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Old 03-15-2007, 07:40 PM
CharlieDontSurf CharlieDontSurf is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

What do you do?. Assistant to Feature Film Producer.

Do you like it? No...but who would.

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work? I am well-suited because I can write good development notes and have a good eye for scripts. I am unsuited because I am doing a job a semi-retarded monkey could do.

What kind of people do best in your work? Anyone can do well in this job...if your well read, intelligent, well educated, and have lots of creativity then you probably could do something a lot more meaningful with your life.

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you? Be willing to be someone's bitch. Have thick skin. Be so interested in movies and making them that your willing to grind out several years of your life working as an assistant.

What is a typical day like? Get up at 8:00. Sit in traffic for an hour/ hour and 1/2. Get to work at 9:30. Roll calls, go thru messages, things to do etc. Answer phones, create project lists-directors list, actors list, submission lists, read scripts, send out scripts, deal with films going into production, set up lunches/meetings, write development notes, do lots of secretarial [censored]. Do bosses expenses and anything else they want you to do. Read 2+2. Read the net. Work on my scripts if my boss is out of the office. Gossip with other assistants if I'm really [censored] bored. Go to lunch with other assistants. Repeat all this crap till like 7 or 8 pm and then go home. Sit in traffic for an hour. Get home. Wish I had stayed in the Caymans. Watch some TV maybe play some poker. Go to bed.

What kind of problems do you encounter? Stupid people, a$$holes, having to do every little nitty thing for my boss, having to read awful scripts, having to be around people who have no creativity or no real love for movies etc but watched Entourage and thought it would be cool to work in the industry. Having to deal with 40 year old interns who had a mid career crisis and decided to try working in the movie business.

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation? See above..watching a movie start out as an idea a writer as off the top of his head and seeing it move thru the process and get made into a really good film. Meeting and hanging out with people who love making movies and are incredibly creative...writers/directors/actors/producers/set designers/etc etc. Meeting really hot actresses who act like they like/respect you even if they don't because you work for so and so.

How much do you make? About $35k/yr.

How much can one expect to make in your position? anywhere from $400/450 a week working in the mailroom at aagency to 40/50K working as an executive assistant to a studio VP to 80K+ working as a personal assistant to a A-list actor etc. Average for most assistants is 500-650 a week..but that is usually a 50-55 hour work week.

Depends on where you are working and who you are working for.

But obviously if you move onto to a "real" job in the industry you can make anywhere from 100K to 1 billion.
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Old 03-16-2007, 02:06 AM
nyc999 nyc999 is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

What do you do? Marketing Consultant, Survey Research, Political Polling

Do you like it? Some days.

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work? I have a very analytical mind, excellent math skills, good people skills (for the sales part of my job)

What kind of people do best in your work? Analytical, organized, driven and those who can see the big picture

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you? Minimum bachelors degree, ideally in business, statistics or psychology

What is a typical day like? Get to work around 9:30, read some email, and do either of the following - develop a survey/questionnaire/moderator guide, write detailed analysis based on results from research studies, develop recommendations for upcoming marketing/advertising efforts. Travel 2-3 days per month and usually have at least 3-4 client lunches/dinners per month

What kind of problems do you encounter? Clients too attached to the advertising/marketing campaign they developed although every indication says it will not be successful, meeting ultra-tight deadlines.

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation? Frustration - coming up with a great solution/plan only to have it shot down due to politics. Elation - seeing a campaign I work on or recommendations implemented that increase profits for my client.
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Old 03-16-2007, 04:26 AM
suzzer99 suzzer99 is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

Charlie, one of my favorite shows the last few years is Project Greenlight. Is it anything like that? Making movies looks pretty fun/interesting/challenging/exciting. Seems to favor people who are good bullshitters above all else.

Also, what exactly is involved in making that leap from where you are to being a "player"? One lucky deal or something?
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:03 AM
hyde hyde is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

What do you do? Fly hot air balloons

Do you like it? Every single time

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work? I am not qualified to do anything else.

What kind of people do best in your work? There is a 'natural' aspect like being an athlete. More like a race car driver than Michael Jordan though. I guess an ability to focus. An ability to assess risk. An ability to adjust plans on extremely short notice. I was an EMT once and sometimes it is the same. Without the blood.

