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Old 10-27-2007, 02:32 PM
StoxPoker StoxPoker is offline
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Default Demo Clip Of Video #165 - Collin in HeadUp SNG With SNG Pro DDBeast

Collin heads-up against the highly successful SNG Pro DDBeast. This is the 2nd in a series where Collin focuses Head-Up SitNGo strategy.

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Old 10-28-2007, 02:45 AM
WutRUTryin2Hit WutRUTryin2Hit is offline
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Default Re: Demo Clip Of Video #165 - Collin in HeadUp SNG With SNG Pro DDBeas

Umm, did not like this video, sorry. Not value betting the kings on one of the first hands where flop was AKx was pretty weak, it was like 99% clear kings were best there. Saying that ddbeast probably doesn't know how to play HU is a bad read, the guy was in the 220s all the time last time I played them and had good stats iirc.

10 minutes in, he bluffs a 55A56 board on the riv and says the guy may fold a pair of deuces cause the flush came in - deuces would give him a boat yo, don't think he's gonna be worried about a flush. Also floating the A55dd flop with T9o out of position is pretty stinky imo.

The A8o hand I am watching right now, I would never play this hand this way, I really hate most streets on this hand. Also when ddbeast turns over his hand, Moshman says "he has the hand I least expected".. but what DID you expect, that's what I don't get? I would love to know what moshman put him on, it looks like he was just playing his own cards, I didn't hear him speculate on ddbeast's holdings at all. Also I think a bluff on the end there with A3 is fine, because it's pretty clear that it does not in fact have showdown value. I actually don't like that bluff, but not because A3 has showdown value, I just think the bluff was sized poorly and that on that board texture and action, it's tough to think what he could bluff Moshman off of, I probably would have just given up.

I just think Moshman plays this game really mediocrely and if anything *he* is the guy who isn't really suited for playing this format of HU, and I think his reads are not great, for instance he puts his opponent on big hands too often. Like when ddbeast limps the button for the first time, it's probably not cause he has a monster, it could easily just be cause of his awkward stack size for raising then cbetting.

His limp/call-shove on the final hand is stinky imo. He says he expects ddbeast to shove 100% of hands there, I think that is completely an after-the-fact rationalization for playing the hand the way he did. I think that yes, ddbeast may shove a larger than normal range because of the stack sizes, but to just say "ok if I limp he's shoving 100% of his hands" seems insane to me against someone you have never played. Not every player goes into shovebot mode immediately when his stack hits 10 big blinds. No offence to Moshman, but if I was Moshman's opponent, I would definitely rather continue to play poker at this point and outplay him than go into shovebot mode this early against a player I could definitely get money in good against. I just really feel that the explanation of this last hand, and then the pokerstoving after the fact and rationalization is just kind of ridiculous (although I did smile when Moshman realizes his hand is only 55% againt a totally random 100% range).

p.s. I just realized that the version posted on this forum is only 3 minutes long, I thought it had the full 17 minutes or whatever on it. I went to comment on the stox forums, but the link to the thread for it was broken.

[Collin Moshman: I'll reply to all comments on the full-length video directly at the Stoxpoker forums. There is a currently active thread on this video.]
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