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Old 11-01-2007, 08:22 AM
Bond18 Bond18 is offline
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Default PN Cup TR part 2, ME, The Spew-Out at the Crown Casino; Conclusion

I raise one of my first hands at the table with 88 on the CO, and the Estonian quickly 3 bets from the SB a massive 5 times my raise. Without knowing much outside the one insane hand I’d seen I simply give up. After often witnessing the Indian guy open limp the following hand develops:
I hold Ad Td on the button at 300/600 75 ante.
Preflop: Folds to Indian guy in MP2, he limps, 2 folds, I raise to 2400, blinds fold, he calls.
Flop: Jc Qc 9c
He checks, I check.
Turn: 2s
He checks, I check.
River: 6s
He checks, I check back and he tables KJo no club. I’m almost positive he’s not folding to any bets unless I three barrel, and there’s no reason to bluff here.

The Indian guy continues to play highly aggressive and spewy, pissing away his stack thousands at a time. The next interesting hand occurs vs him again:
My stack: 55k, his stack: ~100k
Preflop: Folds to Indian guy in MP1, he limps, folds to me on CO, I limp JcTd behind, button limps, SB completes, BB checks.
Flop: Tc 9c 5h
The blinds check, MP1 bets 3600, I call, 3 folds.
Turn: Kd
Indian guy bets 8225, I give up and fold. Even though he’s spewing a ton, I think plenty of better hands are in his range in this spot as well.

For a while things are fairly peaceful except for the middle aged guy on my direct left, Ron, constantly 3 betting my open raises. Despite my not being all that aggressive he is absolutely pummeling me with 3 bets, then claiming to have a ‘big hand.’ On his fourth straight 3 bet I get fed up.
My stack: ~47k, SB (Ron): ~60k, blinds 400/800 with 100 ante.
Preflop: Folds to me on button, I raise to 2100. SB 3 bets to 8000, BB folds. I decide I’ve had enough and that he’d never 3 bet AA/KK this big and shove all in. Ron sits back and lets out a groan. “Bloody hell, this hand always screws me. Alright you win” then flips up TT and folds. I tell him I had Aqs, and he says “mate, that’s an awful lot of chips to risk with just ace-queen.”

After that Ron stops 3 betting me for quite some time and my stack climbs back into the mid 50 thousands. A few hands later I find myself in a big pot vs the Indian guy:
My stack: ~55k, Indian guy: ~80k, I hold QsQd on the HJ. Blinds 400/800 100 ante
Preflop: Folds to Indian guy, he limps for 800, folds to me, I raise to 3200, folds back to him, he calls.
Flop: 2s Qc 3s
He checks, I bet 4200, he calls.
Turn: Ad
Not a great card since I think it will often slow him down, but he just might have called the flop with something insane like AJo. I fire 9200. He instantly declares all in, and I call even faster. He flips up Ah2h and I have him drawing to 2 outs.
River: 6
I double up to around 115,000, putting me enormously above average.

A new player is moved to the table, a middle aged Asian guy. He seems somewhat aggressive and sensible and loses quite a few chips calling a raise in the BB and leading into the PFR who jams on him then folding. With the Asian guy having 27k at 500/1000 with 100 ante the Asian guy raises to HJ to 3700. With AQo I 3 bet him to 12600, committing his stack. It folds back to him and he puts the rest in, then flips up KK.
Flop: Q 6 4
Turn: A
River: 2
I make my first major suck out of the tournament and my stack soars to over 140k.

I continue my aggressive play when this hand comes up between Ron and I:
7 handed. I hold A9o UTG. My stack: ~140k, Ron’s stack: ~80k Blinds 400/800
Preflop: I raise to 2200, Ron calls after what looks like a consideration to reraise UTG+1, SB calls, BB calls.
Flop: 9 6 5
Both blinds check and I lead 6200. Ron raises to 15000 and the blinds fold. I think it over and decided Ron probably flat called something like TT/JJ here despite my image and fold. He shows me KK.

