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Old 05-07-2007, 11:25 AM
capone0 capone0 is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

He worked out 16 months for the film. He's never been that big.
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Old 05-07-2007, 11:34 AM
SBR SBR is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

No. They have to make it much more physically exciting. I don't think I can recall being more disappointed in a movie's fight scenes, and I am an expert at being disappointed in fight scenes. Batman Begins stomped my expectations into the dirt.

Spidey has going for it physical exuberance of a kind Batman couldn't give even if he wanted to and had the best director in the world. What we had last time for Batman was a guy who thinks a fight scene should be edited in short cuts and obscured as much as possible and, even worse played for awe on top of that. At that rate, Dave Letterman could sub in as Batman's stuntman. This kind of foggy, evasive, momentum-destroying ordinariness couldn't possibly upstage anything Spidey, even the most glaringly fake CGI.

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So because you didn't like the style of the fight scenes the movies won't possibly be able to surpass the Spiderman series? The jerking shot cut effect was done intentionally to give the audience a feel of what it would be like to be fighting Batman. I think Spiderman was a good comic book movie but Batman was just a good movie. They weren't really trying for the same thing but I know if I had the option I'd much rather watch Batman Begins than any of the Spiderman movies. Dismissing Batman Begins because you didn't like the style of the fight scenes is pretty weak.
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Old 05-07-2007, 11:41 AM
-Skeme- -Skeme- is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

The fact that Raimi has said many times that he has no love for the Venom character didnt leave me expecting much in this movie, and I was right. Venom is a sick character when treated well. Sigh.

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I'm pretty sure he was lying.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:29 PM
thedarknight thedarknight is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

No. They have to make it much more physically exciting. I don't think I can recall being more disappointed in a movie's fight scenes, and I am an expert at being disappointed in fight scenes. Batman Begins stomped my expectations into the dirt.

Spidey has going for it physical exuberance of a kind Batman couldn't give even if he wanted to and had the best director in the world. What we had last time for Batman was a guy who thinks a fight scene should be edited in short cuts and obscured as much as possible and, even worse played for awe on top of that. At that rate, Dave Letterman could sub in as Batman's stuntman. This kind of foggy, evasive, momentum-destroying ordinariness couldn't possibly upstage anything Spidey, even the most glaringly fake CGI.

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If you have any understanding who or what Batman is then you would actually know why the fight scenes were short and obscured. Like someone said, Batman Begins is a real movie, even if you took out the Batman fantastical element out of the picture. You can't say the same for the spiderman movies. Spidey 2 is good, and the Spidey movies make more money because the general population enjoys dumbed down flicks. Batman Begins is not one of those.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:32 PM
thedarknight thedarknight is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

Batman Begins' fighting scenes were horribly amateurish, a substitution of sizzle for steak. The action scenes are the core of a superhero movie, and Batman Begins took the tack of giving up before the fight for the audience even started. If anything, they were a perfect illustration of an audience's lowered expectations after being fed so many bad scenes for so long. Reference ANY Hong Kong flick for comparison. I mean, these fight scenes were total miserable crap. What a complete thumping let-down, unless you're used to just total garbage crap. To add insult to injury, listen to the commentary on the DVD about the awesome "fighting style."

Katie Holmes was also awful.

That said, the flick wasn't too bad. But jeez, mess up both the fighting AND the love scenes? WTF, that's dumping both the boys and the girls. Horrible choices. Good thing the franchise was solidly established before the director came into it, and that the director isn't totally bad despite his preposterous gaffes. Do this crap on a no-name superhero attempt, and this movie sinks to the bottom.

Outstanding? Hardly. Rescued by the franchise, and often reasonably done besides tons of terrible decisions that could be blamed on nobody but the director? Okay. Potential? We'll see. I'd join in a group class with Quentin Tarantino given in Hong Kong on how to shoot fight scenes, and dump Katie Holmes, if the desire to do any better is at all there. Otherwise, see how long you can rake in money before people get completely fed up and the whole mess crashes.

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This is horrible analysis.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:35 PM
thedarknight thedarknight is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

They managed to throw together 3 villains and Gwen Stacey in 140 minutes and make it boring. Kudos to Sam Raimi. It takes a very talented director to screw up this movie.

