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Old 07-09-2007, 10:43 AM
Bulldog Bulldog is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

Wait, you worked at Wal-Mart and chicks thought that was a dope enough job to give you their number?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just having a job put him ahead of at least 15% of the people that shop there, so 2-3 numbers a week sounds about right.
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Old 07-09-2007, 10:58 AM
Pudge714 Pudge714 is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

I'm being a nit but would the initials of Wal-Mart be WM or just W?
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:31 AM
ardubz ardubz is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

I worked at a bulk food store for a few months. These stores often charge by weight.

Once when I was ringing up a bag of loose product, the customer asked me to wait. She then took the bag off the scale, opened it so she could get all the air out of the bag, and placed it back on the scale.

Her: "I don't want to pay for air!"
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Old 07-09-2007, 01:16 PM
ClassicBob ClassicBob is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

Was at Starbucks the other day, total comes to $4.04, I give the cashier a $5 and say "I've got the 4 cents". But he is too quick and he punches in 5 and starts scooping up my 96 cents in change. I repeat to him "here I have 4 cents" but he looks at me and says "Sorry, I've already rung you up".

I thought Starbucks was a step up from Burger King, too.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've worked with several baristas who can't do this kind of simplistic math when ringing customers up, and it is always baffling to me.
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Old 07-09-2007, 01:46 PM
Yaboosh Yaboosh is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

I used to work at Winn-Dixie as a cashier, and a fellow cashier asked me an interesting question one day.

When she typed in the amount of money that the customer gave her, she put in one zero too many (so the order was 8.54 or something, and he hands her a 20, instead of putting in 20, she puts in 200). She then asks me if she has to give him the change that the computer tells her to (in this case, 191.46). I laugh, as if she is joking, and she has a quizzical look on her face, and so I simply tell her, no, you just owe him 11.46.
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Old 07-09-2007, 02:38 PM
prohornblower prohornblower is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

This is pretty much what happens to me everytime in any drive-through:

"Yeah, I'd like a number 7 supersized with curly fries and a diet coke. That'll be it." I say it nice and slow and I get this: "Das a number 7?" "Yeah" "Do you want regular fries with that?" "No, short-curlies please" "Alright do you want...what kind of soda do you want?" "Diet Coke". "Alright anything else?" "Yeah can you up-size it?" "Alright no problem....your total is $6.16" "Thanks for listening."

I get this so much that sometimes I just play their little game and say "I want a number 7". Then let them prompt me for all future information. They seem to prefer it this way.
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Old 07-09-2007, 03:10 PM
DeuceKicker DeuceKicker is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

That's an awesome guids impression. Now do Blarg!

[/ QUOTE ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed massa quam, pretium id, rutrum a, gravida ac, ligula. Morbi cursus. Curabitur libero sapien, fermentum at, aliquet non, hendrerit sed, augue. Sed laoreet purus nec sem. Curabitur hendrerit posuere ligula. Proin ligula eros, consectetuer sit amet, accumsan eu, placerat in, ligula. Nullam dapibus vehicula urna. Duis quis pede in velit mattis cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus ultricies sapien. Vestibulum rhoncus, enim lobortis suscipit euismod, felis libero cursus odio, scelerisque sagittis justo sapien nec lorem. Maecenas faucibus condimentum ligula. Nullam nec magna. Vestibulum arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce condimentum mattis libero. Integer orci sem, mattis ut, consectetuer sit amet, tristique et, nisi.

Fusce tincidunt, purus aliquet tempus tincidunt, arcu erat rhoncus orci, non sodales dolor dolor id purus. Fusce sagittis nulla in sapien. Quisque sit amet nibh. Vestibulum vestibulum tempus quam. Maecenas nibh nibh, consequat at, cursus vel, iaculis imperdiet, elit. Duis pellentesque mauris ut enim. Sed at tellus a est fringilla sodales. Donec vestibulum, mi non condimentum accumsan, libero purus rhoncus massa, ut vestibulum ligula arcu sed ante. Integer rutrum, justo dignissim interdum condimentum, dui diam lacinia turpis, eget vehicula mi sapien eu lorem. Sed tristique turpis ac nibh. Etiam blandit, leo et laoreet posuere, libero felis tincidunt metus, vitae dictum lorem sapien et lacus. Cras euismod sagittis mi. Phasellus euismod odio et diam. Mauris augue neque, dictum a, fringilla eget, condimentum vitae, lacus. Phasellus venenatis, pede ut laoreet feugiat, augue massa feugiat lectus, non rhoncus metus urna malesuada risus. Nam leo tortor, tempor vel, accumsan sed, consequat sit amet, elit. Phasellus gravida magna quis sapien. Nulla facilisi. Praesent eget nisl sed sapien rutrum pretium.

