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Old 03-31-2007, 10:11 PM
adanthar adanthar is offline
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Default Re: BBV Anonymous Confessions

I only read the cliff notes. Hopefully, the contents are not actually Hillary on Chelsea slash fanfic?

This might be way too long, so I put cliff notes.

My friend, who has since quit drinking, used to act
like a total [censored] when he got drunk. Sometimes he
would become totally out of control. We'll call him

We'll also call him Meathead. This was actually a
nickname we gave him, and the joke was that Meathead
was his alter ego who showed up everytime John started
getting really drunk. Meathead would do stuff like
randomly punch his own friends (usually in the arm,
but once he hit one guy right in the stomache), and
would often say stupid [censored] like "Punch me in the
face" when you tried to reason with him. This line
became Meathead's catchphrase, and we all repeated it
often. We all knew that it rankled John when we
constantly called him Meathead, or just Meat, so of
course we did it constantly.

One night we went out drinking to a place where we
knew the bartender. There was about 6-7 guys I knew

We started doing shots. John was drinking them fast
and furious, and was soon wasted. Meathead hadn't
made an appearance yet, so no one realized how many
shots John had done. We decided to leave and head to
another bar. I went outside and was waiting out there
with a couple of friends. We were impatiently waiting
for the stragglers inside to hurry the hell up so we
could all leave.

Suddenly I heard a ruckus. I will describe the
ruckus. The door of the bar slammed open and Meathead
ran out laughing hysterically. In hot pursuit was a
guy in one of those satin blue Yankees jackets. To
this day there is some dispute as to this guy's
estimated age, but I know for sure that he had white
hair. He was probably around 55-60. We were in our
twenties. I stepped in front of him and said "What
the hell is going on???".

White Hair blurts out "You're friend popped me!". He
was irate. I quickly said "There is no way he punched
you". I really believed this. I didn't realize that
Meathead was going for broke this night. At this
point, people who knew White Hair (he was a regular
apparentley) were holding him to make sure he didn't
resume the chase.

Meathead taunted "Calm down old man! You're gonna
have a heart attack". WH went crazy. He started
frantically struggling to get free, and was yelling
out "Old man? Old man?". He briefly got free and ran
for Meat. Meat was way too quick though, and was just
running in a small circle, dodging his attacks and
laughing hystericall all of the while.

At this point the bartender told us to get Meat the
hell out of there. Some guys held WH, and we began
the tedious process of trying to get Meat into the
car. We finally did, but he was able to open his
window and yell something about the guy being an old
man again. We sped out of there and headed for
another bar. I will say right now that I am not
totally blameless in this story, but only due to
stupidity. We should have called it a night and taken
Meat home.

In the car we found out that Meat had made fun of WH's
Yankee jacket. I am a Yankee fan, and even I admit
that his jacket was horrible. It was not the same
color as those normal blue satin jackets (which I
don't like much anyway), and it was awful.

Meat is a Bosox fan, so they then got into it about
the coming season. It was probably a little tense,
but was still on the level of somewhat friendly bar
room banter when Meat slapped WH across the face.
Meat often did this to his friends when he was out of
control (it's not a huge bitch slap or anything, but
definitely enough to piss you off), but this guy was a
stranger and was twice his age (at least). Anyway,
the guy of course attacked and we saw the aftermath
(Meat running away and being chased).

So we get to the new bar. There is 4 of us in this
car. We've read Meat the riot act, and warned him
about his behavior. Of course, we should have
realized that he was beyond reasoning at this point.
Also, he was still drinking.

Meat was surprsingly well behaved for most of the
night. When it came time to leave though, he went to
pay the bill and joked to the bartender "You're lucky
the jews aren't paying on one of their cards, your tip
would be [censored]". The other two guys who were still
with us were Jews.

Anyway, a Jewish waitress of course overheard and took
major offense. Meat was laughing in her face and
taunting her. By the end he had said that Hitler had
the right idea, and was then pointing in her face
literally saying "Die Jew die!". He did all of this
with a stupid smile on his face. She was getting so
angry that she flung a glass at him.

I only saw the tail end of this. None of us were
around Meat while this was happening, but a guy I knew
had seen it start and had come to warn me that Meat
was starting trouble with the staff.

