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Old 05-27-2007, 01:09 PM
grafyx grafyx is offline
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Default Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

On Friday, after busting in the big afternoon rebuys I get the urge to play live. I tried to convince luckychewy to accompany me to one of the local clubs, you need someone who they know to go with you. He doesn't have a drivers license yet (lol) and his friends who drive are all busto, plus they apparently only have happy meal stakes games. I had been to the club one time before and they had a 5/5 game going, but apparently that is not a regular occurence. Ok, I guess I'll make the journey to foxwoods. I left about 6pm and arrived at foxwoods around 9pm. Only problem is that I didn't really plan the trip ahead and only have 1.8k cash. Inside they have ATM machines that will let you take out 1k, I try that but my bank is declining. The machine also will take a credit card, but there is a 4.5% fee. Like a degenerate donk, I pay the fee to get the cash advance of 2k, I really hope this gamble pays off as I feel pretty stupid paying such a high fee.

I get to the poker room and decide to sign up for the 2/5 list. I get seated buyin for 500. The game is pretty good. I play for an hour or so and the game gets short handed as people leave. I'm liking that since I'm used to playing 6-max online, however the other players are not so happy. They decide to have the floor break the game and move us to other tables. When they do, I ask for a seat in the 5/10 game 2k max game. I buyin for for 1k to feel the game out for a bit before buying in for the full 200bb. It wasn't long before the following hand occured. Young asian guy raises to 50 and is called by a young black kid in the blinds. Flop is AJ6r. Asian guy bets 100 and is quickly called. Turn is a T. A 300 bet from asian is quickly called. River is a 9, asian moves in for about 800 more, blind tanks and finally calls. A8 for asian, A2 for the blind - chop it up. I quickly put 1k in bills behind my stack, this game is going to be good.

The first big hand I remember. We are 6-handed, I raise Tc7c to 40 utg and am called by A2 guy on the button and a guy in the blinds who never folds. Flop is AK6 all clubs. I bet 100 and both call. Turn is the 8s. Blind leads out for 300, I make it 800. Button tanks for a bit and makes the call. The blind then mucks. River is a low red card, I think for a few seconds and move all in for my remaining 1200 or so, hoping that he has A2o again. He laughs and says "I can't call you with this" and proudly flips up QcTd, "I had to call the turn, if another club came off I would have gotten all your money."

I get moved to the main game shortly there after. An older man on my right makes it 40 in the CO and I call with QdJd otb, unfortunately I forget to check his stack as I had just been seated and was still getting situated. He only has 600 behind, great. Thats not a problem though as the flop is all diamonds, wow I run good. He checks, I bet 75 and he immediately moves allin. I show him the flush and he flips up AcTd. He leaves, damn.

Before I left, I was doing my usual lurking in MSNL and saw a post from jsnipes28 that he would be at Foxwoods playing 5/10 or 10/25 and wearing a camoflauge clemson hat. I'm in a hand when I see someone matching this description talking to another guy at our table. He leaves before the hand finishes. I walk over and ask the other guy at the table if he is from 2p2 and his is poster TeeJayorTJ. I find Jsnipes at the 10/25 game and introduce myself. Turns out he had a bad run at 5/10 and in true 2p2 style has moved up to chase his losses. Apparently things were going a lot better in the 10/25 game and he was almost back to even.

There is a guy playing in this game who has a vpip of near 80%. His strategy is to limp with anything and call any raise. I raise AJo and get called on the button by TJ. Loose guy calls in the SB. Flop is J42 with 2 clubs. I bet 100, TJ folds and the guy makes it 300. He has 500 left behind. Usually when he has a draw, he just check/calls until he hits it. I'm sure he isn't bluffing either, I'm thinking and trying to figure out if he would play a worse jack this way. I decide that he might, and put him in, he quickly calls with J2, oops. Turn 8, river 4. The pot is shipped my way and the guy is totally confused. He can't read the board. Sorry sir.

