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Old 12-02-2007, 01:50 AM
James. James. is offline
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Default It\'s The Final Countdown: December LC Thread

another year-end is upon us. i hope that everyone has had a good 2007 and here's for an even better 2008.

this month we make the big switch to vbulletin, and since it happens in a matter of hours...guess i'll see you guys on the other side. december is always a busy month, though. coming down from thanksgiving you get the hustle and bustle of christmas. follow that with the whirlwind that is new years and before you know it the year is over and we usher a new one in the door.

one thing i can say, and i'm not trying to get all sappy on you: enjoy and appreciate what you guys have today, because there are no guarantees for tomorrow. it's the little things that get lost in day to day life. and before you know it they're gone. the older i get the faster time goes by. a week, is a month, is a year faster now than ever before. it's easy to wake up one day and wonder where the last 10 years went. i'm now 32 with 3 daughters, but it literally seems like i was single and 22 yesterday.

like i said guys, hope you've had a good year. i wish you the best of luck for the one upcoming. i'm sure that if we work together, we can grow not only as hold em players, we can grow as people as well. most problems with society today stem from it's many imbalances. i hope in more than one way this forum can help contribute to bringing you balance in your life, as a person, or otherwise.

good luck my brothers and sisters! see you around !
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Old 12-02-2007, 03:24 AM
Frond Frond is offline
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Default Re: It\'s The Final Countdown: December LC Thread

Very well said and heartfelt James.

Balance is key James, you are right.

This forum has been one of the great things to happen to me this year. Was fortunate enough to not only learn and improve my game from hanging around here, but I was able to put the names with some of the faces and actually meet and play with several of you guys. It is so great to have guys to talk to about not only poker related things but you find out lots of interesting things about each other as well. It has made poker such a more enjoyable activity for me. Just watching Pokerjans and Hyperrrprank stack those chips last night and laughing and having a great was way cool. Even though I had a downer last night it was nice watching those 2 younger-than-mes kick ass at the 8/16 and enjoy themselves while doing so.
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