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Old 02-22-2007, 08:48 PM
dirtysanchez dirtysanchez is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

I don't know, but according to white supremicists, online poker is RIGGED!

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Wow I laughed really hard at the person who wrote this...


You were Jewed, that's all. Even now, some kike is lying on his Miami Beach water bed counting the shekels he scammed off you.

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Do people actually believe this stuff or are the white supremacist comedians who level people out there?

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most white supremacists are not extremely intelligent, or they would probably not be white supremacists.
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Old 02-22-2007, 11:18 PM
ZeTurd ZeTurd is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

I sent a PM to a poster in this thread with regard to Christianity and gambling and he seemed to appreciate it so I'll post it here as well:

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Jesus [censored] christ. Is this what it has come to these days? I, personally, don't give a [censored] if I take money from some stupid idiot that is, uh, "exercising bad stewardship of his assets", but the way some Christians rationalize gambling is just sickening. If you're gonna have a moral code, for God's [censored] sake, at least exercise some goddamn consistency.

There's no reason you should be conflicted about being a Christian and playing poker (assuming you are a winning player which I guess I don't know for sure but I'll assume you are).

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So, uh, gambling is a sin for losing players and not for winning players. Rationalize much?

Let's expand a bit on this theme. You're a winning player and you're clearly seeking to exploit those at a lesser skill level than yourself. That's what we all do; those of us that actually win at this game, and I'm going to assume it's a majority of us here at 2+2.

So, what's your rationale for thinking it's ethically OK to extract monies from those lesser than you on the poker tables? Recreation? To donate the winnings to your local church? Nah, you're doing it to enrich yourself. Covetousness. Pure and simple - one of the oldest sins. Stop trying to make it out to be something that it's not.

It gets more questionable if you are a losing player, as that gets into stewardship of your $$$, but even then, I don't know very many Christians who don't spend any money on recreation.

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Here we go with the rationalization again. Where do you draw the line? Say, if I were a family guy, which I may or may not be, would it be ok if I lost $100 on the poker tables that could be spent to take my family out to a better dinner? Where do you draw the line?

You playing in the game generally has no effect on the losing player choosing to play.

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That's mighty interesting. If I were a drug dealer, would I be free of sin if I elected to sell drugs to derelicts that chose to seek me out voluntarily?

Like an alcoholic with alcohol, they may need to hit bottom to realize they have a problem. You don't want to enable them. If anything, we are doing them a favor in the long run by taking their money (totally serious).

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Well, that's swell. We're teaching the fish a lesson! They had it coming! Jesus [censored] christ.

As for the argument that playing poker is unproductive other than financially, this is an argument I can see. But a large part of the reason I play poker is so I will have extra time and extra money to be used in Godly pursuits. In this sense playing poker for a living is far more Godly than giving the man 60 hours a week IMO.

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The man? What the hell? You're saying that taking the money off degenerates (apparently for their own good) is more divine than actually contributing real values to society through regular labor?

Look, I play poker. And I win at poker. But I have no [censored] illusions about what I'm doing. I'm taking money from idiots that probably should be doing far more constructive things with their money. How do you deal, in theological and ethical terms, with the fact that your playing is putting people in situations where they're not able to uphold "good stewardship of their resources"?

If you're OK with it, would you say that drug-dealers are entirely blameless?
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Old 02-23-2007, 01:03 AM
Lurker. Lurker. is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

I don't know, but according to white supremicists, online poker is RIGGED!

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racism isnt funny in bbv anymore.
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Old 02-23-2007, 01:52 AM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

Also if I could get any Bible scriptures about this is would be greatly appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]I'm assuming you're not leveling in 1st post, and I wanna see this too. Not that it would change my opinion I just am interested.

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Reat1on and All, how do you feel about a rationaliztion of poker as simply a game where power keeps score. Yes there is chance but there are preferred strategies that will leave the skillful with a better score than others?

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Old 02-23-2007, 02:52 AM
bills217 bills217 is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?


If my playing poker actually encouraged losing players to play, in any way, I would feel differently about it. But it doesn't. (I didn't get on PokerStars tonight. I'm pretty sure none of the fish noticed.) In fact, taking a losing player's money should actively discourage them from continuing to play. It has nothing in common whatsoever with dealing drugs.

There's nothing inconsistent about the philosophy that what is sinful for some is not for others. (At least not to someone capable of critical thinking.) The Bible advises Christians not to violate their own consciences on matters that may be unclear Biblically, although I would not have expected you to know that. For instance, I do not believe it is a sin to drink alcohol. But, considering that I have a history of alcoholism in my family (and nothing good would come from it anyway), I do think it would be a sin for me, personally, to drink alcohol. So I don't.

I really don't follow your argument about "enriching yourself." I would like to win money playing poker. Tons of it. That's called "being successful." And this is somehow a sin? Do you think going to college or moving up the corporate ladder are sins because you might "enrich yourself" in the process? According to your definition of covetousness, a desire to be successful at what you do is a sin.

