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Old 12-19-2006, 10:57 PM
BruinEric BruinEric is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southern California
Posts: 809
Default Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

Here is my attempt at a shorter verion of the "Never Trust Anyone" thread. My aim, as a service to you, was to keep the heart of the story. None of the photoshops, jokes, or flame-wars amongst most posters are included.

I've seen lots of offers of money for such a post. My primary motivation is to contribute to the board, but if you want to send me some loose change, my PokerStars name is BruinEric

The format is compressed, because paragraph spacing doesn't seem to work well in the QUOTE function. If you can't bear reading all this text in massively compressed format, copy/paste into your favorite word processing program. can always stick with the original thread. So please don't blast me for the formatting.

There are lots of reasons to take a look at the big thread -- if you like jokes and photoshops, there is some good entertainment. There is also a lot of "filler" from posters trying to give advice, posters arguing legal points, and posters blasting each other about their opinions on sexual harassment, etc.


Here is the start of the "Never Trust Anyone Thread." It is a post from Brandi Hawbaker. If you want to learn more about her, you can search on this forum or on Google.

POSTER: BrandiRose

It may seem like I'm acting a little crazy nowadays, but I can assure you, there is good reason. I have been very stressed out and even feeling suicidal. Perhaps if I shed some light on what happened, you might feel a bit of compassion for me...

After Festa Al Lago, I was approached by various people who wanted to back me. Some of them wanted two year deals, which I did not want to take. Others were complete sleaze bags who wanted to put me in tournaments as long as I slept with them ~ I'm not that sort of girl. Then, I was approached by Captian Tom Franklin...

He immediately duped me in with every word he spoke. He said that he wanted to help me. That he enjoys helping young people. And when they do well, he feels good about himself. He even gave me some names of top pros whom he has coached. He also said that we were going to have set times to meet so that it was all going to be very professional and that people would not get the wrong idea. I asked what the wrong idea was and he said "younger girl, older man" ~ and that he didn't want people to assume that he was sleeping with me when that was not the case.

He used Doyle Brunson's name ~ the fact that he is on the site ~ and his own credentials to reel me in. Being who he was, and based on what he said, I believed him.

Things started off well while we were in Canada. We discussed hands, and he shared some basic information with me. I had no idea at that time of what was about to happen to me. He said that I should turn over my bankroll to him so that he could help manage my money. He talked about how much attention I was getting from guys and how easy it would be for me to robbed. Since he had been nothing but a respectable man who was helping me with my game, I did it. In a way, I guess I had looked up to him like a grandfather. And considering that he is famous, I didn't expect for him to do anything shady. Still again, I was nowhere near prepared for the incidents that were about to take place...

I arrived in Indiana with a friend of mine. He took my friend out while I played satellites for the ME. This is where things started to bad. First off, I ran bad in the satellites. Donkeys were calling my preflop raises for example ~ I help AK ~ with K5 off suit and then after going all in, would turn or river their crap card.

My friend came back that night completely trashed and stumbling, but she said she had fun. The next day Tom tried to turn my friend and I against each other. I know that he manipulated her into drinking so much. He had done that to me while I was in Canada. We had taken a break for the night and he kept buying me shots of whiskey even though I told him that I would not drink anymore and even gave the shots away. He told me my friend was an alcoholic and had run up a big tab. He said that I needed to get rid of her. What he really wanted was to have me alone for his own intentions...

The next night, he crawled into bed with me naked. His penis on my back, frighten me, and woke me in the middle of the night. I freaked out and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. I crawled to sleep on the floor and used the towels as blankets. I was traumatized.

He then started beating me down mentally. I was in no condition after what he did to me, to play. I told him this, but he said that if I did not do what he said, then I was not serious about playing poker. I should have just asked for my bankroll back then and walked away, but I was so confused. He was being mentally and emotionally abusive towards me. At the time, I couldn't see things clearly.

Every day he started having talks with me at breakfast/lunch.. how he was doing so much for me and that I needed to do something for him. He said at that time that I could not have my money back and that I had to "huggle" with him. In all honesty, I tried. I grit my teeth and let him put his arms around me one night.

But I couldn't do it. I got into a big fight with him. In fact I did go a little crazy. I had bottling all this stress and pressure inside me. I couldn't understand why since I was a girl, I had to pay the fiddler. Obviously the other people he backed and mentored weren't expected to suck his dick or do anything sexual with him. Why me? I blew up over how irrational it all was and how unfair it was that I am in this situation because I am a woman.

My friend had to be mediator. He agreed that since I was incapable of sleeping with him or at least "huggling" ~ which was his word for cuddling ~ then he would still do as promised and back me and mentor me until the end of the year. But instead of putting me into main events, I would have to earn my way in by playing satellites. And that he would cover all my expenses, like rent, food and etc. till the end of the year.

I had no problem with this since it is what I would have done anyway on my own and I still had him mentoring me. Before we left Indiana, I asked for 3K of my money back (which was an original ammount of over 12K). Since he lost so much at Pai Gow and Pot Limit Omaha, he had to borrow the money, but he ended up giving it to me.

When I got to Foxwoods, everything had changed. He had a young 22 year old girl with him, named Amanda. We were all supposed to meet at the airport but his flight was delayed, so we shared a cab. My friend was still with me at the time, and she confronted Amanda. Amanda came out and said that she met him two years ago when she was with her mom and that for two years Tom has promised her a job in his company ~ which was still yet to happen, as Tom does not have a company. She talked about how he makes her skin crawl and that she has turned into an alcoholic and that she dropped out of school and is now taking care of her mom and dad with the little money that Tom is giving her to have sex with him.

Now, everyone that knows Tom Franklin, I hope is obviously aware that he is married! Anyway ~ we all ended up sharing a room that first night in Foxwoods because the casino was booked. My friend and I slept in one bed. Tom and his "daughter" as he claims her to be ~ slept in the other. Tom was in a very bad mood because he was not getting laid. She had a cold or bronchitis or something. The next night Tom got another room so him and his "daughter" could have some alone time so she could make him happy. He blamed all of us sharing a room as the reason she would not perform, since she was afraid of us walking in at any moment.

To make a long story short, he did not do anything for me in Foxwoods. He did not put me into satellites and he refused to give me my bankroll back. I started talking to some of the players about what I was going through. Gavin and Chris Bell were going to have a talk with him. Coincidentally, he called me and I thought I should rectify the situation on my own.

We met and he said that "What are you doing talking to people about this? Why do you think I am a bad guy? If I were a really bad guy, I would have raped you that night when I had the chance!" I said all I want is my money back. He gave me $500, claiming that was all he had on him and told me that he would give me the rest later and that for now I should go play 2-5. I did.

Funny thing... Tom decided to play 2-5 at another table. A few people were talking about how funny it was he was playing that and that he was obviously broke. I grew pissed. I wanted my money back right then and there. He started changing his story and saying instead that he did not owe me anything. We stopped talking.

I was in tears the entire time I was in Foxwoods. I even tried to OD there and someone put their finger down my throat until I was able to throw everything up. I was miserable. Here I had trusted someone and was left stranded on the other side of the country with not even ten cents to my name.

Mark Newhouse bought my ticket home, along with my friend's. When I got home, I thought of things I could do to straighten the situation out. I tried calling Tom and asking nicely. I talked to the press. I even talked to Todd and Doyle Brunson (who sponsor him on their site). They both said they would talk to him when he got into town.

During that time, no one helped me except Phil Gordon. I filmed something with him for his show and he gave me 1k. That is how I managed to pay my rent and phone bill. Thanksgiving for me was horrible. I spent the day in bed with only a microwavable Turkey dinner ~ since I did not have enough money to go anywhere or see friends. I didn't even have a car by this point in time because my BMW had been repossessed. I was absolutely miserable.

Tom was supposed to be in town on the 28th. He did not end up showing up till this week. When I talked to Doyle, he ended up giving me 2k, and I was incredibly appreciative. I thought I would get my money back and that everything would be okay.

