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Old 11-27-2007, 02:06 PM
Parsy Parsy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Parsy Poker
Posts: 67
Default Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

Reading grandos lost trip report reminded me i wrote one from when i was in Vegas in May.

So I went to Vegas on the 11th May with my good friend Mongy to support him in the Pokerface 2007 tournament and basically have some fun. We got there Friday afternoon smashed out of our faces. There were a load of stag and hen parties on our flight so they ran out of beer 1 hour into the 9 hour flight (from London) so we had to drink vodka cokes all the way and the flight attendants don’t exactly use standard measures lol.

We were staying at the Golden Nugget, and I’d heard good things about their new pool, with shark tank. As soon as we got there we went straight down to the pool to check it out and grab a beer as we were in danger of sobering up. Whilst at the pool we developed our system for rating girls whilst we were out there, bare in mind we were smashed at this point. We decided on the following:

1. Ship it crucial ( The pinnacle of the scale, reserved the most beautiful women)
2. Ship it hottie ( Fit as, but don’t quite make it to crucial)
3. Ship it heffer ( So rough I wouldn’t touch it with Mongy’s)

I realise this may be over simplified, but it seemed to work a treat for the whole trip.

After a couple of beers at the pool we went back to get ready as we were due to meet all the other players in the Pokerface tournament at 7pm at the poolside bar. When we got there Dave, the organiser was there who is a good friend. I met Dave’s best mate Trevor who was an absolute legend, and also the casino host James who was also a top bloke. Met a few of the other players who I’d played with online many times and we all had a good chat. At about 1am I convinced everyone to go to the poker room to play the 1am tourney. When we got there there was only an alternates list running so I didn’t bother. A couple of the guys did, but me and Mongy decided to sit in the $1/$2 game there. I stacked off 1st hand with bottom pair lol, I could barely see my cards. Managed to double up to even next hand with a flush draw vs. top pair and can’t remember anything after that, just woke up in my bed the next day and counted and I had an extra $100, so gotta be happy lol.

Saturday Dave had a cabana hired so we went down to him and spent the whole day drinking coronas, shooting the breeze. Dave and Trevor had some great stories as they’d been going to Vegas since 1993, so I just sat, listened and laughed a whole lot. We arranged to meet down by the poolside bar again at 7pm for a beer and went back to get ready. I wanted to go out, but Mongy was playing in the Pokerface tourney the next day at 12pm so we said we wouldn’t go clubbing, just a few beers at bars.

We were advised that the circle bar at Hard Rock would be pretty decent tonight so we decided to follow the cocktail waitresses advice. We got there and I’ll be honest, I wasn’t overly impressed. We ordered a drink anyway and got chatting to some girls when this guy who is the absolute spit of Barry from Eastenders (or Extras) and he starts talking to me about God. I explain I am a devout atheist, which sets him off on his rant that I will be left to hang around with the devil blah blah. I said that he only does the right thing through fear of the repercussions from “God” and not necessarily that he had his own moral code to follow. He begs me to go to his church, and I decline. He then grabs my shoulders and lowers his head and goes into some mad prayer to “save my soul”. I just turn to Mongy and ask “is this really happening”. Thankfully we had finished our drinks and decided to go to Ghost at the Palms.

We walk into Palms and the queue for Ghost is huge and I don’t like to stand in line so we decided to just drink at the bar. We ended up drinking with these three Mexican guys who were really sound guys and before long the shots of tequila are coming thick and fast. Then my dream opportunity appears when the smallest Mexican guy says he doesn’t want another shot. I can’t resist this opportunity, “Are you a Mexican, or a Mexican’t!” Everyone died laughing and I was semi-relieved as I was unsure as to how it may go down lol. I then got chatting to some other guy and they asked what we were doing, and I said I wanted to go to Ghost but refuse to queue. One of them pulls out his VIP card and says we can go up with them, so we walk straight through the line and straight into the elevator straight to the top.

What a view that place has, it was just amazing. The Perspex floor was unreal, but at the same time, slightly unnerving. We went to the bar and got the guys some drinks and shortly afterwards the guys we went up to ghost with asked if we wanted to go to the playboy tower with them. I obviously jumped at the chance until Mongy reminded me it was 4am, and he had to be in Binions for 12 pm so we decided to head back to the hotel.

