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Old 01-25-2007, 07:07 AM
Madtown Madtown is offline
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Default Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me...

The year is 2517. Long ago, a large population had emigrated from Earth to a new star system in multi-generational spaceships: "Earth-that-was could no longer sustain our numbers, we were so many."

The emigrants established themselves in this new star system, with dozens of planets and hundreds of moons. Many of these were terraformed to resemble the Earth. However, after terraforming, the outlying settlements often did not receive any further support in the construction of their worlds. This resulted in many of the border planets and moons developing into rugged, lawless environments.

The Alliance governs the star system through an organization of "core" planets, after striking down the Independents -- or "Browncoats" -- in a war to unify the system. The central planets are firmly under Alliance control, but the outlying planets and moons resemble the 19th century American West, with little governmental authority or presence. While settlers and refugees on the outlying worlds ("out in the black") have relative freedom from the central government, they lack the amenities of the high-tech civilization of the core planets.

<font color="red">REAVERS</font>

Malcolm Reynolds: "Reavers ain't men. Or they forgot how to be. They're just nothing. They got out to the edge of the galaxy, to that place of nothing, and that's what they became."


Zoe Washburne: "If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing. And if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order."

The outlying space in the system is rife with Reavers, a cannibalistic roving race. The theory is that Reavers are men who traveled to the edge of the star system and were driven mad by the open vastness of space.

The Alliance officially denies the existence of Reavers. To most residing in the core planets, Reavers are nothing more than campfire myth. However, those living or traveling in the farthest reaches of space know better; Reavers are a constant, malicious threat.

<font color="blue">THE ALLIANCE and CONTRACTORS</font>

Malcolm Reynolds: "That's what governments are for -- getting in a man's way."


Shepherd Book: "A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."

The Alliance is the government that unites the solar system. They are, for all purposes, the only political and military power. However, the recapture of River Tam, a young woman previously subjected to Alliance experiments on her brain, is a top priority for the Alliance.

Military officers, like Agent McGuinness and Commander Harkin, are on alert to search any Firefly-class ships such as Serenity. Lawrence Dobson has been sent in as a spy to board the ship. They've gone so far as to hire out, and place a bounty on her head. Two members of the Blue Sun Corporation known simply as "Hands of Blue" have been hired, and bounty-hunter Jubal Early is also on the hunt.

Anyone having contact with River, including the entire crew of Serenity, are considered a threat to the Alliance.

Despite their public stance that Reavers do not exist, the Reaver threat is also a very serious problem for the Alliance.

<font color="brown">THE CREW OF SERENITY</font>

Salesman: "Tell you what. You buy this ship - treat her proper - she'll be with you for the rest of your life."


Malcolm Reynolds: "Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
Zoë Washburn: "Big damn heroes, sir."
Malcolm Reynolds: "Ain't we just?"

There are nine people who reside on the Firefly-class ship named "Serenity" -- named after The Battle of Serenity Valley, a devastating loss for the Browncoats in the Unification War. Some of them are passengers, some are crew. Some have known each other for years, some were complete unknowns when they boarded the ship a short time ago.

The crew often runs on the edges of space, taking whatever jobs it can find. Their primary income comes through illegal means like smuggling, theft, and salvage of abandoned Alliance vessels. However, they've also hired out themselves out as protection, often take on traveling passengers, and haul legitimate goods. Despite their illegal activities, they hold to a strict code of honor -- one almost never held by those that they deal with.

Despite their unfamiliarity with one another and their different personalities, they soon resemble a family.



Malcolm Reynolds: "Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character, so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid."

The captain of the crew of Serenity is Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds. The captain and his first mate Zoe Washburne are veteran "Browncoats" of the Unification War, a failed attempt by the outlying worlds to resist the Alliance's assertion of control. Mal bought the spaceship "Serenity" in order to continue living beyond Alliance control.


Harkin: "You fought with Captain Reynolds in the war?"
Zoë: "Fought with a lot of people in the war."
Harkin: "And your husband?"
Zoë: "Fight with him sometimes, too."
Harkin: "Is there any particular reason you don't wish to discuss your marriage?"
Zoë: "Don't see that it's any of your business, is all. We're very private people."
[Cut to Zoë's husband, Wash.]
Wash: "The legs! Oh yeah, definitely have to say it was her legs. You can put that down. Her legs, and right where her legs... meet her back. Tha— actually, that whole area. That, and… and above it. Have you seen what she wears? Forget about it. Have you ever been with a warrior woman?"