But Tom is a very good liar. I'm not sure what he said to Todd or Doyle. All I can say is that I met them both once and I did nothing crazy except tell them what he did to me. I don't have relationships with either of them and have not had contact with them outside of one time since then. I called Doyle and asked him what had happened. He said that Tom told him a different story and that there was nothing he could do for me. I said "Okay, thank you for trying." and hung up.

What I wanted to do was scream!! Of course he would tell a different story! Of course he would try to cover his own ass! Did Doyle really expect him to tell the truth?

I've been incredibly upset lately. And perhaps I have been acting crazy. Every day I want to die. I have no money. I have no car. I don't know where I am going to live in two weeks ~ since I can't pay rent. I don't know what I am going to do for work ~ and NO I'm not going to [censored] strip! sorry.

I looked into getting a job with Cardplayer, but they already hired someone. Now I feel lost. I've also been feeling a lot of anger. It's not fair or right what happened. I did not go busto. I did not lose my money playing. I did not deserve this.

Last night, I had a panic attack. During that time, my passport was stolen. I ended up punching a guy. I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I suppose I have been holding all this anger in for so long. I tried to go about things discreetly, but it has not worked. I'm upset that people who could help me, don't care or just wont. I'm upset that this man can lie to people and that other people believe him. I'm upset this he can get away with what he did to me and that it's okay. It's not okay.

What's more... the girl Amanda is in town with him right now! How can people in life do one thing and say another? How can people have no morals and stand for nothing? Why is it that the evil and corrupt are rewarded and the innocent are left to struggle and perish? Where is the decency?

I do not know what else to say here. I've told you my story as best as I could. I don't need anyone telling me how I should not have given him my money in the first place or anything along those lines. I already think every day how stupid I am for doing so.

To be honest, I don't know what's going to happen to me or where I'm going to go. What I need right now is some support and compassion and mercy. I need a gift from God and a miracle. Because of this situation, I'm now at a place where I feel as though I'm hanging to life by a shoestring.

If you've seen me and I've acted a little strange, now you know why .I've been stressed and depressed and angered. I'm not myself right now and I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

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There were a lot of replies, some sympathetic, some giving advice, some with limited content.

POSTER: BrandiRose


Yeah I know I wasn't very smart. And I know some of it doesn't make sense. I was very confused and didn't know what to do. The poker world was very new to me.

And to respond to Blackjack's post: Yes, he tried to pull something on me, but if you read correctly you'd know that we had an agreement after that night and he gave me 3k of my money so I still trusted him. And I trusted that he would not do anything to me again ~ which besides taking my money ~ he did not.

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POSTER: LotsOfOuts69


Tom Franklin is an old dirt bag and he angle shot me at the Foxwoods main event in 2003.

I won an all in pot against him, and he shorted the pot. The dealer was a new guy who didn't count it correctly. Technically it was my own fault (it was my first big tournament, and it was obvious to everyone else there that in was since I was 22 and looked 18)

I didnt realize till the next hand had completed and I stacked my chips. Leave and learn.

Point being I knew he was a scum bag but TV makes him look different. Honestly, I wouldn't trust anyone who plays poker for a living that wasnt a close friend for a while. I know that is a bad stereotype and most people are good people, but its a hustlers game and it is what it is.

PS. Brandi, get your money back and get off the tour for a while, you shouldnt really be playing the WPT on a $12,000 bankroll anyway. People are taking advantage of you and you need to concentrate on your health first.

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POSTER BrandiRose Replying to some who say she is “not good at poker”


Look, say whatever you want. I've played a total of 6 tournaments. I've won or cashed in 4 of them. You can tell me I'm stupid and that it's all my fault for what happened, but with that history of wins vs. losses, you can't say I suck at poker.
If it's not enough tournaments to base whether or not I'm a winning player, then I guess you will just have to give me more time and wait and see.

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POSTER shaniac

I don't consider Capt. Tom particularly trustworthy in the poker world, but I trust anything that you say even less. I'm pretty sure whatever BS comes out of Tom's mouth, he's far from broke.

You're a total mess and everything you say is twisted and filtered through your [censored]-up insane little brain. You've been on tour two-months and are already on the verge of a breakdown--flee while you can.

I'm sure parts of your story are true, while the thrust of it has been so distorted by your inability to process reality that the contents are worthless.

edit...and slanderous.

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POSTER: billyjex


i played with you in the mega sat to festa wpt, and on the bubble you were doing the stupidiest [censored] i've ever seen. you were like 2nd or 3rd in chips w/ 25 left w/ 24 who get seats and you're playing big pots against the only guy who can bust you, or insta calling all ins w/ A3o against guys who can take half your chips and perhaps give you a chance of busting when you can fold into a seat because "you were bored."

listen, you might be ok, but it sounds like you haven't exactly put hundreds of thousands of hands and hundreds of hours playing poker like many of the successful players on this board and on the tournament circuit have.

alot of these guys, don't have much reason to stake you otherwise than to sleep with you because you aren't a winning player, and that's just the truth.

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POSTER BrandiRose

Once I had enough chips to ensure my seat, I stopping playing hands. When we needed only one person out, I did make a call with A3O in BB again SB. It was not something I would do in a tournament, but since I already had my seat and we only needed ONE person out, I took the chance against his obvious pocket pair that my ace might catch and we could all go to dinner/bed. And by the way idiot ~ he was extremely short stacked. I doubled him up and still was more thank okay with chips.

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POSTER BrandiRose

I don't dress any differently than any of the other young girls my age that are on the cover of magazines. Just because I wear a low cut top or a short dress, does not mean I am a whore.

And the reason why I have such a hard time with the stripper comments is because I have a hard time working men for money. I don't do it! I don't even know how to go about doing it! In fact, I have been amazed that Chantel gets money off of guys. I baffles and intrigues me. I don't know how she does it.

To remind all of you... I spent six years backpacking around the world. During that time, I did a lot of jobs ~ from cleaning bathrooms in hostels (in exchange for a place to stay), to working on a ski lift, to bar tending, waiting tables, doing hotel reservations, being a receptionist, working in a day care center, decorating cakes, picking fruit, to building houses with different volunteer programs.

I returned to the States last year after spending my entire summer in Guyana. I built houses with Habitat for Humanity. When I got back to the States, I got a corporate job with Nakajima USA on W. Century Blvd. I was project coordinator.

I have worked very hard all my life and have not had things just instantly handed to me. I don't expect my post to garner me that. I only wanted people to know so that hopefully all the pressure on Tom will help to get my money back.

I don't know what I will do for work, but I am not opposed to it. I'm trying to figure it out now.

And also, the reason I have only 12k was because I have not played big tournaments. Festa was my biggest tournament. All I can say now is that I have no intentions of leaving this industry. If anything, though disheartening and VERY difficult to experience, I know that I am going to be stronger and less naive when it is all said and done.

I may be taking a break for a while and working two or three jobs and play small limits on line until I get my bankroll back up, but I am going to do it. And I will smarter and more prepared for next time. So you can expect to see me back on the tournament scene in a few months.

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POSTER Dan Druff

Here's a little story from this year's WSOP that might add a slight bit of credibility to Brandi's story:

I played the final $1500 NL event of the 2006 WSOP. This was the actual last event -- it went off just before the conclusion of the Main Event.

I called my girflriend Miri when it looked like I was getting relatively far and had a decent stack. Tom Franklin was at my table. There was a young girl sitting behind me, and Miri sat next to her. The young girl told Miri that she was Tom Franklin's daughter. It did seem a little odd to me that his daughter would be in town for the WSOP with no other family members present, but I didn't think much of it. Perhaps this was the "Amanda" referred to in Brandi's story, and perhaps the girl really wasn't his daughter! Then again, Miri said that this "daughter" was looking very lovingly at him and cheering every time he won a pot -- hardly indicative of someone who is reluctantly being used in a sex-for-money deal.

