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Old 03-21-2007, 08:50 PM
mmbt0ne mmbt0ne is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

lol. Sponger was so broke when he made this deal. If you started this year, you could probably get $5/lb out of him.
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:52 PM
Dids Dids is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

Yeah, I thought about that too... it was so cool that broke ass Sponger stepped up, now he's super balling Sponger.
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:57 PM
GambleGamble GambleGamble is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

Congrats Dids...nice sucess inspiration
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Old 03-22-2007, 03:38 AM
JustinWilliams JustinWilliams is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

weldone dids, keep up the good work
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:21 AM
mikeczyz mikeczyz is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

Wow. I just read this thread. Inspiring stuff. Keep up the good work dids! And jeff...whatever happened to him?
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:19 AM
bisonbison bisonbison is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

I don't know what happened to 3 of the guys I sponsored, because they don't post updates, so I'm just gonna put this out there:

this contest ends 5/12. I expect people to post their weight and pics on 5/12. If they don't post by the end of May, there'll be a penalty to the prize money: -5% of the original prize per day.

So if you don't post by 6/20, you get zilch.

Sound fair? Any objections to this?
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Old 03-22-2007, 02:38 PM
deadbody deadbody is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

I'm still around, hovering about 330 or so. Dropped some weight, not as much as I'd like, and I'm gonna put in a crash month here at the end with the Wife so we look as good as possible for out HS reunion in June.
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:05 AM
hanster hanster is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

Inspiring thread.
I went back to Asia to see my mom this summer who I hadn't seen in a year. She couldn't recognize me because I had gained close to 40~50 lbs since the last time I saw her a year ago. She was just staring at me and getting raging mad. I came back to the States in August and worked off all those poundages and now am back to a bit normal now. (I still have the freshman 15 to lose). I am about Dciphrths's dimension basically, 5"8, ~170. (I would like to get to 160 and a 24 BMI and an ideal body fat percentage but recently it's been tough keeping my diet.) O ya, a friend of mine gave me a diet when I told her I was going on a diet and I was on it for the duration of close to four months. She was also a great motivator and gave me the support when I needed it the most.

-1 whole grain toast (i switched to seven grain for a while)
-1 boiled egg
-1 cup of hot lemon water (half lemon squeezed)
-1 orange/half grapefruit

two snacks (one item per snack before lunch and before dinner):
-fat free yogurt from Yoplait
-low sugar cereal
-beef jerky

-Salad with vinegrette (vinegrette is so gross it burnt my lips but I still downed it for three months because it cleanses your body and boosts your metabolism)
-Tuna/egg white
-Non-chowdery soup

-Grilled boneless skinless chicken breast (I bought a Foreman grill for this)
-Salad (more vinegarette)

One thing that I got out of this experience was that you should not see it as a sprint, but rather a marathon. If one day you feel like eating a cheeseburger then eat a freaking cheeseburger. Get fries while you're at it. But tomorrow tell yourself that you'd work extra hard, and the day after. (just make sure you don't eat cheeseburger 3 hours before you sleep) One thing that was really effective for me was that I did not have a weighing scale in my apartment. I just did my best and hardest to keep up with my eating plan and exercising plan (I ran for about 20 minutes [5 min warm up 10 min sprint 5 min cool down] three times a week and swam/basketball/soccer the other three days during summer for a month. The next 2~3 months I was playing basketball 4~5 times a day). So I weighed myself about once every 5~6 weeks when I go to my sister's place or my friend's house.

Now upon seeing this thread, I am speechless to see how well Dids is doing. Mad props. I will never see your posts the same way ever again. Keep up the good work. They say it will be tougher, but don't let that get to your head. You had a great start, and picked up the habits very well, and your body also picked up a higher level of metabolism. One thing I would suggest is that don't be mad when you gain/lose a couple of pounds, but rather set your eyesight farther down the road. Anything beyond this point is not going to be any harder than having the will and determination to lose the weight in the first place.

Hope that helps.

P.S: Just think the first time when someone tells you whether you've lost weight recently. That oughta get you going
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Old 03-26-2007, 05:45 PM
jeffraider jeffraider is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.


Hey everyone!

I've been going through some pretty ugly times in the last six months or so. I basically spiraled into outright alcoholism, drug abuse and insane, kill-yourself overeating. I started a new job, very stressful, and coupled that with my dad being on death's door until recently. Now my new job has gotten easier and my dad has had a successful lung transplant! I've also decided to pull my head out of my butt and start taking some real responsibility for my actions.