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you? It is an FAA regulated license and way too easy to get. I would not let my children fly with many pilots....

What is a typical day like? I'm up at 4am or so and checking 5 or 6 weather sites, putting together a picnic basket of fresh fruit, pastry and champagne for a post flight celebration. (survivors banquet). Meet with passengers at 6am, launch at 7am, land at 8am, pack up the balloon and 'celebrate'. refuel by 10am, return phone calls until noon. nap. 5pm I am back on the internet checking weather, meet evening passengers at 6pm, launch 7pm.....done for the night at 10:30 or so.
rinse, repeat.
A good run of weather can be exhausting. But Mother Nature gives me plenty of days off and winters are relaxed.

What kind of problems do you encounter? Wind. Hate the wind. and occasionally trees...too many trees, not enough fields. Once a year I encounter a hostile landowner.

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation? Wind, hate the wind,borderline forecasts. Sometimes we get all set up before being able to make the decision to fly or not. Some days I wish I didn't have to spend so much time on the phone, the sales spiel is simple yet the repetition can get difficult during the busy (and tired) season. But it is close to a one man operation.
Elation: It remains an incredible rush every single flight.

How much do you make? About 65K, varies depending on the weather and the economy.

How much can one expect to make in your position? the next level would require having more or bigger balloons. More balloons require employees, bigger balloons are not a good option in my area due to tight flying conditions, weight of the equipment and loss of intimacy of experience for the passenger( they become cattle cars). I've pretty much maxed out the one man show. There are a few larger companies, but the owners don't get to fly as often and I don't see the sense in that.
Downside: I have to work until I die.
Upside: I get to work until I die.

[/ QUOTE ]
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:50 AM
Sooga Sooga is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

What do you do? High School math teacher in the suburbia L.A. area.

Do you like it? Teaching, absolutely. Teaching at this particular school, not so much. The job is great by itself, and the 180 6-hour work days every year ain't too bad either. Plus the benefits are good.

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work? I think the principal reason there are so many bad teachers out there is that so many teachers are not truly passionate about their subject. I'll agree, if I had to spend 6 hours a day talking about and teaching a subject I had little to no interest in, I'd be pretty miserable too. But I love math, I love thinking about math, and I love to help others love math too.

What kind of people do best in your work? Like I said earlier, people who truly have a passion for their subject, and I'll add to that, people who like working with kids. As obvious as it seems, you have to like kids if you become a teacher. So many teachers I know get frustrated because their kids act immaturely and do stupid things. OF COURSE THEY DO, THEY'RE KIDS!

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you? Before a couple years ago, a Bachelor's degree would suffice. Nowadays you'll need usually a Bachelor's degree in your particular field, PLUS a credential (a couple years of coursework), plus all sorts of other certifications, depending on where/what you teach.

What is a typical day like? My morning starts at 8am, but I usually get to school about 6.45 - 7 to beat the crowd, and to do some last minute grading and prepping. I teach 5 periods per day, 55 minutes each, and I get out at 2:51. Of course, some days I have to stay after school for random stupid teacher meetings and such, but usually I'm home by 3:30.

What kind of problems do you encounter? Horrible administrators, pushy parents, disrespectful kids.

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation? Frustration is usually caused by kids who just don't give a sh*t. Stupidity I can handle. Indifference I cannot. Listen, I know most kids I teach are not going to be math majors. If a kid comes to me, seems like he's truly trying every day, and just doesn't seem to get the material, well, I'm sure we can find some way to at least get him to pass the class and get on with life. On the other hand, if some dipsh*t kid just comes in, does nothing, and expects me to help him out.... well, f you, kid.

How much do you make? 52k a year, which is kinda low for the L.A. area.

How much can one expect to make in your position? Assuming you have the maximum number of years experience, and the maximum number of 'units' (extra stuff you take; seminars, conferences, classes, etc), then you can make somewhere between 80k - 90k.
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Old 03-16-2007, 01:48 PM
CharlieDontSurf CharlieDontSurf is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

Charlie, one of my favorite shows the last few years is Project Greenlight. Is it anything like that? Making movies looks pretty fun/interesting/challenging/exciting. Seems to favor people who are good bullshitters above all else.