Honesty, I'm not sure what to believe here. This story could range from 100% true to 95% BS. I will say that I doubt Brandi was stupid enough to believe that Tom Franklin was offering to "mentor" her and was never expecting anything in return. I have my ideas as to what really went down, but I won't share them at this time, as these are pretty serious accusations on both sides of the fence.

Oh, and there is an unconfirmed rumor that Brandi is now spending a lot of time with Dutch Boyd here in Vegas.

Finally, it doesn't surprise me that newhizzle was the one that came to her rescue with the plane tickets. He has a big heart. I just hope it doesn't get him in trouble, given the number of reprehensible and dishonest people in the poker world.

More news as it breaks.

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POSTER BrandiRose

I said in post ~ which was on a forum with my friends and which was clearing not interpreted correctly ~ that he saved me from having to take a job stripping.

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POSTER Oski (excerpted from a longer post)

What we learned:

1. She is a woman trying to make it in the poker industry.
2. She got a mentor to bankroll her and "take her off the pole." I have interpreted that to mean she was a stripper.
3. She tried to get some job with CardPlayer.
4. After her newfound "celebrity" she has scrambled to get an agent and risque photos to pass around.
5. She comes on these forums and talks about taking baths and making pear jam, etc.
6. After buttering up a lot of guys, she starts asking for money.
7. After making endless comments about how she doesn't care what people say about her and engaging posterss in good-natured ribbing (like tasting each other's semen), she starts freaking out after some posters point out that she is not really an accomplished player and that she is only trying to get attention, etc. (and account transfers) from the good people at 2+2.
8. After said freak out, she posts the dramatic story in the O.P. I have no opinion on the events stated, other than that she should not have unveiled such on this forum. She should take this to the police. Some people, and perhaps, rightfully so, have viewed the story cynically and have formed the opinion that it is merely another step towards her overall scheme of getting money out of these forum members.

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POSTER BrandiRose

2. I already addressed the misinterpretation of that in another post.
3. I need a job.
4. I have had an agent for the past few years before my "newfound celebrity". I have done two films which have not been released. Both are comedies.
5. I talk about my life. Is that a crime?
6. I got an online account because someone was sending me some money. I did not mean anything serious by my post. My post was honest ~ I would play but I don't have any money. I didn't expect anyone to send me any. That was what the wink was for.
7. After some of these posts, I would not call a lot of the people on 2+2 "good".
8 and beyond. I will be making a statement on that once I finish up reading the thread.

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POSTER: BrandiRose


hmmmmm Brandi and Dutch interesting couple. Brandi take a break from the tour, surround yourself around some family and real friends.

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Dutch was supposed to be talking to Tom and getting my money back. Unfortunately he is crazy and completely lied to me. He told me that Tom had agreed to give me my money as long as I signed papers that said I would never talk about him or Amanda or any of this story ever again. That was a lie. Tom does not care to give me my money. Instead, he tells everyone that I'm crazy and making it all up ~ of course to cover his own ass.

Instead Dutch was trying to sell him a patent for something. The patent was expired. I had a panic attack because I actually believed that I would get my money back. When I found out Dutch was lying to me, I couldn't breathe. Bellagio security guards had surrounded me and called the paramedics. There is a report about it ~ if you do not believe me.

During my panic attack, my passport was stolen. Coincidence, Dutch was the one to empty my purse to look for an inhaler. He was also the one who mentioned that it was missing. He accused the three guys he was with of stealing it. I punched one of the guys. He then made up some story that if I went to the crap tables with him, it would show up. He told me that a guy named Johnny took it because he thought I was faking my panic attack.

I called Dutch a schizophrenic [censored] tonight. Told him that when he was cheering over his big suck out over Hachem this year, he looked like the biggest dumb ass of the year.

He called me an evil bitch.

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POSTER BrandiRose

I'd like to make a valid point ~ I am making a serious claim against a well known pro in the industry. If what I am saying is not true, I could be sued and charged with slander. I assure you that I am not making this up.

For the past two months, I have been desolate and depressed. I've waited around. Tried to go about things in a discreet and classy way. Very few people knew of this. But after so long of nothing changing and no hope, I had to come out with what had happened.

Unfortunately, it has not been good. I've already been blacklisted and lost some who I have thought were my friends. But if they were really my friends, they would have stuck by me. I'm at a place now where I have nothing left to lose. My money is gone. My car is gone. My reputation with people in the industry is gone.

There is an overwhelming need from others for me to sweep this under the rug and forget about it. But I cannot do that. What happened to me was wrong.

I could have told you a different story. I could have lied and said that I did not try to make him happy by at least "huggling" with him. Yet I did not do that. I was a hundred percent honest over what has happened.

They say that depression is anger turned inwards. Tonight was the first time, I have not been so depressed.

I'd like to ask a question of those accusations that I am a hustler... Who exactly have I hustled? I may have made one stupid post, but I have not taken anyone's money here. I have not lied or made promises to people in order to swindle them out of anything. I asked some friend's for help after my incident, but that is it. And most have denied helping me.

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POSTER BrandiRose



how old are you Brandi?

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Although ~ after this situation, I feel a lot older. I will never trust anyone again.

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POSTER: Dan Druff

You could be sued, but given your (likely true) claims of being broke, any judgment against you would be virtually worthless. Therefore, you have little to fear regarding a lawsuit at this point. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.

I read your bio. You seem to have a lot of life experience already, and you must have some street smarts. Can you honestly tell us that you accepted Franklin's "mentor" offer without a second thought that he might be doing it to get in your pants? How are we supposed to totally believe your story when you are portraying it that you were completely shocked and blindsided by his intentions?

I have been in poker for a number of years now. Not once has someone offered to be my mentor. Not once has someone asked me to share their hotel room with them as they pay for my travel/hotel expenses. Why? Because I am not a young girl, and nobody seems to desire to put their penis on my back. My point? I think you knew exactly why Tom was being so generous with you. I am afraid that, even if your charges against him are true, you are trying to sell us an unbelievable story that he tricked the naive young girl into trusting him, and subsequently shocked her with his lewd antics.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

I swear I did not know. I had been approached by a lot of people. Some of them came off scummy. He did not. He even went as far as to reassure me that he did not want anything sexual from me and that he just likes to help young people because it makes him feel good.

Perhaps I was riding waves of grandeur and my defenses were down a bit. I'm not used to people being so dishonest and I'm not used to this industry. I honestly just thought he wanted to help me.

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POSTER: BrandiRose



U learned your lesson (not trust anyone, specially when $ is involved).

Cant u go to a friends/family house and stay there for a while? Try to get a simple job, make like 1k, deposit online and start playing cash games or whatever. I dont know how is your play, but if u are smart u can beat low stakes games easily.

u'll see that playing online is MUCH better than playing live in some many ways.

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Yes... this is the plan I've come up with. I just don't know who or where I can stay. Obviously I need a car to stay in Vegas. I left a message with my dad this morning, but that is a touchy situation. I'm praying that he will let me stay with them in Nashville and give me a construction job (he has his own company). He usually pays my brothers $10/hr. Plus, I'm a good cook... so maybe I can cook meals for families on the side. Or perhaps get a job bar tending at nights. I'll probably get two or three jobs so that I can get my bankroll up all the sooner and also be so busy that it takes my attention away from being depressed over the situation.

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POSTER: Dan Druff

Well, I don't know what to say, Brandi. I can't accuse you of being a liar, because I don't know what actually happened. Nobody does, other than you and Tom.

In any case, you're basically F'd here. If you really did get rolled for 12k, you're not getting it back. It sucks, but that's the simple truth of the matter. You did all you could by putting the story out here. Now you need to chalk it up to a loss and move on.

I'm not understanding why you can't just go get a job at this point. It seems that you are presenting your options as "play poker or be broke". There's also a third option -- one utilized by most of the world: Work.

You are highly unlikely to get any money from anyone at this point, other than from horny guys who want to use you. That's the fact of the matter here. You can let the guys use you and get back on your feet quicker, or you can take the slower, more respectable route by getting a job and making it yourself.

