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Old 07-12-2007, 04:59 AM
skunkworks skunkworks is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

I learned what it feels like to puke up naengmyun (Korean buckwheat noodles in cold broth) after taking way too big a rip for an amateur. Trip report: naengmyun noodles are just as firm and unchewy coming out as they were going in.
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Old 07-12-2007, 05:05 AM
Jules22 Jules22 is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus)

i have a few.... i am a bit of a painkiller freak so i bought a bunch of oxycontin 40s one time, i woke up and railed 2 40s and wasnt really feeling anything and i was supposed to drive up to the mountains so my buddies could buy some pot so i chewed one up before we left..... i was so [censored] loaded on the drive home i got the nods and my buddies kept telling me to snap out of it.... then i stopped and barfed my brains out..... it was pretty dumb

also one nite the guy staying in our garage had oc so i traded him some coke, snorted a 40 of oc, then sniffed some coke, then my buddy cooked some coke up into crack and i smoked that..... i was so f'in loaded but i felt like a scum lord.

my worst non painkiller experience was the time i ate 7 grams of mushrooms and tripped f'in balls for 6 hours i was scared i thought my brother who ate the other 7 grams of shrooms was gonna die because i was so fried, then i was convinced reality was a construct of my mind (made sense at the time) i also threw up a lot, and felt just awful. [censored] mushrooms
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Old 07-12-2007, 06:37 AM
luckyjimm luckyjimm is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus)

Okay here's mine, from a couple of years ago. I was 27 at the time. I'd taken ecstasy and acid in my student years, but clearly not learnt not to take drugs when you're feeling depressed and on your own.

I'd been feeling low all day. I phoned up/sent texts to virtually everyone I knew who might be around - no response. I just felt spiritually, emotionally lost & in a state of desperation. At this point in time I didn't drink alcohol, but I had an urge to get out of my head. So I bought some psychedlic truffles from a street stall. They were legal and openly sold in the UK at this time. I'd taken mushrooms with a friend in a park one sunny day a few months earlier and acid years ago, but never truffles.

I mixed the truffles in with a yoghurt and eat them in the street at 11.05pm. I went on my own to a club night called Bugged Out at a big crowded club in the centre of London called The End. I got in after about 10 minutes. I put my coat in the cloakroom. I went to the bar, had a red bull and a bottle of water, smoked a cigarette. I felt myself come up really quickly and was transfixed by the lights and projections.

Then, I remember going to the toilet and being petrified. The huge guy dispensing toiletres terrified me - he asked how I was doing. What did he mean by that? I locked myself in a cubicle. When I came out, I didn't know if my trousers were up or down. I didn't know which rooms of the club were which; the colourful lights were freaking me out. I sat down somewhere - by side wall? or on the dancefloor? - clutching my head. I remember someone walking over and asking me if I was all right. I don't know if he was a member of staff or a clubber.

I knew I had to get out of the club, but I couldn't really see my way around since I was hallucinating so much. On autopilot I somehow managed to get my coat back and got on the tube back home to my empty house. So I was only in the club for 45 minutes to an hour, with the truffles hitting me very quickly.

Back home without any stimuli time passed very slowly, with my brain still trapped in the darkest part of my psyche. I had induced in myself mental illness.. I lay down on the floor in the hall, no music, just freaking out. My whole brain had collapsed in on itself. I lost any barrier between my outside surroundings, my second-by-second consciousness, and my past, everything in my head that ever happened to me. Particularly, all the bad stuff, all the sense of shame and guilt and fear and self-loathing. I lost any awareness of the difference between myself and the objects around me. Just every exploded and collapsed in a nasty, nasty way. It was terrifying and I was utterly lost. I was taken to the darkest corner of my self-loathing brain. I was taken back to childhood memories of being ashamed and humiliated. It felt like I'd fallen off the end of the world

I got a pen and wrote pages of lunatic stuff. Eventually I worked out who I was and that I was in this state because of taking truffles, and it would wear off. At about 3.30am I remembered from times on acid that you have to try and spiral your thoughts upwards, that if you have a bad thought you spiral downwards but if you have a good one you spiral upwards. So I went outside and sat on the patio looking at the garden, enjoying the plants and trees and colours as it started to grow light. I tried doing some yoga, and spinning round on the slidey kitchen floor. I don't recall when I was able to sleep, but aterwards I was drained, depressed, very nervous and paranoid. The whole experience felt like a mini-breakdown.
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Old 07-12-2007, 06:57 AM
sirtimo sirtimo is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

lots of good acid trips back in the 80's

the best one (worst one) was when I dropped a whole 4 way and I ended up in the bathroom looking at the mirror. Now, I knew you weren't supposed to do that because you could 'get lost' in the mirror but I wanted to. After who-knows how long of watching myself mutate I thought it would be great to be able to see both myself and my reflection at the same time so I put my hand under my chin and slowly lifted up until my head popped off my neck. I was able to hold on to my head and move my arm to different angles to see what everything looked like. It was pretty trippy. The bad part was when I was done I couldn't get my head back on my neck right so I had to call a friend in to help me. Seemed like forever before someone showed up to help me out.\