I raise a limper with QQ to 50 and get called by someone in position and the limper. Flop is K84 with two spades. I bet 125 and only the limper calls. Turn is another 8 and it goes check/check. The river is the Q of spades. Now the limper leads out for 250, beautiful. I think for a second and announce raise. Then I put in the 250 for a the call, only I miscounted and put out 300 and there is some confusion. I'm still looking at my stack and figuring out how much to raise when the guy just slams down his hand and yells flush. Great. The dealer tells him I announced raise. This is a crazy situation, I can't decide if I should just pretend like I got caught bluffing and raise the minimum as required or to make a standard raise. I decided to just make it 800 like I would have. He folds and I decide to be nice and show the QQ.

Another guy in this game is playing a big stack. His standard opens are to 75-100 regardless of how many limpers there are. For a while he wass running very well and getting dealt a bunch of big hands. Then he hit a bad stretch. He raises QT to 80 and gets called by the big blind. Flop is QQ9. He bets 150 and is quickly called. Turn is a 5. He bets 500 and gets raised to 1500. The big blind has 2200 behind. He thinks for a while and makes the call. The river is a K, he quickly checks and big blind moves in for his remaining 2k. He tanks and folds his QT face up, big blind shows Q9, nice laydown. Shortly after, he raises to 75 and TJ calls on his left. I call otb with QJs. The flop is T84 with 2 hearts. He bets out 200 and TJ quickly calls. I think for a second and fold, we are pretty deep but this isn't a good spot to float with the gut shot. I fold, turn is a blank. They end up getting allin for about 2k and his AA loses to TJs 44. So, he is down to about a 4k stack now.

Then, the following hand occurs. This terrible player on my right in the CO who always limps, throws out two chips to limp again. Only his stack was dirty and he threw out a quarter and a five. The dealer announces the raise and he is confused. I call on the button with Ad8d. The guy who had the big stack is in the BB and he makes it 100. When he does this, I think that he might be just making a move because the guy didn't mean to raise and he probably doesn't have much of a hand. We both call the 100, 3 to the flop. Qc9h6h. BB leads out for 200, other guy folds and I call with the plan to take the pot away. The turn is a beautiful 5 of spades. He leads for 200 again and I really get the sense that he is weak. I raise him up to 600. It's a smallish raise, but people bet small live and it seems like a good size for this game. He thinks for a bit and makes the call. River is a 2 spades, he quickly checks. At this point, I'm cerain he has a weakish 1 pair hand. I think for a few seconds and bet 1500. Now, he goes into the tank. He says "I think I've got you, but the straight is out there" and some other comments. He counts all this money. He has 3500 left and I cover. He finally folds KQ face up. The pot is shipped my way and I show him the A8. He just stares at it and the board trying to figure out wtf I had. The table goes a little crazy, good times. Unfortunately, I don't end up getting to use my image to get the rest of his chips. I called one of his big raises otb with 7h5h. Flop is 752 with 2 clubs. He cbets 200 I make it 600 just like I did before. He thinks for a second and folds, damn. I ended up quitting the game to take a break with about 6.5k.

I take a break and eat breakfast and sign up for the 500$ tourney. There is an hour until the tourney starts and an open seat in the 5/10 must move game so I sit down with 2k. I skip one hand and then I'm in the bb. button raises to 50 and I look down at JJ and make it 175 he quickly calls. Flop is 892 with 2 diamonds. So, the pot is 355. I decide to cbet 250 and move my bet into the middle, the dealer counts it down and announces 200. lol misclick, I'm such an internet donk. Button thinks for a second and makes it 500. He has about 650 behind. God I suck. I think for a few seconds and then put out the 300. Turn is a 9h and I quickly check. Obviously he immediately moves in the other 650. This is my first hand and he wasn't in the other game earlier. I'm thinking wow this is pretty sick, I can beat TT or a flush draw. I think for a bit and just get the sense by looking at him that he doesn't want me to call. I stick in the 650. River is a T and he flips up QTo. I show JJ and get shipped a big pot.