We made it up in time to get across the street to Binions for 12pm and Mongy went over to take his seat. I was now feeling really left out and bored, but there was the $10k gteed $110 freeze out starting in Binions at 2pm so told Dave I was off to win that. I obviously went via the bar as I have to drink when I play live to keep myself semi-sane.

As I took my seat in the tournament I looked around at the 120 or so runners and realized I was playing against the cast of Cocoon. I figured the tourneys would be real tight weak so I’d just plough through it and have a good laugh along the way. For the first 15 minutes no one said a word so I decided to instigate some conversation and get some table banter going. I got to chatting to a Scottish guy called Brian who was also here to support a friend in the Pokerface tourney. We had a good laugh and within minutes everyone at the table came to life. Picked up a few pots then lost a big pot just before 1st break with top pair vs. a str8 draw and a flush draw on the flop. The flush draw got there and I was down to 10 bb’s.

After break I was moved tables and decided to get straight into the banter with everyone. Everyone was enjoying, the girl at the end of the table comes out with “Oh my god, I love your accent!” and I reply with “Lucky for you I love the sound of my own voice so the whole table’s in luck.” After this the whole table really relaxed and I set about building a decent stack with some strong moves. Cant’ really remember any specific hands at this point as I was nailing Sam Adams like it was going out of fashion. All of a sudden we were on the bubble and I was one of the chip leaders. I raised UTG with JQ and the small blind who was the spit of Apollo Creed shoves. I have odds to call and say “I bet u have AK“ and he does and I flop my Q and runner, runner a boat, so going into final table I’m chip leader and have developed quite a crowd on the rail enjoying my drunken antics, or watching, hoping I bust lol.

Final table was played on the raised platform right next to the Pokerface tournament. There was a crowd of around 70 people watching and I was trying to work the crowd and the table. At one point I got up and tried to get them to chant “We all love the Pars, tra lah lah lah lah” and few people did, it was hilarious. By this time no one is watching the poker face I have the crowd in stitches, and then horror strikes, I call a shove with 99 and run into QQ and I’m down to 3 bb’s 6 way. But I calm the crowd telling them it’s fine and I’m still gonna win it, it will just take a little longer now. 6 hands later I was back in the game but the blinds were crushing everyone. I was in the BB and the button shoves, and I am getting 2.5 to 1 including antes, but its 70% of my stack to call. I have 10 2o but once I’ve posted my small I have no fold equity on my shove so I have to call as far as I’m concerned. He flips 56o and my T high is good, and the crowd goes wild, or at least it did in my own head lol. After that sailed through to heads up with a woman player who I had been with most of the tourney and she pretty solid and had some moves. I had said to her when we were down to 30 that we would end up HU together. Was a real shoot by now and after 5 hands she shoved her button with A8o and I woke up with JJ. Ship me the $3.5k and a seat in the tournament of champions on the 3rd June lol.

In the mean time Mongy was down to the bubble in the Pokerface tourney which was top 9 are gteed WSOP main event seats. Mongy made it through so we both had a really good day so it was time for a few celebratory beers. As we are walking through Binions we see a crowd around the dance floor, so we have a look at what’s going on. There’s a fat man, mid 40’s dancing on his own to the crowd and he was hilarious. As we were watching we got chatting to 3 Dutch guys who were also over for the Pokerface, and one who I had played a lot online with. We were saying that someone needs to go dance with him and I said I would for $100. Joren offered me 83c, and I was hammered so agreed. Little did I know they were filming it on their camera and you can find it on It saves me explaining it. We all ended up outside Starbucks on Freemont Street till 7am getting smashed and having a laugh.

The next day was the final table of the Pokerface and Mongy and Snuffert (one of the Dutch guys) were still in. We went over to watch, Snuffert bust out early with bottom 2 vs. top 2 and Mongy bust out 6th when he lost a flip with AQ vs. TT to the eventual winner. Before we left I arranged a bit of a party with everyone, telling them to meet us all at the poolside bar at 7pm as usual.