After the 400/800 level we go on dinner break. We’d tried to call every restaurant at Crown around noon to make a booking, but every single restaurant was booked out. I decided to try ‘The Pub’ upstairs since the food is good and they turn over tables pretty quick. We’re given 75 minutes to eat and get back. The lady at the front of the pub tells me it’ll be 20 to 30 minutes before I get my table. Alright, close enough, as long as I don’t have to eat food court food. 50 minutes later I’m still standing at the bar feeling totally [censored] and tilted. Over the course of seven hours of poker I kept a cool head, but during the dinner break I lose my cool unable to get some food. I go back and turn my reservation number back at the desk and hit the food court. God [censored] damn it, [censored] processed food. [censored] people sitting in the Pub enjoying their meals and a chat afterwards. I sit back in my chair and silently wish they all get food poisoning while I choke down a very processed tasting Mongolian beef.

After dinner I make it back to the poker room with time to spare before the tournament starts up. I find my friend Johnny ‘Yoyo’ Vincent in the middle of a conversation on the stairs, talking to a guy discussing surgery.
Friend: “…so when he punctures it blood starts gushing out. [censored] I was worried, blood gushing out of my dick.”
Yoyo: “Did they get it patched up?”
Friend: “Yea yea, and the other two there wasn’t any real problem.”
Bond: “Wait, what the [censored]? You had something punctured into your dick?!”
Yoyo: “Yea he got 3 ball bearings put in there.”
Bond: “Like a piercing or in there in there?”
Friend: “Hell yea in there in there, under the skin, wanna see?”
Bond: “Uh no, I’m cool. So wait, why exactly did you have ball bearings put in your dick?”
Friend: “You can’t figure it out? Think about where a chicks [censored] is.”
Bond: “Right, gotchya.”

I guess I should have clarified what my question meant, like
1. Do you have that many problems pleasing a woman through traditional methods?
2. Aren’t you at all worried about the health risks involved in this?
And most importantly
3. Dude, do you realize you have [censored] ball bearings in your dick?

Whatever, maybe I’m just getting old. Play starts up again with my 130k stack being one of the chip leaders. A few hands in it folds to the HJ who open raises to 600/1200 blinds to 3600 with a 20k stack. It folds to me in the BB and I just jam my J9s on her. She insta calls her AKo which holds to knock me back around 100k and ruin my 3 betting image.

Meanwhile, the crazy Estonian continues to give me trouble by constantly 3 betting on my left. I’ve yet to find a hand I can stop him with but watching him play he seems absolutely addicted to raising as a bluff. Finally I find my chance:
Blinds 600/1200 with 200 ante. 8 handed. My stack: ~95k Estonian: 130k. I hold TT in the SB.
Preflop: Estonian raises to 4200 UTG, folds to me in the SB and I make it 13,600 (that should be a little bigger really), the BB folds and the Estonian thinks over his options. He looks at my stack, stares me over a bit then starts mentally counting his chips. After a brief contemplation he announces raise and throws out a stack of 5000’s that makes his raise to either 34200 or 39200, I’m not quite sure. Nor do I care, I know I’ve got the best hand. “I’m all in.” The Estonian goes into the tank big time. When he doesn’t call in half a second I already know I’m way ahead. He stares at me for quite some time, then pats the table and folds.

A few hands later I double up the short stack who has 10 BB’s with my 77 vs his JJ. The very next hand I find myself in a contest with the Estonian again.
My stack: ~135k Estonian: ~50k. Blinds 600/1200 200, I hold AKo in the BB.
Preflop: UTG folds, Estonian raises to 4000, folds to me, I 3 bet to 13600. I’m praying the Estonian shoves but after seeming frustrated and considering all 3 options, he elects to call.
Flop: 3 4 5 rainbow.
I’m about 100% sure I’m ahead here. If the Estonian had any decent pair I think he shoves pre. I’m trying to think if he bets if I check, so I can check shove, or whether I should bet and pray he shoves so I can call. If I lead I think he’ll always fold random broad way cards he called with, mostly shove an Ax hand, and of course never fold a pair. If I check he’ll always bet/call an A, but I might get an extra bet from broad way that will fire once. This guy does live to fire, but having him check behind would suck a lot. I decide to check, and to my disappointment he checks behind.
Turn: T
I lead 16800 and he quickly folds. I’m starting to wonder if I should just lead the flop for simplicities sake.

After this hand the Estonian again tries to run over another table on the player, calling a raise from the tightest player on the table and check shoving a QT8 flop with 98 vs her KK. He’s now short stacked and starting to push fold.