Fusce fringilla, dolor non aliquam faucibus, nulla arcu porttitor est, a porta massa sem a ligula. Fusce semper mauris vel odio. Vestibulum ut eros. Nullam vitae nisl ac tortor tincidunt iaculis. Ut nunc nulla, posuere in, congue vitae, sollicitudin ut, turpis. Cras posuere ullamcorper augue. Proin posuere cursus dui. Vivamus quis augue. Fusce malesuada interdum libero. Curabitur ac pede. Duis et velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque cursus cursus odio. Etiam sed elit. Cras vel orci nec enim facilisis tincidunt.

Nulla quam massa, eleifend dignissim, commodo sit amet, auctor at, augue. Vivamus vitae justo. Vivamus viverra mi quis nibh iaculis auctor. Etiam ante. Nullam vitae metus. Etiam pharetra. Etiam tristique vestibulum dolor. Maecenas cursus diam. Suspendisse mauris. Sed blandit sapien vitae lectus. Sed hendrerit arcu quis leo. Mauris sit amet augue. Vestibulum a eros in nulla suscipit tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus sed nunc ac lacus sagittis venenatis. Aliquam pretium odio quis dolor. Nulla risus purus, tempus non, vulputate ac, aliquam vitae, tellus. Nulla facilisi.

Nunc id tortor in risus laoreet molestie. Vivamus vehicula lorem a enim. Maecenas molestie diam eget nulla. Duis aliquet magna vitae metus. Duis nisl augue, ornare et, fermentum sed, dapibus a, justo. Nunc mauris tellus, interdum non, vestibulum eu, consequat at, nulla. In venenatis viverra magna. Donec id purus sit amet dui cursus imperdiet. In rutrum sodales nisl. Phasellus sollicitudin, libero quis scelerisque porta, felis elit nonummy nunc, id tincidunt ante diam a risus. Proin ac augue id tellus accumsan posuere. Aenean sit amet lorem ut ligula porta sollicitudin.

I keed, I keed.
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Old 07-09-2007, 03:28 PM
DrewDevil DrewDevil is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

everytime I get taco bell they put sour cream on my chalupas. i cant eat sour cream, its just so disgusting, at first I would ask like a normal person (no sour cream pls), but after like 4 times there was still sour cream, so then I ramped it up and would ask excessively for no sour cream, still....sour cream (I am assuming they did it on purpose because of how many times I was asking), so finally one day I got fed up, after getting home and having like extra sour cream everywhere and asking about a million times for no sour cream. I went back, inside this time, demanded my money back, and literally threw my whole order like a baseball at the douche bags making the food. I really flipped out, and normally irl, I have never ever lose my temper at people like that, but I completely freaked.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've had the same problem ordering stuff anywhere that normally comes with tomatoes. I can't stand tomatoes unless they're pulverized into ketchup or pizza sauce, I mean really ill at the thought of them.

So I make the cashier repeat "NO TOMATOES" back to me and then I check to make sure there are no tomatoes right at the window. If there are, I give it back and wait for another one with no tomatoes. Sometimes they ask me to pull over to a parking space so they can move the line, and I just say, "No thanks, I'll wait here."

I like the baseball throw though. Best post in the thread.
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Old 07-09-2007, 03:38 PM
HonestRyan HonestRyan is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)


Wait, you worked at Wal-Mart and chicks thought that was a dope enough job to give you their number?

Just having a job put him ahead of at least 15% of the people that shop there, so 2-3 numbers a week sounds about right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I need to explain a little better. When I first moved to AR from HI back in 02 I moved into a town w/ a 99% caucasion population, In fact Arkansas still has less than half percent asian population. So I was a little bit of a rare deal in this little town of 20,000. Add to the fact that if I see a nice looking 22-25 y/o girl, I would start running game and have her number to hook up after I get off the shift. easy as that. In fact I dont see how so many poker players have trouble picking up women, easiest thing in the world to do.
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Old 07-09-2007, 03:43 PM
DrewDevil DrewDevil is offline
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Default Re: Dumbest cashier ever? (TR kinda-sorta)

Anytime someone would give me money because they wanted higher bills, like $5.25 total and they give me $21, if they were a dick, I'd give them back 5 $1 bills instead of a $5 bill.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just so we're clear, was the asking for higher bills part of being a dick, or was it some other dickishness that caused you to act like a complete douchebag in response?
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