summary:</u> Average Speed, theme tbd <u>Signup Thread:</u> Signup Thread <u>Running Games</u> Average Speed XVI: Pirates of Pogglesport <u>Mod:</u> KyrosMother, kbar13 <u>Started:</u> July 23 <u>Summary:</u> Average Speed, The pirates have returned! <u>Link:</u> Game Thread |
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