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Old 02-25-2007, 12:09 PM
gurgeh gurgeh is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

I don't know how much we can really gain by rallying people we know support us. It may be a case of diminishing returns. What we really need is to create an environment where a lot of politicians support us and are willing to vote with someone who finally proposes a UIGEA repeal (is this even legally possible?) or a skillgame carve-out.

I emailed my representative with a piece of original writing, not a form letter. I'll wait a few days and then call his office and really hammer in that this is important, and there is no good reason for the UIGEA to exist.

Incidentally, does anyone live in Barney Frank's district in MA?
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Old 02-25-2007, 12:32 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

I don't know how much we can really gain by rallying people we know support us. It may be a case of diminishing returns. What we really need is to create an environment where a lot of politicians support us and are willing to vote with someone who finally proposes a UIGEA repeal (is this even legally possible?) or a skillgame carve-out.

I emailed my representative with a piece of original writing, not a form letter. I'll wait a few days and then call his office and really hammer in that this is important, and there is no good reason for the UIGEA to exist.

Incidentally, does anyone live in Barney Frank's district in MA?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good points. I don't claim to have the answers, but I'll share my humble opinion. First of all, I do think we should seek to energize our supporters. They need to know we're here. As for my proposal for this week, Reid and Ensign are not our supporters. However, they both support gaming rights in general, so they seem to be reasonable targets.

Thanks for taking the time to write an original letter. I wrote all five original letters today that will go in the mail this afternoon. While that sounds time-consuming, it's really one letter modified five times based on party and prior support for our rights. After all, they don't read each other's mail. Also, mine are sufficiently different to not appear obviously identical like a form letter. I mention that to encourage others to see it's not as hard as it sounds. Also, each of my letters has five main points. That way I can write my daily emails using one of the main points of the letter. Finally, my two phone calls will focus on two or three points of the letter. So, all that's really required is one really good letter. My letter is exactly one page at 10 pt (the Republican one is longer).

I hope everyone will make the effort here. Thanks again for getting the letter done early.
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Old 02-25-2007, 12:42 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

What we really need is to create an environment where a lot of politicians support us and are willing to vote with someone who finally proposes a UIGEA repeal (is this even legally possible?) or a skillgame carve-out.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I imagine more than one weekly action plan will involve writing to media to let them know we're here. The problem with reporters is that they interpret what they see based on their preconceived notions. For example, the media hardly mentioned our role in the Republican losses of 2006 because all the reporters could see was Iraq and the corruption (coincidentally, that's what they spent their time reporting on). We need to influence their mindset a little bit.
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Old 02-25-2007, 01:19 PM
Grey Grey is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

I made this a while ago. You may find it useful:

If you want me to change anything about it let me know in PM.
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Old 02-25-2007, 01:38 PM
Tuff_Fish Tuff_Fish is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

Only Democrats?

I believe there are a few libertarian leaning Republicans out there.

There will be many more receptive politicians if we can somehow get this type of thing really moving.

Politicians understand votes, and they understand money, even if many of them understand nothing else.

You have the right idea. Need a greater number of sympathetic legislators.

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Old 02-25-2007, 02:22 PM
KotOD KotOD is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

I sent this to as many people as I could in your list:

Dear xxxxxx:

I'd like to appeal to you to right an injustice committed against the American public during the last legislative session.

Congress passed the UIGEA, pushed onto the Port Security Bill by Senator Frist as a rider, which prohibits me and millions of others from playing the great game of poker on the Internet. Legislation that impacts millions of recreational poker players deserves more debate than a back-room deal and a rider on an undefeatable security bill by a retiring Senator.

Poker is a uniquely American game with deep roots in this country. Throughout history great Americans and Patriots such as Presidents Warren Harding and Dwight D. Eisenhower, General George Patton, Supreme Court justices like William Howard Taft and thousands more enjoyed poker with family and friends. There are millions of recreational players in this country and this law was a direct attack on all of them and their favorite hobby. The people affected by this law most are not degenerates looking for a score, rather, these are CEOs, Directors, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, School Teachers, Policemen and Firemen. They enjoy spending recreational time playing a game of poker, much the same way as other people enjoy spending the weekend playing golf or going to the bowling alley. This legislation has targeted upstanding members of society and pushed an activity enjoyed by our most luminary historical figures into the back rooms and underground clubs. Even more appalling, even though the legislation was passed to prevent "internet gambling" both horse racing and state lotteries are exempted, showing the hypocrisy of the aforementioned Senator.

I am urging you to throw your considerable support towards repealing this law. Please note, that other forms of Internet "gambling" such as fantasy sports are already protected under this law. Repealing the law to protect an American tradition is sensible public policy and allows millions of poker pages to enjoy their hobby, rather than making to feel as if they are criminals.

