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Old 06-16-2006, 03:46 PM
cts cts is offline
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Default NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Hey guys, my name is Cole and I am a HSNL player. I've browsed through the software forum since I've been a member here and have really enjoyed the programs you guys have put out. I've grown attached to many programs I've found on here (PartyPlanner/FPHG/etc.) and really like the forum's freeware spirit.

I'm a heavy multitabler and rely on MTH a lot. However, the one feature MTH does not have that I would love is a bet pot button. I've seen plenty of AHK scripts recently that attempt to implement this feature (TableNavigator, etc.) but I haven't really been all that impressed with them (don't get me wrong, they are nice but not quite what I'm looking for).

I would really like a piece of software that lets me press one key (or click the scroll button of my mouse) and automatically take my bet size/slider to the pot size, then use two other keys (or scroll up/down with my mouse scroll button) to adjust the bet in 10% increments of the pot, rounding to the nearest dollar. Also, turning off chat sucks so I would definitely like to avoid doing this.

If anyone can make a program/AHK script like this that will help me multitable with MTH (i.e. the script doesn't need to switch tables, just work with the active one), I will gladly send $100 their way.

Thanks for your help!
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Old 06-16-2006, 04:06 PM
_dave_ _dave_ is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Hi Cole,

I made one, based heavily on the code in TableNavigator, with some NL cash adjustments. Did you miss this one on your searches? or was it one of the unsatisfactory ones in some way?

I linked to it in another post a couple of days ago, copied that post here for you - let me know if it does / does not do what you were thinking...


I understand your pain, typing in bets is a kludge, at best. I don't 10-key and using the normal numbers is an excersize in futility. Check this thread for a script that I'm using now, it uses your mousewheel to increment the bet in sb increments.

I've been looking it over and I *think* I'm starting to understand how to do this stuff. (I'm hardly a programmer) I may try a "pot sized" bet addon so that when the pot is 25bb already you're not scrolling for 10 seconds just to get the bet to a decent size. I figure if I "pot" it, I can just scroll down to decrease the bet to where I'd like it.

edit: oh yeah... worst slider in online poker, huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

I never use the Party slider these days... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Party Bet-Pot / Fraction-of-Pot / Wheel Up-Down Script

As is, this will set the mouse wheel to scroll up/down 1BB, Middle-Click bets pot, right click bets 3/4 pot.

If you have more mouse buttons than me you can set up other fractions of potsize easily. Also you can change the amount the wheel scrolls if BB is not enough fine enough control for you.


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Old 06-16-2006, 05:54 PM
tcorbin16 tcorbin16 is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

dave i am setting up your AHK script. I like it very much [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]. Anyways i got a fancy mouse i guess. logitech mx laster 1000 and i dont know some of the clickers are called. like rbutton, mbutton etc. There are a couple more on here i don;t know what they are called. If anyone knows could you please help me?
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Old 06-16-2006, 06:11 PM
Roland Roland is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

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Old 06-16-2006, 07:10 PM
cts cts is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Hey guys, I downloaded the script and love it. MTH has an option to automatically bring the active table to the front and keep it there, this makes the script work perfectly. Some things I/others would like to see:

*Don't adjust for the rake preflop, or round off bets to nearest dollar at least
*Able to use player chat with the script (most important)

Hm we talked about in #MSNL and I thought there were more suggestions, but chat is the main one and I can't remember the other requests.

Thanks, dave. If you PM me your Party SN/name I'll send $50 your way and maybe if the chat/etc gets fixed I can send you the rest, hows that sound?
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Old 06-16-2006, 07:55 PM
_dave_ _dave_ is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Hey guys, I downloaded the script and love it. MTH has an option to automatically bring the active table to the front and keep it there, this makes the script work perfectly.

[/ QUOTE ]

TY. Glad you like it. I love to bet pot in <1 second [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

As I said in the linked thread above, I can't take all credit - I just modified the TableNavigator code to work well with cash tables.... (or so I thought)

Some things I/others would like to see:

*Don't adjust for the rake preflop, or round off bets to nearest dollar at least

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahaha LOL. this demonstrates the low level NL I usually play - I never tested a situation where the SB+BB were large enough to generate rake [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]. It should discount the current round of betting from rake calculations post-flop, although there are obvious problems with it due to my SSNL testing - there is also no cap on the rake, for instance. I will fix this.