We weren’t really sure if anyone would turn up for the “party” but we knew the usual drinking crew would turn up, Snuffert, Perkins, Joren, Brian, Pedro, Pete, Paul, Jackie, Dan, Trevor and obviously Dave as his work was finally done. By about 8pm though all of the above were there along with pretty much every other person who was in the Pokerface tournament along with their friends or family. The drinks were flowing really smoothly and everyone was having a great laugh telling stories and getting smashed. I got chatting to two of the French guys who were there, Stefan and his friend Christophe. Their English wasn’t as great as the Dutch boys, but it was still very good. We had a good laugh and they invited me and Mongy out to stay with them at the end of July to go and watch the French Grand Prix with them, which I am 100% certain we will be taking them up on.

At around 2am they were about to shut the poolside bar as usual, I quickly went to the bathroom and when I came back there was no one there at all. I was pretty drunk and was kinda shocked for a second, then realized where everyone would have gone. The same bar crawl as the night before of course. As I’m walking over to the door to get into the casino I see Stefan zig-zagging down the corridor walking like Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing when he’s off his face on mescaline. Stefan had certainly had no mescaline, but he had drunk enough to sink a battleship.

I got to the bar by the card room and the party was down to more the usual all night drinking crew with a couple of additions in the shape of Dave and Trevor. By this point Dave had battered quite a few screwdrivers and Trev was about to give it up and go to bed. The Dutch boys had gone up to the strip to try and get lucky so there was me, Mongy, Brian, Peter, Paul, Pedro and Dave left and maybe a couple of others, I could barely see at this point. Dave was hilarious as I’ve never seen him drunk before, and he also bought his soap box with him. I can’t remember what exactly he was setting the world to rights about I just remember laughing a lot. At about 5am I realized that I was literally blind drunk and if I didn’t stumble back to the room now I would collapse, so I did just that.

Don’t remember getting to the room, I just remember leaving the bar and all of a sudden it was mid day. We had agreed to go to the pool with Snuffert as I had promised myself I was gonna make it back to Stoke with a suntan. We got to the pool about 2pm and Snuffs was already down there and we got some loungers near the back, semi in the shade. I went to the bar to get the drinks, but I was the only one boozing. The others were on water, as I’m walking back I bump into Brian and got chatting again. I ask him what time he got up, knowing full well he didn’t go to bed until 7am. “I’ve been down here since 9am”, I couldn’t believe it, he also had a Bud at 9am. He informed me as to his secret of not collapsing or falling asleep. 12 times down the slide sobers you up every time. I was tempted by this but decided against it as I’m too lazy lol. After about 2 hours I looked at Mongy and he was already looking quite red so we went back to get some food and get ready to meet at the poolside bar again at 7pm. Are you spotting a pattern yet?

When we get back to the room we see we have a message and it turns out it’s Dave, sounding ropey as hell threatening our lives for getting him so smashed. It was pretty hilarious, I wish I could have saved it. I rang Dave to tell him what we were doing for the evening and he swore he wouldn’t be drinking as him and Trev were going for a “punt”.

Roll on 7pm and everyone turns up again within half an hour or so, the whole crew is there again and we even managed to coax Dave out for a cheeky screwdriver before his gambling session. We had promised the Dutch guys we’d go out on the strip with them tonight but just got sucked into the nice relaxed atmosphere outside at the poolside bar and to be honest I was felling a little ropey. It was such a great chilled atmosphere and everyone in the whole group just got on so well. They were a real bunch of characters, Pedro and Jackie used to run pubs near Stoke and they had the funniest bar stories, Brian was this witty Scottish charmer with a boatload of great stories, Pete was like a 60’s hippy with all his cool drug stories and seeing great bands. The whole group dynamic was great, a mix of young and old, loud and quiet, it just couldn’t get much better. Once again we were at the poolside bar till 2am, then onto the poker room bar, then onto the Starbucks bar on Freemont St at 5am. This was a routine I was loving, I could have done it every day for a year it was so chilled and enjoyable.

