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Old 11-29-2007, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

Ball of [censored],

It must suck hard to be color blind and not be able to tell apples from oranges.

past actions<>ongoing actions

[/ QUOTE ]

Cambodians are still dying from unexploded ordnance on an ongoing basis. According to your philosphy, they should have a righteous terror campaign against the USA until our "house is in order."

Also, there is no statute of limitations on MASS MURDER.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:33 AM
Subfallen Subfallen is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

I don't know, maybe 5% of the Jewish contribution?

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Eh. For several centuries, Europe was a backwards shithole and the Muslim world was where most math/astronomy was developed, AFAIK.

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Yeah, his statement is seriously messed up. The Arabs were focusing on math and science while Europeans were focusing on crusades, inquisitions, and church dogma. If I remember correctly they created the number representation for zero. They had a profound effect on math and science.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, let's play a little game. For every world-class Muslim/Arab mathematician you name, I'll list ten Jewish.

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Old 11-30-2007, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

I don't know, maybe 5% of the Jewish contribution?

[/ QUOTE ]

Eh. For several centuries, Europe was a backwards shithole and the Muslim world was where most math/astronomy was developed, AFAIK.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, his statement is seriously messed up. The Arabs were focusing on math and science while Europeans were focusing on crusades, inquisitions, and church dogma. If I remember correctly they created the number representation for zero. They had a profound effect on math and science.

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Ok, let's play a little game. For every world-class Muslim/Arab mathematician you name, I'll list ten Jewish.


[/ QUOTE ]


What are you trying to accomplish?
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:25 AM
Goater Goater is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

yeah... this is really not necessary. i dont think we should get into this discussion - its really not relevant.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:00 AM
iron81 iron81 is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

It sounds like Prime Minister Olmert gets it. AP Story:

In unusually frank comments, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned in an interview published Thursday that "the state of Israel is finished" if a Palestinian state is not created, saying the alternative is a South Africa-style apartheid struggle.

[/ QUOTE ]
Comparing the current situation to Apartheid is of course accurate: the white newcomers are segregating and oppressing the local population. But Olmert takes the comparison a step farther, pointing out that the Demographic Bomb is working against Israel and that giving the Palestinians concessions actually improves Israel's long term security.

He says that one of these days, the Palestinians are going to stop pressing for a two-state solution and start pressing for a one-state solution: granting the Palestinians the right to vote in Israel. He's looking 50 to 100 years down the road and accurately predicting that without action, they are going to get it and on that day, Jewish rule of Israel will be finished.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:04 AM
ConstantineX ConstantineX is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

It sounds like Prime Minister Olmert gets it. AP Story:

In unusually frank comments, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned in an interview published Thursday that "the state of Israel is finished" if a Palestinian state is not created, saying the alternative is a South Africa-style apartheid struggle.

[/ QUOTE ]
Comparing the current situation to Apartheid is of course accurate: the white newcomers are segregating and oppressing the local population. But Olmert takes the comparison a step farther, pointing out that the Demographic Bomb is working against Israel and that giving the Palestinians concessions actually improves Israel's long term security.

He says that one of these days, the Palestinians are going to stop pressing for a two-state solution and start pressing for a one-state solution: granting the Palestinians the right to vote in Israel. He's looking 50 to 100 years down the road and accurately predicting that without action, they are going to get it and on that day, Jewish rule of Israel will be finished.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Warning: Insubstantive post*


Seriously, with the Jews one of the most educated and politically powerful global constituents that last line is way too much. Just look how much money is spent here in the United States by Jewish philanthropists on heritage tours for their kids and such.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:14 AM
Case Closed Case Closed is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

I don't know, maybe 5% of the Jewish contribution?

[/ QUOTE ]

Eh. For several centuries, Europe was a backwards shithole and the Muslim world was where most math/astronomy was developed, AFAIK.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, his statement is seriously messed up. The Arabs were focusing on math and science while Europeans were focusing on crusades, inquisitions, and church dogma. If I remember correctly they created the number representation for zero. They had a profound effect on math and science.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, let's play a little game. For every world-class Muslim/Arab mathematician you name, I'll list ten Jewish.


[/ QUOTE ]
Current? Historic? What constitutes a world class mathematician? And more importantly what the hell is the point?
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:23 AM
Case Closed Case Closed is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

I don't know, maybe 5% of the Jewish contribution?

[/ QUOTE ]

Eh. For several centuries, Europe was a backwards shithole and the Muslim world was where most math/astronomy was developed, AFAIK.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, his statement is seriously messed up. The Arabs were focusing on math and science while Europeans were focusing on crusades, inquisitions, and church dogma. If I remember correctly they created the number representation for zero. They had a profound effect on math and science.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, let's play a little game. For every world-class Muslim/Arab mathematician you name, I'll list ten Jewish.