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grunching this thread, but this sounds a lot like Batman when they added in Jim Carrey, Arnold, Alicia Silverstone, and the other girl who I forget. they added in too much stuff.

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This is definitely right on. I kept telling myself this reminds me of Batman and Robin.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:57 PM
NozeCandy NozeCandy is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

No. They have to make it much more physically exciting. I don't think I can recall being more disappointed in a movie's fight scenes, and I am an expert at being disappointed in fight scenes. Batman Begins stomped my expectations into the dirt.

Spidey has going for it physical exuberance of a kind Batman couldn't give even if he wanted to and had the best director in the world. What we had last time for Batman was a guy who thinks a fight scene should be edited in short cuts and obscured as much as possible and, even worse played for awe on top of that. At that rate, Dave Letterman could sub in as Batman's stuntman. This kind of foggy, evasive, momentum-destroying ordinariness couldn't possibly upstage anything Spidey, even the most glaringly fake CGI.

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If you have any understanding who or what Batman is then you would actually know why the fight scenes were short and obscured. Like someone said, Batman Begins is a real movie, even if you took out the Batman fantastical element out of the picture. You can't say the same for the spiderman movies. Spidey 2 is good, and the Spidey movies make more money because the general population enjoys dumbed down flicks. Batman Begins is not one of those.

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Yeah, I was meaning to get to that. I feel like the nature of Batman calls for fight scenes to be like that. I'll probably watch Batman Begins again though before I get into arguing about it since it's been a few months and I don't remember how the scenes were put together very well.
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:06 PM
tdarko tdarko is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

#1 I didn't like at all. I remember when I saw it for the first time thinking, "Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst wtf? Could they have casted two more loathsome actors in hollywood?" They should have gone w/ Jake Gyllenhall for Parker and anyone but Dunst for MJ. I almost didn't see #2 b/c of this one.

#2 I liked this one so much more, but a turd on the screen for two hours would have been better j/k. Most of the reason was Doc Oct, he was a great villain.

#3 This one falls in the middle of 1 & 2 for me. There was a lot that puzzled me but I was entertained and this one was also funnier (intentionally) than the others. Some things I didn't like or understand:

- Sandman is a badass the entire movie taking shots to no avail and in the last scene he is getting blown up left and right and still continuing to fight. Then all of the sudden two of those balls shoot at him and he crumbles like Tony Parker, wtf? Where was this all movie? And why didn't Spidey just go tell any one of the zillion people standing around to call the fire department to hose his ass down--put an end to his nonsense real quick.

- Peter Parker is never explained that Harry wasn't actually banging MJ. This is the women you love and want to propose to, so he finds forgiveness in his heart good for him but I was thinking during some point in this movie Harry or someone was going to set the record straight or was I still fixated on the whole Sandman debacle b/c I left the movie thinking Harry died and Peter is still thinking he is still the other guy (even if everything is cool now).

- So can Peter Parker not close the door to his crappy apt now? His door handle came off. It was just one of those moments in a movie that didn't have to happen, the stuck door gets the point across and now when the door handle comes off you just bring up unneeded questions. Being a nit I know, but this stuff bothers me.

- There needed to be more Gwen Stacey. Not much more to say. I think part of the problem w/ this movie is that there was too much going on, too many villains and too many great characters to develop the great storylines that make great movies, instead everything seemed a little half-ass.

- I like Topher Grace a lot and I think he has been great in some roles but he just isn't a villain to me and he seemed so out of place, I couldn't believe him as Venom, which sucks b/c Venom could have been such a great character--well not really b/c he was on camera for all of 20 minutes.

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Old 05-07-2007, 01:08 PM
MegaloMialo MegaloMialo is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)

Just saw the third one as well. Don't know why many are whining. Basically same thing as the last ones.
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:27 PM
thedarknight thedarknight is offline
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Default Re: Spiderman 3 the new Godfather 3? (no spoilers)


the breaking point for me was when the butler comes in and gives the REAL truth about Harry's father..then all of a sudden Harry gets this epiphany and then now Harry and Spidey are joining hands singing joy to the world. This was just utterly terrible screenwriting. You would have to think Raimi was like wow this is bad, but whatever the Execs want this and I'm going to be rich.

The film had good themes with forgiveness and sins of the past, but it really left a lot more to be desired.
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