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Old 08-10-2007, 04:17 PM
Nez477 Nez477 is offline
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Default 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

Winstar Trip Report: Taking out my bro

A little late, I promised it as 5,000, but oh wells...

X-Posted in B&M, but posted here because, well, POG is really what I call home nowadays.


My wife and I just purchased our first house here in Dallas, TX, about a month ago, and one of the big advantages (and, I guess in some cases, disadvantages) is the fact that we can now have houseguests. In this case it was a big advantage, as my mother-in-law and my 18-year old brother-in-law flew down from Colorado. My bro-in-law (Garrett) is as close to a brother as a brother-in-law can be, in my opinion, and was really psyched to spend a week with him.

So while they came down to help with the house and the like, the highlight for the two of us was going to be our trip up to Winstar Casinos in Oklahoma. I hadn’t played live poker since my Vegas trip back in November of 2006, in which I left +$600 or so, so I was feeling good.

Anyway, the in-laws flew in on Wednesday, we helped the women out with painting and the like on Thursday, and then were to leave for Winstar about 11A on Friday.

I know it’s really lame, but I had trouble going to sleep Thursday night because I was so excited. Ever since I quit online poker last year, I definitely long for the chance to play live whenever I can get it. Beyond this, the emotion of poker had started to calm down for me, and my ‘emo’ stage seemed to possibly be over in terms of getting emotional about the game. Mostly it was going to mean a lot to me to be able to play level-headed poker without having emotions overtake my play.

We do end up leaving the house about 11a.m, and it’s a cool breezy morning, which is great because the air-conditioning in the Saturn is out. My wife and mother-in-law are coming along to play slots, which both Garrett and I were concerned about (How the hell do you entertain yourself for 6+ hours by pushing a button on a machine with no possible way of beating the game? LDO?) We were mistaken, as they had a blast playing penny slots and winning like $50. Oh, the simplicities of life.

As was the case the first and only other time I went to the casino, I almost missed the exit. If you are traveling North on 35 they do an extremely poor job of advertising or letting you know that you hit the Oklahoma border. It’s a stark difference from coming into Texas from Oklahoma, where they force the fact that you are in Texas down your throat. That and the Adult, Super Adult, and Mega Adult video stores start showing up, which I have found is a Texas trademark. Heh, bet on horses, go to strip clubs, but GOD no you can’t play poker, OMG SIN OMG. Gotta love Texas.

Oh well, I digress. Pay close attention to the landmarks and as you com around this curve on a hill, all of a sudden Exit 1 is there and we are at Winstar.
Winstar looks funny. That’s really the only way to put it. Looks as if it could be a giant horse stable, or a big circus act, or whatever… just a big balloon-like structure. We park the car near the big pillars, where the valet is going on, this obviously would be where the main entrance is, right? Well, the poker room is actually on the other side now, I learn.

As we’re walking into the Casino, Garrett tells me he’s nervous (he had been downplaying it earlier) and I tell him to just play tight and aggressive as we discussed and things would turn out fine.

So I had heard about the new poker room there, but OMG, the upgrade is pretty much impossible to describe. Before it was in a crammed room with what had to be no more than 20-25 tables with no TVs, bad service, smoke coming in from the slot players, et cetera. Now, we walk all the way to the other side of the casino, and we enter the poker room which has a no smoking sign above the door. Wowzers it was such an improvement. You walk in and there is a huge screen with every game being offered… It was noon, so they were only spreading 1-2 NL, 2-5 NL and I believe some 2-4 limit. However, there was an interest list for 5-10 Omaha Hi/Lo, 2-5 PLO, a 5-10 NL game started at about 1:30 or so, there was a 4-8 game going later on, it really had a wide variety of games.

“What would you like to play,” the guy at the front desk asks.

“1-2 Unlimited Hold-Em,” I say with a jest, thinking that this was at least semi-funny. He just kind of [censored] his head and asks “No-Limit?”

“Heh, ya, but could we sit at the same table please if at all possible?”

“Why? You all have some hand signals or something worked out?”

We’re dorks, and we probably looked as guilty as hell or something because I think we both felt as if we had to defend the fact that we wanted to be at the same table. He smiled and told us he was kidding. OH, so NOW you are the funny guy.

Well, we wait for about 5 minutes, and they open up a new 1-2 NL table, table 9. Garrett and I decide to sit right next to each other, I take the 5 seat, he takes the 6. While this isn’t really my favorite seat, it allows Garrett to see the cards well, talk about hands, and see both sides of the table. Plus I thought it’d be better to have him on my left (this turns out to be very untrue, but I had good intentions anyway). Garrett buys in for $100 of his hard earned Subway money, and I buy in for $140.

I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, I’m super unballer and stuff, but here’s the thing: I’m married and just bought a house and I promised my wife that I wouldn’t spend more than $100, and if I did lose more it’d be because the poker Gods had it out for me and I got super unlucky or something. This seems lame to most I’m sure, but the happiness and joy that my wife have in coming to agreements with one another and respecting our financial situation or whatever is important and something I’m more than happy to do. Therefore, if I happen to lose the extra $40 all-in like 80-20 or something I’m more than happy to explain, but in general I really am there to enjoy poker, and hopefully make some money.