By this point, the girl's boyfriend was right there
watching, but was clearly too intimidated by Meat to
say or do anything. I came up and grabbed Meat and
was taking him out of there. On my way out, I told my
friend Dan we had to leave because Meathead had gotten
us thrown out again. Dan was talking to someone, but
said OK. After waiting outside with Meat for a while,
I realized Dan was not coming. Everyone else had
gotten rides home at this point.

I ordered Meat to wait by the car, and went back in.
Of course Meat only waited a short while before
following. Inside I found Dan and was like "What the
[censored] are you doing??? Meathead is out of control and
we have to leave". Dan was majorly drunk too, so he
was just like "Oh, OK".

This is when I see Meat coming up to us. On his way
over he purposely rams his shoulder into the shoulder
of that waitress' boyfriend. The guy does not say a
word, but now random bystanders are starting to say
"You better get that guy out of here!". I hustled him
out, and Dan came with us. We got in Meat's car. I
had been driving since we got thrown out of the last
place. Anyway, I angrily said "We're going home".

Meat said he was hungry and wanted to go to a diner.
I said "No way". Unfortunately, Dan now chimed in and
was saying that he was hungry too. They were begging
like two spoiled children. Foolishly, I eventually
agreed when Meat promised to behave himself. I should
mention that I was drunk too.

We pull into the diner parking lot and I see a cop
car. I say "Meat, look the cops are here. Don't
start any [censored]". Meat sarcastically says "Ooooooh the
cops!". He is now trying to lower his window. He is
pressing the button to lower it, and I am pressing the
driver's button to raise that same window. I am also
trying to child lock the window, but it's not my car
so I am struggling to find buttons.

It has become clear that Meat is trying to say
something to a guy and a girl who were walking to
their car. All I hear him say is "Yeah, you better
move" (meaning their car, so we could park) which was
actually not that bad, and kind of funny. The lot was
really full so I had to swing around again to find a

As soon as I park, Meat opens the door and exits.
Before I can even remove the key, there is a huge guy
with a goattee in Meat's face. He says "You gotta
[censored] problem?!?!". Before a startled Meat can even
respond, the guy shoves him against the open car door
(Meat's back was to the inside side of the car door).
Dan had already started walking to the diner, and just
calmly and drunkenly watched all that happened next.
His theory is that Meat deserves an ass whipping
anyway, so why help him?

I get out of the car, and walk around the back. Dan
said the way I just walked instead of hurried at all
was hysterical and made what happened next so

I see Meat struggling with this guy. I haul off and
punch the guy in the temple. The guy starts going
down, but somehow grabs two fistfuls of my shirt in
his hand. I want to mention that this was my favorite
shirt. Anyway, my shirt comes over my head hockey
fight style.

I quickly take two steps backward, making sure the
shirt comes off. The shirt is pulled off of me, and I
look up to see the guy on his hands and knees, with my
shirt in his hands. I surge forward and kick him in
the face soccer punt style. I really booted this guy
hard, and right in the face. Dan said his first
thought was "Oh my god, this guy could be dead".

I followed up with another quick, snapping kick to the
head. Now I was standing over top of him and punching
down on his back and head, and occasionally throwing
kicks into his side. Meat suddenly appeared next to
me and was raining down punches on the guy's back.

It's at this point we hear loud sobbing, and then a
wailing "That's my father!".

We both immediately step back. I had assumed the
whole time that this guy was our age for some reason,
and that the girl we had seen him with was his GF.
Anyway, we both automatically stop the pummeling and
take 5 or 6 steps backward. The girl is now
hysterically crying, and is at her father's side,
helping him up. He stands up to his full height, and
this guy is like 6'4" 250ish. He is middle aged. He
has a stream of blood coming from somewhere on his
head and trickling down over his face.

At this point, I say the first thing that comes to
mind. I realize it's beyond ridiculous, but I blurt
out "We don't want any trouble!".

He says "I'm gonna kill you".

At this point, I am thinking that this dude is tough
as nails. Just that kick to the face should have been
enough to take the fight out of anyone.