Thankfully it works on observed tables - I have just been checking out some $10/$20 - I will get this sorted and post a fixed version hopefully within a few days.


*Able to use player chat with the script (most important)

[/ QUOTE ]

Chat is tricky - I'm not sure how to select settings in the Dealer: option box via AHK - maybe some of the more expert coders can help?

In principle it can be done - If you normally have it on "Dealer: Silent" (only chat), then change it to "No Player Chat" before retrieving the potsize from the chat window, it works fine - I'm not sure how to get AHK to do this for you though - I feel a learning experience coming up... If only Party didn't remove the "Dealer: Everything" option, all would be sweet as is [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

With any luck this can be overcome. I miss my tilting fishies chat [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


Hm we talked about in #MSNL and I thought there were more suggestions, but chat is the main one and I can't remember the other requests.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any more suggestions make them known - as she said to me once upon a time - If you don't ask you don't get [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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Old 06-18-2006, 03:50 AM
Saborion Saborion is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Very nice Dave!

Any chance you could help me setting up button for raising 4BB+1BB / limper? Should be able to just take the "bet pot" function and change it a tiny bit?
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Old 06-18-2006, 12:45 PM
cts cts is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Very nice Dave!

Any chance you could help me setting up button for raising 4BB+1BB / limper? Should be able to just take the "bet pot" function and change it a tiny bit?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well a preflop potsized raise is 3.5BB+1BB/limper, this should be plenty close enough.
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Old 06-18-2006, 11:17 PM
_dave_ _dave_ is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)

Hi Cole, and any other SS/MS/HSNL'ers using this script.

I have made a updated version, posted below.

Fixed are anything that has been requested - namely:

** Rake calculations now work properly, and are optional (deduct_rake variable 1=on, 0=off, default on). Rake is now capped, so MSNL/HSNL players should get proper pot sizes [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]. The only minor problem now is that I can't tell how many people are in a hand, so I can't guess what the rake cap should be - this can be set in the script, depending how short you usually play, if such accuracy is important to you (maxrake variable, default 3).

** Previously, Party must be set to "No player chat" - Not any more, many thanks to Roland for the code suggestion a few posts up. I have integrated this into the Pot function. Whatever your chat preferences are, the pot function will now quickly change the chatbox, grab the potsize, and change back to whatever you were on before. Sweet.

** Also I have added a command to click the "Bet/Raise" button immediately after betting pot, making the pot sized bet/raise a single click affair. This is convenient, but may not be the preferred behaviour for many people - I know before I had used it for a while I wanted to make sure the bet made was reasonable before committing to the action. This line is in the mouse button defenitions, is easily disabled, and has a big chunk of comments above it so if you don't want this behaviour m,ake sure to edit the script before hitting the tables [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

If anyone has any suggestions how this could be made morte efficient / more useful, please post.


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Old 06-18-2006, 11:18 PM
_dave_ _dave_ is offline
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Default Re: NL Software/AHK request (+ reward)


<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
SetTitleMatchMode 2
GroupAdd, tables, Good Luck,,, : Poker Lobby

;_____________ SET BUTTONS HERE

#IfWinActive ahk_group tables

WheelUp:: ;_______ Increase bet by 1 BB
Sleep -1

WheelDown:: ;_______ Decrease bet by 1 BB
Sleep -1

RButton:: ;_______ Right click = bet 3/4 pot
pot := Pot(id, 3/4)
pot := Round(pot,0)
ControlSetText, Edit2, %pot%, %title%
Sleep -1


MButton:: ;_______ Wheel click = bet full pot
pot := Pot(id)
ControlSetText, Edit2, %pot%, %title%
Sleep -1

;_____ the line below makes it click the bet/raise button immediately

;_____ you should know how big a pot-sized raise will be before
;_____ using this time saving command !!!!

