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Old 02-08-2007, 09:56 PM
JaBlue JaBlue is offline
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Default drug experiences

This thread is for sharing experiences from when you were under the influence of drugs.

I wrote this up to send to my uncle to talk about and it ended up being about 5 pages in word. You've been warned:

For the sake of completeness I'm going to describe the entirety of an 8-hour period after I had eaten mushrooms with my best friends matt and dan. The really good stuff doesn't come for a while but it should all be interesting.

Last saturday I got together with my friends Matt and Dan to do drugs. We took 1/8oz. each of mushrooms and went to an aquarium and the beach.

The aquarium was about 1/2 mile away so we walked while waiting for the mushrooms to take effect. We were very excited just like the other times we get together to ingest psychoactives. Went in once we started feeling the effects around 3:30. The fish and their colors were amazing, but the combination of the optics produced by the glass and the swaying motion of a giant tank with huge fish and 20 ft kelp made Matt and Dan feel pretty sick. Went outside and touched things in the tide pool feeling like little kids, alongside little kids. Sea cucumbers are very soft and squishy and fish are nice but I didn't want to touch the anemone. Matt did and I was very anxious for him. We also went to the shark tank where we put our faces up against the glass. I was on the far right of the tank and got extremely scared when a shark came out of nowhere into my vision. Matt was starting to feel very, very sick so we decided to leave and go to the access point down to the beach.

Matt was feeling like crap and I told him to just throw up. He knew he should but he didn't want to. Dan also felt bad, but not as bad as matt. I was pretty much fine. Dan and Matt had never been to the access point I had in mind, which was about a mile away from the aquarium. On the way there, Dan kept asking where it was and I kept saying "a little further down this road" and he doubted me. I didn't appreciate that. In the meantime, Matt was getting sicker and I jokingly suggested to him that the mushrooms he ate may have turned into something else inside him. He started thinking about this and convinced himself that the mushrooms grew into some kind of parasitic creature inside him and was trying to get (crawl or slither or something) out. Dan and I were trying to convince him otherwise but he got more and more miserable. I started to feel really bad for him and became upset that he was so unhappy. But then we approached the access point.

At this point in our trip, I wasn't too happy with the way things were going. Matt was miserable, Dan was sick, and I felt bad for them. Knew the access point would change all that. At the top of the access point there is a great view and once we got there we stopped talking and just basked in its glory. We decided to sit down for a little bit, so they went to the highest point nearby and looked down the valley towards the ocean. I knew I wanted to lie down in the iceplant and did so about 30 feet away.

While I was lying down I started hallucinating. On the right side of my view I could see a purple vapor coming into the sky as if someone had uncorked a bottle filled with the stuff. It filled up the right side of the sky and then hovered what seemed like 100 feet over me like a cloud. Didn't really think about what it was, just looked at it. Eventually the purple cloud made me nervous and I asked Matt and Dan if they saw it. They didn't. I went where they were and looked back. Still there. I decided to stay with them.

Everyone was still in a crappy mood so I decided that we should begin our voyage down the path. Started jogging down a little, which was very exciting, and matt got worried that I would hurt myself. He was wrong and I told him he should do the same. He and Dan followed and we started running down the path together. Felt great. The path was described as "varsity level" by Dan and "out of this world spectacular" by Matt. Some points are tricky logistically. The next thing we encountered was a shallow (6 ft) valley and a fifteen foot 2x4 extending across it like a balance beam. I said "I'm going for it" and walked slowly across. Dan and Matt did the same. Noone fell. After that there was a curved bank that looked like if you ran it you would be close to parallel to the ground. Didn’t happen though.

Our mood collectively changed when matt said, "I dont have a [censored] parasite! What was I thinking?" and the subject that he had been constantly talking and worrying about for the last 45 minutes faded from our consciousnesses. We kept walking and at one point matt wanted to jump 3 feet across to the other side, which was a slippery rock face, and grab onto the rock wall and pull himself up. The drop if he would fall was about 8 feet and it was clear that any attempt would be disastrous. "you get all worked up about me running down a path and going across a balance beam and now you want to propose the most dangerous [censored] of the trip? Don't do it." and he realized what a bad idea it was. A short while later there was a giant mud wall 3 feet across and without warning Dan lept into it. His feet sank about 6 inches and the mud made a delightful squishing sound. Matt did the same and I did too. We tried to climb up the mud wall but just kept sliding back down. By now we were all incredibly happy about what we were doing and having a blast. We got out of there, took another rest, and me and Dan sat down. We played in The Softest Dirt Ever, drawing things with our hands. Matt doubted that it was The Softest Dirt Ever and we gave him a handful and he was a believer.

