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Old 04-09-2007, 09:41 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Well its been a few days since I posted, partially because I couldnt get the new site to work and partially b/c i got an eye infection and so I couldnt really workout as I was in my glasses the entire time.

Didnt eat the best this weekend because of easter, but didnt do awful.

I am back on the horse today though and I am doing am cutting calories from normal amounts as me and the g/f are doing a health month.

Breakfast: 2 granola bars, 1 coffee, and 1 green tea

Lunch: Couple pieces of left over ham and water

preworkout: ham sandwich, light mayo, wheat bread, NO-Explode

Post workout: More Ham and some rice and gravy

Bed: 1 glass of Casein

Now all portions were smaller than usual and there was no snacking in between

--5 minute warmup on elliptical---
10 set 3 reps 45 second rest (roughly 75-80% max)
1. Flat Bench: 225
2. Lat Pull-downs: 185
3. Front Barbell Squats 185
4. deadlift 140
5. ez curls 90

--10 minute HIIT workout on bike resistance 5--
easy 1 minute, sprint 1 minute

All in all took about an hr and I am feeling good about it
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:27 AM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

April 10, 2007

Off day so was more of a relax day

Breakfast: same as always
Lunch: Ceasar Salad
Dinner: Grilled chicken, peanuts, potato and salsa
1 Dr. Pepper

pretty easy day...My back was a bit sore from doing the dead lift though, but that was to be expected.
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:43 AM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

April 11, 2007

Breakfast: Same as always
Lunch: Ceasar salad with Grilled Chicken
Preworkout: more Chicken
Dinner: Pork Chops and potatos
Bed: glass of milk with casein protein

Workout: 10 sets 3 reps 45 second rest
1. flat rows 160lbs
2. back squats 205
3. Romanian Deadlift 135
4. Standing military Press 105

10 minute HIIT bike workout resistance between 5-8
1 minute easy, 30 seconds all out

Overall I am feeling pretty good about my workout plan. I feel like I have gone down about 1/2 a belt loop in a little over a week so I am pleased with that. I still have a ways to go, but I am starting to see results in how my pants especially are fitting.

I will be weighing myself tonight as I use my g/fs scale which is at her apartment 2 hours away from where I live. I am also starting the Hot Rox Extreme Supplement. I can give a trip report on it if anybody cares. I have heard good things about it and my freind at the supplement store said he has heard good things about it so who knows.

I am somewhat pleased with my diet. I am tryin to reduce my carb intake so I am making adjustments every week to my diet. I still need to get my protein levels up higher as I am probably at about 150 grams or so a day and that need to get up to over 200. The hardest part is just finding time to eat high protein food as I am basic doing work related stuff from 6-6 (includes bus back and forth). Can anybody suggest any protein bars that actually taste good?
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:44 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Was able to get a workout in on Saturday though I was smashed the night before so I didnt go crazy with the workout

10 sets 3 reps 45-1 minute rest (was workin with a partner who doesnt always move the fastest.

1. flat bench 225lbs
2. lat pulldowns 180lbs
3. front squats 155lbs
4. deadlift 160lbs
5. ez curls 90lbs

I did feel a bit of a pull in my groin from doing the squat so I did lighter weight and will continue to take that day by day.

I was at the g/fs this weekend and really just didnt eat at all. I think this is a side effect of the HRX though. It has left me not as hungry throughout the day. I did do some cardio and man just felt absolutely drained.
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Old 04-17-2007, 11:37 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Did a similar workout Monday that I did on Saturday and that was a mistake. I should have kept alternating even though I am doing it 3 days a week.

10 sets 3 reps, 40 second rest
1. Incline dumbbell bench 85s
2. Lat pulldowns 170
3. Lunges 115
4. Deadlifts 185

Ok the Pros and Cons of that Workout:
1. My deadlift has really improved form and weight wise. Ill be over 200 by next week.
2. Sweating a ton using HRX and have seen some improvements
3. Overall feeling stronger over the past few weeks

1. Started to heavy on dumbbells and suffered for it
2. Felt overall weaker yesterday on short rest doing the same workout
3. Groin hurt to much to do front squats so I substituted lunges
__________________________________________________ __________
April 17, 2007

Day off from workin out, but i did keep a close count of my calories

Goal: 2100/210/158/70 all in grams

Calories: 2100
Protein: 155
Carbs: 179
Fats: 78

Now my proteins are low and breakfast is definately my weakness and I need to figure out a way to get more protein during that time. My carbs are a bit high from having spaghetti. My fats are right about where I wanted them to be
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Old 04-22-2007, 04:13 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Well at the end of my refeed weekend I am down at 215. I have noticed a lot of phsyical changes in my body in the past week or so. I am down about a belt size which is just amazing to me.

With the combination of full body workouts, HRX, and good diet I have seen enough improvement that even my mom made a comment. I would like to get down to 200 by the end of the summer.
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Old 04-23-2007, 05:03 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Well the G/f left early so I went yesterday and got a pretty solid workout. I have varied slightly from the 10x3 workout mainly to workout with weights 3 times a week instead of the 2 he recommends.

10 sets 3 reps 45 second rest
1. Flat Bench 8 sets 245lbs
2 sets 225lbs
2. Pull ups: 40lb help weight
3. Front Squats 205lbs
4. Dead lift 205lbs

I have made improvements strength wise which isnt the main goal of mine, but I cant complain. My fat loss has been pretty noticeable to me especially as I have gone down at least a belt size. I dont plan to stick to a strict diet on weekends as I would much rather relax, though I do tend to eat less often than during the week.
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Old 04-26-2007, 08:20 AM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

April 25,

10 sets 3 reps 45 second rest
1. Flat Rows 180lbs
2. Squats 225lbs
3. Military Press 115
4. Dead lifts 185 (big struggle)

7 minutes on the bike 1 minute easy 30 seconds all out on a resistance of 10.

I really struggled with dead lift for some reason as even 135 felt heavy for some reason. I left it for the end of the workout and maybe I need to move it up ahead of something else??

Overall I am feeling great. I am going down about half a belt loop every week or so and since I really started keeping a strict diet, I am downa bout 5lbs.

My pills collection is now consists of:

Morning: 2 HRX, Mega Vitamins
Preworkout: 1 HRX
Post workout: 3-6-9 Oils pill

comes out to roughly 9 pills a day. I have thought about adding in an antioxidant pill...anybody think i should?
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:12 AM
zer0 zer0 is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

instead of adding more pills, i'd just say add better foods. replace your potato with a sweet potato, replace your ceasar salad w/ a spinach salad, replace meatloaf (or meatballs?) with salmon, replace dr. pepper w/ water/vitamin water/propel/anything
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:50 AM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

I am taking all the standard pills that you would take regardless of diet. I dont have total control of my food choices completely yet because of still living at home for a few more months.

I get the ceasar light which is good enough for now...i dont genererally ever get the calories I need as is so I dont mind adding some foods in to get it higher.

I have 1 Dr. Pepper generally to take pills with. I hate taking pills with water.

I would agree that if I was going over my calorie limit and was not near my ratio but so far I have been pretty close so I dont see the need for any major adjustments just yet.
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