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Old 08-21-2006, 03:29 PM
amead amead is offline
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Default Re: cops suck at life (long)...

#1) You were a young gang banging troublemaking 14 year old, drinking and running your mouth. My guess is that these cops have seen a great many criminally-leaning children such as yourself in the area that you were arrested, and something tells me that beating your ass might have been about the only thing that would have helped you. Call it a hunch, but some 14 year old kid who's drinking and involved in pre-gang conduct isn't going to respond well to a mature, well-reasoned discussion on the perils of criminal behavior.

#2) Some dude gets shot in the head, and when ambulances and police show up, you're still "fooling around" on the playground? Are you kidding? Did you attempt to help the person who may have been bleeding to death? Did you attempt to help law enforcement find the person who shot someone in the head? Surprise surprise, you end up "having words" with another police officer. I bet you were perfectly polite and respectful, and not just one of the many lawless degenerates that the officers have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

#3) Sounds like the officers were probably trying to protect you on this one, and surprise surprise once more, you get irritable and "have words" with the cops. They didn't like your tone? This comes as a shock, as it sounds like you were quite the likeable youth.

#4) I'm not sure if you were even involved in this one, but again it shows that you were definitely either associated directly or very closely indirectly with extremely criminal behavior. If you weren't there, it's probably a good thing, since I'd wager that you would have gotten irritated and had some more words with the cops, and probably not have been helpful.

Should the cops have beaten your ass? Probably not. Did you behave in each of the first three instances like you _wanted_ to get your ass beaten? Absolutely. Did it surprise you at all that when you flew off the handle and started fighting with cops that you'd get a beatdown?

Definitely sounds like you were a punk kid, involved in some often serious criminal behavior, and were aggressive and combatative with the police. Why were you so beligerant and aggressive with the cops? Were you trying to bait them? Was it to make you look tough to your friends? But you even did it when you were flying solo. Do you have anger management issues? What gives?
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Old 08-21-2006, 05:16 PM
McNutty McNutty is offline
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Default Re: cops suck at life (long)...

I know this is unlikely to be welcomed in a topic entitled "cops suck at life" but I figured to share just a few of my juvenile justice stories from the other side: ie I am a police in a fairly bad urban area

1. More than a few years ago I when i was new to the streets I was working in a pretty nice area. there was this one 14 yr old black kid who lived in a bad area who started hanging out in this nice area. Looking at police reports he was listed as a victim in several incidents in his neighborhood but was acting like he was this complete badass gangster now that he was in yuppie land. He quickly became a sort of ghetto star to these middle class kids. He and a few of his friends started dealing drugs in a local park and we had credible info that there was gun that was being passed around. This kid wanted to act real tough in front of the neighborhood kids so he shot his mouth off and talked a whole mess of [censored] everytime we dealt with him such as "EFF the police y'all b*tchs ain't sht" and so and so forth. Of course along with the mouth he put resistance when we went to bring him in the first time. He gets dumped on the ground and punches no beatdown no hospital visit, but he of course tells his mom that the police beat him. So for weeks after his mom follows him as he hangs out and videotapes as he does everything in his power to antagonize the police..talking smack, acting up, rallying his minions to act out as well. Everyone i work with is pretty much fed up with this situation but what can you do.

Well soon after he gets caught doing something again and of course no breaks so he gets locked up. So he's at the station house and the officer in charge of prisoners at this time is this real mellow black officer with maybe 25 years on the job. So this kid starts in on him.." Nigga you can't hold me. Nigga you effin tom..blah blah blah." After about five minutes of this the cop says to the kid, "Look I'm not your nigga nor anybody else's. I'm a black man. Get that straight and keep your mouth shut." the kid immediately replies, "F you nigga" The cop hauls off and just slaps the words right out of the kid's mouth. The kid's completely stunned and the cop says, "Now I don't think i'm gonna have to tell you this again." And he was right.. Now of course a complaint is filed and the officer says pretty much that you're god damn right i slapped him.. the cop gets a two week suspension..but the hat is passed and all of us r so grateful i don't think he lost a dollar. The mom got a real small settlement and the kid... well he just stopped coming around.
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Old 08-21-2006, 11:52 PM
livinitup0 livinitup0 is offline
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Default Re: cops suck at life (long)...


Story #1 is the only one where you are slightly in the wrong. I stress the word slightly. Like, pressing my fingers together saying, 'this much'

#'s 2 and 3 are ridiculous.