We got to the beach and it was probably around 6:00. Starting to get dark. We ran around a bit, played in the sand and shallow water, and so on. Things started turning up. I felt like a little boy again. No responsibilities, nothing to do but have fun. Playing. I walked in up to my ankles in water with my shoes and jeans still on despite Dan and Matt telling me I would regret it. Felt great. After that we were walking to sit down on the sand and I said we should all go in the water. Matt hesitated but once Dan agreed, Matt was in. We knew the water was probably around 55 degrees. We stripped down to boxers and Matt said “there’s only one way to do this” and took off at a sprint. Dan and I followed suit. Exhilerating. We got knee-deep and they didn’t want to dive in. I saw a wave coming and went for it. Didn’t consider how deep the water was where and hit my head on the bottom because it was around 4 feet deep. They dove in, and we ran out.

We stood around for a while in our boxers talking and then decided to change and relax. Had to take boxers off because they were so wet. It took Dan and Matt a minute to do this but as soon as I was out of my boxers I didn’t want to put clothes back on. I stood naked for a while holding my pants in front of me as if I was wearing them. After 5 or so minutes of doing this Dan realized I wasn’t wearing the pants and recommended that I put them on because it felt great. I put one leg in and hung out like that for another 10. After a while of talking with Dan and Matt in this state, Matt had had enough. He said “Dude put your [censored] pants on!” and at that same moment some guy with a backpack walked by behind me. We burst out laughing like we were all in on some joke he couldn’t possibly understand.

We got to talking about what it meant to be human and considered different ways of life – living in a big city, living in a suburb, living on a farm, living in the wild. I decided that to be human was to be animalistically impulsive and that all this society stuff – buildings, cars, phones, served to hinder that. Dan suggested that every layer of modern American life was another system. Houses, streets, buildings, government, and so on. We also talked about hated long phone conversations and those that would pursue them when not at a great distance. It made sense to talk for a while if you do not have a way of being with the person you’re talking to, but some people choose to talk on a phone for a few hours when they are within driving or walking distance which seems absurd and inhuman. For a while talking about these things it seemed like Matt Dan and I were the only ones on the earth and that the buildings, streets, and so on had all disappeared. It was nice. Then Matt asked what time it was. I said, “What does it matter? If you want to do something lets do it, we don’t need to know what time it is.” And Dan said, “Yeah, just another system to adhere to!” And I said “If you’re hungry, its time to eat. If you want to take a nap, its time to sleep. It doesn’t matter if its ‘7:30.’” Matt looked anyway to our disappointment.

We started to discuss materialism and idealism. Matt and Dan were clearly proponents of materialism and I showed them some arguments I had recently learned in favor of idealism. I wasn’t decided, just wanted to show them that there was another way of thinking about the world. At that point Matt said that the best way to get to know something would be to touch it. This made a lot of sense considering his world view. “If I really want to get to know the earth, I should go around and touch everything – all of its surface area.” “Yeah.” “Yeah!” And then he said “Does matter matter?” And we laughed.

From here we got to discussing just how big the earth is. I think I had a better idea of the earth’s enormous size then than I will ever have. Matt said, “I wonder if it’s possible for a man to walk around the earth in a lifetime.” Dan said definitely and I agreed. Dan guessed that it would take 2-3 years, I guessed 5, and Matt guessed “exactly twelve years.” We decided to look up the circumference of the earth when we got back and figure it out. Turned out Dan was spot on. We were staring at the moon as it was pretty dark and we were on the beach. Everyone described it moving around and changing colors. This happened for me and at the same time my spatial perception was completely destroyed. Hard to explain what this looks like, but imagine having no visual understanding of depth whatsoever. Things that I intellectually thought were very far seemed close or in a different direction. We went on to discuss what it meant to exist and Dan and Matt said that it was having a specific location in space-time. Matt said, “I wonder if its possible to stop existing [in the sense we were talking about] for a few seconds and then come back.” “Of course it is! I bet Dan can do it.” … “Okay, Dan. When I close my eyes I want you to stop existing, and in 10 seconds you should start again. Okay, go.” And he did it. Dan vanished from space-time for 10 seconds and came back.