Ok, this is where my sarcastic self is going to come out loud and clear, try and give some good content and some lol’s.

Sitting down in the 7-8 are the ‘ginger’ brothers… they are two guys in their 18-20s, on a trip down from Colorado where I grew up, so we have some conversations. I don’t know if the term ginger is actually thought of as derogatory or whatever, I just saw it on South Park and they pale skin, red hair fit it to a T. Both were really nice guys though. Pokerwise they were absolutely 100% straightforward and would never ever bluff bet with nothing. These two would be at the table for quite some time that day.

First hand of the day, high card is dealt, and I get the BB to start the table. Four players limp, the SB completes, and I look down at Q-Q. “I RAISE,” I say so quick and forceful, the local pro waiting to play 5-10 NL on my right comments “Wow, you really wanted to get that in, huh?” I raised to $12, got no callers and took down an extra $9 on the first hand. I raised so forcefully because one time I was at Winstar, the dealer started dealing the flop before I had a chance to act; didn’t want that to occur again, ldo.

We both fold for a little while, but we see some donktastic play, which is always fun to write about. In the 10 seat is a pudgy, shorter fellow, with an ipod in one ear, who is loose-passive-aggressive-horrible. He also is telling the table he is going to be running for office soon. He “knows all the right people, has the right contacts, the right people behind him, he just needs to graduate with his masters.” We’ll call him “the governor” from now on, because he had some awesome hands. The 8 seat has the button, and UTG+2 raises to $8… UTG+2 is waiting for a 5-10 NL game to start, the dealers all know him, everyone is coming up to talk to him, so more or less the local pro. 2 callers to the Governor, who reraises to $40 with about $140 behind. UTG+2 hems and haws for a second, and calls. One other player actually calls. Flop comes down A-Q-4 rainbow, and the Governer pushes. Both players fold, and he flips up T-T. Wow, good push, lolz. Pro starts berating him about how he’s only calling if he has an ace, but the governor says “I know and I don’t care.”

For a while I seriously am just sitting back and watching the action. The governor keeps making things interesting. Governor is in the BB, UTG raises to 12 dollars with about $150-160 behind. 2 callers, Governor calls as well with about $220 or so. Flop comes Kc-Tc-3s. Governor quickly fires $20 into the pot. UTG reraises to around $40-$50. Governor starts breathing really heavy, looks over at UTG in the one seat, sighs, says “Maybe you got me, but I’m all in”. UTG instacalls. Governor flips over Ks-9h for an awesome top pair and UTG has A-Qc. Turn gives the governor trip kings, but a club falls off on the river giving UTG the hand. Governor starts whining about how he never wins the big hands, about how it’s impossible to win at poker, blah blah blah, and then rebuys.
I’ve played a few hands an hour in, and am sitting about even or so. Some players have left, and the guy to my right is going to be a key player in my experience. We’ll call him slingblade. He talks pretty much exactly like Billy Bob in sling blade, all monotone, hick-like speaking. He has a cigarette in his mouth, talks tons about his ex-wife bitch who he is dumping, he manages a sonic in Arlington, works 70 hours a week, and in general thinks he is better than everyone at t he table.

To his right is a very very tight player who has joined the table. Based on his first three orbits, and the fact that he was reading a book while playing, I knew he was going to be playing straightforward. Of course the governor didn’t pick up on this. Tight book reader raises to $10 in MP1, I think I called with unimportant cards, like 7-8 suited, two more callers to the Governor in the SB, who called as well. So like a $50 pot as we see a Ah-6s-3c board. Governor leads for $20, bookreader raises to $45, Governor tanks. He takes his ipod out of his ear, and looks at Book Reader, the board, and says “Guess maybe I’ll be going home early,” and pushes for like $175. Book reader actually has to think about this, because, well, he thinks about his opponent’s hand as well as his own. (What a concept, am I right?)

After asking the Governor if he hit a set, he finally calls with A-Ko. Governor slams his cards at the table in disgust as he turns over As-5s. Turn is the 7s though, giving him some outs, and of course the 8s comes on the river for the win. NOW is when the governor tells us about how he’s going to be in office, no doubt, keeps telling Book Reader “Now you know how I feel man!” He also stops a waitress and tells her he’d like to buy that gentleman a Pepsi, pointing at his victim. “Sir, they are free.”

Governor starts playing like 50% of the hands, raising crazy amounts. Billy Bob hates the Governor because he won’t shut up about his victory, and SlingBlade can see he sucks. We both want to play a pot against him. One limper to the governor who raises to $20 (lol), and Slingblade, pissed off, folds as he says nice bet… I should’ve folded, but Qc-Jc looked tantalizing for some reason. I had around my starting stack.