A few hands after this it’s folded to me on the button with 55 vs the Estonians BB. I raise to 3300 and the Estonian insta shoves his last 26k. I snap call and win a flip vs his A7o, hitting my 5 on the flop straight away just to be safe.

As play begins winding down for the night, a couple of the younger players on the table try and step up the aggression. One also deep stacked player raises the button to 4600, and I quickly 3 bet him in the BB to 16200 with 56s. He folds and I take down one of the last pots of the night.

We count up and bag our chips before going home. I’ve finished the day with 174,000, good for 3rd place. It’s about 1am and we’re losing an hour to daylight savings tonight, and we have to be back at 12:30am. I go home and do my best to get to sleep at a decent hour, which turns out to be a little before 3am after setting the clocks forward an hour.

I awake at 8:30am. Damn it. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, full of excitement and anticipation. I lay in bed for another half hour before realizing how pointless it is. I get up, turn on my computer, glance over 2+2, then start writing my trip report. I get online and tell Timex the good news. I reiterate that I’m totally due and definitely going to win this one. I have some breakfast and meet Daren outside my apartment for a ride.

The blinds today start at 1000/2000. We have about 110 players left with 40 cashing. I’m 3rd in chips and probably in better position than anyone right now. This is what I do, all day every day.

The very first hand I get in a pot. The BB is a tight and mostly honest player named Ali Lightman. I’m pretty sure she regards me as quite aggressive, especially after my J9s resteal on her last night.
My stack: 174k. Her stack: ~80k. I hold AcQd in MP1.
Preflop: Folds to me, I raise to 5400, Ali calls in the BB.
Flop: As Ts 2d
Ali leads out 10,500, I call.
Turn: 9j
Ali checks. I check behind.
River: 7c
Ali checks again. I bet 16,500 and she quickly folds.

I of course start raising a lot of hands, just like last night. A round in I peek down at KK in EP and open to 5400. A middle aged guy 2 seats behind me shoves in his 35k. It folds back to me and I snap call. He flips up 77 and on an raggy board my stack climbs over 200k. The very next hand in the BB I look down at AA. God I run good.
Preflop: Folds to Ali on the HJ, she raises to 7000, folds to me in the BB, I call.
Flop: A Q 6 rainbow
I check, Ali bets 12,000, I call.
Turn: 3, putting a flush draw out.
I sit for a moment considering my options. I think I’m going to lead because I don’t think she bets twice without the A. As I’m staring at Ali she seems to think I’ve checked and announces “All in!” I call in half a second and table Ali can’t table her cards fast enough; QQ. I flip up my AA for what turns out to be a really gross set up hand. Ali had about 65k to start the hand, so my stack rockets to about 280k making me the chip leader.

Two hands later I raise KsTs in MP and Ron flat calls. Ron has a decent stack of about 80k. The flop comes QJ9 with two diamonds. Wow I run good. I lead out for 8000 but unfortunately Ron folds. The very next hand I get dealt 99, raise, and take down the blinds. Jesus, I can do no wrong. I was right, it is my turn this time. No way I don’t final table with this stack in this field. I will finally get my six figure, I know it.

A few hands later the short stack from last night open shoves his last 20,800. I call with 77 again and he flips up A8o. The board comes: 9 6 5 K…..A. [censored], I’m not supposed to lose anything, I’m supposed to run like god. Fine, whatever, tiny pot.

A friend of mine started the day on my right, Kel. He’s never played with me before, just knows that I do well online and spend most of my time playing tournaments. He started the day around 50k.
My stack: ~300k, Kel: ~50k, Blinds 1/2000 with 300 ante. I hold Ts9h in the BB.
Preflop: Folds to Kel in SB, Kel completes, I check.
Flop: Ks Qs Kh
Kel bets 4000, I call.
Turn: 3c
Kel checks, I bet 8000, Kel folds. Floating seems very viable as a big stack vs the other aggressive players on the table.

One of the players on the table is a young European guy who seems decent but way to straight forward. He started the day with about 120k. He remains quiet for a while, until this hand comes up:
I hold 33 on the CO at ½,000 300.
Preflop: Folds to Euro in MP2, he raises to 6500, 1 fold, I call on the CO, 3 folds.
Flop: K 7 4 rainbow
Euro checks. I bet 8,000 hoping he’s being honest and having a great C bet board. He quickly check raises to 20,000. Fine, whatever, I’m rich.