You are unlikely to be getting any stakes based upon your poker skills alone. You don't have a proven history or track record. Anyone who stakes you at this point will be looking for something more, whether they say it up front or not.

There really isn't much more to say. I doubt that Captain Tom will show up here to defend himself, so this matter will probably never get fully resolved. Time to pick yourself up and move on.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

My dad just called me back and I talked to him for a while. He said that he is going to talk to my stepmother and that they are going away for Christmas. But perhaps I can come after that...

It means another holiday alone, but it also means hope...

If anyone believes in God, please say a prayer that this will work out. I don't mind working. I've worked very hard my entire life and wouldn't mind the benefits of doing some construction work (at least I'll have buffer arms ~ and in a few months, no one can say they look "meaty"). It would take my mind off this situation and help me move on, plus I would love the opportunity to spend some time with my dad and rebuild our relationship. So like I said, say a prayer for me... it all depends on my stepmother ~ and she has never liked me very much.

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POSTER: ClockWyze


I had a very unpleasant run in with you playing 2/5 at the MGM during the WSOP. I straddled from UTG and found aces. You raised my straddle to steal and I reraised 150. And continuation bet the flop. Then you started screaming at me that I was an [censored] and that you were in debt.. etc... At the time everyone at the table was shocked and silent. After you left everyone agreed that you were nuts and that I shouldn't feel bad for making you cry by playing my hand. Of course I still did.

From that little experience with you, this is what I think.

-You are obviously too mentally unstable to be playing poker, let alone for a living. you should know this about yourself and focus your energy on a profession that is less mental taxing.

-You have self-destructive tendencies. You get yourself in situations where the only possible outcome is you getting hurt. Stripping, Touring with scum bags on the WPT, playing 2/5 when broke, and even posting on here. All you are going to get is 18 year old kids laughing at you.

-I actually believe your story. I wouldn't put it passed an old scum bag poker player to try to manipulate you into sleeping with him.

-You need to focus on things that are good for you, or at least not bad. You are good looking girl and you write well. Start there.

Good Luck.

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POSTER: PiquetteAces

When I was in Reno ( Hilton ) this year, I was killing time playing LL pai gow before a tourney during 30 minutes or so, Captain Tom Franklin was playing at the same table for 1000$ to 2000$ a hand. He was talking a lot & said that he was the owner ( or co-owner ) of the PaiGow'patent ( or something like a copyright ), & that mean that any casino in the world that have PaiGow has to pay 1400$us/month. He said that he has a patent for like 20 other casino games. Anyone can confirm this ?

The other funny thing: after he start talking to me about hold'em, & ask me if I watch poker on TV, ( I didn't told him I was in Reno to play the WPT, that I have played in an other WPT-event & that I went deep in the ME-WSOP the year before, & that I know a lot about the "poker-culture" )so I say "yes". So he told me he was on TV 5 times, & talk to me about a poker-DVD that he did with other poker'pro's. After he told me that during the nineties, he has made the final-table of the ME-WSOP 4 times in 5 years. I ask him if he made the final table the year that Stu Ungar won it, & he told me "yes, & Stu suck out on me, I had 2 pairs & he tried a semi-bluff with a flush draw, I called, & he made his draw on the river. Actually, on all the ME-WSOP'final table that I busted out, I had the best hand when the money went in ! " .

When I came back to my room, I check the info online, & found out that he made final table table at the ME-wsop "only" twice ( 1995 & 2000 ), & that story about Ungar was all "bs".

- jpp

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POSTER: shaniac

Brandi, have you ever, in a direct or roundabout way, offered sex for money/buyins to a poker player? Because I've heard you have. I'm sure your M.O. is to come off as flirty/slutty as possible and then when the person you are leading on (in exchagnge for a buyin) tries to collect on the promise of sex, you act appalled.

I don't mind your whorishness whatsoever, it's the way you disguise it through total disinegnuity that makes me sick.

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POSTER: Jean-Robert

I know Captain Tom Franklin pretty well and all money exchanges have always been 100%. He has held more than $100,000 for me on several occasions and everything has always been on the up and up. The Captain has been around this industry for a long time and anyone questioning his credebility ought to have serious proof.
I personally have witnessed Lyle Berman (owner of WPT) trust Tom with unlimited amounts of money. That is my experience.

Brandi, you are the new kid on the block. You have been ok with me but you are not gaining credibility here.


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POSTER: pokulator

i haven't had a chance to catch up on this thread yet, but here's a video of dutch talking about captain tom

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POSTER: Zing Zing

I guess its time to spice up the thread even more... I'm mostly a lurker but when I receive valuable info I have to act on it. Anyways gathering info from an EXTREMELY reliable source it appears Brandi had cleaned out about 30k from one of Newhizzle's accounts while she was playing unsupervized. Its unclear how it went down, but the bare bones of the story appear to be true.

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POSTER: Dan Druff

I also really hope that this 30k allegation isn't true. While the allegations don't involve chip dumping or outright theft, overstaying your welcome on someone else's account and losing $30k is extremely unethical and undeserving of forgiveness.

Given that we don't have verification that this really occurred, I won't comment too much yet.

However, if Brandi is guilty as charged, she is total scum and deserves everything that has happened. Then again, it could be complete BS, as we only have a rare poster's third-hand claim to go on.

I will say that a lack of comment about this from newhizzle would more indicate guilt on Brandi's part. If it's not true, we'll probably be hearing from him shortly.

When Mark won that Borgata event, I was truly happy for him. I met him during this year's WSOP, and he seemed like genuinely nice guy. However, my SECOND thought after he won was, "Oh crap.. I hope the scumbags and leeches of the poker world don't try to take advantage of him now."

There is one simple rule to live by in the poker world:

Trust nobody when it comes to money.

I really hope that Mark didn't actually find himself 30k lighter as a result of his generosity. If he did, I hope that this will at least be a wake-up call when it comes to trying to help people in the poker world.

NWP is constantly full of stories of people "rolling" each other for money -- usually unpaid loans or reneging on stake repayments. I know, however, that this sort of thing has been going on long before NWP ever existed, and it will continue to go on with each passing day.

All around the poker world, it's the same ol' song.

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POSTER: Al Capwne

All right, I had to sign up for this to
1.) Confirm shaniac's observations and
2.) Back up the general consent about her playing skills.

I played with Brandi in September (before her "breakthrough performance") at Caesars in one of their daily tourneys, I think it was $120 & a $60 add on.

First off, when I sat down and saw her, I must've started to drool. She wasn't dressed provocatively at all, but man, that girl is SMOKING! Then she opened her mouth...

The entire room could easily hear her at all times, obnoxiously narrating EVERY fokkin hand and endlessly flirting with the fishy tourists at the table.
Never in my life was I so attracted physically and at the same time so repulsed mentally. I felt like the Seinfeld episode when the brain and the "penis on the back" <POB> have a chess match... and I have to admit, after the 1st break my POB won by a mile.
She got great cards, raised often and then made the horrid mistake of showing down her monsters every time and basically telling the whole table her thought process, which showed every one at the table with some experience at what level she was playing, what she was capable off, and what not, etc. That would've been fine at that table, except for 2 guys... we were licking our chops...YUM YUM.
At the break my POB really wanted to give her some advice, cause I swear, If she had never shown down a hand, (which she didn't have to) I would've figured her for a tough player. But she came out with the 2 nerdiest tourists at the table and they took a walk during the break. She totally had them in her palm. Ready to follow the punani.

After the break, when she was table chip leader, my brain won over 'cause she was just too obnoxious.
Listen to this interview and try that nonstop for 80 minutes without a break...

Other than that, she's just way to lag without having any after flop playing skills. Not a good combination... The other player at the table took her down when she called a huge pre-flop RE-RAISE with KJ and then called all in on a K high flop... It was nice to get some quite in the room, but hey, everyone talked about her 'till the final table

I think Dutch & Brandi should get married and have a Love Child... then they can drink piss together or maybe just do live commentating from the rail at major tournaments. I think all the pros would appreciate it.