I woke up at around 4pm on Wednesday and I wasn’t in good shape, in fact I was in a world of pain. I was shaking, my eyes were bloodshot as hell, I needed to eat but had no hunger and my stomach was churning for a living. I managed to amble down to the poker room to find Pedro sitting there fresh as a daisy 6 hours into a poker session. Then Mongy appeared and we went for a soft drink in the rush lounge. We then went to get some food from the Grotto in the Nugget, which was the Italian restaurant. Noah was our waiter for the day and he was amazingly polite and seemed a genuinely nice guy. I went for the rotisserie chicken and roast potatoes. Now this is where I was a little confused, in the UK you can either order a half or a whole chicken. On this menu it was a quarter, or a half. Now I know that the portions are ridiculously huge in the US, but I was wondering how they can make chickens bigger. Anyway, I decided to play it safe and go for a quarter, and then Noah asks if I want white or dark meat??? Now my head is spinning, I was always under the impression that chicken was white meat. I just asked for white meat in a confused muddled answer, thinking this would again be the safe option.

The food arrived and oh my god was I glad that I’d only ordered a quarter, it was huge. That chicken must have been 4 foot tall to have a breast that big. Don’t get me wrong, I love big breasts but this was ridiculous. Either way it was beautiful food, the best I had eaten all week and I thoroughly enjoyed it but my body was still in ruins. We paid the bill and decided to go and watch some t.v. and I fully planned on trying to sleep through the pain. I woke up at about 10pm and was feeling ropey as hell still, and also the new episode of Lost was just starting so decided to just have a proper rest so I’d be ready to go full ball at it for the next 5 days. A small sacrifice of one evening I think, and without this rest I could have wrecked the second half of the holiday. Mongy went down to the poolside bar at around 10pm and stumbled in at 6am after doing the usual bar crawl.

Thursday I woke up feeling relatively fresh and Dave and Trevor had booked a cabana again so Mongy and I cruised down to the pool to chill with them. I was planning on not drinking all day but when Yoshi the cocktail waitress came up to serve us my mouth developed a mind of it’s own and ordered a Corona for a change lol. We spent a couple of hours jus telling stories again when James the casino host turned up to have a drink with us as it was his birthday. My word, this guy has some unbelievable Vegas stories, most of which are unrepeatable to be honest so I’ll let your imagination run away with you hehe. Brian eventually turned up at the cabana and then the drinking really began again. He’d been at the pool all day yet again and continued to badger us to go on the slide to sober us up but we resisted.

Everyone else was due to be flying home on Friday except me, Mongy and the Dutch boys so everyone had arranged to meet down at the poolside bar for a change at 7pm. We got down there and the whole crew was there chatting away having a good laugh with the drinks flowing freely. At 2pm we did the usual mosey down to the car by the poker room, there was me, Mongy, Pedro, Brian and Snuffert left when somebody suggested we play a little blackjack for a laugh. We got to the blackjack table and all changed up $100 and ordered white Russians. I planned on just playing my $100 and playing $5 a hand. This lasted about 3 hands before I was juicing it up to $25 a hand and within 10 minutes I’d dropped $500 :S and thought that was all the cash I had on me. After fumbling round in my pockets I found $25 and stuck it all on 1 hand and won, I then played another $25 hand and won that, so decided to go with a $75 hand and hit blackjack, BOOM. Around 10 minutes later I was sitting on $350 and was very happy with myself. I probably would have either turned it into $2k or lost the lot if it hadn’t been for Mongy spilling his white Russian all over the blackjack table. He dealer and pit boss’ faces were a picture, we just smirked and walked away towards star bucks as it was 5 am now and time to sit out on Freemont for last beers with Brian and Pedro. At 7am me and Mongy were walking back to the room worrying about having to check out at 12pm, this wasn’t ideal for us as we were smashed out of our faces. Luckily we bumped into James the casino host and convinced him to let us checkout at 2pm.

Once we checked out we made our way up to the Venetian for 2 nights stay. We were still in a semi drunken state so decided to chill in the amazing room/suite we had in the Venetian before meeting the Dutch trio at 9pm when we planned to go for a few drinks and then on to Tao.

