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Old 10-12-2007, 10:22 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

I translated into pirate to see if it's easier to read:

Ok th' aft poop deck story be this, Im 27 but about 5 voyages ago (aye 5 bloody voyages ago) I be mad in love wi' me beauty at th' time. I be nerein a serious relationship before that on accoun' o' basically b4 th' lass' I thought relationships be soul drainers an' really couldnt understand why a guy would give up his freedom etc etc

Before I had eremet th' lass' I be livin' in Dublin at th' time an' me best mate be crashin' wi' me fer about 3 or 4 moons. 't be cool , I`d go t' work an' then get homeport an' we`d sit up playin' computer games all night gettin wasted an' basicaly be havin' a pretty cool time, then th' weekends go ou' an' be havin' a mad one. th' usual really.

Me mate (he needs a name fer reference later, lets say Tom lol) be from another part o' Ireland an' one Sundee night when he be comin aft t' dublin (we be goin' t' be seein' a Pink Floyd co'er band) he met some lasses from 'ere he lives on th' bus, now he be a looker an' lasses be usually mad fer th' lad's. So he rang me an' told me off a pub t' meet them all in. So after work i headed into th' city t' meet up wi' Tom an' these lasses i neremet.

Soooo..somethign funny happened me on th' bus on th' way in, long story short---squadron o' spanish kids tried embarrassig me at a bus avast, about 30 kids all wavin' at me, then th' guy in fore starts wavin' aft..blah blah--- so i be tellin dave (i thought nay one be listening) an' then *she* started laughin' an' i be nereso drawin' t' someone in me life...i be like WTF, 't be instantanious (obv wrong spellin) , I cant explain 't, e'en when Tom introuduced me t' th' lasses 't be yer normal Ahoy, Ahoy, Ahoy, Ahoy *forget all names* kinda thin'

But in that moment i be drawin' t' th' lass', fer th' rest o' th' tide everywhere we sailed' we sat together, got eack other drikns an' instantly became great shipmates, funny thin' be she spent th' tide tellin me she fancied Tom an' told th' lass', ill look into 't an' sort th' lass' ou'. (on a side note me mate be such a plonker an' managed t' mess 't up wi' th' douche bag "I know ye want me" line LOL an' they didnt end up scorin' each' gig be savage BTW

So sorry fer ramblin', anyway we o' course swapped numbers an' kept in touch on nearly a daily basis. Then one tide she invited me down t' meet th' lass' an' put an "x" in th' SMS which be obvious somethin' be brewin', so LDO i got on th' next bus an' arrived in Galway 'ere she be in college,luckily alot o' shipmates be studyin' thar too an' 't be always insane/blackout/pills all ou' madness anytime i sailed' ou' wi' them so i be happy ou' wit me wee trip down. BTW I stil hadnt mentioned she be beautiful, one o' them faces o' beauty rather sexy if ya know what i mean

I arrived about 8 an' got loaded t' th' gunwhales wi' me mates in the'r house all th' time gettin extremely nervous/anxious bout meetin' up. I knew we be gonna get together an' i be excited wee boy. Only one problem me mates sailed' an' got Buckfast fer sea dogs an' land lubbers which i doubt many o' ye know as its a Scottish drink but basically 't sends sea dogs an' land lubbers mental, pumped wi' caffeine i be havin' nay idee why its nay illegal an' th' funny thin' be its made by monks in a monastary, ask ere from Galway about 't ...Jeesh...dont b'lieve me google 't

So i be 1/3 way through me keg an' all be good, we had planned 'ere we be goin' t' meet an' all be hunky dorey....but all o' a sudden 't be pitch black...WTF 'ere be ever' one, all i could hear be "aAAAaaah lemme oout", obv i be confused but i be also hammered, i then realised i be in bunk ****** Eyeballed me watch an' 't be 2:30am WTF me mates let me sleep ...when did i go t' bunk...CHIT!!!!

