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Old 01-21-2007, 09:55 PM
soah soah is offline
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Default Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

[b]Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:

to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Captain's Log, Stardate 47025.4

The situation on the planet appears to be worse than we had realized. Data's brother Lore has taken control of a rogue Borg colony.

Our away team was ambushed. Most of the team escaped and returned to the ship safely, however, Data and Worf are missing. Lieutenant Commander La Forge informs me that the engineering team has developed a plan of action. We are about to hold a joint meeting with his team, the senior staff, and a security team, to discuss our next move.

The staff assembles in the observation lounge, but the meeting never takes place. Out of nowhere, Borg drones appear.

Caught by surprise, the crew has no time to react. The Borg drones assimilate each of them. But this is only when things begin to get interesting. In a flash of light, Q appears.

Greetings, Captain Picard. I see that you may need some help...

After spending quite some time mocking Captain Picard and the crew, Q settles down to business:

I have saved all but six of you from assimilation. You must kill the six Borg before they kill you...

It is at this moment that Data, Lore, and Worf appear.

Hmm, I wouldn't want your Klingon to have an unfair advantage in this game...

Q snaps his fingers, and Worf's appearance changes to match the others: everyone but Data and Lore looks like a Borg drone. They cannot tell each other apart.

Don't worry, I may have made him look like the rest of you, but it is not worth my effort to actually assimilate him. You can rest assured that he will be working with the rest of you to find the Borg amongst you.

And with that, Q snaps his fingers again and vanishes.

The game is about to begin.

It is Night.
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Old 01-21-2007, 11:21 PM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

<u>Setup and Win Conditions:</u>

The evil faction consists of Q, Lore, and six Borg drones. The Borg drones can be ANY role other than Worf, Data, Q, or Lore. The good/majority/village faction consists of Data, Worf, and all other remaining players. Q's presence in the game is irrelevent towards either side winning. The majority faction wins by killing Lore and all six Borg, while the evil faction wins if their side (ignoring Q) has at least as many living players as the majority faction at the end of any Day or Night period.

<u>The Data/Lore dynamic:</u>

Data is a good character, and Lore is evil. CPFB and TruFloridaGator are Data and Lore. The ONLY way to determine which of them is Data and which is Lore is by analyzing what they post in the game -- no seer or computer actions will directly tell you who is who. For the first six days and nights, Geordi La Forge will not let either Data or Lore die. They are invincible until either Geordi dies, or until Day 7, whichever comes first.

<u>The computer:</u>

Each player will receive computer credits each night, and some will receive a few bonus credits at the start of the game. These credits may be spent on computer actions. Different characters will have access to different things. The Borg will be able to pool their credits. Each night they receive two credits for each Borg drone alive (Lore and Q do not count) plus one additional credit for every three pro-village players alive. THis amount is rounded up. While Data is alive, the Borg must spend 50% more credits (rounded up) on each action that they perform. At the end of each night, Data and the Borg each receive a report of which night actions were performed (and how many of each), but not who did them or who the targets were.

The available actions, and their prices:

[2] Log Entry: Record a message. When the player dies, this message will be posted in the game thread. ALL PLAYERS HAVE ACCESS TO THIS.
[2] Block Computer Access: Blocks one player's computer access for one night. Their computer actions that night will fail and the credits they spend will be lost. Data is immune.
[4] Lock Door: Lock the door to a player's quarters for one night. They may not leave, and no one may enter. This affects night kills and doctors. Transporters can go through locked doors.
[5] Personnel Research: Learn the character (role) of another player. Data, Lore, and Q are immune.
[6] Transporter: If the target of the transporter beam is performing a night kill or is a doctor, they will be immune to locked doors.
[14] Purge Crew Logs: Deletes all log entries that anyone has recorded on previous nights -- does not affect logs entered the same night.
[x] Shutdown computer: The computer is shut off for one night. All computer actions fail and credits spent that night are lost. This action costs three credits for every four players alive at the start of night, rounded up. This has a minimum price of 5 credits.
[x] Lockdown: Locks the doors to everyone's quarters for one night. This action costs one credit for each player alive at the start of night, down to a minimum price of 7 credits.


If Deanna/Lwaxana (seers) are both good and one of them peeks the other, they will form a masonry. If either is evil, that peek is treated the same as any other peek.

Beverly/Wesley will be masons.

Miles/Keiko will be masons.

Worf will know the identity of Alexander, and may choose to establish a masonry with him if desired.

The Lwaxana/Deanna masonry will be 24/7. Borgchat will be 24/7. The other masonries will be night only.

<u>Roles and Powers:</u>

After each player's name there are two numbers. The first is how many bonus computer credits they start the game with. The second number is how many credits they receive each night. IMPORTANT: Remember that all players have access to Log Entries. Keep track of your own credit status -- it's less work for me that way!