/edit : is there a "best illicit drug experience" thread??
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Old 07-12-2007, 07:20 AM
kagame kagame is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

i want to do shrooms real bad but it would be ridiculous for me im sure

what happened to change the "truffle law" in the UK? cant still buy them?
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Old 07-12-2007, 07:22 AM
TheCroShow TheCroShow is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

i remember smoking weed for the first time when i was 14 or 15? we walked through a golf course late at night and i stopped my buddy, i said, "WHOA MAN STOP MAN!! You almost walked into that lake right there!!" They laughed at me and said that's the green, sure enough it was the 9th hole. i had to put my foot on it to make sure they weren't lying to me.
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Old 07-12-2007, 07:32 AM
AMT AMT is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

My first acid trip was in the middle of last semester. I started at a friends place and dropped two hits. About a half hour later, I finally started to feel buzzy in the brain, like my brain had just started warming up like a grill might when about to be cooked on. After slight queeziness, I got up and was fine and began walking out with a friend to go smoke weed at my place to boost the trip and see how it was. Right when I got outside, the feeling was simply indescribable. The cold air felt warm and smooth, and my feet were basically non existent. I was gliding, not walking, it was all smooth sailing. Everything was so nice. The trees were twisty and turney, but everything in the most pleasant manner.

I walked into my apartment and was having a surprisingly easy time of it on a drug that I had never yet taken. My roomate (2p2 handle Manchild) was there with a bunch of his friends. Now, at this point, I was fine, but the immediate presence of a bunch of roudy drunk Jews is not what someone on acid really wants to encounter. I told everyone to kind of keep it chill as I was in the middle of a pretty nice trip, and I immediately got bombarded with questions: "Youre tripping NOW?! ID NEVER HAVE GUESSED! WHATS IT LIKE?", "HOW MUCH DID YOU TAKE, I HEARD YOU COULD HAVE ACID FLASHBACK". Now, I'm a very calm person while on most drugs, and I was very aware of any potential negative effect that acid could have (even in the middle of my trip), but while on the drug, it doesn't make it much easier to handle. I kind of shrugged off all the questions (at the expense of looking like a huge douche) to save myself what felt like a huge mental craze come on. I went into my bedroom with my friend so that we could take some bong rips, listen to music and continue a nice trip. We spoke for what seemed to be forever (at least 20 min obv) about everything; I don't even remember a lot of the conversation to be honest...the world, the people outside, the drug...everything.

We had taken some nice bong rips and I was both high and majorly boosted on the acid. The next thing I knew, I was in the back of the domino's delivery guys car. Apparently my friend had led me to his friend, the delivery guy, and I hadn't even realized it, but we were hitting a blunt while the Domino's guy delivered his pizzas. We rode all over town, delivered at least 8 or so pizza's, and continued to get more stoned and trip out.

What seemed to be like 45 minutes to an hour later, we got back to the convenience store near my apartment (Wawa) and i went inside to get some food with a friend. The trip was great to this point...i hadn't seen any crazy hallucinations, but the thoughts were flowing so fluently, nothing could stop, I was on top of everything and in control, and still had the "brain sizzling" feeling going on in the head, which felt tingly and nice more than anything.

To my fortune, I was bombarded by more Jews. My school is about 1/3rd Jewish (myself included), and at a school of 30kish students, it certainly adds up to annoying drunken conversations while on acid. These kids just would not shutup. I was having an amazing trip and all of a sudden when I told them to back off a bit they just got more intense with their questions: "Oh [censored] how is it compared to shrooms? how much did you take? are you seeing crazy [censored]?" GAHHHH, I kind of went beserko for a split second and just mumbled replies while I tried to pass off the entire incident. As I turned around, another friend of mine saw me and asked where I was headed. I told him to grab food than back to my place, but there was all of a sudden a really strange echo in my head. I thought I said "to a friends place" even though I know I spoke "to my place". I got really confused between what I thought I said and what I thought I heard myself say, said a hasty goodbye as to not prolong the confrontation of drunk or sober people, and tried to mind my own business while I stood in line to get my sandwich before headed back to my apartment. Wow, big mistake to go in there. The crowded drunken Wawa was just not the place for me to be. I stood there like a rock in line, not really wanting to see anyone I knew or talk to anyone. I basically ended up blowing off a few people because of the annoyingness I had encountered earlier, but I told them briefly enough that I was in the middle of an intense trip and they seemed to understand enough to let me make my escape back to my apartment.

I walked up the hill to my place and got back in to find a random girl still there with some people. I was immediately confronted with "i smell weed, did you smoke weed in here?". "yes...yes i did" i replied, and she hastily asked if she could smoke with me. Even in the middle of the trip, I knew this was going to be nothing but a mooch and a nuisance. If I thought for a second I couldve gotten some ass out of the deal I'd have humored the situation, but in my mental state it just wasnt worth it. I told her I wasnt smoking anymore that night and maybe another time.