The passage of this law, in the middle of the night, by a retiring Senator with a personal agenda, not a constituent-based agenda, has moved thousands of poker players, a normally sedentary group of people, to action. In a matter of a week in November, poker players raised $10,000 for a single Senatorial campaign. The longer this lingers, the more involved poker players will become, and the more money and support they will be able to source.

I look forward to your support in this matter.

Thank you.
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:29 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

Only Democrats?

[/ QUOTE ]

ActBlue is a Democratic site - hence the politicians listed are only Democrats. Hopefully we'll find a way to do something similar for Republicans who support us. There aren't many, though. In the House vote of H.R. 4411: Internet Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act (harsher than UIGEA), Dems voted 117-76 for, GOP voted 201-17 for.

The following Representatives voted against H.R. 4411 ( ):

HI-1 Abercrombie, Neil [D]
NY-5 Ackerman, Gary [D]
NJ-1 Andrews, Robert [D]
CA-43 Baca, Joe [D]
WI-2 Baldwin, Tammy [D]
CA-31 Becerra, Xavier [D]
NV-1 Berkley, Shelley [D]
CA-28 Berman, Howard [D]
FL-3 Brown, Corrine [D]
CA-23 Capps, Lois [D]
MA-8 Capuano, Michael [D]
MO-3 Carnahan, Russ [D]
IN-7 Carson, Julia [D]
MO-1 Clay, William [D]
MI-14 Conyers, John [D]
MD-7 Cummings, Elijah [D]
IL-7 Davis, Danny [D]
MA-10 Delahunt, William [D]
MI-15 Dingell, John [D]
CA-26 Dreier, David [R]
NY-17 Engel, Eliot [D]
CA-14 Eshoo, Anna [D]
CA-17 Farr, Sam [D]
CA-51 Filner, Bob [D]
AZ-6 Flake, Jeff [R]
FL-16 Foley, Mark [R]
NY-13 Fossella, Vito [R]
MA-4 Frank, Barney [D]
NV-2 Gibbons, James [R]
TX-20 Gonzalez, Charles [D]
AZ-7 Grijalva, Raul [D]
FL-23 Hastings, Alcee [D]
WA-4 Hastings, Doc [R]
PA-17 Holden, Tim [D]
CA-15 Honda, Michael [D]
MD-5 Hoyer, Steny [D]
WA-1 Inslee, Jay [D]
NY-2 Israel, Steve [D]
IL-2 Jackson, Jesse [D]
TX-18 Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D]
TX-30 Johnson, Eddie [D]
RI-1 Kennedy, Patrick [D]
MI-5 Kildee, Dale [D]
MI-13 Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D]
WI-3 Kind, Ronald [D]
AZ-8 Kolbe, James [R]
OH-10 Kucinich, Dennis [D]
CA-9 Lee, Barbara [D]
NJ-2 LoBiondo, Frank [R]
CA-16 Lofgren, Zoe [D]
FL-14 Mack, Connie [R]
MA-7 Markey, Edward [D]
CA-5 Matsui, Doris [D]
WA-7 McDermott, James [D]
MA-3 McGovern, James [D]
GA-4 McKinney, Cynthia [D]
CA-7 Miller, George [D]
NY-8 Nadler, Jerrold [D]
CA-38 Napolitano, Grace [D]
MA-2 Neal, Richard [D]
OH-18 Ney, Robert [R]
MA-1 Olver, John [D]
NY-11 Owens, Major [D]
AZ-4 Pastor, Edward [D]
TX-14 Paul, Ronald [R]
TX-2 Poe, Ted [R]
CA-11 Pombo, Richard [R]
NV-3 Porter, Jon [R]
NY-15 Rangel, Charles [D]
TX-16 Reyes, Silvestre [D]
CA-46 Rohrabacher, Dana [R]
NJ-9 Rothman, Steven [D]
CA-34 Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D]
IL-1 Rush, Bobby [D]
CA-39 Sanchez, Linda [D]
CA-47 Sanchez, Loretta [D]
IL-9 Schakowsky, Janice [D]
CA-29 Schiff, Adam [D]
VA-3 Scott, Robert [D]
NY-16 Serrano, José [D]
CA-32 Solis, Hilda [D]
CA-13 Stark, Fortney [D]
CA-10 Tauscher, Ellen [D]
OH-12 Tiberi, Patrick [R]
MA-6 Tierney, John [D]
NY-10 Towns, Edolphus [D]
NM-3 Udall, Tom [D]
NY-12 Velazquez, Nydia [D]
CA-33 Watson, Diane [D]
NC-12 Watt, Melvin [D]
NY-9 Weiner, Anthony [D]
CA-6 Woolsey, Lynn [D]
AK-0 Young, Donald [R]
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:40 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

Here's my letter to Sen. Reid, (a Democrat). Please feel free to borrow from as required, but let's try to not copy letters verbatim...form letters aren't nearly as effective as individually-written letters.