After philosophizing for so long Matt thought it appropriate to write our names in the sand. He wrote “Matt” and Dan wrote “Dan.” And I said that I thought Matt should go by Matthew. It’s more aesthetically pleasing and it’s the name that his parents – who created him after all – gave him. He agreed and I started calling him that. I told Dan he should also go by Daniel and he said that his name was just Dan, not Daniel. I had never heard of a just Dan and thought all Dans were Daniels shortened but his parents named him Dan after a family member Ann. Dan was the only Dan-Not-Daniel I had ever met or heard of so I told him that he was the only one. He thought that with all the people in the world he couldn’t be the only Just Dan but I said he was because Dan is always Daniel. We agreed to disagree and I maintained my ridiculous position.

At this point we were getting kind of tired and wanted to walk back. On the way we saw a giant rock near the hill we had to walk up and wondered how it got there. It seemed too big to have been brought by the ocean, too far from the cliffs to have been part of them, and too heavy to have been carried by men. Matt said, “Did the rock get here naturally or did a human bring it? And if a human brought it, wouldn’t that be natural?” and we burst out laughing again. Dan suggested that there was a part of the universe where it was only night all the time. I thought it seemed likely that if there was only night somewhere, and day and night here on earth, then there might be a third part of the cycle somewhere else. We got to discussing what that third thing might be like and decided we couldn’t possibly know and relegated ourselves to the discussion of whether or not we should name it. Matt wanted to name it Alpha Night but I said it had to be something completely new from Day and Night so we settled on just Alpha. I thought the name was stupid but didn’t mind very much.

We decided to walk back up the big hill to campus. On the way there is a great shortcut that takes you up a steep hard dirt formation and off the pavement. We got there and Matt said “We’ve been thinking and talking for so long now, why don’t we not do either for a while” and it was settled that we would sit on the ground near the shortcut quietly, meditating, and wouldn’t talk again until the top of the shortcut path. We did this and I found it impossible to keep my mind still. I decided to just let it go and realized a few things about my life. Just being was enough to be happy. Ideally, being alive in and of itself should create happiness and wonder at every instant and every moment should be the best moment of my life, better than the preceding one because of gained experience and knowledge. I knew that this was unrealistic but settled on figuring that I should try to feel that way anyway. One way to go about this was to only do those things that I want to do. And those things that I should want to do should only be great. That way, I should be having fun while always doing great things. I kept thinking about things and being unable to not think and realized that it would be a great thing for me to meditate and be more aware of myself throughout the day. Being aware and mindful seemed the best ways to “get good at being” and being is something I do all the time, so why shouldn’t I improve it? I also decided I should get stronger and be more conditioned. And learn more about the world by getting more into math, physics, philosophy, people, and so on. These things seemed to be the best ways to get good at being human and being on the Earth so I decided from then on that I should pursue them. My mind cooled down a little bit as I started to relax and I experienced some amazing auditory hallucinations. The closest thing to describe it would be what sounds like an electronic groove composed of periodically occurring mostly-natural sounds.

I decided I had enough stationary silence and wanted to pursue active silence so started walking up the shortcut. I was in front of Matt and Dan, who were still meditating, and I took my time going up. I felt rocks very closely that seemed interesting and I considered each step that I took and why I was taking it. My mind was working blazingly fast. At this point I got a text message on my phone from my girlfriend. I wished that she would have called me but realized how thankful I was to have her in my life. And I realized how thankful I was to have friends like Matt and Dan. She was sick and pent up in her room so I resolved to go up and surprise her when we got back.

Matt was the next one up and at the top he yelled “I am alive!” and I gave him a giant hug. He had been thinking about the same things. Dan got up too and we talked about how thankful we were to have the opportunity to do what we were doing, spend the time with each other, and so on and Matt said that this had been the best time of his life. I had to agree with him and Dan was on the fence. We walked around the trails a little bit, talking about stuff, and then got to talking about giving back. It seemed that we had so much and some had so little, that it made sense to share our wealth. I also decided that living a simple life was the most human way to go about it and resolved to do so. This didn’t mean abandoning the few luxuries I currently allow myself, but it definitely meant avoiding them when not necessary. We decided that when we got back we would take homeless San Franciscans to dinner. Matt said we should just make a bunch of meals and hand them out, but I thought it would be better to get to know the people who we were giving food to. At my job last summer I had wanted to take a homeless person out to lunch in exchange for their story and to get to know them but ended up regretting not ever doing it. Next time we get home, this is one thing Matt, Dan, and I will try to accomplish. This was the first time I had ever given serious thought to being unselfish in the sense that I have no obligation towards people that I don’t know. It was not rational but it made sense and seemed a worthy pursuit.

