Single Table Tournament Forum - FAQ
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<tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="top">Single Table Tournament Forum FAQ</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable">
</tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="titles">How to post a hand in STTF</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="import">How to auto-import Stars HHs into PT</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">Read this <a href=" http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=singletable&Numbe r=7721369&Searchpage=1&Main=7721369&Wo rds=+wiggs73&topic=&Search=true#Post772136 9"> tutorial</a>.</p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="bankroll">Bankroll requirements</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> If you are playing SNGs for a living, you should have as an absolute minimum, 100 buyins in your account. 200 would be preferable. For all serious players, 100 buyins is the standard, although there is nothing wrong with taking shots at a higher level with less. You can make adjustments for this depending on how willing you are to move down in stakes after a downswing. If you don't mind jumping around stakes, as few as 30-50 buyins might be enough. However, it is preferable to only move up once you have 100 buyins at a given level so if you DO happen to go on a bad run, you won't have to move down to recover. The reason is simple... assuming you're beating a given level, you will recover quicker playing the same stakes as opposed to attempting to recover at smaller stakes. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="multi">Multi-tabling (courtesy of Josem)</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"> <ul> [*] Multitabling For a winning player, playing more tables simultaneously increases hourly profit. Obviously, if you win, on average, $1 per tournament, and you are able to play 12 tournaments an hour, you will win $12/hr. Maximising $/hr is a key goal for many players, especially those who play for a living. The best way to learn to play on multiple tables at once is to start with just one table, and then to add extra tables when you feel comfortable. If you add tables too quickly, you are likely to make more mistakes, and thus, you may go from being a winning player to a losing player. A large number of "solid" players tend to find playing between four and eight tables simultaneously is best for them. Some people can play over 20 tables (either by playing on PokerStars, or having multiple accounts and computers with PartyPoker) and some have trouble playing more than one table. It really is a matter of personal preference. A large number of players find that playing a high quality SNG strategy is easier when multitabling. As you will wish to get involved in less post-flop pots (due to actions being needed on other tables), you will play a naturally tighter game. [*] Multitablehelper/MTH Multitablehelper (often referred to as MTH) is a piece of software written by <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showprofile.php?Cat=0&User=20860&what=sear ch&Searchpage=1&topic="> OrcaDK</a> that allows a user to use the keyboard to control PartyPoker. Many people find that this is a significant help when playing on many tables simultaneously. By using a keyboard rather than a mouse, you reduce the likelihood of being struck by repetitive strain injury, improve the speed with which you are able to give computer commands, and reduce misclicks. Due to the unstable nature of the PartyPoker software, a number of players use earlier version of MTH which can be accessed <a href="http://www.multitablehelper.com/MTHLoader.aspx"> here</a>. Many players use MTH to bind <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=5358760&page =0"> directional arrow keys</a>, while some use an external <a href="http://www.google.com.au/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2005-20,GGLD:en&q=usb+numeric+keypad"> USB numeric keypad</a>. [/list] Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="sets">Play in sets or continuously?</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> Playing in sets refers to opening a handful of SNGs at the same time, and waiting for all SNGs to be finished before opening new games. Playing continuously refers to consistently maintaining a steady number of SNGs open at all time. Reasons for playing in sets:</p> <ul> [*] <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=7015170"> Prefer to have the blind levels as close to each other on all of tables as possible</a> [*] <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=7015299"> It's nice playing in sets because I can concentrate more when it gets to the bubble if I don't have 4 tables going.</a> [*] <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=7015488"> Playing continuously requires faster thinking, and not everyone can handle it. It's not necessarily a leak, different people just have different thresholds.