I said goodbye, claimed to want to go to bed, and really just went back to my room where a couple friends ended up showing up (all close friends that knew I was in the middle of a trip). We continued to smoke some more, I was boosted into a nice trip again, and we decided to pop on the move "300".

I highly recommend 300 on acid. It was so intense. I literally went from staring at the white wall in fascination of the words I heard from the movie, to watching the actual movie and picturing myself as a soldier in ancient history. I can't even describe what kind of mental moves were occuring my head, I was in this sliding of levels between reality and what my brain percieved as such, between the room and the movie, until it became so intense that I simply went into a deep dialogue with one of my friends about being a soldier. He was pretty stoned so he didnt mind humoring me with the conversation, but it just went back and forth on what a soldier is, what death was to them, what death was to us, why the soldiers were so much more badass back then, etc... It went on forever. Hours later, the movie was over, the conversations had died, and my friends decided to head home. By this time, it was about 5am, I was starting to steadily come down from the trip, and in doing so, took another bong rip. Whoops. Boosted again.

I turned around and looked at my calendar to find that I had forgotten about an anatomy and phys II exam that I had coming up the next day. Yikes. Lets just say studying anatomy on acid is not for the faint of heart. I thought I could learn a lot of the physiology aspects by studying my own body, and for the next hour or two, I was simply wondering around in my head about what was going on as I looked down at my body. Not surprsingly, I learned nothing about the way the urinary system worked, but felt like I had accomplished a great deal. Whoops [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

I passed out some time later, woke up about 2 hours before the exam, and wanted to take another bong rip just to see if I was still able to boost on the acid. Yep. Apparently on acid trips it is possible for the drug to stay in the brain enough that a boost from a substance already used is able to continue to boost for some time after (this is the premise of an acid flashback in that the drug stays in pockets of fat and is theoretically able to become released months or years later on certain triggers).

Lets just say I took the test pretty fast, felt pretty good about it, and just couldnt talk to anyone from the time I left my apartment to the time I came back. I simply didnt want anyone to know, friends or not, that I had just gone to a science exam tripping on acid (and stoned, though I do the marijuana alone for the same situation regardless). It didnt go as bad as I thought it would, as I got home unscathed and having completed the exam. The entire time I had images of domino's pizza's, wawa subs, and bloody Greek soldiers in my head as I described the pathway of food through the digestive tract and the way one takes a piss. The entire time, all of these thoughts made sense and flowed together.

It's a really good thing that my TA was foreign, because on the sides of my exam upon its return to me some days later, I saw tiny scribbles of random different words. Some good ones: "THIS IS SPARTA!", "PEPPERONI?", "TRUE SPHINCTER", "BLOOOOD".

Pretty insane night overall.
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Old 07-12-2007, 09:07 AM
sonneti sonneti is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

Took 9 pills of ecstasy one night which was great fun but the next day anytime I stood up or even tried to move I would go blind.. It was a mixture of funny and "oh [censored] did I just fuxor my brain forever"

Another time on ecstasy I smoked some pollen and was basically paralysed for 2 hours, followed by 2 hours of throwing up.. then bang I was 100% ok again.

Had quite a few smoking sessions when I was 15 or 16 where I would end up completely naked lying on my bathroom floor for a couple of hours, throwing up and [censored] a the same time.... Good times [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
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Old 07-12-2007, 09:17 AM
Belok Belok is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

all the times I have done mushrooms have been terrible. they are too crazy of a drug and make you go insane. I will never recomend them to anyone because they are the craziest drug ever and not fun.

I dont know how anyone gets enjoyment from these. It really doesnt matter how much you eat either. I have eaten an ounce and I have eaten 1.5 grams and they both [censored] me up so bad i cant do anything.

Then again my buddy that is growing them is a really smart guy(chem engineer) and I think grows better mushrooms than anyone else in the world. I dont think dumb hippy's grow as good of [censored]. because if they did no one would wnat to do shrooms because they [censored] yo up too muchl.

[/ QUOTE ]

...You ate an ounce of mushrooms?

You're either really stupid or lying you realize how bad that is?

How the hell did you even eat that much? The few times I've tried it, it was hard enough to choke down an 8th, which is the recommended dosage.
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Old 07-12-2007, 09:23 AM
traxamillion traxamillion is offline
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Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

My mom is on methadone and while I have have never taken her stuff i have a couple friends who she has traded it to for bud. Problem is they both took her full 130+ mg dose at once already drunk and both almost died.

I took some of her dilaudid (was a generic hydromorphone actually) after she had a surgery. Tiny lil pills that had you feeling amazing; best drug i've tried and i imagine you could rail them if you wanted cause they aren't cut with tylenol.

Anyone think shroom body high feels like a too strong benzo high from say klonopin?
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