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Old 08-17-2007, 11:01 PM
Fast Food Knight Fast Food Knight is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games


Played with: Dice only (good for a big group)

1. Each player rolls the dice. The player with the lowest combined roll becomes the "3 man". No rules apply until there is an initial 3 Man. Typically the 3-man wears a ridiculous hat or other signal that he is the "3-man."
2. Players then take turns rolling the dice. Every time a 3 is rolled on either die by a player other than the 3 man, the 3 Man must drink.
3. If the 3 Man rolls a 3, he or she is no longer 3 Man. The former 3-man can choose the new one. All other rules are still in effect.
4. If at any time a player rolls double 3's, he or she is automatically the new 3 Man.
5. Any player to roll doubles (other than 3's) passes a die each to two other players, who then roll the dice together. If the dice rolled are not doubles, both chosen players must drink and the turn is over. If they do roll doubles, the dice are passed back to the original player who rolls them again. If they are not doubles, the original player drinks and his turn his over. If they ARE doubles, the dice go back to the 2 chosen rollers to roll again, and so on. This continues until doubles are NOT rolled.
6. If a 7 is rolled, the person to the left of the roller drinks. if an 11 is rolled, the person to the right of the roller drinks.
7. If a 10 is rolled (doubles or not) every player drinks (it's a social!)
8. A player keeps rolling until he rolls a turn that is nothing (resulting in no one drinking). If a player is able to roll 3 times in a row, he or she gets to make a rule.
9. If the dice are rolled off of the table/playing area, that player must finish the rest of his or her beer. If that beer is almost gone, get a new one and finish that.

It sounds confusing but it's really fun and keeps everyone involved. We also play it so that if a combined 5 is rolled, the last person to touch their nose must drink.
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:18 AM
armPitt armPitt is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

Beeramid. 4-10 players.

Each player gets 4-5 cards face Down, you may only look at them once before the game starts.

Arrange a pyramid thusly:
Card Card
Card Card Card
Card Card Card Card [all face down.]

First card is 1 drink, 2nd row is 2, 3rd row is 3, 4th row is 4 drinks.

If you have a King, and King is flipped up in the Pyramid, you get to tell anyone to drink that # of drinks [1-4]. They may comply, or call [censored].

If you were [censored], you drink double. If you have it, you flip it over, they drink double, turn your King face down again [people will forget, hilariously.]

If you have 2 Kings, you can make them drink 2x as much or 2 different people. Same penalties for [censored].

If you flip over the wrong card when challenged, you still drink 2x.

Of course, you may [censored] anyone at any time.

Variant: You may also 'predict' the next card that will be turned over. I.e you have a 7,6,5,4 and you're down to the last card and none of them are out. You may order someone to drink 4x. They will likely challenge, flip the final card over and see if you have it. Obvs they/you drink 2bl if wrong.

This is the best card game as it involves making people drink, lying through your teeth and BSing, and the 2bl penalty, plus penalty for forgetting where your card is exactly and you can play with like 8-10 people easy.

Once most people are drunk, the game becomes very hard and very funny. An Ace will turn over and 4 people will claim they have one. But who's lying? Etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the game I was going to suggest. I only played it once, but it was real fun.

When I played it was called "[censored] Pyramid" but thats just a name. The rules were similar. The # of drinks designated per row were higher, and I think each level was 2n drinks rather than n+1. Either way, I'm sure its fun. Also, after you showed a card, we normally picked a new one from the remaining stack. At the end, we did a little game by going around the table and having each participant try to name what cards they had turning them over one by one. If they were incorrect they were 'forced' to consume a bit of beverage. Great game.
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Old 08-18-2007, 01:54 AM
NCAces NCAces is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

Google is your friend .... among many.

Personally, when I was in college ... late 70s ... Thumper was the game to play:

The first thing to do is for each person to choose a hand gesture that they would like to have represent him/her during the game. Can be simple, polite, or sexually enticing, but it must be SHORT.

Everyone sits in a circle, everyone starts the game by "drumming" their hands on the table or floor or whatever the playing surface may be. During the drumming, someone says "WHAT"S THE NAME OF THE GAME?" everyone responds with "THUMPER!!!" then the leader says "AND WHY DO WE PLAY THE GAME?" responded with "TO GET [censored] UP!!"

At this point the leader performs his/her own hand gesture, immediately followed by the gesture of any other player. This player then performs his/her own gesture followed by another players, etc..
and so on. When a cue is missed or when someone responds too slowly, the "violator" must drink. This person then is the leader for the next round.

Also be creative with what is said during the drumming, it's not limited to the above two questions. You could also call a slo-motion or high speed switch at anytime.

The game takes a lot of emotional involvement, good when played when everyone's hyper because there's no where to go, or nothing better to do.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is how the site describes it which is pretty accurate the way we played it. A couple differences:

- We normally had about 20 people around 4 banquet tables that were placed in a square. Kegs in the middle, as well as a trash can for everyone to barf into.

- You can't point with your finger ... you have to point with your elbow. That sounds crazy and easy, but an hour ot two in and you forget, or are too drunk to remember and you are pointing and laughing at someone barfing and everyone points at you with their elbow, and now you have to chug a beer.

- We were chugging 10oz beers

- The more prevocative the hand/body gesture, the better.

Ah, the good ole days.

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Old 08-18-2007, 02:52 AM
craigthedeac craigthedeac is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

russian roulette

fill several shot glasses with water, one shot glass with everclear

you get the idea
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Old 08-18-2007, 05:54 AM
DJ Sensei DJ Sensei is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games


The classic drinking game that trumps all. Most have probably played but just in case I'll describe it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I still strongly, strongly associate this game with those of the vaginal persuasion.