I will say that there is a difference between doing something to glorify yourself and to glorify God. (Note: that doesn't mean I should dump my chips at the final table of the WSOP ME to avoid accidentally attaining any personal glory.) Personally, I have cashed out $0 of my bankroll to be used for personal spending since I started playing, and donated somewhere between $5k and $10k of gambling profits to church/charities. I don't say that to draw attention to myself (my contributions are nothing compared to someone like Barry Greenstein), just to show that it can be done. Probably not by you or by most people, but it can be done.

Regarding taking money from losing players: If you will agree with me for the sake of the argument that you think a habitual losing player sins by continuing to gamble, then likely the best way for that sinful behavior to be remedied is for him to suffer negative consequences. It's better for someone to lose $1,000,000 and their job and their house and their family and then stop sinning than for the same person to lose $50,000 and continue living in sin. Jesus said, "If your eye causes you to sin, throw it out!" By taking a losing player's money, I reduce their ability to continue gambling (and sinning). If you DON'T agree that a losing player sins when they gamble, then what exactly is the problem?

In the process, some resources that would have gone to the ship-it-holla ballas or to the poker sites go to me. I'm not Ghandi, but I am confident I will use my resources in a more Godly manner than they will. The day I quit doing that is the day I should quit playing.

I realize you were just trolling against Christianity and religion in general, but hopefully you or someone else will take something from this post.


P.S. To the BBV'ers who don't like serious posts in here: I am not the one who resurrected this thread.
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:47 AM
Babakaboosh Babakaboosh is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

That is by far the best answer I have seen with biblical reference. I am also a christian and have struggled with this issue. As far as I could tell there were no biblical references suggesting that I shouldnt play poker. But if you talk to a conservative christian that wishes to place their issues on your head you will hear that you are supporting a bad industry one that promotes sin.. ie gambling, or that gambling itself is sinful. If you take an entire picture I believe that passaman has the best approach as far as a christian and poker is concerned. And as far as answering those conservative critic that would like to throw stones and bring you down and full of doubt tell them to get rid of their stocks, drop their 401 k's and empty their bank accounts because the industry supported from all of these institutions has both a winner and a loser and is a gamble. They also better stop watching t.v. quit supporting johnson&johnson company, and cancel all Disney trips as these all support non christian belief systems and they can be found in sin. The worst thing a christian can do to another individual little lone another brother or sister in Christ is be legalistic, and judgemental toward them. Doesnt the bible say to love the Lord with all your heart, your mind, your soul, your strength? It would be well served if society followed this principle as well as love your neighbor. Anyway I am new and this was a bit of a ramble, but this topic very much gets me going as I have dealt with a conservative in my family for the last couple of years on this issue.

God bless
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Old 02-28-2007, 12:46 AM
El_Hombre_Grande El_Hombre_Grande is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

Ahh, yeah. In fact you can come play no limit holdem at the Church of the Divine Child's Men's Club Tournament. And yeah, there is money involved. Just like when you get a job, or buy a hamburger.....

And, ah, read the commandments. Poker is NOT prohibited. And if it was, I'd petition the pope for an exemption.
I'm not sure he'll be as understanding about that dressing up in girls' clothing thing, though.
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Old 02-28-2007, 12:47 AM
Overfloater Overfloater is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

god no
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Old 03-02-2007, 11:26 AM
AAKKallin AAKKallin is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

Almost per definition a christian poker player must be hypocritical. I'm not religious, but I was LMAO when I read the pastor listing the problems regarding being a christian and playing poker.

"2) Contributing to an industry that is a major factor in ruining lives. Answer: Now, this is a true problem for Christians. Can I really rejoice in a huge pot I took down if by doing so, the other guy is now bankrupt, losing his house, getting divorced, etc.? That's a tough one to live with."

I partly agree with this. He forgets to mention that "YOU" as a player directly are causing harm to others through taking their money, and uses formulations such as "an industry" and "taking down a huge pot".... Well if it makes u sleep at night...
This easily is a clear cut violation and disregard for fundamental christian values. But to my suprise and amusement his conclusion is "but u can still play poker for money". That does not make any sense to me. He does not explain how to counterfeit this violation of christian values. His conclusion does not fit with what he is saying. If one really regards one self as a christian, one just can not take money from people with financial troubles, gambling addiction and so forth and still call yourself a good christian. If u do, then I really believe that is pathetically hypocritical.

Sorry folks, and again I am not christian. I respect people with religious beliefs, but this kind of reformulating nonsense in order to justify taking money from other people (some of whom have large financial and psychological problems) and still be a "christian" is a bit provoking.
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Old 03-02-2007, 11:52 AM
Eder Eder is offline
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Default Re: Can a Christian play poker?

I have it on authority that hold em has too much luck involved to be OK but that Christ did enjoy a game of Stud H/L
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