Things remain quiet for a very long time after that. I of course open raise quite a lot, but most either get folds, or somebody 3 bets very big to prevent going post flop and I fold. I especially love raising UTG since Kel understands position and nobody at the table is aware that UTG is a great steal spot. So far every UTG steal has gone off without a hitch. This time things get interesting:
I’ve been quiet for a round or two and decide that’s unacceptable and to make another UTG steal with a wide range. I peer down at Qd4d, looks good enough to me. With blinds 1200/2400 300 I grab my standard raise of 6400 out and fling it in the pot. I don’t declare raise, and unfortunately for me the yellow 5000 hits the felt a half second before the other chips. The dealer decides to call me on a string raise and makes it a call. I make sure to let anyone who asks that it was meant to be a raise. It folds to Kel in the BB who checks.
Flop: Ks 6s 3h
Kel thinks over his options and bets 6000. I’m not buying it, even if he has a K if I raise he’ll be forced to fold most of his since my raise came from UTG. I raise to 18,000. Kel thinks things over and calls. [censored], time to shut down.
Turn: 5h
Awesome card. I’ll always check behind here since for Kel to call my flop raise I’m almost certain he has something. Also, Kel has about two times the pot left, a pretty good stack to CR AI with. Instead, Kel ruins everything and announces all in. Damn it, god damn string raise. I fold, mumbling about Kel having two pair.

I stay out of it for a while and make sure to always announce raise verbally after that costly incident. Kel has climbed over 100k, and at one point opens the CO to 7300. Having tightened up for a while, I quickly 3 bet to 21300 and casually inform him “I’m on tilt from the string raise hand, gotta get my chips back.” The blinds fold, and after a quick think so does Kel.

After that hand I change gears again and get quite aggressive. The player two on my left once shoved a massive 15X my raise already, so I’m hoping I can pick up a monster. I peek down at AA on the CO and start getting my hopes up.
My stack: ~270k, SB: ~120k, blinds 1200/2400 with 300 ante.
Preflop: Folds to me, I raise to 6400, button folds, SB flat calls, and BB folds.
Flop: Ac Th 3c
Wow, plenty of huge flops today. SB checks and I lead out 8200. The SB thinks it over quickly and folds. Phh, how does he not have middle set there?

A round later I get in a hand vs the same player. I raise AKo in MP1 to 6400, it folds to the HJ who 3 bets to 16,400 with about 100k in his stack. It folds back to me and I move all in, hoping my image works for me. At worst, it’ll keep people from 3 betting me. He think it over and folds.

Then for a very long time, almost nothing happens. I of course keep raising a lot pre, but I mostly seem to be treading water. My stack is around 270k, and through most of the 1200/2400, all of the 1500/3000, and most of the 2000/4000 level, nothing of importance happens. The only thing worth mentioning was a hand I witnessed that had future importance. The hand occurred between Ron on my left, and a guy who joined the table late in day 1, who I called ‘fat idiot’.
Blinds 1500/3000 with 400 ante. So far fat idiot’s raise had always been 4X, despite position. He normally showed something like 88 after 4X’ing in EP or what not. This time he’s the HJ and ron is the BB. Ron has about 80k, fat idiot roughly 65k.
Preflop: Folds to fat idiot on HJ, HJ raises to 7500, 3 folds, Ron calls in BB.
Flop: Jc 8c 3s
Ron checks. Fat idiot bets 8000. Ron quickly check raises to 15000. Nobody has seen what Ron is doing this with, but he’s often showing his hands pre flop and he’s been very very honest with his aggression. HJ calls leaving about 40k behind.
Turn: Qc
Ron now checks. Fat idiot bets 25,000. Ron tanks and folds, Fat Idiot flips up A8dd and drags the pot with a smirk. Ron claims he had A8 offsuit. Wow, I cannot express in words how awful everything outside the initial pre flop raise is. If Ron hits second pair and thinks idiot is full of it, why check raise? If idiot thinks Ron’s check raise is garbage and he must be bluffing or drawing, then why would you bet the Qc of all [censored] cards on the turn!? Ron either has him crushed or he was ahead anyway, what the [censored] is going on here? Either way, this let me know both Ron and fat idiot could be spewy aggressive on a level I hadn’t previously realized.