[/ QUOTE ]

So, please go ahead and name like 400 Jewish mathematician's. If you do that I could probably go ahead and get another 20-30 names so you would have to get another couple hundred random Jewish names.

What is that point?

Just so everyone knows....I am not saying Jewish people are bad at math or bad at anything. All I am trying to say is that Arabs have had a historic influence on math and science. Jewish people have also had a profound influence on math and intelligence in general as well.
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Old 11-30-2007, 01:14 PM
Goater Goater is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

It sounds like Prime Minister Olmert gets it

[/ QUOTE ]

The majority of Israelis disagree with you. The man is seen as a joke in Israel.

Comparing the current situation to Apartheid is of course accurate

[/ QUOTE ]

No, its not. Im not going into this again here - we have already discussed this in another thread.


the white newcomers are segregating and oppressing the local population

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever been to Israel? If you had, you would know how ridiculous this statement is, for many reasons.

Well, the demographic issue is a new one recently invented by the left wing to persuade Israelis that it is in their best interests to give murderous Palestinians a terrorist state on large lengths of Israels borders. As few Israelis are stupid enough to believe that the security situation would improve in Israel if this happened, they need a ticking bomb theory.

I dont have time now to find links, but this theory has been rejected by many people, including those who agree to an eventual 2 state solution. In any case, the first responsibility of any Israeli government should be to protect their people or at least not expose them to unneccesary danger. Giving the Palestinians/Hamas a state now would place the majority of the population in immediate danger and would send a very positive message to those Palestinians and arabs that wish to see Israel totally destroyed.
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Old 11-30-2007, 04:57 PM
Subfallen Subfallen is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

CC - Had a little trouble finding someone relevant in the last, say, 500 years, eh?

My point is in response to the person who said "why not get rid of the Jews" as if there's no objective reason to favor Jewry over the Islamic world. Rather, we should all pray to Allah that Islam disappears from the face of the earth as quickly as possible.

Oh, and that list I promised you. You'll find no fewer than 12 Field's Medal recipients and such recognizable names such as Cantor, Jacobi, Kronecker, Levi-Civita, Mandelbrot, Minkowski, von Neumann, Perelman, Witten, etc.