</a> [/list] <p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">Reasons for playing continuously:</p> <ul> [*] <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=7015344"> Get more tourneys in per hour</a> [*] <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=7015344"> Helps me alot with being less results oriented</a> [*] <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=7015364"> It increases $/Hr and if you cant adjust to playing a few games at differing blind levels, bubble/ITM etc then you really shouldnt be multitabling</a> [/list] </P> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="variance">Variance, downswings, and sample size</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> SNGs are, by nature, a high variance game. There are a lot of showdowns in any one game, so you are involved in a large number of situations where you are no more than a 70% or so favorite and are playing for all your chips. At times, the swings you'll go through seem unnatural and almost sickening. To compound the problem, a lot of players are continuously trying to get better and bad players often go broke. This brings the average level of competition up and therefore lowers a winning player's advantage over the field. Breakeven stretches and downswings can last well over 1,000 games if you are playing at the highest levels. Even if you are playing lower stakes, swings can last hundreds of games. This means that to have an idea of your true win rate, you may need thousands of games. This sometimes makes it difficult for new players to know whether or not they are really beating the games. Unfortunately, that's the nature of the game we play. The best thing to do is constantly try to improve, play as your skill and bankroll allow, and simply not worry too much about swings or what your ROI is. It takes so long for numbers to normalize that your game will often change or you will move up in stakes before they've had a chance to. So it's almost futile to spend too much time worrying about how many games you've broken even over or what your ROI is. Of course this advice is more pertinent the higher you play, since higher stakes are where skill advantages are the smallest, and thusly, swings are the largest. <a href=" http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=singletable&Number =2372560&PHPSESSID=&fpart=1#Post2372560"> A small FAQ on variance</a> RVG's ROI simulator</p> Top</td> </P> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="icm">ICM (courtesy of DevinLake)</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"> <ul> [*] What is ICM? ICM models your equity in the tournament based a stack sizes, where your equity is a representation of your share of the prize pool. So, if you stack relates to 50% equity. It means you should win, on average (assuming equal skill), 50% of the prize pool. <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=singletable&Numbe r=5172743&Searchpage=1&Main=5167541&Wo rds=icm+microbet&topic=&Search=true#Post51 72743"> Here</a> is a basic description of ICM by Microbet. ICM uses the various stacks sizes at the table to determine the probability of you having a given finish distribution. Based on that distribution, your equity in the tournament can be calculated. So, for a single table tournament with a 50/30/20 payout structure, ICM is used to determine the probability of you coming 1/2/3 or out of the money. With these probabilities, a dollar value can be associated with your stack size. If you are really inclined, here's the math: P^m_i = prob. of mth place for ith player P^m_i = sum_{k!=i} P^1_k*P^m-1_i(S_~k) where S_~k is the stacks after removing the k'th stack. The recursion is closed with: P^1_i = S_i/sum_k S_k [*] How do you use ICM to make decisions at the table? Well, most people use software like SNGPT and other programs, which uses ICM as part of the analysis. After a session, you can review all your hands, or hands that gave you trouble, to determine if you were making +$EV decisions. So, when deciding if a 'move' at the table is +$EV you have to determine the equity you have based on the different scenarios that occur from that 'move'. Looking at the simplest case where you open raise all-in, the following scenarios can occur: -Everyone folds; -You get called and win; or -You get called and lose. Programs like SNGPT assume only one person will call. Each of these scenarios results in a distinct chip distribution. So, ICM must be used for each scenario to determine your equity for each. You then use calling ranges to determine the percentage of the time everyone folds or someone calls. Those hand ranges are then used to determine how often hero wins or loses the hand. So, hand ranges are used in conjunction with ICM to determine the $EV of a given 'move'. Dethgrind gives a more detailed example <a href=" http://archiveserver.twoplustwo.com/...;o=&fpart= "> here</a>. There is also some good discussion in <a href=" http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=singletable&Numbe r=9743153&Searchpage=1&Main=9741985&Wo rds=%2Bicm+DevinLake&topic=&Search=true#Po st9743153"> this thread</a>, as well as <a href="http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=10057183&page=0& amp;fpart=all&vc=1"> this thread</a> of the content that you just read. [/list] Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="roi">Attainable ROI</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">It's difficult to determine exactly what the maximum obtainable ROI is at any given level. The reason for this is pretty simple to understand. Imagine you were the BEST $5 SNG player in the world. Your ROI is higher than any other $5 regular's. You would soon realize, though, that