In the 2k/4k level I win some small and medium pots, including 3 betting Kel preflop with J7o and taking it down. My stack has climbed back around 320k and my mini rush has got me raising quite a few hands. Also, we’re nearing the money bubble with only five or six players to go. On the third hand I’ve raised in a row, the following happens:
My stack: ~320k, Fat idiot: 66k, John (MP1): ~100k Blinds 2/4000 with 500 ante. John is a pokernews employee who’s a nice guy but a bit to straight forward in his playing style. He’s pretty new to the table and not fully aware how much I’m raising. The table is 8 handed.
Preflop: I raise to 11,000 UTG, folds to John in MP1, John calls, folds to fat idiot in SB, he shoves for 66k, BB folds, I reshove to isolate. John folds and we flip up our hands; my TT vs the idiots QQ.
The board comes out 8 high and all rags, doubling up the idiot. What he does next is why he earns his insulting nick name; he berates me for my call.
Fat idiot in a confrontational tone: Hey, what did you put me on to call there!? What are you doing?
I laugh at him.
Bond: Put you on? What did I put you on? Are you serious? I put you on a math problem dude.
I look over the rail which has a couple friends who know what’s going on. They all start laughing at him.
Bond: He wants to know what I put him on guys. The dudes got like 16 BB’s and he berates me after doubling up.

My stack slips to about 240k and the blinds go up to 3000/6000. A couple rounds in and we’re 2 from the money. John has blinded away and lost some small pots to get crippled to 45k. I’m still raising quite a few hands when the following comes up:
My stack: ~240k, John: ~45k Fat idiot: ~120k, I hold AKo in MP1.
Preflop: Folds to me, I raise to 16,000. Folds to John who goes all in. Folds to fat idiot in BB who now tanks. He seems to consider all 3 options at his disposal, even counting out the 45k to make the call. I’m almost positive if he had KK/AA he wouldn’t put on anywhere near this much of a show. After a minute or so he declares all in. I declare I’m also all in and the hands are flipped up. Me: AKo, John: KThh, Idiot: JJ
Board: 9 3 3 4 6
[censored], there goes my bubble dominating stack.

I start grinding my stack back up. A middle aged guy named Peter W is moved to my left. Peter is quite tight and straight forward and mentions how he won’t be calling all ins without QQ+ , AK, and maybe JJ. On one of his first hands he open raises and a player on his left resteals all in with KQo. Peter apologizes before calling and flips up AA. After grinding my stack back to about 160k, a hand comes up with him:
Blinds 3/6000 with 500 ante. I hold A8o on the CO. We are 2 from the money. Peter has about 200k, the BB about the same.
Preflop: Folds to me, I raise to 16,000, Peter calls on the button, SB folds, BB seems to think about folding but calls.
Flop: Td 5d 3c
BB checks. Often I’d check this spot but so close to the money vs a player I expect to play honest I decide to bet 26,000. Peter quickly shoves and the BB folds. *Sigh* This has all gone so backwards.

Again through aggressive play and a few good starting hands I grind my stack back to about 180k. When on the CO I’ve been raising the BB almost every round. The BB is a 30ish guy who I’m told through friends sometimes makes moves and has an idea how to play. Outside Kel and I, he seems to be the most aggressive player on the table. With my highly aggressive image the following hand develops:
My stack: 180k, BB: 260k. Blinds 4000/8000 with 500 ante. I hold AJo on the CO.
Preflop: Folds to me, I raise to 21000. Folds to BB who announces raise and makes it 63,000. I’ve expected his 3 bet for a while and decided when I raised I wasn’t folding if he came after me. Two seconds after he sets his 63k in the middle I casually announce ‘all in’. The BB looks very disgusted with my announcement. The sick thing about live poker, is very few players go into their hand with a plan. They make the first logical decision that comes to them (whatever their logic happens to be) and when the player reacts in an unexpected way, end up wasting a billion years tanking. Plenty of live players will make a 3 bet here with a hand like 88 (which is totally reasonable) but upon my shoving becomes confused and talk themselves into my having a monster. That’s exactly what happened this time, the BB put his hands on his head and began complaining about how for a guy who raised his BB every round for 90 minutes, I sure was lucky to wake up with a monster this time. “Fine” he says “I’ll fold jacks to you.” My stack climbs back into the mid 200’s.

