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Old 07-11-2007, 03:47 AM
cardsharkk04 cardsharkk04 is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

Wait your in college and dont drink?
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Old 07-11-2007, 04:10 AM
Ship Ship McGipp Ship Ship McGipp is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

Wait your in college and dont drink?

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Old 07-11-2007, 08:44 AM
ChipWrecked ChipWrecked is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

Hm, there are so many.

My experiences run the gamut from daily weed to shrooms to acid to shooting coke. That was pre-AIDS and you could buy bags of syringes at the drugstore. We didn’t know AIDS but did know hepatitis, so we never shared needles. Thank God for that. It got to the point where we couldn’t imagine wasting valuable coke by snorting it. This was during summer and I let the coke go when I went back to college. My running buddy stayed with it, eventually got into meth, and was killed while robbing a liquor store to raise money for a meth debt. That was in 1986, and the country has just the past few years realized what a horror that drug is.

But acid was my favorite. I have a number of stories of that drug. The TR that follows is not a positive one.

Atlanta, summer 1990. There was a batch of liquid stuff in town and we did it on sugar cubes, “Just like from the ‘60s, lol!”

One night I had done a cube that didn’t quite take, so I did another. That one must have been dosed heavily because I took off like a rocket. Eventually the party wound down and I went home to my apartment in Midtown.

I was sitting on my bed, the only light coming in from the streets. Outside lights were mercury vapor then. The light shifted from white to purple to green. I was pulling bong rips trying to wind down and get some sleep. The pinch plate I had the bud on was a Coke commemorative from a football game with a painting of a coach dominating. Suddenly the coach’s face dissolved and became a skull. I was always good at ‘controlling’ my visions and didn’t want to see that, so I looked away for a moment. When I looked back, the skull was still there. It then gave way to a ‘hole’ from which came a lurid pink light.

The light became, best as I can describe it, a gateway to Hell. There were spirits roiling around past the gate. I couldn’t see it clearly, but one, what the hell, demon, call it, came up to the gate and started mocking me. “You want to [censored] around, bitch? You want to play games, pussy? Come on in, I’ll show you some [censored] games!” It laughed at me.

I knew if I didn’t look away I would be drawn into that place and would never get out. I had a clear vision of a group of my friends discussing my death. “What did he die of?”
“Nothing, they just found him on his bed, dead.”

I shoved the tray under my pillow and looked away with my heart hammering. I was sweating. Looking again I saw that the coach’s face wasn’t quite all the way under. There was a crack of the pink light showing through and I could still hear the laughing. I walked around the apartment and tried to tell myself that it was all B.S., “You’re just tripping man, relax, what, are you afraid of ghosts or something?” The Ozzy line “Are you from my brain?” went through my head.

Finally I couldn’t take any more. I couldn’t go back in the bedroom, or stay in that apartment. I’d always gone to the mountains if I had a problem or needed to think, so that’s what I decided to do. At three in the morning.

Next thing I know, I’m driving north on I-75 toward Chattanooga in a torrential thunderstorm. Under the best mental conditions I would have barely been able to see. As it was, it was a good thing there was next to no traffic. I was still tripping balls and quite upset about the ‘demon that tried to take me’.

I made my way up to Cleveland, Tennessee, and turned east on US 64. By this time it was getting light. I love that section of the mountains and kept going into North Carolina. I didn’t want to stop because everything was soaked and I didn’t want to stay in one place, just keep going.

Finally I was on some empty back road and beginning to get my head together. The green was lush, the light soft and diffused with the clouds still heavy and gray. The mountain tops were obscured in the clouds. At that point I met a battered Sixties vintage Chevy pickup coming toward me, driven by a very old Cherokee man. As we passed each other, a great feeling of peace and relief came over me. I felt able to go home.

I wound my way back down toward Atlanta and came toward the city on I-85. Inside the Perimeter the traffic backed up. Eventually, we inched past the scene of a wreck where a car had been crushed almost flat. I thought to myself that whoever had been in that car was dead. Suddenly, I heard that demon’s screeching laugh in my head again, as clear as it had been the night before. I ‘knew’ that it had arranged this wreck and killed at least one person, just to [censored] with me.

I started crying and cried all the way back to my place.