So i got up ,sailed' into th' hall an' another mate who be bannanas loaded t' th' gunwhales be runnin' round th' house shoutin' "BASTIDS BASTIDS LOCKED US IN" lol he be one o' th' funniest guys id ereknown fer bein' loaded t' th' gunwhales, when sober be a mute an' when he got loaded t' th' gunwhales esp on buckie he let rip. I had blacked ou' an' crashed, me mated tried everythin' but couldnt wake me so put me t' bunk, obviously i had numerous missed calls an' texts from Th' lass' an' when irang th' lass' an' told th' lass' th' story she wasnt t' happy. She spake I be a disaster an' theres nay point meetin' up. This obv sucked an' i be so pist off

Me mates arrived aft from th' nightclubs an' we stayed up all night gettin wrecked. Then around 6 in th' morngin' me mates tryin t' cheer me up spake lets go t' th' pub. Now in Ireland goin' t' th' pub at 6 in th' mornin' cant usually be done but in Galway theres a bar fer "th' jacks" LOL open all night. If ye could eresee such a place its hilarious, 't be done up now since i be thar but at th' god

Picture a bar (at 6 in th' mornin' when yer ou' o' yer skull) half full o' Winos, guys tellin ye "th' Lord be comin' soon" kinda BS an' th' other half full o' lively students ou' on an all night session..what a mix, what a pub, what a dump! 't be filth mixed in wi' more filth but we be all buzzin so we didnt care. Thar be one hade fer th' guys an' when i staggered into a girl who be inworse shape than me, that hade be th' best place fer us t' go we did. Fer about an hour th' door be bein' banged on by loaded to the gunwhales customers, some winos shoutinthe nuttiest chit, we both ignored them aswe ripped th' clothes o' each other in th' dirtiest hade ye ereseen! Finally th' owner o' th' pub unlocked th' door. "Get th' [censored] ye wee chits a brains" as i lifted th' lass' off th' deck we laughed toegther! Obviously assumin I be bein' thrown ou' i sailed' o'er t' say good arrrr t' me mates but th' barman spake "Ya`ll prob need a pint after that?...Cider" loL Yeh an' one fer th' lass' too!

Talk bout gettin side tracked in me story jessh

Anyway She rang me th' next tide an' spake Sorry bout last night an' i o' course apologised fer f**kin up major, i wa sdisgusted wi' myself fer bein' such a clown so I got dressed port that strangers house an' headed into meet th' lass'

Long story short we met up that night an' that be that, we be offically goin' ou', I be gob smacked that i had met a girlthat had such an affect on me. O'er time I fell mad in love wi' th' lass' an' she me, I be now startin t' be seein' what relationships be all about. I be a new man an' pitied me old beliefs , relationships (wi' th' starboard swabbie) be amazin' an' this be nay different.

fast fore 2 voyages me mate Tom moved t' Holland t' work in sound engineerin' an' me an' Th' lass' be still together until we go through a rough patch, we be plannin t' go t' Spain in a tides time t' visit shipmates an' then me parents but we had a huge swashbuckle on th' phone, she didnt seem erself an' i kept on harpin on about "What be 't , theres somethin' ye want t' break up" kinda chit t' th' point 'ere she spake Arrr yeh i do..i slammed th' phone down an' keel hauled straight ou' th' door at work. I wasnt used t' us fightin' an' assumed we be finished cause me bein' a stubborn prick certainly wasnt ringin' th' lass' aft t' change th' lass' mind /read as i tried about 50 times/

So me first thin' be t' get th' f**k outta 'ere i be, i needed t' get away , She wasnt *that* serious when she first spake 't t' me bout us bein' o'er but i think th' idee grew in th' lass' hade an' she stuck wi' 't. So in a knee jerk reaction sailed' t' visit me hearty in Holland, we sailed' up t' Amsterdam t' "blow off some steam" , we got wrecked

Th' next tide i sailed' down t' Malaga n spain t' visit me parents who be on holidays an' a matey who taught english thar. They knew Th' lass' pretty well an' be devestated we be finished, me mate arrived that night an' we sat up all night drinkin an' talkin about th' break up, lasses an' ever' sorta chit 2 guys do. Our plans be t' spend 2 days thar, play some golf then hade up t' Barcalano 'ere 2 o' me heartys be after arrivin'. I lived wi' one o' them in dublin an' th' other guy John be th' guy i got locked in th' house wi' in Galway.

So me an' me hearty crashed bout 6 in th' mornin' when i got a phone call at about 9 in th' mornin', 't be me house mate in Barcalona "Man theres been an accident, john be dead" Me mate drown in th' sea in barcalona, they be ou' all night in "th' square" an' about 5 in th' mornin' tookst loads a coke wi' some guy they jus' met an' sailed' t' th' beach. John suggested "first t' swim ou' t' that Bouy (thin' that floats in water) an' then run o'er an' touch th' homeless guy wins" they did but john didnt make 't aft.