;_____ just comment (add or delete this line if you don't want to check
;_____ bet sizes before laboriously clicking the bet/raise button by hand

ControlClick AfxWnd4219, ahk_id%id%


;_____________ FUNCTIONS BELOW - DO NOT EDIT (unless you want to change behaviour)

;_____________ This is for the wheel up/down part - change amounts at the end
SetText(win, dir)
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%win%
IfInString, title, Logged In as
If (InStr(title, "No Limit") &lt;&gt; 0 AND InStr(title, "Tournament") = 0) ;___if "NL" is in the title but "Tournament" isn't...
StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/") + 1, InStr(title, a_space,"", InStr(title, "/")) - InStr(title, "/") - 1 ;___retrieve the big blind
else if (InStr(title, "No Limit") &lt;&gt; 0 AND InStr(title, "Tournament") &lt;&gt; 0) ;___else this is a tourney
StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "/", "", InStr(title, "Blinds")) + 1
, InStr(title, a_space, "", InStr(title, "Blinds") + 8) - InStr(title, "/", "", InStr(title, "Blinds")) - 1 ;___so we retrieve the big blind instead
edit_num = 6
If (InStr(title, "NL") &lt;&gt; 0 AND InStr(title, "Buy-in") = 0) ;___if "NL" is in the title but "Buy-in" isn't...
StringMid, bb, title, InStr(title, "-","", 0) + 2, InStr(title, ".") - InStr(title,"-", "", 0) - 4 ;___retrieve the big blind
else if (InStr(title, "NL") &lt;&gt; 0 AND InStr(title, "Buy-in") &lt;&gt; 0) ;___else this is a tourney
ControlGetText, text, Static5, %title%
IfNotInString, text, Blinds-Antes
StringMid, bb, text, InStr(text, "/") + 1, InStr(text, ")") - InStr(text, "/") - 1 ;___so we retrieve the big blind from the static instead
StringMid, bb, text, InStr(text, "/") + 1, InStr(text, "-","",InStr(text, "/")) - InStr(text, "/") - 1
edit_num = 2
If bb is space ;___this is for .25/.50 or .50/1 tables; "space" means whitespace (spaces, tabs, linefeeds..)
IfInString, title, 50.
bb = .50
bb = .25
ControlGetText, t, Edit%edit_num%, %title% ;___retrieve the text from the edit next to the slider
If bb = .25
sb := .10
else if bb = 15
sb = 10
else if bb = 0.05
sb = 0.02
sb := bb/2

;______________ change below here to alter amounts per wheel up/down
If dir = up
t := t + bb
t := t - bb
If t &gt;= 0
ControlSetText, Edit%edit_num%, %t%, %title%

;____ this function returns the size of the pot
;____ with rake (optionally) subtracted
;____ and pot fraction as an (optional) argument

Pot(id, frac=1)

deduct_rake := 1 ; ______ set to zero 0 to ignore rake in potsize calculations
maxrake := 3

nl_actions = calls [$,raises [$,bets [$,all-In [$,posts ante [$,posts small blind [$,posts big blind [$
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id%id%
pot :=0
notraked := 0

targetStr := "No player chat"
ControlGet, currStr, Choice,, Combobox1, ahk_id%id%
If currStr &lt;&gt; %targetStr%
Control, ChooseString, %targetStr%, Combobox1, ahk_id%id%
ControlGetText, hh, RICHEDIT1, ahk_id%id%
If hh
Control, ChooseString, %currStr%, Combobox1, ahk_id%id%
ControlGetText, hh, RICHEDIT1, ahk_id%id%

StringTrimLeft, hh, hh, InStr(hh, "starts.", true, 0)
Loop, Parse, hh, `n
If a_loopfield contains %nl_actions%
StringMid, amount, a_loopfield, InStr(a_loopfield, "[") + 2, InStr(a_loopfield, "]") - InStr(a_loopfield, "[") - 1
pot += amount

If InStr(hh, "** Dealing Flop") AND deduct_rake
StringTrimLeft, hh, hh, InStr(hh, "** Dealing ", true, 0)
c := InStr, hh, "** Dealing "
;Msgbox %hh%
Loop, Parse, hh, `n
If a_loopfield contains %nl_actions%
StringMid, amount, a_loopfield, InStr(a_loopfield, "[") + 2, InStr(a_loopfield, "]") - InStr(a_loopfield, "[") - 1
notraked += amount

rake := Floor(pot - notraked) * 0.05
If rake &gt; %maxrake%
rake := maxrake
pot := pot - rake

match_mode = %a_titlematchmode%
SettitleMatchMode 2
ControlGetText, call, Call, %title%
SettitleMatchMode %match_mode%
StringMid, call, call, InStr(call, "(") + 1, InStr(call, ")") - InStr(call, "(") - 1
If call &lt;&gt;
pot := pot + call*2

pot := pot * frac
pot := Round(pot, 2)
return pot

</pre><hr />
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