[/ QUOTE ]

you know, thats pretty much the reason why I play it, as opposed to a more 'masculine' drinking game like chug-and-tug or something
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Old 08-18-2007, 10:04 AM
z28dreams z28dreams is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games


Flip cup is the best game for big-teams.

My other favorite game used to be called "Chandelier", but it probably goes by different names.

Start by standing or sitting around a table in a circle. Put one big tall glass in the middle, then one cup in front of each player.

Looks like this:
o o o
o O o
o o o

Each small cup is filled with about 1/4 beer, and the big cup is a 1/2-a full beer (use whatever you like).

You take turns with a quarter, and try to bounce it into an opponents cup. If it lands in a player's cup, that person drinks. If it lands in the big cup by accident (or on purpose), everyone must chug their 1/4 beer. The last person to slam their cup back down on the table has to finish the full beer in the middle.

Rinse and repeat.

It's really fun, and not as bad as it sounds because it doesn't end up in the big cup tooooo often.

[/ QUOTE ]

What kind of weaksticks do you play with?... The outside cups should be full (and 12 oz) for the "races" and the "standard" if your cup gets the quarter in it. The middle cup is supposed to be a 32 or 40 oz.

racing to chug 3 ounces of beer? WTF?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure who you played this with, but in my group we were all pretty good with quarters. I could land it in the guys cup next to me every single round. At that rate the game would probably last 10 minutes max.

Guys are idiots about drinking games - the best part of them is keeping them fun and making it so girls will actually play with you and get drunk together. If you try to force too many drinks, people just end up not doing it. If you do it tiny-bits at a time, it works like a charm.
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Old 08-18-2007, 05:32 PM
Platonic Platonic is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

I have a good game for you that everyone I have taught has enjoyed. Its very easy AND hilarious. The game is called Turrets, as in the syndrome where the sufferer randomly yells nonsensical [censored], sorry if I spelled it wrong.



You need a deck of cards, alcohol, and some players, the more players the more fun.

First you lay out some number of cards, usually its 8, and in this shape. (I will use two brackets to indicate a card []).

[] 10
[] 8
[] [] 6
[] [] 4
[] [] 2

Edit: the post has modified the positions of the cards, it should look somewhat like a tower, or an upside down Y.

Those cards are used at the end of the game and the number represents their rank which you will understand upon reading the rest of this post.

Game play:

Somehow determine who starts, its unimportant who starts so just pick someone. The person who begins is the dealer, and whoever is the dealer goes heads up vs the person to their left.

The dealer flips a card. As soon as the card is visible the dealer and opponent have a race to say a word that begins with the same letter as the card name. For example if the card is a Queen, then the first person to say a word that is not Queen, has not yet been said, and begins with a Q, wins. Also this word may not be a name, and it may not be a number. If the next card is a 3, then they must say a word that begins with T, and they can't say Three, or Thirteen, or Thomas, etc. Remember if the word has already been said it does not count, and also lets say someone has already said the word 'Trip', then variations on that word also do not count. I.E. Tripping, Tripped, Trips, are all invalid words if someone has already used Trip. The first person to say a word that qualifies wins. Whoever wins becomes (or remains) the dealer, whoever loses has to drink some set amount of alcohol, and whoever wins also keeps that card (which comes into play later).

After reading this you may think this game sucks, but when people are drinking and racing for a word I assure you it is absolutely hilarious, particularly with Jacks and Queens being drawn, and sometimes even Kings. I've seen two drunk people stare at a jack for over a minute while the other 8 players were laughing at them. If your party has fun people and good energy then this game will be a success.

After the HU battle, if the dealer wins, then the dealer goes HU with the next person to the left. The dealer remains dealer until he/she loses, at which point whoever wins becomes dealer and goes HU vs the person on the left.

When all the cards run out, each person will have won some number of cards. Then you go back to that card tower I described above with the different ranks associated. You flip the cards over starting at the 2s. So you flip the rank 2 cards over, and lets say its a 3 and a 6, then any person that has "won" a 3 or a 6 is empowered to give out 2 drinks to the remaining players of their choice. If you happen to have two 3s or two 6s, or a 3 and a 6, then you would give out 4 drinks. Then you flip the 4s, which are worth 4 drinks, the 6 ranks are worth 6 drinks, etc.
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Old 08-18-2007, 06:43 PM
UnlikelyNinja UnlikelyNinja is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

Quagmire: Hey, who wants to play Drink the Beer?
Peter: Right here.
[drinks beer]
P: All right, what do I win?
Q: Another beer.
P: Oh, I'm going for the high score.
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Old 08-18-2007, 06:49 PM
Steven_Q_Erkel Steven_Q_Erkel is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

Rock, Paper, Scissors...Drink!
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Old 08-18-2007, 07:18 PM
Double Ice Double Ice is offline
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Default Re: Gimme some drinking games

Best drinking game is with dice, either two or three dice.

First, the hand rankings are like poker, trips > pair > high card. So 66,55,..,11,65,64,63,62,61,54,53,52,51,...,32,31,2 1 are the rankings. For three dice it is 666,555,...,111,665,..,661,556,..,551,....,112,654 ,653,...,321.

Play goes in a circle. Someone rolls under a cup and calls out a hand. Next person either challenges (loser of challenge drinks, some rules say challenger loses double), or rolls. He may drink to get a re-roll as many times as he wants. After he is satisfied he calls out a hand. Next called out hands must beat previous called out hands. You can't call the worst hand (21 or 321).

Also you can do an explosion, to do this after your roll, instead of calling out a regular hand, slide one die out to reveal a "1" and call "explosion", if someone challenges and you don't have the worst hand, you drink quadruple, if you have the worst hand (21 or 321) then everyone drinks and challenger drinks triple, if noone challenges and you bluffed, you can reveal it and everyone drinks. After an explosion play starts from 0.
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