So straight away me an' me mate sailed' up t' barcalona an' as ye can imagine th' next wee tides/moons be fairly nutty

He be some character an' fer tides we sat around drinkin tellin stories bout th' lad's an' really gettin through 't together. Very hard t' lose a matey at 20 when ye think ye be all invincable etc

Th' whole next 2 moons seem such a blurr, ever' tide be a nightmare an' i really couldnt spend time thinkin about Th' lass' an' th' break up, everythin' else seemed more imprtant, me problems shrank up

But this had a lastin' affect on me, when all th' dut finally settled i be alone.She be gone an' then 't hit me how much i missed th' lass'. I didnt get in tuch wi' th' lass' or th' lass' shipmates an' tried avoidin' talkin about th' lass' but i always thought o' th' lass', sleepness night an' all that BS that comes wi' a broken heart. I jus' couldnt shake 't off. I wanted th' lass' t' rin' me an' talk t' me but she neredid,i convinced me self ah screw 't she deserves better anyway...then i heard sh be seein someone else. this be about 5 tides after th' break up....that hurt big time

Anyway TH' POINT O' ALL THIS POST BE ....o'er th' voyages she kept in touch wi' me wi' simple emails maybe once or twice a moon jus' t' keep in check. Id always reply in a friedly way an' try t' end th' email convo early cause 't always hurt t' hear from th' lass'. I jus' nerefelt closure on th' whole relationship an' thought we woudl end up aft together bt knew we woudlnt kinda thin'. So i neregot in touch wi' th' lass'

Then about 2 moons ago she text t' say she`d be in me hometown an' did i wanna meet up. I o' course obliged , nervously admittedly.I sailed' into town t' get some snazzt clothes before we meet up, i be helpin a laddie move all tide an' be filthy when in town shoppin only t' get a text say "Ahoy look abroadside" thar she be across th' road...BALLS! So typical...but anyway we hung ou' fer th' 1st time in voyages an' had a blast, sailed' shoppin together an' caught up. We planned t' meet around 9 that night

Again 't be a bit o' a disaster. Before i sailed' into meet th' lass' i be in shipmates house, some friedns be takn some coke so i reckoned ahoy that might help th' nerves cause e'en tho 't be o'er 4 voyages ago i still held a flame fer th' lass'. But i managed t' take waaaay too much so when i met th' lass' i be in a state, she kept askin what be wrong so i told th' lass' i be donktown

We sailed' abroadside fer a smoke an' i started tellin th' lass' how i nerethought we got closure an' dammit seein ye today brought old feelings aft etc

She then sat down on th' footpath an' spake sit down...Me heart skipped a beat. I wanna tell ye somethin'...Arrr arrr what be 't....Im goin' ou' wi' someone she spake....BALLS, arrr cool , yer a good lookin girl, thats natural whatso hard totell me i spake (while o' course feelin me soul leak ou' me feet!) ..well its someone ye know..its Tom (BIG BALLS!!)
Me an' Tom had drifted o'er th' voyages but still kept in touch , he nerementioned they be seein each other

I spake its best if i go homeport an' port th' lass' aft t' th' lass' shipmates in th' other pub an' sailed' homeport sickened. I got in touch wi' Tom an' told th' lad's its too much an' i cant be mates wi' either o' them anymore. After about 2 tides Tom emailed me sayin they decided t' avast seein each ohter outta resepect fer me but i told them nay need its all got too wierd anyway so go fer 't but they didnt.

Me an' Th' lass' text each other o'er next wee days an' i made a complete fool o' myself, basically tellni th' lass' how i held onto belief we`d get aft together o'er th' voyages which admittedlly be pretty pathetic,I did be seein' someone from england fer a voyage in between but i nerefelt as strong abut ere but Th' lass'. She tookst 't all in but nereseem t' reack ou' t' me so i always felt like a tool after bein' in touch wi' th' lass', ever' god dam time!!!

Then lol I hear TWO tides later that she be goin' ou' wi' someone from me homeport town!! WTF how can i get away from th' lass', th' guy be a cousin o' John me hearty who drown in spain...hes a guitarist in a popular band in dublin but hes from me hometown, i actually bumped into th' lass' at 1 o' the'r gigs in dublin bout a voyage ago. Oh me hade, but once i realised that she be capable o' goin' from Tom t' me heartys cousin showed she didnt care fer me feelings at all so i emailed th' lass' sayin She be a clown. Thats all i spake, she straight away emailed aft an' text me sayin how can i say that blah blah blah

I nerereplied an' that be th' last time ive been in touch. That be about 2 moons ago an' now i hear they broke up lol

Last high tide' she sent me a shipmates invite on Facebook....i nearly fell off me chair!! WTF I eyeballed th' lass' page an' nay Tom or other fellas fer that matter

What do i do....