A much of limpers to me on the button with 8c7c and I limp behind. A young guy with 1500 behind then repops it to 70. Three to the flop. Flop is Ah9h5c. He bets 200, first limper folds. I'm feeling frisky and decide to float to see if I can take it on the turn. The turn is the 6 of spades, lol I run good today. He thinks for a second and bets 400. I think for a second and ask him to count down what he has left. He counts 750, I'm pretty sure he has AK at this point and just put him all in. He thinks for a bit and folds, damn. The tournament is about to start, so I cash out about 3700, not bad for an hour.

The tournament his a pretty good structure, but only 63 runners. In the second orbit a guy makes it 250 at 25/50. Apparently that is going to be standard at the table. I look down at AQ and decided to make the call. Flop is AQ2r. He bets out 250 and I make it 700. He calls. Turn is an 8. I bet 1500 and he calls. River is a T. I bet 2500 and he thinks for a sec and makes the call. I'm off to a good start.

Then this wierd hand occurs at 50/100. I make it 300 with AQ in early position. Grandma to my right reraises it to 600, I get a really bad feeling. Then, another player cold calls on the button. It folds back to me and I call. The flop is Q96 with 2 clubs. I check to Grandma who bets 1250. Button minraises to 2500. While I'm thinking, I grandma counts out the chips to call and puts them out there. So, I get the feeling that she isn't very strong. I really don't know wtf to do, so I decide to call and see what develops on the turn. The turn is a J. We both check to the minraiser who bets about 3k. I think for a while, I really didn't know what to do. I know this guy on the button is bad from watching him play earlier, but I can only beat QT, KQ and bluffs. I count my stack and I have like 14. He has about 4k behind. I make the call and grandma folds. River is a 5. I'm still confused, but decide to shove the river for value. I'm really not sure if this
was a good play against this player or not. He thinks for a pretty long time and makes the call with QT, now I have a lot of chips.

I raise JcTc utg at 100/200 and a guy who also has a big stack calls. The flop is J62r with one club. 1500 in the pot and I cbet 1000. He makes it 2500. This board is so dry, that I think he could be making a move on me. I call. The turn is the 8c, giving me a backdoor flush draw. I check and he fires 4k. I think for a second and ask him how much he has left, he counts 12kish. I have about 18k left in my stack. I still think there is a good chance i have the best hand and I'm sure my club outs are good and if I lose the hand I still have 6k to work with. I move in, he tanks for a bit and folds. I finish at the first break with about 47k.

After the break, the big antees kick in and people start getting short. The only other 2 big hands I remember are the ones that got me knocked out. It's 200/400/50a. 4 limps to me in the sb and I have KhJh. The guy on the button who limped only has 2100 left - lol. I decide to raise to try to isolate him in a big pot - he might even fold he's so bad. I make it 4000. UTG calls, ugh. Short stack calls allin. Flop is KT9 all spades. The pot is 12k and utg only has 12k left in his stack, great. I bet 8k, probably should have just moved in but it wouldn't have mattered. He quickly shoves and I have to call. He has As4x. Shorty who was already allin flips up Ah2x. Turn blanks, but river is Ac and they chop it up. I'm down to 20kish. I survive until the 400/800/100a level. Same guy limps UTG. This time I have AQ and bump it to 5k with 12k behind. He calls and the flop is KQT. With only a pot sized bet left, I'm pot committed to this flop. We get it all in and he has AJ, gg me. I finished like 24th. Back to the 5/10 game.

I can't remember how, but I build my stack up to 3500 winning pots off the old donks. Old donk limps utg and I make it 60 with 77. 4 to the flop of T53r. It gets checked around. The turn is the 7 of diamonds bringing a backdoor flush draw. SB leads out for 75. Donk limper moves in for 300. Here I make I big mistake I think and just call. The next player to act is the young player from the 8c7c hand. He just bought into the game with 2k. He thinks for a second and moves all-in. SB folds action is back on me. So, there is like 3k total in the pot and it cost me 1700 to call. It doesn't make a lot of sense for him to semi-bluff here since he would be bluffing at a dry side pot. I decide he could play wither a straight or a set this way since the board was dry on the flop. I make the call. River is a 3, I shove the full house. He says nice catch and throw his hand in the muck. Apparently he showed the guy on his left his hand, 6d4d. I run good live. I ended up winning a few more big pots, the details of which I can't recall and cashed out 7k for the final session and head out to cash the 8PM bus back to the ferry.