Also, what exactly is involved in making that leap from where you are to being a "player"? One lucky deal or something?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes and No...PG didn't highlight how many idiots one would have to deal with on the development/executive side of things. It was really more of a on set production type of show. Most development takes a lot the action isn't always there. Kind of depends on who you work for. Some producers just want to crank out [censored] 24/7 even if it is pure crap in order to make a check...others are more picky and prefer to develop stuff longer and avoid putting out Saw 9 etc.

The leap...hmm really depends on what you want to do.
I'd say most assistants want to either be a writer/director/producer/dev exec/or maybe a agent or manager. For those last two working at an agency or smaller managment company and just putting in the years would probably get you somewhere unless you were retarded.

Networking and making friends in the industry is obviously huge..the majority of jobs you get are based off of knowing the right person at the right time etc.

For writing and directing it is simply coming up with something people either respect or want. Many writer and directors simply use an assistant gig to make contacts, improve their craft, be somewhat involved on a basic level in the industry..and pay the bills while they write/direct at the same time.

Working as a creative exec or in development in some form at a studio usually just means paying your dues at several good assistant jobs for several years, making contacts, and then getting a little bit lucky and moving on to a position at a smaller production comapny or at a studio. There is NO job security though...can be crazy hours...not exactly the job I would want to have in my late 30's early 40s especially if I had a family or kids.

The time in between grinding as an assistant and getting there can drain your soul.
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Old 03-16-2007, 03:57 PM
octopi octopi is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job

My office

What do you do?
Oil and gas drilling and completion consultant.

Do you like it?

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work?
Able to relate to people from grunt laborers to multi-millionare investors to tech related specialists equally well. Innovative solutions to problems based on experience and intuition.

What kind of people do best in your work?
Intelligent working stiffs that were brought up hands-on in the business and put out extra to get ahead.

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you?
Ranges from 8th grade failures to Petroleum Engineers.

What is a typical day like?
Drilling is 24/7 so you live on site. Reports go out @ 6:00am each day. You pace yourself to be up and around when needed or when your weaker/less trustworthy workers are on duty. You get the materials/services on location and direct them to do their jobs. 10-40 days to drill a typical well these days.
Completion is usually 7:00 am-6:00pm 6 or 7 days a week. Same as above.

What kind of problems do you encounter?
In drilling, operators (well owners) taking unnecessary risks to try to save money. Unforseeable downhole maladies that bite your butt.
Completion is easy compared to drilling, except the risk of being around high pressure. I typically work with completion pressures of 2,000-7,000 psi. Sometimes the plumbing leaks.

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation?
I still get a buzz out of perforating and bringing in a 200 bbl/day oil well/5mmcfpd gas well.
Frustration? A picture is worth a thousand words.....
Very frustrating

How much do you make? $900/day drilling or $700/day completion plus all expenses.

How much can one expect to make in your position?
Salaried with bennies for a major makes about 90k. Consulting see above (+++ for offshore or overseas).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for posting this. This is sort of what my dad does (former FMT specialist, now field manager of some kind for Baker. He's a Grade 11 failure, btw), and I have a hard time relating to it and what he actually has to do. I appreciated this.
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Old 03-16-2007, 04:16 PM
cbloom cbloom is offline
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Default Re: tell us about your job


Frustration is usually caused by kids who just don't give a sh*t. Stupidity I can handle. Indifference I cannot. Listen, I know most kids I teach are not going to be math majors. If a kid comes to me, seems like he's truly trying every day, and just doesn't seem to get the material, well, I'm sure we can find some way to at least get him to pass the class and get on with life. On the other hand, if some dipsh*t kid just comes in, does nothing, and expects me to help him out.... well, f you, kid.

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to think I wanted to be a professor/teacher, but when I was a graduate student I taught a class for freshmen, and more than half of them just didn't give a sh*t. It was such a great pleasure to teach the ones that wanted to learn, whether they were smart or nut (it's a fun challenge to figure out how to get through people who want to learn but are struggling), but the majority of the class was doing horribly, not paying attention, never came to office hours, never asked questions, it was totally disillusioning [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
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