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POSTER: pokerstudAA

Don't know if the videos made it into this thread yet - I had not seen them yet - but they only add to this story line. Brandi certainly doesn't appear to be someone who is suicidally depresssed and just got screwed out of 12K.
Dutch Boyd talks about threats from Captain Tom Franklin
Brandi Hawbaker models her dress
Dutch Boyd compares poker to crack
Dutch Boyd and Brandi Hawbaker's passports
Dutch Boyd talks about phone stalking Brandi Hawbaker
Brandi Hawbaker talks a big game

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POSTER: JokerArmy

..and this is why it pays to read other forums from time to time cause you get little bits of GOLD like this...(quoted from the P5 forum by Jon Eaton AKA sketchy1 in response to Todd Arnold AKA NSXT2):

"todd, i was going to stay out of all of this, but you're a friend so i figured i'd let you in on a little secret.

brandi is [censored] nuts. she isn't healthy mentally. i am sure that some of what she said has to be true (i can't imagine making up all of the stuff), but as far as sexual assault, stealing $12k, and the rest of the serious stuff, none of it can really be confirmed true. i happen to be the dude she smacked in the head, for no apparent reason whatsoever. she asked me a dozen times if i had her passport, and i said if she asked me again she wouldn't like the response. i walk off, towards my car, when she sprints up behind me and slaps me right in the back of the head. she tried to apologize while crying immediately after, and i told her to stay away or i'd call security.

she's seriously [censored] up, way beyond sanity. i am sure this whole situation [censored] her up more, but it did so to the point where the truth is impossible to decipher. she calls dutch nuts, but she's nutty herself (not to mention dutch has been manic this week and isn't himself anyway).

long story short, don't take anything she says serious until we have REAL PROOF. she's [censored] nuttier than a jar of crunchy peanut butter."

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POSTER: rjoefish

last picture, notice the caption

- JA

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POSTER: Cornell Fiji

The caption says that there was a rumor that she was paid 100k by FTP for the pic.

She later posted here that the rumor was false and she was just messing around but regretted the pic because her little brother would see it

Edit: Here is her comments on the pic:
(How much were you paid for the pic?) Nada.. I was just being my silly goofball self. After this incident though, I've reallized that I have to hinder part of who I am and save it for my friends. I've got a little brother whom I love and adore, and don't want pictures like that circulating the internet. He doesn't need to see that.
Plus, I guess you guys also found my Tribe pics (don't bother looking me up there, I changed my information today). My friends throw elaborate parties in LA. The Burning Man community is a very free and nonjudgmental place. So we all put on our craziest outfits and costumes and just have fun. That's what I love about my friends. The pic of me dressed up half naked, was when I went to a party called Avatar. I went as Isis. And although you cannot tell from the picture, my entire body was covered in gold. Like a statue.

I love being free spirited and fun and not taking life or myself too seriously. I'm also a very open and honest girl. Over this past week though I have found that there are some things that must be kept private in order to protect the ones I love.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

I have not read past four pages into this, but I answered all PMs tonight. I'm still waiting to hear back from my dad. I will give him another call tomorrow. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the responses and job offers/help.
I've got $43 to make it through the holidays and have been extremely down. I just hope things will change.
As for Shaniac, I do not know him. I doubt he has ever met me. There are some things being said and some massive backlash because of this, but not much of what has been written (not by me) is true.
A few friendships have been lost and there are real reasons for the departure in my life. Someone that I am friends with, claiming he had sex with me and I made him go busto. Big error and completely uncredible. This person won a big tourament and now thinks he is God's gift to poker... Yet cries every night at being outplayed in the big cash games. He will no doubt be busto before the WSOP. I wish him the best though and hope he grows up and gets brought down to earth.
As for me, I'm trying to keep my chin up. I've been sleeping a lot more than normal because of the depression. But am actively seeking a job and look to getting back in the games sometime soon.

Thanks to those who offer support during such a trying time.

Love ~ Brandi

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POSTER: shaniac (post excerpted)

Anyone who's met Newhouse knows immediately that he's a good guy, and his reputation as a great player precedes him. Truly, defending him from Brandi is undignified, as it lends credibility to some amount of the crap that spews from her warped, non-functioning mind.

Conversely, it only takes one interraction with Brandi (and that may include ours here on 2+2) to know that she is totally FUBAR.

As I've alluded to, I did meet Brandi once. It's not surprising she doesn't remember the encounter, because it took place randomly in some guy's hotel room (mine) and is probably indistinguishable from any one of dozens of encounters with male poker players in random hotel rooms that have peppered her life in the last few months.

I want to briefly describe the scene: I'm on my bed playing poker on my computer (I had just busted out of the Foxwoods main event, and my friend reminded me that the Sunday online tournaments start at 4:30 on the East Coast). My friend is on the other bed. A friend of ours walks in with Brandi and some unidentified blond chick in tow. The blond chick seems positively sick of babysitting Brandi.

Brandi is talking a mile a minute and literally cannot sit still. She is rubbing her bare midrifff and talking about a conversation she overheard in the hallway, something about two old women talking about Viagra. Then she makes some reference to "like, the only super hot poker player on tour" and her lust for him. Then she bounced across the room and took her shoes off. Then she put her shoes on. Then she took her shoes off. Get the picture?

Remember bitch? You smoked my weed.

I didn't even realize who she was until about halfway through this carnival. I was merely amused at the time, but now I see all this crap manifesting, and I realize that what lies beneath that cute santa outfit is a seriously dark and manipulative person.

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POSTER: newhizzle

ok, so i wasnt going to post anything, i dont like spreading drama, but a friend told me that brandi is for some reason spreading lies abotu me and she apparently even told him that i was in the room when she busted my accoutn watching it happen, thats [censored], shes also been sending me threatening text messages and telling me to get on here and say that this never happened, im not one to lie about [censored], so thats clearly not going to happen, so i guess ill go ahead and bloodbath the bitch

im not sure of the amoutn thaty she lost, it was somewhere between 25 and 30k, anyway, i went out to la with her and i was teaching her sitngoes, i let her play my account while i was getting burried downstairs at commerce, the nigth that this happened, i was playing 4/8, stuck like 40 or 50k or so, and i was texting her while playing to check up on how she was doing, she told me that she was winning

at first she was just supposed to be playing sitngoes, one of the nigths before, she got stuck a lot and started playing 15/30 and got stuck more, she has a way of making people feel really bad for her, so i didnt really get mad, but i told her not to play that big anymore and to stick to sitngoes while i wasnt around, and that some time i would teach her limit, but id prefer she didnt play 15/30 because she basically had no limit experience, another night, she started playing 5/10 NL without asking me first and she said she was winning, but i told her id rather she play lower and she said shed stick to 3/6, what nigth different [censored] happened is kind of a blur, i was in a total frenzy for the whole trip, dealing with a lot of [censored] from her and losing a lot of money, defiantely playing bad

the nigth she busted it, she was texting me and said she was doing very well, i was getting burried and definately not thinking clearly and for some reason i gave her permission to play 10/20 NL, but on the condition that she was very careful and that she only played if it was a very good game(not a chance she could possibly know what a good game is btw), but that i would prefer that she stick to 5/10 anyway(really, i was in a frenzy, im [censored] stupid for telling her she could play anywhere near that big)

we were texting back and forth and she kept telling me that she was winning a lot, so i wasnt too worried, when i got done playing, i went up and she was still playing, and she ended up playing a very long session, i was exausted, so i was like whatever

the next day when i got up, i tried to get onto stars, and my password was changed, i asked her wtf is going on, and she said she wanted it to be a surprise how much she was up, i was basically like, [censored] that, get me on my account, and she told me she busted it, i obviously got pissed, but she has a way of making me feel so bad for her that i couldnt stay mad for that long(yes, im a [censored] idiot)