I now say "You don't want to fight two people!' It's
like I was pleading with him.

He responded "I am gonna kill you both".

Now I whined, "Control your father!"

It's not that I thought he could beat us both up at
that point, although one on one he would probably whip
either of us. I just had no reason at all to want to
fight him, and it was obviously going to be a brutal
brawl either way. Anyway, the girl did throw her arms
around him and bury her sobbing face in his chest. He
took one stumbling step forward, but made no real
attempt to attack.

At this point 4 state troopers walk up and say "What
the hell is going on?"

Meat surges forward and says "I got out of my car and
this guy just attacked me!". I'm thinking "oh, no
here we go".

The cop sarcastically says, "So you're telling me that
you got out of your car, and out of nowhere, this guy
attacked you, without any reason whatsoever???"

Meat immediately responds "That's what IIIIII'm
saying! He's CRAAAAZY!".

So far the guy we beat up was just standing there with
my shirt in his hand. He had picked it up and was
looking at it confusedly. Clearly he was still rocked
from all of the blows to the head. I went up and
snatched my shirt from his hand, and he just gave me a
confused look. He must have been wondering if that
was his shirt, or how it wound up on the floor.
Anyway, the damn shirt was torn and had blood stains
on it. Goodbye favorite shirt.

The girl is yelling "You're a llllllliiiiaaaarrrrr!"
at Meat, and is still in hysterics.

It's here that I notice she is dressed up for a
formal. I remember seeing other kids dressed up
hanging out in the restaurant portion of the bar we
were at and remarking "Hey these highschool kids must
have had a formal". So now I realized that this poor
girl's father had taken her to a diner after picking
her up on the night of her prom/formal/whatever. So
she was just a high school kid. As one of my friends
would say later, "That must have been the worst night
of her life".

At this point local cops show up and confer with the
troopers. The troopers go back to their meal, and the
locals take over. No joke, 7 cop cars showed up for
some reason.

A couple of cops take the guy and his daughter aside
to talk to them, and the rest talk to us. They do not
seperate me from my friends, and amazingly Meat is now
the greatest defense lawyer in history. No matter how
ridiculous his claims are, they also can't be

I tell the cop straight up that all I know is that I
saw my friend being attacked and I joined the fray. I
also say stuff like "We don't want to press any
charges, we just want to go home". In this way, I am
indicating that we did nothing unlawful and don't want
to make a big deal of this. I'm of course praying I
don't wind up with assault charges.

The cops who conferred with the attacker now come over
and tell Meat "next time keep your tongue in your
head." This made me think Meat had said some things I
hadn't heard.

They then tell us that the guy is coming over to
apologize! I am trying to say "No, no, that is
unneccessary, it was all a misunderstanding".

The guy comes over, says he's sorry and shakes our
hands! We're falling all over ourselves saying "No
don't worry about it, it was a misunderstanding."

The cops then tell us that the manager of the diner
wants to tell us something. The manager comes over
and tells us that we're not welcome to eat at his

I start to say "We understand totally, we're on our
way home anyway" when Meat and Dan start whining.
"What? We didn't do anything! Why can't we eat???".

I have to hustle them in the car. We actually go to a
different diner and eat there. Meat was well behaved
at that point.

It was at this other diner that I learned that
Meathead, frustrated in his attempts to keep his
window open when we were driving past the
father/daughter, had put his tongue in between the V
of his two fingers, and was thrashing his tongue
about. It must have been this crude and vulgar sign
which had set that father off. And that's what the
cop meant by "next time keep your tongue in your
head". I guess the guy had apologized because the
cops must have explained to him that he was legally in
the wrong because he attacked us.

The next day, my thumb was all messed up and my foot
was swollen and sore. Meat of course had no injuries.
That guy must have been sore as hell, considering he
must have been in his late thirties or forties. And
yes, that must have been the worst night of that
girl's young life. But one thing I still say is that
she wasn't saying [censored] when her ruffian father went
over to give Meat an (admittedly deserved) whipping,
but was suddenly bawling when we put the beat down on

Cliff notes: I beat up a father in front of his
daughter in the parking lot of a diner. He apologized
and shook my hand.

[/ QUOTE ]
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