111 Main Street
Anytown, XX 00000
(xxx) 555-5555

February 25, 2007

528 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Reid:

I'm writing to express my strong displeasure over the banning of online poker by the last Congress. This is big government nanny-statism at its worst. I believe the outrage of my fellow poker players contributed strongly to the Democratic win in the last election. In fact, I think the Republican Party has temporarily lost the vote of Generation Y and a good percentage of Gen X as a result of this and other freedom-restricting measures. I believe the Democratic Party has a historic opportunity to make this support permanent.

Additionally, have you considered the impact of this legislation on the state of Nevada? While banning Internet gaming may help large casinos in the short term by reducing competition, it could harm Nevadans long-term in a number of ways:

· It could start a process where Americans’ acceptance of gaming drops. As you know, acceptance of gaming ebbs and flows in America. Right now, it’s at an all-time high. You should wish to keep it that way. After all, if Middle America believes gaming to be a vice, they won't take their families (and their money) to Nevada. Please don't sell out Nevadans for the short-term profits of large corporations.

· Internet poker has fueled the poker boom. The advertising associated with it has funded the many poker television shows. This has all worked to draw record numbers of tourists to Nevada.

· Large casino companies are at risk of being completely shut out of the Internet gaming market. Existing Internet companies have already developed business models that don't rely on American players. Nevada is losing a lot of potential revenue.

· The U.S. should desire a regulated market. That way, the U.S. can set and enforce age and other limits an can collect taxes. Also, money-laundering issues can be monitored. Nevada-based companies could lead the way with this.

I urge you to support the repeal of the UIGEA. It’s good for the Democratic Party, it’s good for Nevada, and it’s good for America. Thank you.


Mr. and Mrs. Engineer
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:44 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Fight UIGEA!! -- Action plan for week of 2/26

Here's my letter to Sen. Ensign, (a Republican). Again, please feel free to borrow from as required, but let's try to not copy letters verbatim...form letters aren't nearly as effective as individually-written letters.

111 Main Street
Anytown, XX 00000
(xxx) 555-5555

February 25, 2007

119 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator Ensign:

I’m a lifelong Republican conservative (pro-life, NRA life member, etc). As such, I was disappointed that I was unable to support my Republican congressional candidate in the last Congressional election. I objected to the culture of corruption that appeared to have permeated the Republicans in Congress. Rather than changing government by limiting its power and its spending, Republicans appear to have embraced the worst of the pre-1994 Democrat practices, including endless earmarks and even bridges to nowhere. For me the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” was the banning of online poker, a skill-based game. To me, this is big government nanny-statism at its worst, and it represents a complete rebuff of Goldwater Republicanism and his tradition of Western libertarianism. It's not just me; many Republican core supporters do not support the big government nanny state. That's why the Contract with America was so enthusiastically received by the Republican rank-and-file.

While I’m saddened to see the Republican Revolution end, it was unrecognizable at its demise, to be honest. Hopefully the 2006 voter rebuke will give us the stimulation we need to rediscover our values as a party. I hope so.

I believe a good start would be the repeal of the UIGEA. Besides the national impact of the legislation, have you fully considered the impact of this legislation on the state of Nevada? While banning Internet gaming may help large casinos in the very short term by reducing competition, it harms Nevadans long term in a number of ways:

· It could start a process where Americans’ acceptance of gaming drops. As you know, acceptance of gaming ebbs and flows in America. Right now, it’s at an all-time high. You should wish to keep it that way. After all, if Middle America believes gaming to be a vice, they won't take their families (and their money) to Nevada.

· Internet poker has fueled the poker boom, and the advertising associated with it has funded many poker television shows. This has all worked to draw record numbers of tourists to Nevada.

· Large casino companies are at risk of being completely shut out of the Internet gaming market. Existing Internet gaming companies have already developed business models that don't rely on American players. Nevada is losing a lot of potential revenue.

· The U.S. should desire a regulated market. That way, the U.S. can set and enforce age and other limits an can collect taxes. Also, money-laundering issues can be monitored. Nevada-based companies could lead the way with this.

I urge you to support the repeal of the UIGEA. It’s good for our party, it’s good for Nevada, and it’s good for America. Thank you.


Mr. and Mrs. Engineer
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Old 02-25-2007, 03:18 PM
OnlinePro OnlinePro is offline
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Default Re: Contact Info

I highly doubt politicians read any letters sent to them, they most likely have assistants who categorize them in piles and just continue to stack them up. These guys are too busy golfing or taking paid vacations to Tahiti with our tax dollars.

Boy am i proud to be american.

Not like any other country is better, but we are America we need to start to set an example for people around the world and make our citizens proud.

Best the patriotizm boom post 9-11 I havent met more than 5 people since 2003 who have said they are proud to be american.

Busch had a big oppurtunnity when 9-11 happend as we as a people were as united as ever, but as usual he phucked that up along with everything else.
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