We went back to the café on campus to get a bite to eat. We were no longer out-of-our-gourds high and could function normally. It seemed as if I was completely sober until I started focusing on a menu with ingredients and the letters and sentences started shifting around. I had the distinct sensation that if I tried hard enough I could will them to move how I wanted. Not sure if it worked. I got a burrito and could only eat a few bites of it. I thought I was hungry but after trying to eat, my appetite was gone. I got a call from my girlfriend’s cell phone and it was her friend Eric who wanted me to get something to eat because he had hurt his ankle. I looked at the line, realized I had no connection to him other than that he was my girlfriend’s friend, and thought it a pretty unreasonable request for him to make. I told him I wasn’t going to wait 20 minutes in line to pick him something up because that’s not what I wanted to do and how I wanted to spend my time and that was that. When Matt and Dan finished and I was about to throw my burrito away we realized I could just give it to Eric. Dan thought that was gross because he’s neurotic and that I shouldn’t give him an already eaten burrito. It seemed alright to me to give it to him and it seemed funny to all of us that we were discussing whether or not to give some dude my somewhat-eaten burrito. Laughing, I called my girlfriend back and told her to ask Eric if he wanted a half-eaten burrito. She thought I was being a jerk, but I explained that I had resolved to do only things that I wanted to do and I was not willing to wait in line for this guy but was willing to bring him my burrito on my way back. He gladly accepted the food.

When we got back, my girlfriend’s Korean roommate was there and we talked about our experience and she said that she wanted to give us Korean names according to our personalities. She gave Matt and Dan their names which I unfortunately forget. When she asked “how would you describe Jared?” Matt said “[censored]!” He amended his decision and they said things like “He is comfortable in nature, he likes to be naked, he likes to think.” After a few failed naming attempts she suggested Na San or Naked Mountain and I liked it so settled on it. After that, Matt and Dan left and I went to sleep.
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Old 02-08-2007, 10:43 PM
Event Duality Event Duality is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

That turned out to be a fascinating read. Thank you.
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Old 02-08-2007, 11:06 PM
r0eKY r0eKY is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

i didnt read all that cuz i stoned right now and 2 lazy right but i will say extacy is by far the best drug but the most intense experince would have to be a drug called "5 meo dmt" it's a sroom like high, hope someone will have an experince with this as well
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:10 AM
My_Name_Is_Hov My_Name_Is_Hov is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

wow... that was a great read.
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:11 AM
asofel asofel is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

I think thats the longest post I've ever read on 2+2...

I really enjoyed it...your style, the vivid descriptions and detail...makes me even more sure that I need to get ahold of some shrooms SOME day...
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:20 AM
ImsaKidd ImsaKidd is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

I think thats the longest post I've ever read on 2+2...

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you know Borodog?

Great read, Jablue.
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:26 AM
Howard Treesong Howard Treesong is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

Nice job, sir. You've captured what's both wonderful and terrible about drugs.
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:42 AM
mason55 mason55 is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

but the most intense experince would have to be a drug called "5 meo dmt"

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when that stuff was legal and for sale on the internet. In hindsight it was probably a bad idea to order random chemicals off the internet and consume them, but it was a lot of fun.
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Old 02-09-2007, 02:03 AM
heater heater is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

Nice post. Shrooms are fun.
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Old 02-09-2007, 02:20 AM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: drug experiences

JaBlue, awesome read. I never tried shrooms, and only did E once, but I love weed. Your story reminded me of some great times I had with a few friends getting stoned and being out and about.

It also reminded me of something I use to do everyday after work when I lived up in Seattle.

I only did this in the summer as well.
I use to get off work around 3:50-4:00. I would swing by my house(5 mins away) and change into some comfortable shorts/T with my camelback and cross trainers. I would also grab my dog(usually) and of course my pipe and gange.

I would head up to this park by my house with some great nature trails. Nice elevation change as well. Usually at least 500 ft. There were waterfalls, rock formations, huge trees, pine/oak, and the most massive ferns I have ever seen. I use to hike for about 30 minutes and find some nice quite location. I would then sit down and blaze a few bowls and just chill by myself for 15-20 minutes. It was my time. I could think and much like you guys, meditate. The exersise and the smoke made me feel great. I would then go home, relax a bit, eat some dinner and sleep like a baby. Man, I need days like that again.....

Anyways, I really enjoyed your post. Sounds like you have two great friends as well.
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