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Old 07-31-2007, 11:39 AM
wildpike wildpike is offline
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Default Vegas trip with Bill-continued

I guess I shouldn't have put 'Part 1' in the first title since I want to just keep this going. All entries from here on out will stay with this thread. If you want to look at Part one here is the link.


I finally get moving around noon after a quick trip to the pool and a shower. Flamingo pool is pretty nice and worth the trip to look at boobies and such. I make my way to the Venitian food court for a quck bite. If you haven't been there, the Italian place at the end is awesome. 2 slices of pizza or a Calzone as big as a football plus a refillable soda are less than 10 bucks. Highly recommended for gamblers looking for a cheap meal wanting to save for drinks and poker. Again, I have more than enough bankroll to eat well but total cheap ass away from the table.

Belly is full and ready to play 1-2 NL at the V. This is my favorite place to play in Vegas. The room is nice, the chairs are great, the dealers are fast and the floor people are competent. The waitresses are smokin and if you order a shot you get like half a gallon to suck down. Plus, I have never lost here in about 7 sessions. This will change.

I buy in for $250 because that is what I have in lose bills and want to get them out of my pocket. Keep the hundreds. The max is $300 for the 1-2 game here for those of you that don't know. I sit down in the 5 seat and the guy in 7 has like $1900 in front of him. The guy in 6 has like 400. I want to move left but a list has been started already. I quickly get up close to $375 and have a pretty good read on the table. Feeling pretty good about things as an hour in I'm close to even for the trip. Guy in seat 6 moves to 8, wins $200 of the huge stack and huge stack leaves. Seat 8 now has like $600 and I move to his left. He is not a very good player although he thinks he is great. I like my seat change and know I am going to win exorbitant amounts of money for 1-2. The poker gods quickly smack me down for having such high hopes and proceed to screw me in ways that make you think it would be rigged if it were online. However, I actually watched people play this garbage and witnessed it with my own eyes which I later would wish I poked out with a sharp stick.

Hand #1; 2 limpers and I raise it to $12 on the button with AJ. The BB who had been playing a 'little' lose calls me along with one of the other limpers. Flop is J-4-6. Pot has around $40 in it and I bet $25. BB calls. Turn is Q. He checks and I detect something and check it back. River is a 2. He bets $25 and I call. BB has Q-4 offsuit? Good call. Q4 has a lot of value in BB when you flop bottom pair. Glad I only lost 62 bucks to it. I guess I'm old and not up to speed on the value of calling with Q4 in the BB for 6x.

Hand #2; I'm in sb with AQ. Folded to the button with the big stack. He raises to $10 and an obvious attempt to steal the whole $3 that is out there. I look down at my hand and decide to just call in an attempt to flop big and let him bet out. Flop is Q--10-4. I check, button bets $15 and I raise to $40. He re-raises to $75. Does he have a real hand here for once? I call and the turn is another 4. Check Check. River is a 8, I check and he bets 40, I call and he has J-9. NH. I'm not happy with how I played the hand but in hindsight, he calls even if I push on any street the way he plays. Stack is down to $150 while his is up big.

Big stack then decides to make some stupid swirly tower of chips and show everyone that it's not already obvious to how big of a donk he is. Then wants to push every hand to the limits. Loses quite a bit quickly just not to me. An extremely tight young guy sits down and doesn't play anything 2 seats to my right. About an hour in he raises and big stack re-reaises, tight guy makes another raise (hand should be obvious by now). Big stack re-raises and tight guy pushes all in for around $300. Big stack looks at his cards and says 'well, I guess I'm beat but I call anyway'. Tight guys says 'well I'm ahead right now for sure' and shows his AA. This should be obvious to the blind and deaf but apparently not the dumb as big stack looks mildly surprised and keeps his hand down and doesn't show anyone. Flop comes and he announces he hit a set. No aces on turn or river and big stack shows 10-10 for a set. How can anyone think their 10's are good for a 4 bet here against the tightest guy at the table? It boggles the mind sometimes.

Hand #3; I have played very few hands the last 90 minutes and my stack is still around $150. I should get respect when I raise it to $12 with JJ after a couple of limpers. The button calls 12 cold as do 2 limpers. Flop is 10c2d3d. I bet out $30 on this safe flop and the button raises to $75. Everyone folds and I decide to take one off and make sure the diamond doesn't hit the turn before committing. The turn is a 3 and I bet 50. Button moves in and I call. River is an ace and button tables 2-3 offsuit for a full house. I hate JJ but usually I can beat 2-3 with it. I guess this hand is my fault for not betting $25 here to force out the power that is 2-3 offsuit in good position. NH

Reload for $300. A maniac comes and sits on my left and it's obvious he and big stack have played each other before. They go into raising wars 2 of every 3 hands and the guy on my left wins ALL of them. I actually like my position and I'm waiting for the right time to triple up vs. both of them. About an hour later I have $250 left and really haven't done anything except take up space. The big stack that had $800 and hour ago is on full tilt and has less than I do. The new big stack maniac gets up from the table and goes for a walk when this hand comes up.