1/ignore th' lass' cause shes causin me headaches fer 4 voyages now an' will prob hurt me again
2/ send th' lass' a message sayin youve some cheek
3/accept an' be seein' what happens?!?

(avast postin on 2+2 prolly lol)
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:23 AM
4drugmoney 4drugmoney is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please


OK really long post here. My first post of this type here so try not flame too much !!
Quick version at bottom

Ok the back ground story is this, Im 27 but about 5 years ago (yes 5 bloody years ago) I was mad in love with my girlfriend at the time. I was never in a serious relationship before that because basically b4 her I thought relationships were soul drainers and really couldnt understand why a guy would give up his freedom etc etc

Before I had ever met her I was living in Dublin at the time and my best mate was crashing with me for about 3 or 4 months. It was cool , I'd go to work and then get home and we'd sit up playing computer games all night gettin wasted and basicaly have a pretty cool time, then the weekends go out and have a mad one. the usual really.

My mate (he needs a name for reference later, lets say Tom lol) was from another part of Ireland and one Sunday night when he was comin back to dublin (we were going to see a Pink Floyd cover band) he met some girls from where he lives on the bus, now he was a looker and girls were usually mad for him. So he rang me and told me off a pub to meet them all in. So after work i headed into the city to meet up with Tom and these girls i never met.

Soooo..somethign funny happened me on the bus on the way in, long story short---group of spanish kids tried embarrassig me at a bus stop, about 30 kids all waving at me, then the guy in front starts waving back..blah blah--- so i was tellin dave (i thought no one was listening) and then *she* started laughing and i was never so drawing to someone in my life...i was like WTF, it was instantanious (obv wrong spellin) , I cant explain it, even when Tom introuduced me to the girls it was your normal Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi *forget all names* kinda thing

But in that moment i was drawing to her, for the rest of the day everywhere we went we sat together, got eack other drikns and instantly became great friends, funny thing is she spent the day tellin me she fancied Tom and told her, ill look into it and sort her out. (on a side note my mate was such a plonker and managed to mess it up with the douche bag "I know you want me" line LOL and they didnt end up scoring each other...the gig was savage BTW

So sorry for rambling, anyway we of course swapped numbers and kept in touch on nearly a daily basis. Then one day she invited me down to meet her and put an "x" in the SMS which was obvious something was brewing, so LDO i got on the next bus and arrived in Galway where she was in college,luckily alot of friends were studying there too and it was always insane/blackout/pills all out madness anytime i went out with them so i was happy out wit my little trip down. BTW I stil hadnt mentioned she is beautiful, one of those faces of beauty rather sexy if ya know what i mean

I arrived about 8 and got drunk with my mates in their house all the time gettin extremely nervous/anxious bout meeting up. I knew we were gonna get together and i was excited little boy. Only one problem my mates went and got Buckfast for everyone which i doubt many of ye know as its a Scottish drink but basically it sends everyone mental, pumped with caffeine i have no idea why its not illegal and the funny thing is its made by monks in a monastary, ask anyone from Galway about it ...Jeesh...dont believe me google it

So i was 1/3 way through my bottle and all was good, we had planned where we were going to meet and all was hunky dorey....but all of a sudden it was pitch black...WTF where is every one, all i could hear was "aAAAaaah lemme oout", obv i was confused but i was also hammered, i then realised i was in bed ****** Looked at my watch and it was 2:30am WTF my mates let me sleep ...when did i go to bed...CHIT!!!!

So i got up ,went into the hall and another mate who was bannanas drunk was running round the house shouting "BASTIDS BASTIDS LOCKED US IN" lol he was one of the funniest guys id ever known for being drunk, when sober was a mute and when he got drunk esp on buckie he let rip. I had blacked out and crashed, my mated tried everything but couldnt wake me so put me to bed, obviously i had numerous missed calls and texts from Her and when irang her and told her the story she wasnt to happy. She said I was a disaster and theres no point meeting up. This obv sucked and i was so pist off

My mates arrived back from the nightclubs and we stayed up all night gettin wrecked. Then around 6 in the mornging my mates tryin to cheer me up said lets go to the pub. Now in Ireland going to the pub at 6 in the morning cant usually be done but in Galway theres a bar for "the sailors" LOL open all night. If you could ever see such a place its hilarious, it has been done up now since i was there but at the god