she called a few people to try to get money back for me, but she couldnt get anything, she told me straight up to keep quiet while she was on the phone with them because the only way that she could get money from guys is if they think that she wants to [censored] them, that pretty much changed my perspective of her, now i realzed that she was a scandalous bitch

anyway, she got all depressed and locked herself in the bathroom that nigth, and i heard a glass break while she was in there(she has cuts on her arms from cutting herself, she gets extreamly depressed) i got really worried about her and knocked on the door and asked if everything was ok and if i could come in, she said she was taking a bath and to leave her alone, i shouldnt be listening outside the door, i was in a complete frenzy hoping that she wasnt going to kill herself and my friend called me and told me that mr. foo(90% VPIP full ring and quite possibly the best poker player ever, he was up easily 200k in like 3 days of destroying all the pros) was downstairs, so i went to go play poker and get the [censored] away from the room

when i got back up, she was passed out in the bath, using towels as blankets and on the bathroom wall, written in blood, it said, "i will fly one day" so now im freaking out and i wake her up, she had made a pretty deep cut in her leg

so while i should have been pissed about [censored], i couldnt help but be very worried for her, i didnt know what to do, i felt really bad, i cared about her and didnt like to see her like that, and couldnt really stay mad for long, i am a very forgiving person, and im definately too trusting

anyway, thats pretty much the story, i probly left stuff out or forgot [censored], but thats the jist of it, ive learned a lot of lessons since i won the borgata, one of those is that you really cant trust anyone in the poker world, another is i really shouldnt let myself get emotionally attached to any bitches, a lot of [censored] has happened that has nothing to do with brandi, but i have like 240k out and i have officially decided that i am finished with loaning and staking, im not going to get into other people business about that, also whenever im dealing with a crazy sketchy bitch my mind has been [censored] up as hell and i havent been able to play good, so im not going to let them affect me anymore(brandi is not the only one, and while shes the craziest of the two, she probably less evil than the other one, but im not going to get into that either, im not here to post other peoples business, the only reason im posting this is because brandi is telling people lies about it)

really, i have only myself to blame for allowing myself to be open to this kind of [censored], especially after its happened to me too many times, but its all going to stop now

also, a sidenote for you gossip fiends while im at it, in the car ride back to vegas, brandi told me that she got her ex to put her in a satellite on the condition that she let him [censored] her in the ass, then she said, id rather let you do it, you want to? i pretty much lost all respect for her after she told me that

i ended up putting her in a satellite because i felt so bad for her, but that was clearly a mistake, after she busted from it, she started crying and making a scene at fix because she was so depressed that she wouldnt be able to play in the 15k event, ive pretty much gotten immune to her [censored], not giving any bitch another dime, and i have a new mindset, will no longer let myself be taken advantage of anymore, just going to focus on keeping my head straight, and try to play good, and my bankroll is going to be my bankroll

also, i really dont know anything about the captain tom story other than what shes told me, and thats pretty much what she posted, she told me about that when i first met her at foxwoods and that she was broke and had no way of getting home, so i bought her a plane ticket that she was supposed to pay me back for, she also said before that she plans on paying me bakc what she lost on my account, but i really seriously doubt ill ever see that again

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POSTER: pokulator

last week i interviewed brandi at the bellagio outside of the five diamond. she told me the same story about captain tom that she ended up starting this thread with the next day. she told me that i couldn't record or share any of that information because at that point she still thought that she was getting her money back, but that it was dependant on keeping the story quiet. she also told me how doyle brunson, phil gordon, and mark newhouse (newhizzle) helped her out along the way. during the interview dutch boyd kept popping in and out for cigarette and pee breaks on the balcony and apparently he was trying to help brandi recover her money from captain tom. i interviewed them both together and also individually as i tried to determine if the stories were fact or fiction.

my initial feeling was that there was truth to the stories, but that they were slanted by some combination of immaturity, drugs, mental illness, or just giddiness about being in the spotlight. i am still trying to determine if what i have is newsworthy or just a result of the combination of factors mentioned above. Despite everything that i had heard about brandi and dutch, i found them both likable and hope that they get the help that they need.

now newhizzle has posted that brandi lost 30k of his money (or at least a portion of the 30K she lost) playing unauthorized games on his account. as crazy as these stories seem, i don't think that they are that far from the norm in the poker world. i also don't see much difference between brandi giving captain tom 12k and newhizzle letting brandi play on his account. if true, both seem to be equally bad judgment.

there will always be gold diggers looking for the quick score from the players, and players looking from the quick score from the gold diggers. many times both parties are happy with the arrangements and sometimes they go bad. when you mix so much money, greed, drugs, sex, mental illness, and public interest, stories like these are bound to be plentiful. everyone makes mistakes at some point, but hopefully people can learn from these stories to be more careful with their money, who to associate with, and that everyone involved can recover and land on their feet.

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Newhizzle is a good guy. I started IMing with him about 3 months ago. Within less than 5 minutes, we actually agreed to an inter account transfer for 5 figures. He sent first. It was great that he would trust a basic stranger like this, based upon my reputation and his trusting nature. It's sad that this no longer exists thanks to a whore like you. How can you live with yourself after stealing $30k from someone who was helping you out? And then come on here and spread filth about him? It's clear from the hands posted that you are a TERRIBLE poker player, too. If you want to sleep with poker players in order to get their money, why not become an actual whore? There's good money in for you, enough to pay back Mark within a year and still have some money left over for yourself.

There is no credibility for you here after what Mark posted.

Kindly [censored] off,


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POSTER: Sponger.

So in ElD's thread on Brandi I was the first person to reply and I posted the "look at me I'm an attention whore" picture. Apparently someone that knew Brandi saw the entire thread and decid
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:10 PM
Peter McDermott Peter McDermott is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

This is only half of the story. Where's the hand jobs? Where's the anal for satellite entries? Where's the wine bottle and the 'One day I will fly'?
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:13 PM
BruinEric BruinEric is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

<font color="red"> The original post was trimmed by the 2+2 BBS client, here is the rest.</font>

POSTER: Sponger.

So in ElD's thread on Brandi I was the first person to reply and I posted the "look at me I'm an attention whore" picture. Apparently someone that knew Brandi saw the entire thread and decided to email me with some information and a few pictures of her naked that I guess she removed from her blog long before everyone got hold of some other pictures of her.

Here is that email which I wish I would have posted about almost immediatly (my personal apologies to mark). A while ago I was planning on giving a summary of it instead of posting the whole thing, but I guess it doesn't really matter now because some of the [censored] in this thread is way crazier and more interesting than what I got, anyways....

a former friend of brandi's (one of many). someone showed me the poker sites for a laugh. the story about her trying to stab her sponsor is tne back is true. she told us she had a backer and we thought it was one more load of b.s. until she showed up online trying to say the guy is trying to blackmail her with the fulltilt sticker on her boob. don't assume she got paid for that. she just likes to show her [censored]. that's why i thought your post was funny. it was short, sweet, to the point, and dead on. she is the biggest drama queen i've ever met. last year about this time she tried to kill herself, again. she does it pretty often. then for anyone who missed it, she stared to sell jam to pay for her medical bills. we were like, wtf? then two weeks later, she's telling everyone she's going to the bahamas, who wants to come with? then she's going back to school, then she's taking a train to montana to snow board! anybody want to come? then she's in bed for a week, half dead with who knows what, over and over... getting guys to give her money, getting girls to let her crash in their places for months, rubbing up against man or woman she thinks will give her something... it always ends the same, with the one who spent every breath defending her admiting that everyone was right and now they need a restraining order. since she has a habit of leaving screaming phone messages, threatening emails, and text
messages, then writing [censored] all over people's cars with lipstick, it's kind of easy to prove that she's a basket case, but she always finds some poor sap who is out of the loop and starts the whole thing over again.

lying slutty total wackjob. i'd have posted all that, but, like i said, i don't want her [censored] with my car.