Most people aren't ready for #4. That's real life [censored].

The story about being in the projects rings so true. It got to a point in my life where i'd tell me people I don't go into black neighborhoods anymore. They'd be surprised, like I turned bigot all of a sudden, until I explained that it wasn't the black people, it was the police harassment.

To speak in generalizations, black people get harassed pretty much anywhere. (We're generalizing here.) But few harassments come close to a white dude being in a black neighborhood when the police come around. It's a weird niche that few are privy to.

I found it funny about the Chicago gang terminology, and how nobody is going to know what the hell you are talking about, save for me and a few others. Have you have heard of the MCs? What about the KGBs?

You went to Whitney Young? I might even know you. What years did you go?

[/ QUOTE ]

i was at whitney 96-00. man i know all about chi town bangers. i had one cousin on my moms side that was an sd on 49th and kedzie, and one on my pop's side that was a saint on 47th and wood (this means that they basically hate eachother). i grew up w/ the armour boys that beat up lenard about a block from my crib. when i go back home i still eat at the hot dog stand that says no nigg## allowed w/ the chair they used to beat him.

to an outsider this all must sound horrible, but i love chicago. this is just some of the bad things that occur in bad places...

[/ QUOTE ]

To the outsider it sounds like you put yourself in a lot of these situations. It doesnt take away from what happened to you, but lets be honest... "I know all the chi town bangers.." This comment itself doesnt really shout out pinnacle of society.

I think street gangs are about the saddest excuse for a support group ive ever seen. I never ran the streets as a kid....I prefered shelter, and clothes that fit...and hats with bills that bend....a familiy that was proud of me and my legitimate accomplishments...I could go on...

At least organized crime has a point.

Mafia >>>>>>> Street Gangs
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Old 08-22-2006, 12:52 AM
Drew16 Drew16 is offline
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Default Re: cops suck at life (long)...

I guess I will post my cop story....

I was 16 at the time driving home from a high school basketball game with a friend. Im sitting at a red light and notice a cop behind me. Light turns green and I pull out and as soon as I do the lights come on. Since Im sure I have done nothing wrong, I pull over to the left so he can get aroud me as Im sure he is headed to a real crime. I was wrong.

He comes running up to my window screaming at me, telling me when Im being pulled over that I pull to the RIGHT side of the road. The only thing to the right is a little island between two on ramps to the interstate so I pull on that. Again he jumps out of his car runs to my window and yells at me to "GET THE [censored] OUT OF THE CAR". Here we go.

I step out of the car and he is immediately in my face screaming and spitting at me. Im still very confused at what is going on. I know I wasnt speeding I just pulled out from a light and I know the light was green.

He turns me around and pushes me against the car. "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO JAIL?" No I have not been to jail, Ive never even had a ticket before. I start asking why Im being pulled over and I get the standard "SHUT UP".

He starts patting me down and pulls everything out my pockets. I had some gum in one pocket so he takes it out and throws it in the street. He makes my take my jacket off and stand there in just a tshirt (its January and freezing). So he takes his time running my license. He comes back and wants to know how my mom is going to feel about bailing me out of jail tonight. He just keeps going on about taking me to jail but refuses to tell me what Ive done.

He goes over and gets my friend out of the car and asks him how much I have had to drink. He of course tells him none, which is true. Then he wants to know how much pot I have smoked. Which I have also smoked none. So he puts my buddy back in the car and comes back to talk to me.

He sees my taco bell hat in the back seat (which is where I was working at the time) and asks if I work at taco bell. I say yes and he says..."Thats good, I like the food there." Uh, cool? He then tells me to stay in school. OK, I will.

He tells me to get back in the car and get out of here. He never tells me why he pulled me over and doesnt arrest me or give me a ticket. I got my revenge a few weeks later when he came by taco bell. I added a little snot rocket to his burrito.

"Have a nice day, officer."
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Old 08-22-2006, 01:09 AM
rakemeplz rakemeplz is offline
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Default Re: cops suck at life (long)...

Dude going on the taco bell cop post alone you are [censored] awesome...dunno about your other experiences with cops but job [censored] well done.
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Old 08-22-2006, 01:15 AM
[][][][ [][][][ is offline
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Default Re: cops suck at life (long)...

give me that cops number so i can send him some cash.
He's a Hero
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