Hand #4; A couple of limpers including the guy on tilt and I have A-10 in late position. I realize everyone is limping up front to play with the guy on tilt trying to stack him. I feel like my A-10 is ahead of all of them and raise to 12. I'm right and I get one reluctant caller plus the guy on tilt. Flop is 10-4-3. I bet 25 and tilt calls. Turn is 3 and there are 2 clubs on board and I have one. I bet 50 and tilt moves in. I tank and if I call, the pot will be around $425. I call and announce I have a-10. Normally I will show when all the money is in but this guy doesn't so I don't either. He says 'I didn't really think you had the 10. I'm on a draw'. What do you think I had then genius? Better that a-10. Total air? Did my tight image portray 7-8 offsuit here? Anyway, he's on a draw so I assume clubs or 5-6 straight draw. River is J of purple horseshoes. 'I hit the Jack'. WTF!!! I expect him to turn over J of clubs with another club but no. J4 offsuit, zero clubs. What kind of f***ing draw is J4 offsuit on that board?? A draw?? Are you f***ing kidding me? And you dont think I have at least the 10. At this point I have him covered--remember about an hour ago he had 800. I would of had over 475 and down only 75 on the day even after the 2-3 and the Q4 hands. Instead, now Im down 500 and have 50 left in front of me. J4, WTF. I'm standing up in disbelief and starting to get it under control when the very first Vegas chip runner who has to be 80 years old comes over and looks at the board and says 'thats a nice hand'. Ya, J4 is a great hand grandpa, thanks for your comments. "It was really well played also". I usually don't get to pissed over hands but I'm steaming on this one. This is a bad beat story that doesn't even make sense. I've had worse statistical beats, one and two outers, blah blah blah, but this one is total horses**t. This one will stick with me for a while.

I have about 50 left and decide I'm not going to rebuy since I'm on tilt. If I can run this up to $200 or so, probably go take a nap and get ready for an all night session. 20 minutes later a raise to 10, one caller and I look down at AK. I push for my last $43 and the tight ass in seat 1 cold calls my 43. AK also?? Everyone else folds and I think we're going to chop this up since he just called. No chance. AA v AK. Have a nice walk back to the Flamingo. I know I can beat this game but realize Im on tilt, have 3 days left and go back to take a nap. 4 1/4 hours -$550

After a quick nap, maybe like 20 minutes of nightmares with Jacks and 4's in them and an hour of counting holes in the ceiling I'm ready to go. I grab Bill and announce I'm getting drunk with him at the IP playing low limit. We get there and Bill surprisingly wants to play 1-2 NL instead of 2-4 limit. Ok, I can beat the IP 1-2NL game drunk. A new table starts up and I am seated in the one seat. A tight guy from Kansas City in seat 2, a Canadian that Bill and I hound to death for the next 5 hours in seat 3, Bill in 4, a loose player in 5 and tourists fill our the rest of the table. 20 minutes in, seat 9 calls and I raise to 10 with AK on the button. Folded back around to seat 9. Flop is K-J-6. I bet 20 and he calls. Turn is 4. I bet 40 and he calls. River is a 9 and he checks and looks at me quickly to see what I will do. I check and he shows me 9-9. Well played. Fun day so far.

I start ordering Long Island Tea's quickly. I'm on my 3rd when I get 33 in the BB. There are 13 limpers in this hand and the flop is 3-5-7. I bet 10, the old guy from KC makes it 20 and there are 4 CALLERS back to me. 4 people cold call 20?? I think I'm good here based on the tourists at the other end and make it $120 total. Everyone folds to the nice looking lady at the end of the table who thinks about it and puts in another $20 and is all in. No way she has 55 or 77 since she just called the 20. She's been playing tight so maybe a big overpair-KK? The nice lady couldnt have 6-4 could she? Of course she could. The turn and river blank and I just lost $140 to someone that had to re-check her hole cards to make sure she should call with the nuts. I'm officially running bad. Then to make it worse I take the cards and flip them face up towards the middle of the table. However, when I release them, one of them catches my finger, flies off course and hits the nicest lady in Vegas right in the forehead. She had said maybe 10 words the whole night, was forced into having one drink by her friend and I hit her in the head with a card. This isnt even the same lady that just flopped the straight--which actually might have been worse. I apologize profusely to her, the dealer and the table. She really doesnt seem to mind but I still feel like crap. I've never hit anyone with a card and now I've just tried to impale the most innocent Mary Poppins clone ever in a city full of sinners. I'm an arse.