I'm back on the weight loss train with 100% dedication now. Previously I made a really good go of it last year, with a bunch of good progress, but not good enough really. I was holding myself back with drinking and weed and emotional eating as a result of the weed/booze. I've completely given up drinking now and drugs, I don't think forever but at least long enough to get me into a good place health-wise. I've never been totally committed to doing it before, always holding back a bit of commitment so I can get high and drunk, because I was already starting to equate those things with fun.

Recently, my idea that getting wasted is the only real fun has really taken over. The other night, the night before I quit drinking, my girlfriend was sick. We went out to my company casino night (where I pwned some noobs at poker and roulette) and left early because she was feeling sick. She never does that so I didn't think twice about leaving when she asked. It was around 10pm when we got back to my place, and I asked her if she wanted to come in or just go home. I was already thinking, "just go home so I can zip to the beer store and grab a six pack and salvage this night!" Alas, she wanted to come in, and she fell asleep straight away and I sat on the computer stewing a bit that I couldn't get drunk. I had one joint left and was pondering whether to smoke it or not. Finally she left at about 11:30pm, after the beer store had closed. I walked her out, thought about it and finally grudgingly decided that the night was a write-off, and I should just go to bed early so I could wake up and get drunk at 10 or 11am with my buddies, who are also basically alcoholics.

Well, I did get drunk as christ all day, smoked a ton of weed and ate as much pizza as I could stuff in. We happened to have about ten caps of ecstasy left as well from months and months ago too. I really don't like the idea of doing E after drinking all day, it's very hard on your body and I like to be rested and preloaded with vitamins before doing it, but hey, you're drunk and your buddies are down, how do you say no?

I think I got very lucky by taking the E. It was a great experience, like it always is, and this time I slipped away from my friends and spent a few hours staring at myself in the mirror. The results weren't pretty on first inspection. I noticed that I've been avoiding eye contact with myself for at least all of 2007. I couldn't remember the last time I was actually able to meet my own eyes in the mirror. Seriously, I'd be shaving or brushing my teeth and looking anywhere else. I finally looked at myself, saw the puffiness from the weight I've gained back, saw the crazy bags under my eyes, saw the burst blood vessels from puking hard a few days ago.

I thought about who I really am inside, and then I compared that to how I've been living my life. The real me is disgusted by the everyday me. I've got a lion inside of me, not some porky slob who needs to be drunk to have fun. Not someone who wishes his sick girlfriend get out of bed just so he can get drunk by himself. I resolved to do something about it.

I took my first and biggest step towards real weight loss in forever. I sat all my friends down, and explained to them that I was quitting drinking. My closest friends understood right away, some less close ones laughed initially but I didn't care at that point. I'd already done what I've been avoiding for so long, laid it out on the line to them and they said they'd back me up and help me out. I told my girlfriend the next day, and will tell my family when I see them again.

Yesterday I cleaned my room, went for a long walk and drank a bunch of water and ate reasonable meals with reasonable portions at reasonable times.

Today I woke up, cleaned more, cleaned out my workout room, which had degenerated into a messy crap storage room, and got to it. I put in a little kettlebell work, which was hard as all christ. I went at my punching bag for 20 minutes, I've lost a little speed and a lot of punching power and stamina, but overall I'm not displeased at the inital results. I've only gained 10lbs all bad winter, but I've gained much more than that in fat and lost a lot of muscle and athletic ability, but I'll get it back. I was in worse shape, 50lbs worse shape, when I started this time last year. I already feel great after just a couple days of treating myself decently.

Thanks for everyone's support, especially buriedbeds! I've seen your msn messages but couldn't bring myself to answer you, I just hated myself too much or something. I'll be keeping this thread alive with updates now, one a week with a weigh-in.

Congratulations to Dids!!!! That's an incredible loss, you should be really proud of yourself and keep it up!! Congrats and good luck to everyone else making progress or struggling in this thread!
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Old 03-26-2007, 06:51 PM
SuitedSixes SuitedSixes is offline
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Default Re: Fatties. My money where your mouth is.

Hey Jeffraider-

Good luck with everything, and way to make the first step. I'm one month into losing weight myself (down to 235 from 250). I was feeling pretty intimidated by how much I still have to go, and stumbled across some clips from NBC's "The Biggest Loser." It was pretty inspring to see people in far worse shape than me able to get down to where I want to go. It made my journey seem not so intimidating.
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