A few hands later I peek down at KQo UTG. We’re still 2 from the money, and the table is playing incredibly tight. I can’t even remember the last time we saw a flop that wasn’t blind vs blind. The following develops:
My stack: ~260k. CO (the player from the AJ hand, who won a medium pot) ~240k. Button (fat idiot): ~220k. BB (Kel): ~160k. Blinds 4/8000 with 500 ante.
Preflop: I raise to 21000, folds to CO, CO calls, button calls, SB folds, BB calls.
Flop: Qc 6s 4d
BB checks, I bet 45,000. CO calls without much thought, button folds. Kel thinks for quite some time, then folds.
Turn: 6c
I’m pretty sure for CO to play this way with a flat call pre and then just calling the flop with 2 behind, he likely has a very strong hand like AA/AQ.. However, it’s not totally unreasonable that he has something like QJs, QTs and called me pre flop out of frustration with my aggression and didn’t want to risk another 4 bet shove from me. I decide to check the turn and fold if he bets. He checks behind. How encouraging.
River: 2h
I think things over. If I check and he bets 100k I’ll be really lost, same as if he shoves. I’d hate to miss value from a worse Q, and I think if I bet and he shoves I’m always beat. So I basically decide to bet for a mix of value and information, even though betting for information is almost always awful. I lead 60,000 and the CO instantly shoves. Oh well, crushed by a slow play. I mull it over briefly and fold. I’m down to about 120k.

The next round I open shove in the SB vs Peter W knowing how tight his calling range is and he folds. I fold my button to a raise and on the CO I peer down at KTo with 135k at my stack. The players behind me include Peter, a SB with only 32k in his stack, and the BB who I lost the KQ hand to. The blinds are 4000/8000 with 500 ante and if it folds to me this seems like a very easy shove. It indeed folds to me and I announce all in. Peter and the SB quickly folds, but the BB goes into the tank.
“I think I’m gonna call you this time.”
He stares at me for a while, I assume my normal arms crossed and leaning back posture.
“My instincts telling me your weak as [censored] this time.”
I shrug, refusing to join in any verbal sparring. The BB thinks it over and announces call, then flips up KQo. Fair enough.
Flop: 6 7 8 rainbow
Turn: 2
River: Q
I go from early day chip leader, to bust two places short of the money, how professional. I tap the table “Good game everyone, and best of luck.”

I walk down the main Crown hall and find a seat at the Atrium bar. I order a beer, which is very cold and tastes perfect after the last two days. I sit there drinking it silently. Timex is going to kill me.

(Authors note: Fat idiot went on to win the Poker News Cup and $300,000. Upon reading this update I immediately copy-pasted it in an email to Richard Dawkins in case he wanted more evidence for his next book about how there is no God.)
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:45 AM
JP OSU JP OSU is offline
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Default Re: PN Cup TR part 2, ME, The Spew-Out at the Crown Casino; Conclusion

[img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]... Good read as always
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:53 AM
gobbomom gobbomom is offline
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Default Re: PN Cup TR part 2, ME, The Spew-Out at the Crown Casino; Conclusion

[img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]... Good read as always

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to post something similar. I'm trying to find a good analogy for Bond's experiences: maybe like eating a bowl of your favorite cereal, then at the bottom you discover a bug. But I laughed at the ball bearing part imagining Bond's horrified face.
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Old 11-01-2007, 11:22 AM
LuckyLloyd LuckyLloyd is offline
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Default Re: PN Cup TR part 2, ME, The Spew-Out at the Crown Casino; Conclusion

As much as I enjoy these trip reports, I find them somewhat depressing at the same time. Well played and hard luck. You WILL get a big live score within the next 12 months.
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Old 11-01-2007, 12:30 PM
Highn Highn is offline
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Default Re: PN Cup TR part 2, ME, The Spew-Out at the Crown Casino; Conclusion

sick...? [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
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Old 11-01-2007, 12:46 PM
cheburashka cheburashka is offline
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Default Re: PN Cup TR part 2, ME, The Spew-Out at the Crown Casino; Conclusion

Bond, you're wasted as a poker player. You could triple your income by writing best-sellers.
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