your hourly rate would actually go up if you played $10 SNGs with a slightly lower ROI. In short, most people play whatever stakes let them maximize their hourly rate. So there's no way we'll ever know what's really obtainable at any one level since typically the players that could get that magical number move up from that level. Having said that, we can still speculate what a very good player at a given level could maintain over a significant sample size. We can find this out by observing good players and through tracking sites such as sharkscope. So without further ado, a very good player could probably expect to have the following ROIs: $3.40s - 18% $6s - 16% $16s - 14% $27s - 12% $60s - 10% $114s - 8% $225s - 6% $335s+ - 4% A few notes should be made on these numbers. These are based on Stars turbos. If you play a non-turbo structure, generally your ROI might increase a few points (due to the slower structure), but at the expense of your hourly rate (again, due to the slower structure). These numbers are quite applicable to major sites besides Stars. Perhaps at a smaller site with a generally worse player pool, you might find you can get a couple of points higher ROI, but again, the games fill slower at smaller sites so this increase in ROI will come at the expense of hourly rate. These numbers are also based on 9-man SNGs. Typically players find that the competition is a slight bit softer in 18-man and likewise, in 6-man SNGs. And finally, it should be stated that ROIs above these figures are possible at each level. However again, if you are capable of maintaining these figures over a large number of games, it's safe to say you are a talented SNG player. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="turbos">Turbo or Regular SNGs</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> Some sites offer the option to play either turbo or regular SNGs. The difference is, in turbos, the blind structure escalates faster than in regular SNGs. Obviously, one plays a bit different than the other. Some people believe that a different strategy is required for each. This isn't true. You are still playing the same game and by and large, the same concepts apply. You still should play tight early and you definitely should still use ICM late. So why would you play one instead of the other? If the strong point of your game is your early level play, you may do better at regulars since there will be more time to play the early levels. If your strong point is late game play, you may prefer turbos since you will hit big blinds quicker. Additionally, you should consider hourly rate. Turbos finish quicker, so your hourly rate may well be better in turbos. However due to a slower pace and more early level play, you may be able to maintain a slightly better ROI in regulars. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="site">Where to play SNGs?</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> There are a plethora of sites to play poker on and all of them offer SNGs. The two largest sites are PokerStars and Full Tilt poker. On these sites, SNGs fill very quickly but the average level of competition is higher than what you will find on a smaller network. This is particularly true for high stakes SNGs. It's long been accepted that Party Poker has the softest competition among large networks. Obviously since US players can no longer play there, the player pool isn't what it once was, but you should probably check out the games there if you don't live in the US. US players, if you want games that fill quickly, you should probably check out one of the aforementioned sites. If your only concern is average level of competition, and you don't care if you have to wait for games to fill and don't mind slightly worse software to play on, then check out any of a number of smaller sites. A google search should help you find a site, or you could search for rakeback, as most rakeback directories offer rakeback for a lot of smaller sites. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="not">What not to post in STTF</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> Some threads will be locked on sight, simple as that. These include:</p>
</tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="precursor">Internet gambling FAQ</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">If you are new to 2+2, it is highly recommended that you read Lorinda's <a href=" http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1282525&page=0&am p;view=collapsed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1"> FAQ</a> in the Internet Gambling forum.</p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="siteposts"></a>Policies regarding other sites</A></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">Please check the <a href=" http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/sh...=0#Post3457846 "> Other Links - Tools, Events, etc.</a> sticky for a links to software and instructional sites, as well as a questions/reviews thread for said sites. Post your questions and reviews in the appropriate thread. If you start another thread to post a question or comment about a site or software, it's likely to be locked. If you post a hand from an instructional video, you should meet three requirements: 1 - have the authors permission. 2 - meet the hand posting standards in the FAQ. 3 - Do not mention the site in the thread title or body. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="notify">Notify moderator & private messages</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">The notify moderator feature notifies all the moderators of a forum that a post has been made via email. Use this if someone makes an inappropriate post. </img> The private message feature allows you to send someone a message that only they can view. To send one, click a user's name and then click the Send Private Message link. It's very straight forward. When you receive a private message, you will have a notifier icon that blinks when you sign in and view a forum. </img></p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"> <a name="search">Using the Search function</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> <a href=" http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=9723713&an=0& ;page=0#Post9723713"> The definitive post</a> by StevieG. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="rakeback">Rakeback</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em">Rakeback refers to having an arrangement whereby you receive a percentage of your rake that you play to the poker sites. At the moment, this practice is not commonly supported by most of the major online poker rooms, and is strictly against the terms and conditions of their user agreements. That said… at most of the sites, the house take of the entrance fees for SNG tournaments counts as rake, and thus contributes to your rakeback payments. How to get rakeback and who to get it from is more than will be covered in this document. If you are looking for an affiliate deal, do research: use the search function, use google, and of course, use the classifieds section of this website. Rakeback is discussed in many threads, and also in the Internet Forum's FAQ. Twoplustwo forum members who are affiliates should be careful though, as it is against the forum's rules to discuss affiliate offers and/or advertise in any way that doesn't include paying for a sanctioned advertisement. </p> Top</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="darktable"><a name="definitions">Definitions of common terms</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lighttable"><p style="PADDING-LEFT: 1em; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em"> <dl> <dt>$EV:</dt> <dd> Dollar Expected Value – the expected profit or loss in dollars associated with a decision. </dd> <dt>ATC:</dt> <dd> Any Two Cards </dd> <dt>All-In:</dt> <dd> To bet all of your chips, or as much of them as anyone who can call you can call. </dd> <dt>Aggressive:</dt> <dd> Adjective used to describe a player who plays in the opposite manner to the weak player. This player bets and raises often, while calling and checking infrequently. The exception would be checkraising. </dd> <dt>B&M:</dt> <dd> Brick and Mortar: describes games played anywhere but online, usually in a casino.</dd> <dt>BB:</dt> <dd> Big Blind</dd> <dt>Brick:</dt> <dd> A card that seems like it should help no one.</dd> <dt>Bubble:</dt> <dd> The point in any tournament when players begin to play extra tight in order to attempt to assure themselves a finish in the money. Usually, this occurs when there is one player more than there are paid finishing positions </dd> <dt>Button:</dt> <dd> The player who acts last on every round of betting except preflop. The blinds are seated to the left of this player.</dd> <dt>C&R:</dt> <dd> Ciaffone and Reuben </dd> <dt>cEV:</dt> <dd> Chip Expected Value – the expected profit or loss in chips associated with a decision.</dd> <dt>CO:</dt> <dd> Cutoff – The player to the right of the button</dd> <dt>Coordinated Board:</dt> <dd> A board that is likely to have hit someone hard if they hit it or given someone a strong draw. </dd> <dt>CR:</dt> <dd> Check Raise – When a player checks the first time it their turn to act on a given round of betting, and then raises after another player bets acting after them.</dd> <dt>CRAI:</dt><dd>Check Raise All-In </dd> <dt>EV:</dt> <dd> Expected Value – the expected profit or loss associated with a decision.</dd> <dt>FPS:</dt><dd>Fancy Play Syndrome - used to describe making unecessarily 'fancy' (bad) plays when a standard play would have probably been better. </dd> <dt>Folding Equity:</dt> <dd> (Percentage of times all remaining opponents will fold to your bet)x(total chips you stand to gain when they do all fold)</dd> <dt>FYP</dt><dd>Fixed Your Post</dd> <dt>The Gap:</dt> <dd> The varying amount by which a hand needs to be better to call a bet than would be needed to make the same bet. </dd> <dt>The Gap Concept:</dt> <dd> The concept that it takes a better hand to call a bet than to make the same bet.</dd> <dt>HE:</dt> <dd> Hold 'em</dd> <dt>Hijack:</dt> <dd> The seat 2 to the right of the button.</dd> <dt>HOH:</dt> <dd> Harrington on Hold 'em</dd> <dt>Hourly Rate:</dt> <dd> The amount of money a player earns in an hour of play. (Total Prizes Won – Total Buyins)/(Hours Played) </dd> <dt>HU:</dt> <dd> Heads Up – playing poker 1 on 1.</dd> <dt>ICM:</dt> <dd> Independent Chip Model – a mathematical model used to help determine prize share equity based on chip stacks. </dd> <dt>ITM:</dt> <dd> In the Money percentage – the percentage of games played that a player finishes in the money. (# money finshes)/(total games)</dd> <dt>LAG:</dt> <dd> Loose Aggressive </dd> <dt>Loose:</dt> <dd> Adjective used to describe a style of play where many hands are played.