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Old 12-01-2007, 04:23 PM
mblax10 mblax10 is offline
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Default No Sweating Rule

Last night I was playing at Resorts East Chicago. A regular who I don't know sits down to my right and I overhear him and his wife, who is waiting for a seat at another game, talking about whether or not the wife should sweat his cards. The conversation seems odd as the wife apparently feels uncomfortable with it.

After she walks away, the guy to my right starts explaining that their's a new rule that you can't show your cards to another person not at the table. Apparently the couple had been recently told by the floor they can't do it.

Later in the night I catch the end of a conversation where a floorman is explaining to another player that sweating another player's hand is no longer permitted and if it happens the hand would be ruled dead.

Is this a rule anywhere else? Is their any logical reason why it would be in place?
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Old 12-01-2007, 04:28 PM
AngusThermopyle AngusThermopyle is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

Wild guess: Too many players slowing the game down (showing off the 7 [img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img] 2 [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] he is reluctantly mucking to a 3-bet). Discussing (possibly in non-English) the discarded hand.

So, instead of policing problems on a case by case basis, throw a blanket prohibition.
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Old 12-01-2007, 05:24 PM
Poshua Poshua is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

Wild guess: Too many players slowing the game down (showing off the 7 [img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img] 2 [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] he is reluctantly mucking to a 3-bet).

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I am in favor of bans on seriously annoying behavior at the table.
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Old 12-02-2007, 01:13 AM
Spiffysean Spiffysean is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

See, as someone who has dragged his girlfriend to several poker rooms (and she is a trooper) sometimes I enjoy her sitting behind me, and I'll show her my cards... But I won't hold them up high or anything, just flash them in a manner that they are protected from everyone else but her and I.

It keeps her interested, keeps me in the game, and has no bearing on the action.

Bear in mind I'm doing this is low-limit games. I would not take her to the table when I'm playing "real" poker (2/5NL or higher) because I do understand that on some level, it is bad form to do so. Not only that, but I need to focus more on the table, not on [censored].
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Old 12-02-2007, 02:00 AM
eastern motors eastern motors is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

See, as someone who has dragged his girlfriend to several poker rooms (and she is a trooper) sometimes I enjoy her sitting behind me, and I'll show her my cards... But I won't hold them up high or anything, just flash them in a manner that they are protected from everyone else but her and I.

It keeps her interested, keeps me in the game, and has no bearing on the action.

Bear in mind I'm doing this is low-limit games. I would not take her to the table when I'm playing "real" poker (2/5NL or higher) because I do understand that on some level, it is bad form to do so. Not only that, but I need to focus more on the table, not on [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't believe your GF would agree to sit and watch you play poker. That would be boring as hell.
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Old 12-02-2007, 02:26 AM
patstap patstap is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

A: Is this a rule anywhere else? Is their any logical reason why it would be in place?

B: See, as someone who has dragged his girlfriend to several poker rooms (and she is a trooper) sometimes I enjoy her sitting behind me, and I'll show her my cards... But I won't hold them up high or anything, just flash them in a manner that they are protected from everyone else but her and I.

C: It keeps her interested, keeps me in the game, and has no bearing on the action.

D: Bear in mind I'm doing this is low-limit games. I would not take her to the table when I'm playing "real" poker (2/5NL or higher) because I do understand that on some level, it is bad form to do so. Not only that, but I need to focus more on the table, not on [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

A: I wish it were the rule EVERYWHERE. Is their any logical reason it should NOT be in place?

B: You may be the world's best "card flasher", but there are others who aren't as careful. Best to not show cards to anyone. One man, one hand. Less potential for problems.

C: Show her the penny slots if she's bored.

D: On some level, at least, you realize there are problems with showing your cards to others. As far as I'm concerned, whether it's $.01/$.02, or $400/$800, or for matchsticks, it's all "real" poker. Any chance she would like to sit in and play herself?

I was in the 2:00am tourney at Binion's once, where the floor refused to let a lady-friend of Gavin Smith sweat him. He protested mildly to no avail.

His solution? He bought her in, even tho she knew nothing about the game. She lasted quite awhile, even managing to bust a couple of people from the tourney.

If the stakes are so low that it's not "real" poker for you, stake her into the game. It would have to more entertaining than the limited interaction of simply sweating you.
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Old 12-02-2007, 02:35 AM
hime hime is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

Further proof of Gavin Smith's awesomeness.
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Old 12-02-2007, 03:54 AM
Spiffysean Spiffysean is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

See, as someone who has dragged his girlfriend to several poker rooms (and she is a trooper) sometimes I enjoy her sitting behind me, and I'll show her my cards... But I won't hold them up high or anything, just flash them in a manner that they are protected from everyone else but her and I.

It keeps her interested, keeps me in the game, and has no bearing on the action.

Bear in mind I'm doing this is low-limit games. I would not take her to the table when I'm playing "real" poker (2/5NL or higher) because I do understand that on some level, it is bad form to do so. Not only that, but I need to focus more on the table, not on [censored].

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I can't believe your GF would agree to sit and watch you play poker. That would be boring as hell.

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As I said, she's a trooper, and I'm a lucky guy. It's a lot better now that they've opened WV rooms, as we aren't having to drive 4-6 hours to Niagara Falls or AC.

She enjoys it because I'm a social player. I talk a lot, make friends, etc. I play a tight game, but for some reason get paid off a lot, and I think it's the chatter.

Believe it or not... Social with girlfriend at table = +EV
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:53 AM
killsadie killsadie is offline
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Default Re: No Sweating Rule

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