Picture a bar (at 6 in the morning when your out of your skull) half full of Winos, guys tellin you "the Lord is coming soon" kinda BS and the other half full of lively students out on an all night session..what a mix, what a pub, what a dump! It was filth mixed in with more filth but we were all buzzin so we didnt care. There was one toilet for the guys and when i staggered into a girl who was inworse shape than me, that toilet was the best place for us to go we did. For about an hour the door was being banged on by drunken customers, some winos shoutinthe nuttiest chit, we both ignored them aswe ripped the clothes of each other in the dirtiest toilet you ever seen! Finally the owner of the pub unlocked the door. "Get the [censored] ye little chits a brains" as i lifted her off the floor we laughed toegther! Obviously assumin I was being thrown out i went over to say good bye to me mates but the barman said "Ya'll prob need a pint after that?...Cider" loL Yeh and one for her too!

Talk bout gettin side tracked in my story jessh

Anyway She rang me the next day and said Sorry bout last night and i of course apologised for f**kin up major, i wa sdisgusted with myself for being such a clown so I got dressed left that strangers house and headed into meet her

Long story short we met up that night and that was that, we were offically going out, I was gob smacked that i had met a girlthat had such an affect on me. Over time I fell mad in love with her and she me, I was now startin to see what relationships were all about. I was a new man and pitied my old beliefs , relationships (with the right person) are amazing and this was no different.

fast forward 2 years my mate Tom moved to Holland to work in sound engineering and me and Her were still together until we go through a rough patch, we were plannin to go to Spain in a weeks time to visit friends and then my parents but we had a huge fight on the phone, she didnt seem erself and i kept on harpin on about "What is it , theres you want to break up" kinda chit to the point where she said Ok yeh i do..i slammed the phone down and walked straight out the door at work. I wasnt used to us fighting and assumed we were finished cause me being a stubborn prick certainly wasnt ringing her back to change her mind /read as i tried about 50 times/

So my first thing was to get the f**k outta where i was, i needed to get away , She wasnt *that* serious when she first said it to me bout us being over but i think the idea grew in her head and she stuck with it. So in a knee jerk reaction went to visit my friend in Holland, we went up to Amsterdam to "blow off some steam" , we got wrecked

The next day i went down to Malaga n spain to visit my parents who were on holidays and a friend who taught english there. They knew Her pretty well and were devestated we were finished, my mate arrived that night and we sat up all night drinkin and talkin about the break up, women and every sorta chit 2 guys do. Our plans were to spend 2 days there, play some golf then head up to Barcalano where 2 of my friends were after arriving. I lived with one of them in dublin and the other guy John was the guy i got locked in the house with in Galway.

So me and my friend crashed bout 6 in the morning when i got a phone call at about 9 in the morning, it was my house mate in Barcalona "Man theres been an accident, john is dead" My mate drown in the sea in barcalona, they were out all night in "the square" and about 5 in the morning took loads a coke with some guy they just met and went to the beach. John suggested "first to swim out to that Bouy (thing that floats in water) and then run over and touch the homeless guy wins" they did but john didnt make it back.

So straight away me and my mate went up to barcalona and as you can imagine the next few weeks/months were fairly nutty

He was some character and for weeks we sat around drinkin tellin stories bout him and really gettin through it together. Very hard to lose a friend at 20 when you think you are all invincable etc

The whole next 2 months seem such a blurr, every day was a nightmare and i really couldnt spend time thinkin about Her and the break up, everything else seemed more imprtant, my problems shrank up

But this had a lasting affect on me, when all the dut finally settled i was alone.She was gone and then it hit me how much i missed her. I didnt get in tuch with her or her friends and tried avoiding talkin about her but i always thought of her, sleepness night and all that BS that comes with a broken heart. I just couldnt shake it off. I wanted her to ring me and talk to me but she never did,i convinced my self ah screw it she deserves better anyway...then i heard sh was seein someone else. this was about 5 weeks after the break up....that hurt big time

Anyway THE POINT OF ALL THIS POST WAS ....over the years she kept in touch with me with simple emails maybe once or twice a month just to keep in check. Id always reply in a friedly way and try to end the email convo early cause it always hurt to hear from her. I just never felt closure on the whole relationship and thought we woudl end up back together bt knew we woudlnt kinda thing. So i never got in touch with her