The room’s at the Venetian are amazing, and huge. Split level with living area and sleeping area along with a huge marble bathroom. The Venetian is just a breathtaking casino and is so huge it is probably impossible to see it all in one day, if you go via each bar hehe.

After grabbing some food from one of the many eateries we strolled over to the poker room where we were planning to meet the Dutch lads. They turned up late as always and we discussed what we should possibly do that evening as we all looked pretty rough and I was certainly feeling like I wanted to just go back to sleep. We all stood their all wanting to back out, but none of us buckling.

We went for a stroll down the strip and decided to queue up to go to carnival court. After around 20 mins queuing we got to the front and the bouncer was being quite aggressive and unhelpful. He asked for our ID’s and we obliged. He had no problem with the Dutch paper driving license but refused Mongy and me, claiming that no Harrahs establishment accepted the UK photo card driving license. This was obviously a lie and he wouldn’t listen to our arguments so angrily we trudged away. Over zealous security guards and bouncers wind me up more than life itself and we were all furious with the fat retarded bouncer. We decided that we wouldn’t waste our time going anywhere else and head directly to Tao.

Upon arriving back in the Venetian we went over to speak to the guy sorting out all the private tables. It was tough to figure out what was going on as there were various queues moving at different speeds and people had different tickets and such in their hands. After around 10 mins the huge guy we had spoken to came back and said the only tables they had were 3 bottle minimum, $1000 minimum. We quickly did the maths and worked out that between the 5 of us we could probably drink 3 bottles of spirits and would be around $300 each. We agreed to take the table available and had to give in our ID’s and were moved into what was basically a roped off cattle pen.

After waiting for around 15mins I was getting the urge to just go back to the room and sleep as it was unbelievably hot waiting in the cattle pen. I was also extremely thirsty and my legs felt they were made of rubber. Finally we go the call that our table was ready. Upon walking through the barrier I was pulled to one side. I figured I was gonna get searched but instead the bouncer just warned me that I wouldn’t be allowed in again if I didn’t have a collar on as I was wearing a round neck knitted jumper.

We walked to a smallish elevator with the club host and he took us up to the club level and walked us into a large, low ceiling, dark room. The room had a good feel to it, kind of atmospheric. We were lead to a large sofa area with a small table in the middle and were told this was our area for the evening. Our personal barmaid came over and offered us the bar menu to order our 3 bottles of spirits and were told all our mixers would be free and to tell her what we’d like. We decided on 3 different bottles of vodka as no one really cared except Mongy who is a vodka connoisseur.

Whilst waiting on our bottles and mixers a huge guy with a beard and suit on comes over and sits down with us. He introduces himself as our personal bouncer for the evening and goes over some ground rules. It was really difficult to hear him because of the R&B going on in the background. Basically we weren’t aloud to hit in the staff and if we had any problems we could give him a shout. If we got too drunk he would make sure we got home OK. Our drinks turned up and everyone opted for vodka red bulls to kick off.

We were just in awe of the place, it was just amazing and we just kept smiling and drinking. The place began to fill up and we began to perk up due to the red bulls and the music began to get better. We decided to go for a tour of the place to see what else was going on. The place was just unreal, the main room was huge and packed and there were stunningly beautiful women dancing in giant bird cages. There were private tables in the main room but it wasn’t as impressive as where we had our table, the main room could be construed as a little cheesy in my opinion. One thing I had picked up on relatively quickly was that there was no seating in the whole place unless you had your own table. Also, nobody was allowed to sit on our sofas unless we said it was OK which I though was pretty amazing.

At around midnight our personal bouncer seemed worried that we weren’t running round trying to pull every girl in there like everyone else so he asked us if we wanted some girls sending over. We obviously said ok and he sent 3 girls over within about 5 minutes and we introduced ourselves and poured them some drinks. I got chatting to one of them and the other two paired off with the others. It all seemed to be going pretty well, everyone was dancing, drinking and laughing. Some cheese ball in his suit jacket and jeans comes dancing all up the girls who are with us while I was sitting chatting to Mongy. After about five minutes Mongy said we should get the bouncer to get rid of them if we weren’t gonna get anywhere with them, to which I agreed.