The whole 23 hour session is a bit of a blur, I think there were a couple more interesting hands, if the details come back to me I'll post them.

Final tally for the day:

2/5: -$500
Tourney: -$500
5/10: +$11000
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Old 05-27-2007, 01:41 PM
grafyx grafyx is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

One more hand:

I raise 5s3s from MP to 40 and get 2 callers in position. The player in the CO is an aggressive player who just moved from the 10/25 game. Flop is KQT with 2 spades. I bet 100, CO folds and button calls. The turn is the Ac. check/check. River is the 10s. I bet 250 and am folding to any kind of a raise. He thinks for a bit and makes the call with QT. I think bet/fold on the river is pretty good, even though I can't beat much. I might get acall from a J or two pair and I have an easy fold to any raise.
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Old 05-27-2007, 01:43 PM
ZJ123 ZJ123 is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

nice report, read it all.
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Old 05-27-2007, 02:12 PM
mo42nyy mo42nyy is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

WOW U RUN [censored] GOOD
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Old 05-27-2007, 02:14 PM
adanthar adanthar is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

Nice report.

I raise 5s3s from MP to 40 and get 2 callers in position. The player in the CO is an aggressive player who just moved from the 10/25 game. Flop is KQT with 2 spades. I bet 100, CO folds and button calls. The turn is the Ac. check/check. River is the 10s. I bet 250 and am folding to any kind of a raise. He thinks for a bit and makes the call with QT.

[/ QUOTE ]

I kinda like this line from the guy tbh, hmm
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Old 05-27-2007, 02:16 PM
Foucault Foucault is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

Good God you run good. You write good, too, thanks for posting.
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Old 05-27-2007, 02:23 PM
aejones aejones is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

I tried to convince luckychewy to accompany me to one of the local clubs, you need someone who they know to go with you. He doesn't have a drivers license yet (lol)

[/ QUOTE ]

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Old 05-27-2007, 02:28 PM
grafyx grafyx is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

Nice report.

I raise 5s3s from MP to 40 and get 2 callers in position. The player in the CO is an aggressive player who just moved from the 10/25 game. Flop is KQT with 2 spades. I bet 100, CO folds and button calls. The turn is the Ac. check/check. River is the 10s. I bet 250 and am folding to any kind of a raise. He thinks for a bit and makes the call with QT.

[/ QUOTE ]

I kinda like this line from the guy tbh, hmm

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't mean to imply that his line was bad. I like it as well. He has a boat on the river, but it's the worse possible one and I can't call a river raise with any worse hand.
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Old 05-27-2007, 02:33 PM
grafyx grafyx is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

Good God you run good. You write good, too, thanks for posting.

[/ QUOTE ]

More running goodness. I raise Td8d from MP and one loose/bad player calls in position. Flop is T83 all clubs. I cbet 100 which is about full pot and he quickly makes it 300. I think he will do this with any over card club hands, like AcJx. I ask him for a count and he has 500 behind. I move him all in and he instacalls. Hmmm. Turn 8. I show him the full house and he immediately gets up and leaves. I'm not sure if I sucked out on a flush or not, I still think there is a pretty good chance I had the best hand the entire time, but running good is fun.
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Old 05-27-2007, 02:38 PM
grafyx grafyx is offline
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Default Re: Foxwoods 5/26 trip report

I tried to convince luckychewy to accompany me to one of the local clubs, you need someone who they know to go with you. He doesn't have a drivers license yet (lol)

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[/ QUOTE ]

lol. Actually I was wondering if that might be the reason or if he was just incredibly lazy. Thanks for clearing that up.
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