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Old 12-01-2007, 03:27 PM
reemas reemas is offline
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Default small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

Two loose players raise blind to $5 in a .25/.50 home game. The rest of the table is fairly tight, but not good TAG. The standard open bet all night long was about $2.00-$2.50. So a $5 blind bet by the SB and button was a bit on the large side.

I am utg with 8[img]/images/graemlins/spade.gif[/img] 8[img]/images/graemlins/club.gif[/img]. I'm thinking about raising to isolate the blind players, but I'm pretty sure a call will scare out other players as well. What's your move here? Do you ever fold with players left to act behind and a huge bet to go?

I call and the flop is J[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] J[img]/images/graemlins/spade.gif[/img] 2[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] and the SB bets $3 after checking his cards. The SB usually bets anything from Ace high to a weak pair like this, but a J and 2 are possible, as is the flush draw.

What do you do on the flop. I'm next to act and button still hasn't looked at his hole cards, but probably will now. My stack size started around $25 as did the SB's (about $30).

How do you play this?
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Old 12-01-2007, 04:06 PM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

If they're anything like the two nuts at my game, I either fold or push preflop. Probably fold, as I'll find better opportunities later. 88 doesn't play well short stacked against two opponents.

As played, it depends on your reads. If you think he's on a draw, then you can call this tiny flop bet and push on the turn. Or just raise now. He's likely going to call if he has any piece of it, so it's up to you how much variance you like. Or fold preflop so that you don't find yourself in these difficult positions. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 12-01-2007, 04:29 PM
reemas reemas is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

thanks for the response. i ended up calling the $5 utg that made everyone but the button and BB fold (the original two who out $5 in). on a JJ2 flop i just shoved after the $3 bet. turned out he was on a heart draw and i won the pot.
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Old 12-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Small Fry Small Fry is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

I'm a little lost on the action. Did you limp? some other limpers and then button raises in the dark to $5? And then sb calls the $5, in the dark also?

If so, with a $25 stack I push. I make them look at their cards right now. I'm not giving a cheap shot to outflop me by just calling. Not too mention the x number of players who might also come along since the pot is looking to big to fold.

So you call making the pot $15 and leaving yourself with $20. Now what do you do with that flop if the sb leads out for $10? If you call here you might as well throw in the other $10 too.

Pushing preflop relieves you of a tough postflop decision. This is one of the advantages of a short stack.
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Old 12-01-2007, 10:00 PM
reemas reemas is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

i didn't limp - i called the $5 blind bet from the BB.

the button and BB bet $5 each before the hand was dealt. after the cards were dealt I was utg and looked down to 88. the button had a big stack (relative to the blinds and table), about $100+. the BB had the same stack size as me, about $20 - the standard buy in. since I was first to act, I called the $5 and decided to see a flop. not sure if that was the best play. I was confident if i called, the 3 players to my left were folding to the button unless they had a premium hand in which case I could ditch the 88.

so after i called, the button who had put in $5 blind and the BB who had put in $5 blind checked blind to see a flop. (the SB had folded pf). when the flop came, the BB bet about $3. his range is wide with a bet like that. on a JJ2 flop he either hit the 2 or had a draw. its possible he had a pair below jacks, but i'm only losing to TT,99. a jack was unlikely but maybe possible.

the problem was, the button still hadn't peeked at his hole cards. if he wakes up to a jack my shove is wasted. i decided to isolate with the BB and I shoved. the button peeked and folded. the SB had a flush draw and for one g*d d*mn time my hand held up.

hope that clears it up.
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:03 AM
oldmangrimis oldmangrimis is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

can I get in this game. are you 100% that they did not look at ther hand. I would raise preflop if the are blind 88 are good to raise. There was a $3 bet into $15 pot what type of player is he, more info
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:09 AM
oldmangrimis oldmangrimis is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

88 doesn't play well short stacked against two opponents.

[/ QUOTE ]

you dont think 88 is a good hand in a cash game with 2 player putting money in blind
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:17 AM
oldmangrimis oldmangrimis is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

So you call making the pot $15 and leaving yourself with $20. Now what do you do with that flop if the sb leads out for $10? If you call here you might as well throw in the other $10 too.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with you but not with the leaving whit oonly X amount left. cash i s diffrent them tourney your never commited to call in a cash game you call alway rebey. if your drowing yes it matter but a correct play is correct. if it correct to fold you can fold if you have $10 left( it might not be correct play but the amount of cash should not matter.
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:22 AM
oldmangrimis oldmangrimis is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

I think you play it good. beting prefold is good and could be better.
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Old 12-02-2007, 04:53 AM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: small stakes-facing blind bets from button and SB, when I\'m UTG

88 doesn't play well short stacked against two opponents.

[/ QUOTE ]

you dont think 88 is a good hand in a cash game with 2 player putting money in blind

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I qualified by saying if they were like the maniacs in my game, they'd both call, and I know I can just wait and get the same thing when I hold QQ. But you noticed I had "push" as a preflop option, too. I would never just call.
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