Luckily about 2 mins later the girl I was chatting to came over to me and the conversation went like this:
“Sorry, I was trying to get rid of that guy, I really wanted to be with you” she said.
“OK, well now’s your chance, give me the best chat up line you got”
“Erm……erm…..erm…..wanna make out”

I obviously said yes and that was pretty simple. We chilled together for most of the night and had a good laugh. Snuffert ended up pulling one of her friends while their other friend went home or something. I didn’t pay much attention obviously lol. Mongy, Joran and Perkins busied themselves with getting completely smashed out of their faces while I had other ideas on my mind.

At about 3am I left the club with the girl I was with to go back to my room after asking the Dutch guys to keep Mongy out as late as possible. What happened after that I’m afraid I will have to keep to myself. At about 6.30am I heard Mongy come in and he had a bottle of water with him. I saw him put it down by his bed and then collapse into a coma on his bed. I got out of bed and went looking for the water. Luckily I didn’t find it as I found out in the morning that it was the left over vodka from Tao haha. That could have been a disaster.

Slept most of the day and went to meet the Dutch guys again at 8pm to go for some drinks, but couldn’t go to Pure like we wanted because they were flying home the next morning at 7am. We ended up in the Shadow Lounge in Caesar’s having a few beers and just talking about the amazing night previously. I was desperate to go to Pure after the great night previous but no one was interested so we just chilled. We left about 3am and crashed early.

The final day of the trip we decided to play some poker as we hadn’t managed to fit much poker into our busy drinking schedule. We decided to play the Venetian 8pm tourney and have a few beers. I had a disaster and had some drunk conference guy on my right who played every pot and flopped two pair minimum. Basically my stack got to a stage where I could resteal or fold. The guy 3 to my right was a dealer at some other casino from what I could gather and he raised light a lot so I basically shoved over him for kicks. Probably about 8 times total and he was crying like a little bitch, “all-in, that’s all you internet idiots know. You can’t play flops, you’ll never so well in poker!” This coming from the guy who raised a third of his stack pre, bet half his stack on the flop and then check folded the turn leaving himself 3 big blinds. NH SIR.

I eventually bust with 9bbs when I shoved utg with A9s and got snap called by second position with A9s also and then the button wakes up with QQ unfortunately and I didn’t improve. Mongy was still in and for a change he was running good. He runs like 90/10 on flips for a living lol. He obviously ends up chopping it for $2.5kish.

We decide that celebratory drinks are in order so head over to Mirage to the Revolution Lounge. They had just stopped letting in so we had a drink at the bar just outside and reminisced on the trip and then headed over to the garden bar there. We had a few white Russians and played spot the hooker one last time before heading back to sleep.

Cliff Notes
Went to Vegas, won a donkament in Binions, danced with a lunatic which my Dutch friends filmed and put on you tube. Got smashed out of my teeth every night.
Got a table at Tao, banged some bird.
Mate who runs like god won a donkament
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:08 PM
TimberBee TimberBee is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

vvv tl;dr
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:15 PM
TheStig TheStig is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

vvv tl;dr

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Old 11-27-2007, 02:26 PM
LovedBySgtSaLT LovedBySgtSaLT is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

read the cliffnotes.. meh
watched the vid (after removing the .)
im feeling weird now
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:32 PM
DontRaiseMeBro DontRaiseMeBro is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

lol @ skipping the sexaments.. wtf dude!?!??!
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:44 PM
Ojeda1699 Ojeda1699 is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

This trip report is useless WITHOUT PHOTOS. POST PICTURES!
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Old 11-28-2007, 10:26 AM
Resistance Resistance is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

lol @ skipping the sexaments.. wtf dude!?!??!

[/ QUOTE ]


Great trip report man, really enjoyable read.
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:25 PM
AquaSwing AquaSwing is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

What happened after that I’m afraid I will have to keep to myself.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this is the only part of the story we do want to hear about.
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Old 11-27-2007, 10:13 PM
DaExMan DaExMan is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

What happened after that I’m afraid I will have to keep to myself.

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Here you go
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Old 11-28-2007, 04:23 AM
Plikoe Plikoe is offline
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Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

Hmm.. She turned out to be a man?

Nice report.
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