</dd> <dt>MHIG:</dt> <dd> My Hand is Good – At showdown, you won.</dd> <dt>MTT:</dt> <dd> Multi-table tournament – a tournament with many tables.</dd> <dt>NL:</dt> <dd> No Limit – a form of poker where at any point in the hand, a player can wager any amount of their chips, greater than the blind, unless a smaller bet would put the player all in. </dd> <dt>OESD:</dt> <dd> Open-ended Straight Draw: a draw to a straight with 8 outs, assuming no dead cards. </dd> <dt>OOP:</dt> <dd> Out of Position – being in a position where you will be likely to be amongst the first to act for the entire hand. </dd> <dt>OP:</dt> <dd> Original Post(er) – refers to the top post in a thread.</dd> <dt>Overlay:</dt> <dd> When a pot or prize pool offers greater payouts, and consequently odds, than those that would be created by just the active players in the hand or game. Examples of things that create overlays are dead money or guaranteed prize funds. </dd> <dt>PaHud: </dt> <dd> Poker Ace Heads Up Display... displays statistic from Poker Tracker on a table. </dd> <dt>PF:</dt> <dd> Preflop – All action between the deal of hole cards and the deal of the flop. </dd> <dt>PFR:</dt><dd>Preflop Raiser, or Preflop Raise percentage – Either describes the player who took the lead of action by raising preflop, or the percentage of the time that a given player raises preflop. </dd> <dt>PL:</dt><dd>Pot Limit – a form of poker where at any point in the hand, a player can wager any amount up to the amount that is in the pot after their call of any bet to them. </dd> <dt>PLO8:</dt><dd>Pot Limit Omaha 8 or Better</dd> <dt>Pot Odds:</dt><dd>come in two varieties, implied or immediate, and are used to evaluate the mathematical "price" a player is receiving to play their hand. Immediate odds take into account only the chips that are in the pot at the moment, while implied odds take into account the future chips that may or may not go into the pot. </dd> <dt>PP:</dt><dd>Party Poker</dd> <dt>PP:</dt><dd>Pocket Pair – In Hold 'em, when a player is dealt a pair as their two hole cards. </dd> <dt>PS:</dt><dd>Poker Stars </dd> <dt>PSB:</dt><dd>Pot Sized Bet</dd> <dt>PT:</dt><dd>Poker Tracker </dd> <dt>Push:</dt><dd>Forum jargon for moving "All-in." </dd> <dt>PVS:</dt><dd>Forum jargon named after poster "Phil Van Sexton": a play in which a player attempts to steal the dead chips in a pot caused by limping or a raise and a few callers all believed to be weak. Usually this is done when the dead chips in the pot are a significant percentage of the player's stack, and is only really a PVS when done with junk cards. </dd> <dt>QFT:</dt><dd>Quoted For Truth </dd> <dt>Rainbow:</dt><dd>When no two cards on the board are the same suit. </dd> <dt>Raise the Pot:</dt><dd>a call of any bet to a player plus a raise of the total amount in the pot already. Example: if there are $2 in the pot, and an opponent bets $2, a player raising the pot would have to put in $8 – the call of $2, plus the amount that would then be in the pot, $2 from before, $2 from the opponent, and $2 from the player. </dd> <dt>ROI:</dt><dd>Return on Investment – the average return a player earns on an investment of $1. (Total Prizes Won-Total Buyins paid)/(Total Buyins) Note: Total buyins includes the rake paid to the card room. </dd> <dt>SB:</dt><dd>Small Blind </dd> <dt>SNG:</dt><dd>Sit-and-Go – the type of game discussed in this forum. Generally a tournament with one table, but more generally, any tournament where players simply take seats, and begin when all seats are filled, instead of being assigned seats. </dd> <dt>SNGPT:</dt><dd>SNG Power Tools, an ICM calculator </dd> <dt>SNGW:</dt><dd>SNG Wiz, an ICM calculator </dd> <dt>Stop and Go:</dt><dd>Instead of going all in from the blinds against a preflop raiser who would be pot committed to calling a reraise, calling the raise, and going all in on any flop. </dd> <dt>STT:</dt><dd>Single Table Tournament – any tournament where all the players start the game at one table. </dd> <dt>t(any number):</dt><dd>denotes tournament chips. </dd> <dt>TAG:</dt><dd>Tight Aggressive </dd> <dt>Texture:</dt><dd>Describes the characteristics of the board. For instance, the texture of a board could be three to a straight, or to a flush, rainbow, scattered, or the often used "scary," "dangerous," "non-dangerous." </dd> <dt>Tight:</dt><dd>Adjective used to describe a style of play where very few hands are played. </dd> <dt>TOP:</dt><dd>Theory of Poker</dd> <dt>TPFAP:</dt><dd>Tournament Poker for Advanced Players</dd> <dt>TPxK:</dt><dd>Top pair x Kicker. If x is "T" it means "top." If x is a number, such as 2, it means "Top pair, 2nd Kicker," etc. </dd> <dt>UB:</dt><dd>Ultimate Bet </dd> <dt>UTG:</dt><dd>Under the Gun – The player who acts first in a hand. This player is seated immediately to the left of the big blind. </dd> <dt>VPIP:</dt><dd>Voluntarily put in pot – percentage of the time a player puts money into the pot that is not forced by the blinds. </dd> <dt>Weak:</dt><dd>Adjective used to describe a style of play where a player plays too passively. Typically this player will check, call, and fold too much, while betting and raising too little.</dd> </dl> </P> Top</td> </tr> </table> |
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