I cap off to 200, order some more alcohol and decide to use the restroom as an excuse to get off tilt. The restroom is right by the Dealertainers. YES!!! This is what I need to change my mood. 3rd rate impersonators lip-syncing in a 4th rate casino. The first one I see is Cher. Looks a lot like her actually right up to the plastic face look made of recycled milk jugs and wiffle ball bats. Next is Mariah Carey. Not so much in the face but large cans, skinny waist and light skin. Ok, Imperial Palace, I will give you this one. Next is J-Lo. Looks nothing like her even with sunglasses on as big as hubcaps but a nice round caboose so I can see where the IP is going here. The 4th one is hard. This lady is old, skinny, brunette and very wrinkly. Has to be around 60. I study her because I want to figure this out before looking at the name tag. After a couple minutes I still have no clue and have to look at the tag. Faith Hill!!!!!! Are you kidding?? I literally LMAO and have to re-check the name tag through the tears in my eyes. Yep, there it is, Faith Hill. My mood is instantly changed by the comedy that Imperial Palace has hidden in plain sight and I am re-energized to check-raise stupid tourists and win my money back.

Back to the table and the nice lady with my money and the nice lady I hit with the card are both leaving. I apologize again and all is forgotten. Lets play some fu**ing cards. I tell the story of the incredible aging Faith Hill and entice everyone to go take a look. They laugh and its off the races. A very aggressive middle aged Asian man sits in the 8 seat. After a lap or so there is one limper and he makes it 30 to go. I have every intention of folding everything but KK and AA so I look down and find JJ. Crap. I hate JJ and with my luck today, this is not a good sign. I tank, decide he wouldn't or at least shouldn't do this with a hand bigger than mine and make it 60. He's all in for 80 total and shows AJc. Nothing helps and I've won my first big pot in a day and a half. I battle slowly back while Bill is sliding downhill both physically and with the chips. He played well on his first 150 and then loses it all. A reload now to $150 and I know this won't end well. I try to tell him but it's no use as he's plastered already. A new player to his left raises and Bill calls. The flop is checked to the new player and his chest is visibily heaving up and down as he bets. I see this instantly but Bill doesn't and wouldnt know what it meant anyway. The guy bets as much as he feels comfortable with and Bill loses most of his stack to AA with his JJ. If nothing else, I take this as my sign to slow down on the hard liquor and switch to Sam Adams. I forgot to mention Bill's drink is vodka and diet coke and he has at least 30 a day. Im not exxaggerating. Bill loses his second buy in and is broke on Monday. We leave Friday. I'm ready to leave the lap of luxury that is the IP anyway but decide to tell the Canadian one last joke. 5 hours. -$52

2 Canadians are sitting in a bar drinking Labatt's and playing 20 questions. The first guy tells the 2nd one to think of something that will be really hard to get. The 2nd guy thinks it over and comes up with something. The first one asks again if its going to be really tough to figure out. He is assured it is and 20 questions begins. (Secretly the answer is a 'moose [censored]')
C #1)-Can you eat it?
C #2)-Laughs a little and says yes I guess you could eat it.
C #1)-Is it a moose [censored]?
You either hate or love this joke. You have to know Canadians. Sorry if you hate it. The Canadian loves it however and laughs uncontrollably into a fit of seizure. I take this as my cue to leave as I have just caused a heart attack at the same table I hit a lady with a card at. On the way out, I point out Faith Hill to Bill and he doesn't believe me. I tell him to go look at the tag on the table and laughes right in front her when he sees it. What a douche.