We are headsup and check down an A-9-3-J board, but then he bets $30 into the pot on the deuce river. There is zero way he checked that board/turn with an ace, like at all. He maybe has like KK-QQ-TT and was scared or something, but I needed to call on the river so he could show me his 6-6. Woot. Easy money and stuff.

By now ultra-tight book reader two to my right has got up, and a very nervous agitated man in his 40’s sits down…. I can’t remember every hand I played (obv), but this one really pointed out to me how important it is to play in position and read players. Sounds simple but not enough players take advantage of this.

Anyway, new agitated 40’s guy raises one limper to $10, I call with 5-5 on the button. Blinds and limper folds, we’re heads up. A-8-3 rainbow, agitated guy sighs in frustration and says “Check” really loudly. I quickly bet $15 and he flips up his KK and starts cussing. I muck because showing cards is teh gay.

About this time is the turning point of the game for me. I’m down to about $120 after missing with some cards, and my bro-in-law is down to about $80. UTG+2 raises to $10, two callers (including me with like Q-J suited or something) bro-in-law raises to $25 (I need to work on his raising sizes), UTG+2 looks at Garrett and says “I’m putting you all in” (not worrying about the other two callers). Both of us fold obviously, and it’s KK for Garrett and AA for the UTG+2. Brutal. A king on the flop changes everything though and all of a sudden Garrett is a baller and is up to around $175

Seriously like 5 hands later, Billy Bob raises to $14 after a limper (as he liked to do), Garrett re-raises to $30 in MP2, the governor calls in the BB, Billy Bob calls. Flop comes Qs-3c-2s. Governor leads for $20 (lolz), Billy Bob raises to around $55, and Garrett, because he’s a baller and stuff, pushes for around $150. Governor insta-folds, Billy Bob says “alright, I call, I’ve only got a queen, you prolly have me beat”. Garrett turns over AcQc, Billy Bob has Ks-Qh, Billy Bob bricks out and OMG Garrett has like $340.

Garrett is on cloud nine, and I’m just smiling and proud that he’s made money, I know how he feels. He’s talking about how he’s made enough for his new phone, maybe I should cash out, etc.

It’s about 2:30, I call the women, they are having a blast, and have made $40 playing penny slots for 3 hours. Sweet. Garrett and I discuss grabbing some lunch, but decide that we’re going to play a couple more rounds. This was a great and horrible idea.

So I’ve played a couple hands here and there and am up to around $180 or so. 3 limpers to me in the CO, I raise to $12 with A-8o, playing another pot in position. Garrett looks at his cards and is like “Twelve? Let’s go with $25.” Ok Garrett. All fold to me, I call since I have just been minraised, which requires a call ldo.

Flop comes down Kc-Qs-x. I look at him before I look at the flop, and he’s just as eager as he was before the flop, so I check to him, he bets $20, I fold. He flips over A-8o. Wow. Noted, do not screw with Garrett. Bastard.

The NEXT HAND is like déjà vu. I have $155, he has like $300 (he lost some here and there before our previous encounter). to start this hand. One limper to me in MP1, I raise to $10 with 7-7, he reraises me to $20 straight. I seriously scowl at Garrett here as I don’t necessarily want to play against him heads up all day. Anyway I call, and tell Garrett to be careful. Flop comes down T-7-3 rainbow. I lead with $20, and he nods and says “20, alright, sounds good” and calls. Turn comes a King. I lead with $25, kind of wanting to keep the pot small, and he minraises to $50. I just stare at him for like 10 seconds and he smiles. I think “Well, so much for keeping this pot small” and push for $65ish more. He calls with his AK drawing dead. And we more or less swap stacks. And he hates life. Then we have lunch (I buy).
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:31 PM
amplify amplify is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

awesome TR

you made 818 posts since you posted this?
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:33 PM
Nez477 Nez477 is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

awesome TR

you made 818 posts since you posted this?

[/ QUOTE ]

ha, well, um, er... no

I promised it with my 5.000 post and then got lazy and played in a couple long games before finishing it up
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:38 PM
amplify amplify is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

Ok. BTW, money won from brothers-in-law is four times as sweet as money earned.
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Old 08-10-2007, 05:33 PM
Shrug Shrug is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

Fun read [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
Sounds like y'all had a blast.
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Old 08-10-2007, 06:12 PM
clowntable clowntable is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

Wht keep the pot small with a set?
Lol, no mercy at the poker table plskthx [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
Nice read
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Old 08-10-2007, 07:44 PM
Iron_Yuppie Iron_Yuppie is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

How could you take that poor boys money; he's got no phone!

Good read [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
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Old 08-10-2007, 10:04 PM
Tokyo!! Tokyo!! is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

i thought i posted in this thread. strange. nice read tho!
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Old 08-10-2007, 10:15 PM
lastchance lastchance is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

Awesome tr.
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Old 08-11-2007, 10:31 PM
Stephen H Stephen H is offline
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Default Re: 5,000th post: Taking my bro to Winstar

Excellent trip report and welcome to Texas! I'm sittin' near Ft Worth at the moment.

I may just have to take me a drive up to the Winstar sometime soon.
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