I have done acid at least 50 times, and never had a problem except for that one time. To this day, I’m not sure if the ‘demon’ was real or not, though with time I have written it off as just a bad trip.

Since I have married (my wife a psychic and former practicing witch) and had kids though, I have seen things that convince me there are such things as ghosts, spirits, ‘entities’ that share this time-space with us that we don’t perceive. Except under the proper conditions. So, now I’m not so sure that visitor was just ‘from my brain’.
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Old 07-11-2007, 01:12 PM
supafrey supafrey is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences


Since I have married (my wife a psychic and former practicing witch) and had kids though, I have seen things that convince me there are such things as ghosts, spirits, ‘entities’ that share this time-space with us that we don’t perceive. Except under the proper conditions. So, now I’m not so sure that visitor was just ‘from my brain’.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damnit you ruined such a cool post with this hippie garbage babble.
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Old 07-11-2007, 01:35 PM
Salerosa Salerosa is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

This thread is awesome! I have a pretty cool shrooms experience that I will type out later (when I am not at work), but this thread has totally reminded me that I want to try shrooms at least once more and try acid for the first time before I graduate in the spring.
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Old 07-11-2007, 01:57 PM
SlowHabit SlowHabit is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

I fear being out of control so I have never tried weed/shrooms/E/your-local-special.
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Old 07-11-2007, 03:26 PM
bruin bruin is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

I fear being out of control so I have never tried weed/shrooms/E/your-local-special.

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I find that if you have this mentality--you're much more likely to lose control. Weed and shrooms aren't really that hard of drugs; you'd only freak out/panic attack if you were on edge before taking the drugs.
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Old 07-11-2007, 03:41 PM
ChipWrecked ChipWrecked is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences


Since I have married (my wife a psychic and former practicing witch) and had kids though, I have seen things that convince me there are such things as ghosts, spirits, ‘entities’ that share this time-space with us that we don’t perceive. Except under the proper conditions. So, now I’m not so sure that visitor was just ‘from my brain’.

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Damnit you ruined such a cool post with this hippie garbage babble.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand. Believe me, if you knew me 'hippie' would be one of the last words you would use to describe me.

Here is a video of one of the weirdnesses. A vertical blind slat swinging by itself. I'm asking my daughter if it's her grandpa because he had recently died and my wife had been telling me she asked him to stay around for a while or whatever. I'm too out of it to realize she's telling me 'God' is doing it because it's four in the freaking morning at the time.

'Hippie bull [censored]' is what I called this kind of thing too, when we met. But, it is what it is. Call it fake if you like. It isn't. I'd like to believe I'm known well enough on this board that I wouldn't be called a drama queen or attention whore. Some of this [censored] just can't be denied.
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Old 07-11-2007, 05:13 PM
guids guids is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

thats pretty [censored] up. was the door open at all? and why was your daughter up at 4am?
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Old 07-11-2007, 06:38 PM
Hobb Hobb is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

Some of these stories are flat-out amazing.

I smoked a lot, a lot of weed for about half a year... most of the time it was a ton of fun (although I think I burned out a little bit near the end.. part of the reason I stopped smoking so much) but I did have one or two bad highs. Once in a long while I would have a weird very physical body high where it felt like I moved really jerkily and couldn't control my body. This happened once when my friends and I were walking in a wooded area with many bridges over gorges, and I kept thinking I was going to jump in (not of my own volition).
Another time (this is serious), my nuts started hurting like crazy. I actually had a physical reaction and I thought my nuts were really messed up. I had a friend once (on a trip to Europe) who had testicular torsion, and all of a sudden I thought it was happening to me. For several times I smoked after that night, my nuts would ache because I was so scared that I'd mess them up again (LOL this is SO hilarious in retrospect now that I'm over it).

I've been in possession of shrooms but never tried them. The upside to them sounds SO amazing, but I've heard some really bad "bad trip" stories that kind of put me off. Oh well, sometime I'll give it a shot.

My favorite thing with weed is just to smoke w/ever (blunts, bongs, etc) and sit around and talk... my mind always races, and some of my best friends whom I smoke with always provide INSANELY great conversation. I also like playing frisbee and doing stuff, not just sitting around and watching TV... unless it's a good comedy.
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