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POSTER: Sponger.


All of these are NSFW...

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POSTER: BrandiRose

Like all good lies... this story definitely has an element of truth. Although that element is VERY small indeed.

I will not go into all the details or write something extremely long just to make my story look credible (cough * Mark * cough)... what I will say is this though...

I started spending time with Newhouse after he was kind enough to help me out with a ticket back to Vegas. We then started talking on the phone a lot and he was there for emotional support.

The boy is in love with Chantel. I felt bad for him and tried to help him out. I got him on vitamins, took him running with me and motivated him to work out, tried to make sure he took a shower at least once a day and brushed his teeth. The boy is absolutely disgusting and has no personal hygiene. Besides that, he has only been with four women in his whole life. All one night stands. The last one was a prostitute.

It is TRUE that he has been crying a lot. He keeps getting outplayed in the big cash games. He cries because he only has a half million left and he's lost so much money since his winnings, etc. etc. The reason he is publicly attacking me is 1. because he does not want his fans here to know the truth. 2. that he himself thinks he is an amazing poker player and does not want to be seen playing smaller limits 3. because I did not sleep with him.

So pretty much, he's being an [censored] because he's immature and didn't get any from me.

I DID lose money on his account ~ although he told me what to play and how to play. He was right there for most of it telling me what to do. We also NEVER had any sort of arrangement. The whole thing started because he wanted to teach me how to play. It's his own damn fault he's busted. Not mine. And I don't appreciate being blamed for it.

I don't know where these elaborate stories on his behalf are coming from, but I'm VERY upset about it. This is the last thing I need to deal with right now.

It is true that I cut myself. Mark was saying some pretty mean things to me. I had drank over an entire bottle of red wine by myself. I cracked the bottle and cut myself with it. This is the only time in my life ~ besides something that happened over two years ago ~ that I've ever been so sad to have done this. But the rest of that story is complete [censored].

It is true that I called Gavin for a couple hundred (I don't have any money) and I went out of the room to talk to him... which made Mark completely jealous. Whatever. Gavin and I are friends, but he didn't give me [censored] anyway.

I wish Mark the best. Actually, I don't. He's two faced and a liar. He talks about all his "good" friends behind their back and under that good guy facade, he is an actual prick.

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POSTER: BrandiRose – RE: The pics Sponger Posted

What an a$$hole! I guess you guys should thank Mark for the pics. No one had access to them except him. [censored]!!!

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POSTER: BrandiRose


Oh, and you forgot to address the "I will fly one day" thing.

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Completely untrue. Although there was some smeared blood on the wall, it did not spell out anything. I should know, I cleaned it up!! He has an active imagination.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

The last one was a prostitute in Niagara. AND NO... It was NOT me. You guys are [censored].

And yes, I am a vindictive BITCH. I don't know why he's saying that [censored] about me, but it's not true and I'm pissed.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

And by the way [censored].... I just love to point this out: how could I possibly be a hustler and yet have only $43????? Doesn't quite make sense, does it? If any of your [censored] were true, I would not be living in poverty and looking for a job.

Go [censored] yourselves.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

First of all... I'd like to say that I'm sorry for going out of my way to bad mouth Mark. Although he completely deserves it and everything I said about the situation was true, I should not have dropped to that level. I was just very upset. I would delete my messages, but it is quite pointless since they have already been copied. Anyway, I am embarrassed with myself for stooping to such lows out of anger.

As for this...


Did Shaniac have good weed, and did you pay Mark back for the airline tickets?

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I have not smoked in the past few months except for once in Foxwoods... Is that Shane? If so, I met him once and can't even remember what he looks like ~ but I do remember it was good stuff. Was rolling on the floor laughing for hours.
The plane ticket... Mark made a bet with me (that I told him several times not to take because he was going to lose). The bet was that we could make it all the way to LA without filling the car up with gas. I told him that even in a Corolla, going over 90mph with the air conditioner on, it was impossible. He made the bet and said that if I won, he would cancel all my debts. It was a stupid bet. I warned him several times not to make that bet. And I of course won.

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POSTER: BrandiRose


Can I ask you a quick question while you're here Brandi? What happened to all the money? The money that the Captain gave you from your bankroll? The money Doyle gave you? The money PG gave you?

How come you only have a handful of dollars left?

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Captain gave me 3k OF MY BANKROLL back. I used it for traveling expenses for me and my friend. That means flights, etc. Food and entertainment for the week in between Indiana and Foxwoods. My rent and phone bill. Hotel costs during that week. And also did some shopping. I bought a couple tops from Bebe, a Betsey Johnson dress and shoes, some under garments, and a bit of make up.

The money that Phil gave me went to rent, phone bill, and food for that month.

The money that Doyle gave me, helped me with rent. I also bought a coffeemaker, toaster, some dishes and utensils for my apartment, and a bathrobe. Besides that, I played with the rest... some cash and a couple satellites during Five Diamonds.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

I never offered him anal. I asked someone (who I will not name) if he would back me for a satellite. He sent me back a message saying that if I had anal with him he would. I was in the car with Mark when this happened. I never have had sex for buy ins etc. and never would.
So like I said in my other post... there is some truth to Mark's story and a lot of BS. The whole thing about anal was all a joke based on what this person replied to me.

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POSTER: BrandiRose


Just curious: if Mark had won the bet, what would he have gotten?

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LOLOLOLOL... I would have dressed up in a French maid's outfit and cleaned his house topless.

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POSTER: BrandiRose


So you managed to piss away 6k in two weeks even though it was all the money you had to your name?

Forget the rest of the thread for now, do you see why with this kind of financial management you will never be a great poker player?

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Nooooooo. You misunderstand. Mostly RENT, Bills and etc. Took up most of my money. I did some shopping with about 1k. And this is not over a two week time span. It's over a two and half to three MONTH time span. There were 3 months of rent and bills I paid.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

I don't mind being an exhibitionist. I'm a burner. I'm part of that whole community. If you don't know what it is, check out:
But I'm not sexy. I can't do sexy. I'm not one of those girls with juggling fake [censored] that can walk up to someone and be like "oh hi, I'm summer. How are YOU doing tonight?" and then grind all over some guys crotch for however much.

I've seen the movies. Not for me. I laugh just thinking about it. Who would pay ME money for a lap dance? Seriously.

And btw... I keep receipts for everything. If you want proof over a 3 month time span of where that money went, I have it.

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POSTER: newhizzle

um ok, you are full of [censored], everything i posted is 100% true, i have no reason to lie, but ill go ahead and respond to what you are saying:

The boy is in love with Chantel.

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LOL, all i have to say about that one

I got him on vitamins, took him running with me and motivated him to work out, tried to make sure he took a shower at least once a day and brushed his teeth. The boy is absolutely disgusting and has no personal hygiene.

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yeah, she took me to work out one day, took me to get a facial, and told me some vitimains and fancy soaps to buy, but i definately take a shower and brush my teeth every day, thats just a stupid comment, and completely irrevelent

It is TRUE that he has been crying a lot.

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i cried a couple times because i was in a frenzy dealing with her [censored], and also was going through my worst live run ever, ive dealt with all kinds of crazy swings playing poker and i try not to let it get to me, but brandi was definately [censored] with my head, anyway, this is also completely irrelevant

He keeps getting outplayed in the big cash games. He cries because he only has a half million left and he's lost so much money since his winnings, etc. etc.

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i said in my earlier post that i played like [censored] at commerce, but whatever, games are good and i have a new mindset, i plan to focus on playing good and not let all this drama affect me, and i definately have more than a half million, but after i pay my taxes, and if i dont include all the money thats owed to me, thats probly about where im at

The reason he is publicly attacking me is 1. because he does not want his fans here to know the truth. 2. that he himself thinks he is an amazing poker player and does not want to be seen playing smaller limits 3. because I did not sleep with him.

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1. what the [censored] does that even mean?