Back to the Flamingo for some late night drunken 2-4 limit. I loan Bill $100. The one hand I truly remember is this. It is worthless to try and force anyone off a hand as is typical with any late night low limit game. However, Bill is in the sb and raises retardedly when I look down at AA for the first time all week. I re-raise and get a couple callers anway. Flop is A-6-2. Bill bets and I raise. Still 2 more callers. Turn is a 2. Bill bets and I raise. Everyone but Bill folds. This time Bill re-raises me I tell him I have AA and re-raise. He calls. River is a J. Bill bets and says he has an ace. I look at the board, know he wouldnt have raised with 22 pf, tell him again that I have acessssssssssssss, not just one, have to raise him so the table doesnt think I will slowplay him and throw 8 bucks in the middle. He calls with AJ. Well played Bill. The guy on Bills right cracks up and asks him why he kept betting. I didnt think he had it. 'He told you he had it twice'. I then asked Bill why he bet into his only friend in Vegas on every street and these comments fly right over him. A little later I'm falling asleep at the table after losing a couple pots, its 5 in the morning and I'm up in a session for the first time on this trip playing poker in Vegas. Bill is up $100 and decides he should play 1-2NL. Time for bed for me. 2 hrs. +37. 4 Long Islands, I shot of tequilla, 7 sam adams. The day sucked however and I'm down $565 today and $734 for the trip. I'm not trying to brag about poker skills here or anything but I just don't lose like this. Terrible start for me and I feel like I will have to win a tourney to get back to even and we all know how I run in tourneys. So its off to bed for me to think about Tuesday's play. Nothing can happen on the way to room right? Wrong.

I walk into the restroom before heading up to my room. I'm washing my hands when I notice a short Hispanic guy in the mirror. He is walking around the bathroom throwing his shoulders around like he's looking for a fight. He's like 5'5" and not very stocky. Im about 6', 200 lbs and one thing I know how to do is kick an ass. That being said I still don't want any [censored] in Vegas at 5 in the morning. About that time a fairly large Asian man (Im guessing Korean) about my size walks in and the Hispanic guy walks right into him. The Korean apologizes even though it's obviously the Hispanic guy's fault and continues walking. The Hispanic guy turns around and starts challenging and cussing at the Korean guy. Korean guy says 'Hey, I apologized even though you ran into me, so leave it alone.' Hispanic guy--'F you', lets go!! and starts walking towards him. Korean guy has a very full bottle of water in his hand and goes Roger Clemens ala Mike Piazza on him. This is one of those moments when everything goes in slow motion for me. I see the bottle turning sideways in mid-air and can actually read the label even though it's going by at about 90 miles an hour. It turns completely sideways right before impact and smashes into short Hispanic guys face. He steps back stunned and wobbles around a little bit. He then turns to me with a confused look on his face. I tell him not to look at me cause there's no way I'm helping him out. He turns and walks out of the bathroom. I completely lose it and ROTFLMAO. The tension leaves the room and the Korean guy starts laughing also.

me-that guy was about to get his ass kicked
Korean-ya he was, I know karate
me-ya, me to
me-no, i dont know any karate
K-lol, me either
me- why did you say that then?
K-I dont know, thought there was still a chance you were with that dude
me-nope, not me, have a good night, that was some funny sh**

Tomorrow-Casino Royale, Wynn, Downtown and Bill gets slapped
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Old 07-31-2007, 12:25 PM
KurtSF KurtSF is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

Love checking the cards to call with the nuts and winging a card in Mary Poppins' face, as well as the exchange in the bathroom.

You can put all the parts in one thread you know. Keep 'em together.

I don't know what it is, but I'm looking forward to Bill getting slapped.
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Old 07-31-2007, 12:32 PM
Snoman13 Snoman13 is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

The convo afterwards with the Korean was awesome, lol.

Nice reports, keep 'em coming!
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Old 07-31-2007, 01:30 PM
Gondor Gondor is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued


me-that guy was about to get his ass kicked
Korean-ya he was, I know karate
me-ya, me to
me-no, i dont know any karate
K-lol, me either
me- why did you say that then?
K-I dont know, thought there was still a chance you were with that dude
me-nope, not me, have a good night, that was some funny sh**

[/ QUOTE ]

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Old 07-31-2007, 02:08 PM
SunyD SunyD is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

LOL.. great read! The fight in the restroom is priceless. Keep it coming...
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Old 07-31-2007, 02:11 PM
TheDukePatio TheDukePatio is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued


You can put all the parts in one thread you know. Keep 'em together.

[/ QUOTE ]
With a report this good (and long) keep the installments. Keeps me looking forward to the next one (just don't wait too long....I'm sure there are folks here who know karate ). [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
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Old 07-31-2007, 02:42 PM
Scorcho Scorcho is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

I think the conversation with the Korean has made your TR legendary. Bravo!
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Old 07-31-2007, 02:45 PM
goldtoes goldtoes is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

I LOL'd at the Faith Hill.

Keep em coming [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 07-31-2007, 02:50 PM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

Reading how bad you run makes me feel good at how (comparatively) good I run. Appreciate it.
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Old 07-31-2007, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Vegas trip with Bill-continued

Man I've never laughed so hard nice report I like your style.
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