Jean Luc Picard (2,2) - his vote will break ties, can record log entries for free. Actions: Personnel Research
William T. Riker (3,2) - his vote will break ties if Picard is dead or not voting for either tied candidate. Actions: Personnel Research
Data (0,7) - see above for more info. Actions: all computer actions
Lore (0,0) - see above
Lwaxana Troi (2,0) - See masonry info above. Actions: 1/3 chance of seer peek each night, starting night 1
Deanna Troi (2,0) - Same as Lwaxana.
Guinan (2,0) - Actions: may make one guess about who Q is each night. If she guesses correctly, Q's vote will count for zero for the rest of the game, and hers will count double. Q and Guinan will learn that this happens, but others will not unless one of them chooses to share that information.[/b]
Beverly Crusher (2,1) - masonry with Wesley. Actions: Personnel Research, doctor (50% chance of saving night kill target, cannot self-protect)
Alyssa Ogawa (1,1) - Actions: same as Beverly
Martinez (0,1) - Actions: same as Beverly
Geordi La Forge (0,4) - Data and Lore are invincible until Day 7 as long as he is alive. Actions: Transporter, Block Access, Lock Door, Shutdown Computer
Wesley Crusher (0,4) - masonry with Beverly. Actions: Transporter, Block Access, Lock Door, Lockdown
Miles O'Brien (0,3) - masonry with Keiko, 50% discount on transporter cost. Actions: Transporter, Block Access, Lock Door
Reginald Barclay (0,3) - Actions: Transporter, Block Access, Lock Door
Worf (0,1) - Has the option to make one kill every night Cannot kill Data, Lore, or Q (if he targets Q, he will learn Q's identity). Knows identity of Alexander and may form a masonry if desired. Actions: vigilante
Keiko O'Brien (0,1) - masonry with Miles, otherwise vanilla
Alexander (0,1) - potential masonry with Worf, otherwise vanilla
Generic crewmembers (0,1) - Generic crewmembers come in two groups: security (access to Lock Door) and engineering (access to Block Access). Seers and Personnel Research will reveal all generic crewmembers as generics, and will NOT tell whether they are security or engineering. How many of the generics are security and how many are engineering is UNKNOWN.

<u>Night actions:</u>

Blocking actions will take place first, from strongest to weakest. So computer shutdown goes first, lockdown goes second, followed by blocking access, followed by locking doors, followed by the rest. All "equal" actions will occur simultaneously, so if A blocks B and B blocks C, C will still get blocked. If D kills E and E kills D, both will die.

If your night action fails, you will learn exactly what caused it to fail.

Due to the numerous possibilities for actions to be blocked, the results of all night actions will not be released until the start of the next day.


Unlike in the first game, Q cannot have replaced one of the main characters -- he is in the pool of generics. He knows the identity of the evil faction, but they do not know his, and he cannot communicate with them. He has the following powers:
* Each night he may target one player for the following events: He will learn their role, block their night actions, and learn EXACTLY what action they were attmpting (including target). He may not target Data or Lore.
* Each night he may target one player who will be silenced in the following day. Everyone will learn who was silenced. The silenced player may still vote by sending me a private message. Their vote will be announced at the end of the day. No player may be silenced two days in a row. He may silence himself. He may not silence Data or Lore.
* His public vote is meaningless -- his true vote will be cast in private, and will not be revealed to anyone. If Guinan discovers Q's identity, then his vote counts for zero.
* May "make an appearance" during the day. He sends me a message privately, and I will repost it ingame as being a message from Q.
* He is immune to night kills. The killer will learn that he targetted Q, and Q will learn who tried to kill him. If he is lynched during the day, he will leave the game. If this happens, he may send me one final message to be posted the next day as an "appearance".
* By default, he will appear as a generic crewmember to seers and to Personnel Research. However, he may change that to appear as someone else if he wants to. If he is peeked or researched by computer, he will learn which character did it and what information they learned.

[b]There are probably still a few details to clear up, but this should cover most stuff. I may still make small tweaks if I realize something needs fixing. PM me with questions and concerns, and they will be addressed in my next post.

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Old 01-22-2007, 07:30 AM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

<u>Game flow:</u>

Days will run until 9:30 PM. Reaching majority does not end the day early.

Night actions are due by 7:00 AM. Unlike last game, players are not artificially limited to only one action per night. At 7 AM, the results of night actions will be sent out and day will be posted.


Q's silencing power may not be used during must-lynch rounds. He may choose the same target for silencing as for his blocking/learning action.

There were no Night 0 actions, other than the evil faction being allowed to chat privately.

<u>Petty rules stuff:</u>

Any attempt to convey game-related information to another player by any means other than posting text or pictures in this thread, unless specifically allowed by the rules, is cheating.

Directly quoting any game-related messages you received privately from me or from your mason is cheating. Making up such messages, and passing them off as direct quotes, is cheating. Paraphrasing such messages, whether real or fake, is perfectly acceptable. Just remember the golden rule: copy/paste bad, rewriting good.

Anyone who goes an entire day without posting (unless silenced by Q) will not receive their daily computer credits, nor will they be able to perform any night actions. Anyone not posting on the first day will be replaced, if possible.

<u>Player list:</u>


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Old 01-22-2007, 08:12 AM
LuckayLuck LuckayLuck is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

'sup thread?
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Old 01-22-2007, 09:01 AM
CPFB CPFB is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

Not that you'd expect to hear anything different from me, but I am Data, not Lore.

I will be at work until about 6:30 PM, so I will not be able to contribute to the thread until I get back.
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Old 01-22-2007, 09:07 AM
FCBLComish FCBLComish is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

Hello all. Hello Data.
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Old 01-22-2007, 09:18 AM
Zurvan Zurvan is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

Three posts, and no vote????

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Old 01-22-2007, 09:27 AM
FCBLComish FCBLComish is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

OH, yeah. Forgot. Playing Election we only had one vote per day.

Lynch Shortline
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Old 01-22-2007, 09:42 AM
shortline99 shortline99 is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

i may or may not be around much today since i'm settling back into school but i guarantee that if you elect me i will lynch a Borg.
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Old 01-22-2007, 09:57 AM
HerbieGRD HerbieGRD is offline
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Default Re: Star Trek: The Next Generation 2 (GAME THREAD)

Good morning. Since Amp and Chuckles are both out of this game I may or may not choose a day to post in all cats.

Lynch lastchance
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