2. i really dont give a [censored] about what people think, im not going to play smaller limits right now because there are great spots at big games, and also because im a bit hooked on the action, but if i was seriously hurting, i would move down

3. i [censored] her one time, it was actually after all this [censored] happened, we slept together every nigth in la but she wasnt down until we got back to vegas, not sure why you seem to want me to post about this, but there it is

I DID lose money on his account ~ although he told me what to play and how to play. He was right there for most of it telling me what to do. We also NEVER had any sort of arrangement. The whole thing started because he wanted to teach me how to play. It's his own damn fault he's busted. Not mine. And I don't appreciate being blamed for it.

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100% [censored]!

first of all, i never even knew she played 25/50 until i read this thread, at first, i was trying to teach her sitngoes, but she got nervous when i was sweating her, so i didnt watch her much, when she busted my account, i was downstairs playing poker, and she was texting me, telling em that she was winning, i had no idea she could be stuck as much as she was, when i told her she could play 5/10 and 10/20, i assumed that she was winning and would just be playing those games with what she had won, and she started playing 5/10 and 15/30 holdem without my permission, while i was definately not in the room, and she definately did change my password after she busted it

we now shes telling me that because we didnt have an arrangement, she feels like she shouldnt have to pay me, i thought it was pretty clear that i was going to just give her cash for whatever she won, and wasnt really planning on her getting stuck for more than like a grand or two, she said she was going to pay me just to be nice, but now she wont because i posted the truth on 2+2 after she had been spreading lies about what happened and after she had threatened me and told me that need to get on 2+2 and say, "Brandi is a good girl. i can assure you she is not a hustler. and the rumors over my online account are completely irrelevent. no one was there and noone knows the truth about what happened" those are her words that she said she wanted me to post, if people dont believe me, i have text messages as proof

It is true that I cut myself. Mark was saying some pretty mean things to me. I had drank over an entire bottle of red wine by myself. I cracked the bottle and cut myself with it. This is the only time in my life ~ besides something that happened over two years ago ~ that I've ever been so sad to have done this. But the rest of that story is complete [censored].

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every part of that story is true, im not going to make that [censored] up

It is true that I called Gavin for a couple hundred (I don't have any money) and I went out of the room to talk to him... which made Mark completely jealous. Whatever. Gavin and I are friends, but he didn't give me [censored] anyway.

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ok, i swear to god she told me straight up that i need to keep quit while she was on the phone with gavin because she wants to get money from him and the only way hed send money is if he thinks he can [censored] her, she also said that gavin is two-faced, and that is why she was trying to hustle him, and that she really did care about me, gavin was different, this is all while we are supposed to be somewhat publicly dating and while a lot of people knew that we were in la together

btw, gavin is my friend and i didnt want to post his name in this thread, i also have nothing bad to say about him, and im glad he didnt give her [censored]

if i missed anything, let me know, but im definately not about to go back and forth trying to defend myself against this bitch

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POSTER: BrandiRose

This year, I've slept with more people than I have in the past couple years combined. That number is four. Two of them were boyfriends that I dated for a few months at a time (though not at the same time obviously). Both of those boyfriends were each amazingly talented and smart. Since my last break up a few months back. I've been with 2 people.

All together, I've slept with less than a dozen people. Anything else you want to know???

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POSTER: BrandiRose

To think I would ever sleep with a disgusting slob like yourself makes me want to throw up right here and now. And if anyone does not believe me about this guy's disgusting hygiene, all I say is to look at his oily hair. He just wants all the dorky guys on this forum to think he bagged me, when in reality, all he got is a hand job ~ after pulling it out every night and whacking off by himself. What can I say? I felt sorry for him.
I didn't even see Mark around when I got back to Vegas. And felt lucky for that.

As for his account, Mark ~ you're a big boy. There's no crying in poker. I really wish you'd stop blaming me for your over 200k losses in a weekend. Although maybe I did have something to do with that seeing as I would not [censored] your slimy grotesque fat ass. hmmmm.... blue balls anyone?

Regardless, I will say that while he was crying on my shoulder ~ even though he was sitting there for most of the time and telling me how to play ~ that I would give him some $$$$ once I raise my bankroll. But here's a legit question... if someone spread vicious lies about you and smeared your name, and if you were not fully responsible for their loss, would you still consider giving them even a penny????

Obviously he has shown that he is not a friend. He has twisted stories. Made false allegations. And is claiming he got it on with me. (GROSS) Why should I do anything nice for him?

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POSTER: newhizzle

ok. im not going to argue with you and try to defend myself, i have no reason to, all i have to say is i have not told a single lie or exaggerated a single thing in this thread, anyone who knows me will back up the fact that i am not someone who would do that, and really i have no reason to, have a good life bitch, and please stay the [censored] away from me and stop talking about me until you are ready to give me the money that you owe me, peace

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POSTER: newhizzle


Newhouse, just post a picture of the text message and be done with this thread.

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its a long string of text messages, i dont have a camera other than the one thats on my phone, and to tell you the truth, i really dont care enough to put the effort in, if anyone sees me in person, i will show them to you

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POSTER: BrandiRose


ok. im not going to argue with you and try to defend myself, i have no reason to, all i have to say is i have not told a single lie or exaggerated a single thing in this thread, anyone who knows me will back up the fact that i am not someone who would do that, and really i have no reason to, have a good life bitch, and please stay the [censored] away from me and stop talking about me until you are ready to give me the money that you owe me, peace

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I believe I used those EXACT words in the messages I sent YOU tonight. You are such an [censored]. I don't even care. I'm not giving you a penny, you piece of [censored]!!

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POSTER: newhizzle

also, she is definately lying in one of her other posts on here that has nothing to do with me( a recent one), but im tired of dealing with this drama, so im not going to get into it

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POSTER: BrandiRose


Good job newhizzle, you totally blew your chance at getting your cash back.

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BINGO. He blew it with the first complete lie he posted. Now after a whole slew of them....
Regardless, he was sitting there for most of it. We never had a deal. And I don't owe him [censored]. When his eyes were all red and puffy from his losses that weekend, I told him I'd help him out when I got my bankroll up. Please someone tell me why I should NOW???

Sorry not happening.

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POSTER: BrandiRose


GL making it in the gambling world if you don't understand why you need to pay him back.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

LOL. BECAUSE I AM SCREAMING.... He was sitting right there. Just because I was pushing the buttons when he was telling me what to do, does not mean I owe him. If we had made money, he would not have given it to me. It would still be HIS money. Because technically, it was HIM who was playing.
And my name is already ruined. Thank you very much.

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POSTER: BrandiRose

Okay well... thanks everyone. All I can say is that I never would have posted in regards to Mark if he had not slandered me. It was not something I wanted to get involved in. And if you don't believe me, that's fine.

For those who care ~ I have two job interviews on Thursday for bar tending.

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POSTER: newhizzle

i also have all the text messages from when i was downstairs, and she was telling me that she was winning, this is a straight up lie, and she definately did change the password to my account, all i have to say, im done with this thread

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Old 12-19-2006, 11:30 PM
Publos Nemesis Publos Nemesis is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

Thx. Too hard for working dolts like me to read the whole thing. You did a great job.
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:40 PM
kurosh kurosh is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

My conclusion: girls are [censored] crazy.
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:49 PM
qdmcg qdmcg is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

amazing summary ty
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:49 PM
shoxbb6 shoxbb6 is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

Thanks alot, no way i was going to read that whole thread.
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:54 PM
Mr. Orange Mr. Orange is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

thank you so much for doing this.
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:59 PM
DVaut1 DVaut1 is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

My conclusion: if Captain Tom offers you a free night in his hotel room, make sure to wrap yourself up tight in the bed sheets before falling asleep.

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Old 12-20-2006, 12:04 AM
jah7_fsu1 jah7_fsu1 is offline
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Default Re: Essential Content from \"Never Trust Anyone\" Thread

Great summary and the thing is long as hell, but it really is worth it IMO.
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