Shmuel Agmon
Naum Akhiezer
A. Adrian Albert
Shimshon Amitsur
Vladimir Arnold
Siegfried Aronhold
Nachman Aronszajn
Cesare Arzelŕ
Giulio Ascoli
Robert Aumann
Louis Auslander
Maurice Auslander
James Ax
Reinhold Baer
Grigory Barenblatt
Hyman Bass
Richard Bellman
Paul Bernays
Stefan Bergman
Felix Bernstein
Joseph (Iosif) Bernstein
Sergei Bernstein
Lipman Bers
Abram Besicovitch
Joan Birman
Max Black
Spencer Bloch
Salomon Bochner
Harald Bohr
Vladimir Boltyanskii
Carl Borchardt
Raoul Bott
Richard Brauer
Haďm Brezis
Felix Browder
William Browder
Eugenio Calabi
Georg Cantor
Moritz Cantor
Guido Castelnuovo
Gregory Chaitin
Herman Chernoff
Paul Cohen
Ronald Coifman
Julian Cole
Richard Courant
George Dantzig
Martin Davis
Max Dehn
Percy Deift
Persi Diaconis
Roland Dobrushin
Wolfgang Doeblin
Joseph Doob
Jesse Douglas
Vladimir Drinfeld
Louis Dublin
Aryeh Dvoretsky
Eugene (Evgenii) Dynkin
Leon Ehrenpreis
Samuel Eilenberg
Albert Einstein
Gotthold Eisenstein
Noam Elkies
Federigo Enriques
Arthur Erdélyi
Paul Erdös
Gino Fano
Herbert Federer
Solomon Feferman
Charles Fefferman
Walter Feit
Lipót Fejér
Michael Fekete
William Feller
Adolf Abraham Fraenkel
Philipp Frank
Michael Freedman
Hans Freudenthal
Avner Friedman
Harvey Friedman
Guido Fubini
Lazarus Fuchs
Hillel Furstenberg
David Gale
Boris Galerkin
Izrail Gelfand
Alexandr Gelfond
Semyon Gershgorin
Iosif Gikhman
Israel Gohberg
Dorian Goldfeld
Paul Gordan
Daniel Gorenstein
Leslie Greengard
Mikhael Gromov
Marcel Grossmann
Alexander Grothendieck
Branko Grünbaum
Alfréd Haar
Jacques Hadamard
Hans Hahn
Paul Halmos
Georges-Henri Halphen
Felix Hausdorff
Hans Heilbronn
Ernst Hellinger
Eduard Helly
Israel Herstein
Peter Hilton
Gerhard Hochschild
Melvin Hochster
Heinz Hopf
Ehud Hrushovski
Witold Hurewicz
Adolph Hurwitz
Carl G. J. Jacobi
Nathan Jacobson
Arthur Jaffe
Fritz John
Mark Kac
Victor Kac
Richard Kadison
Jean-Pierre Kahane
Gil Kalai
László Kalmár
Leonid Kantorovich
Irving Kaplansky
Samuel Karlin
Richard Karp
Nicholas Katz
Yitzhak Katznelson
David Kazhdan
Herbert Keller
Joseph Keller
John Kemeny
Alexander Khinchine
Joseph Kohn
Dénes König
Julius König
Leo Königsberger
Bertram Kostant
Mark Krasnoselskii
Mark Krein
Georg Kreisel
Leopold Kronecker
Martin Kruskal
Kazimierz Kuratowski
Imre Lakatos
Cornelius Lanczos
Edmund Landau
Emanuel Lasker
Peter Lax
Solomon Lefschetz
Beppo Levi
Eugenio Elia Levi
Friedrich Levi
Tullio Levi-Civita
Leonid Levin
Norman Levinson
Boris Levitan
Ya'acov Levitzki
Paul Lévy
Hans Lewy
Elliott Lieb
Adolf Lindenbaum
Joram Lindenstrauss
Rudolph Lipschitz
Michel Ločve
Alfred Loewy
Gino Loria
Alfred Lotka
Grigorii Lozanovsky
Alex Lubotzky
Lazar Lusternik
George Lusztig
Kurt Mahler
Benoit Mandelbrot
Yuri Manin
Amédée Mannheim
Gregori Margulis
Vladimir Maz'ya
Barry Mazur
David Milman
Vitali Milman
Hermann Minkowski
Richard von Mises
Boris Moishezon
Louis Mordell
George Mostow
Jose Moyal
Mark Naimark
I. P. Natanson
John von Neumann
Paul Nevai
Max Newman
Louis Nirenberg
Emmy Noether
Max Noether
Donald Ornstein
Alexander Ostrowski
Emanuel Parzen
Moritz Pasch
Grigori Perelman
Rózsa Péter
Ralph Phillips
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
Salvatore Pincherle
Felix Pollaczek
George Pólya
Emil Post
Moritz Presburger
Alfred Pringsheim
Hilary Putnam
Michael Rabin
Richard Rado
Dmitriy Raikov
Marina Ratner
Robert Remak
Alfréd Rényi
Kenneth Ribet
Frederic Riesz
Marcel Riesz
Herbert Robbins
Abraham Robinson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Jakob Rosanes
Johann Rosenhain
Klaus Roth
Walter Rudin
Stanislaw Saks
Raphaël Salem
Peter Sarnak
Leonard Savage
Robert Schatten
Juliusz Schauder
M. M. Schiffer
Arthur Schönflies
Oded Schramm
Issai Schur
Jacob T. Schwartz
Laurent Schwartz
Albert Schwarz
I. E. Segal
Beniamino Segrč
Corrado Segrč
Saharon Shelah
Lev Shnirelman
Barry Simon
James Simons
Yakov Sinai
I. M. Singer
Robert Solovay
Frank Spitzer
Richard Stanley
Elias Stein
Robert Steinberg
Hugo Steinhaus
Ernst Steinitz
Shlomo Sternberg
Steven Strogatz
Daniel Stroock
James Joseph Sylvester
Otto Szász
Gábor Szegö
Edward Szpilrajn-Marczewski
Jacob Tamarkin
Alfred Tarski
Alfred Tauber
Olga Taussky-Todd
Otto Toeplitz
Henryk Torunczyk
Paul Turán
Stanislaw Ulam
Paul Urysohn
Anatoliy Vershik
Naum Vilenkin
Vito Volterra
Abraham Wald
André Weil
Julius Weingarten
Alexander Weinstein
Harold Widom
Norbert Wiener
Eugene Wigner
Aurel Wintner
Edward Witten
Jacob Wolfowitz
Paul Wolfskehl
Akiva Yaglom
Lotfi Zadeh
Oscar Zariski
Doron Zeilberger
Efim Zelmanov
Leo Zippin
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