Then about 2 months ago she text to say she'd be in my hometown and did i wanna meet up. I of course obliged , nervously admittedly.I went into town to get some snazzt clothes before we meet up, i was helpin a brother move all day and was filthy when in town shoppin only to get a text say "Hey look outside" there she was across the road...BALLS! So typical...but anyway we hung out for the 1st time in years and had a blast, went shoppin together and caught up. We planned to meet around 9 that night

Again it was a bit of a disaster. Before i went into meet her i was in friends house, some friedns were takn some coke so i reckoned hey that might help the nerves cause even though it was over 4 years ago i still held a flame for her. But i managed to take waaaay too much so when i met her i was in a state, she kept askin what was wrong so i told her i was donktown

We went outside for a smoke and i started tellin her how i never thought we got closure and dammit seein you today brought old feelings back etc

She then sat down on the footpath and said sit down...My heart skipped a beat. I wanna tell you something...Ok ok what is it....Im going out with someone she said....BALLS, ok cool , your a good lookin girl, thats natural whatso hard totell me i said (while of course feelin my soul leak out my feet!) ..well its someone you know..its Tom (BIG BALLS!!)
Me and Tom had drifted over the years but still kept in touch , he never mentioned they were seein each other

I said its best if i go home and left her back to her friends in the other pub and went home sickened. I got in touch with Tom and told him its too much and i cant be mates with either of them anymore. After about 2 weeks Tom emailed me sayin they decided to stop seein each ohter outta resepect for me but i told them no need its all got too wierd anyway so go for it but they didnt.

Me and Her text each other over next few days and i made a complete fool of myself, basically tellni her how i held onto belief we'd get back together over the years which admittedlly is pretty pathetic,I did see someone from england for a year in between but i never felt as strong abut anyone but Her. She took it all in but never seem to reack out to me so i always felt like a tool after being in touch with her, every god dam time!!!

Then lol I hear TWO weeks later that she is going out with someone from my home town!! WTF how can i get away from her, the guy is a cousin of John my friend who drown in spain...hes a guitarist in a popular band in dublin but hes from my hometown, i actually bumped into her at 1 of their gigs in dublin bout a year ago. Oh my head, but once i realised that she was capable of going from Tom to my friends cousin showed she didnt care for my feelings at all so i emailed her sayin She was a clown. Thats all i said, she straight away emailed back and text me sayin how can i say that blah blah blah

I never replied and that is the last time ive been in touch. That was about 2 months ago and now i hear they broke up lol

Yesterday she sent me a friends invite on Facebook....i nearly fell off my chair!! WTF I looked at her page and no Tom or other fellas for that matter

What do i do....

1/ignore her cause shes causin me headaches for 4 years now and will prob hurt me again
2/ send her a message sayin youve some cheek
3/accept and see what happens?!?

(stop postin on 2+2 prolly lol)

Bullet points
>Met girl, fell in love, got dumped, never got over her, sex in toilet, drugs, lost 3 close people, unrequited nonsense, conundrum ---

[/ QUOTE ]

your mom has a conundrum
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:32 AM
Under dog Under dog is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

HA ha ok you guys

Fair enough it is sick long, my hands turned into speed demons when typin sometimes
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:34 AM
Under dog Under dog is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

I actually read all of that and the only answer is number 1. You only get one chance to live, so why make it miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thnx man, prob the best choice...
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:36 AM
Under dog Under dog is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

2/ send her a message sayin youve some cheek

[/ QUOTE ]
what does this mean

[/ QUOTE ]

Shes a cheeky biT*h for tryin to get back in touch with me after all the grief shes caused me directly or indirectly
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:37 AM
4drugmoney 4drugmoney is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

I did not read all of that and the only answer is number 1. You only get one chance to live, so why make it miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I read the choices only.Concluded the girls a drag and made my decisicion.GL
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:40 AM
dotbum dotbum is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

1. You're not related to James Joyce by any chance? [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
2. Run, Forrest, Run!
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:46 AM
Under dog Under dog is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

It seems Goofy may have met his match. Somebody read this and translate into English (preferably the Queen's English for maximum comedic impact).

[/ QUOTE ]

Who is Goofy? Im only new to BBV4Life BBVlife obv
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:49 AM
Under dog Under dog is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

1. You're not related to James Joyce by any chance? [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
2. Run, Forrest, Run!

[/ QUOTE ]

1/ i dont get it- im special- please explain? Irishnesswriteaments?

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Old 10-12-2007, 10:51 AM
Dr. Spaceman Dr. Spaceman is offline
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Default Re: Conundrum i is in - REALLY LONG no tl;drs please

3 --- it was a good read, and I want more of it.
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