Zoe served in the Unification War under Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds and continues under his command on Serenity. A loyal second-in-command and a tough, deadly fighter, Zoe is the only member of Mal's crew to regularly call him "sir" and take orders as if receiving them from a superior officer.

Zoe married Serenity's pilot Wash sometime after he joined the crew, despite disliking him initially when he was hired by Mal. Her devout loyalty to Mal often clashes with her marriage to Wash, causing tension between the three most primary members of the crew.


Wash: [alarmed] "Oh my god! What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's FLYING this thing?! Oh right, that would be me. Uh, back to work."

Wash is the pilot of Serenity, and is the most senior crewmember after Mal and Zoe. A laid-back guy with a dry and occasionally whimsical sense of humor, Wash tends to represent the pragmatic, cut-and-run opinion in any shipboard debate, and often serves as the calming influence in heated arguments. His actions sometimes appear cowardly (or at least less than heroic), but Wash has proven his resolve and willingness to both put himself in harm's way and do violence on behalf of his friends on many occasions.

As a pilot, Wash's flying style oscillates between near panic and a Zen-like calm. The attitude he conveys seems to be in inverse proportion to the degree of danger he believes he and the ship are in at any particular moment, acting the most calm when facing the greatest danger.


Mal: "I don't believe there's a power in the 'verse can stop Kaylee from being cheerful. Sometimes you just wanna duct-tape her mouth, and dump 'er in the hold for a month."
Kaylee: "I love my captain."

Kaylee has exceptional mechanical aptitude, despite her lack of formal training, and serves as ship's mechanic to Serenity. Kaylee is considered by the crew to be exceptionally sweet and chipper, the type who maintains a bright attitude even when others are feeling low.

The overall relationship between Mal and Kaylee closely resembles that of a brother and sister. Despite her mechanical aptitude which allows Kaylee to fix just about anything, she has a desire for girlish things and is annoyed when Mal does not see that she is a woman as well as a mechanic.

This disconnect also carries over into a potential relationship with Simon Tam -- his contempt for the uncivilized life of the outer rim often leaves Kaylee feeling personally insulted, and even once acclimated to the outlaw life Simon's upbringing causes him to remain distant and "proper."


Malcolm Reynolds: "How come you didn't turn on me, Jayne?"
Jayne: "Money wasn't good enough."
Malcolm Reynolds: "What happens when it is?"
Jayne: "Well... that'll be an interesting day."

Jayne is Serenity's hired muscle. He joined the crew for mercenary reasons, when Mal offers him a higher wage, and he shoots his partners. Jayne is often the "main gun" for jobs and is someone that can be depended on in a fight.

Jayne's very intelligent and adaptable in battle. However, he's often the butt of jokes, being easily the least educated member of the crew. His lack of education is also reflected in his crude and oblivious personality.

He is prepared to betray the crew of Serenity if he is offered a large enough reward.


Inara: "The Alliance has no quarrel with me. I supported unification."
Mal: "Did ya? Well, I don't suppose you're the only whore who did."
Inara: [smiling] "Oh — one further addendum. That's the last time you get to call me "whore"."
Mal: "Absolutely! Never again."

Inara Serra is a Companion, a high-society courtesan licensed by the Alliance, similar in some ways to a Geisha. In Alliance society, Companions are part of the social elite, often accompanying the wealthy and powerful. They have considerable ritual and ceremony surrounding their services, which appear to extend beyond sex to nurturing psychological and emotional well-being.

Inara contracted with Mal to lease one of its shuttles as a transport and "office". This provides Inara with some mobility independent of Serenity, and Malcolm with some respectability that helps him open doors in the marketplace that he might not otherwise achieve as an ordinary smuggler.

Inara has a number of frequent clients throughout the Allied worlds, and takes both male and female clients, although most of her clients are male.


Zoë: "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"
Book: "Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps."

Derrial Book is a Shepherd — a holy man or preacher — and provides frequent spiritual advice and perspectives for the crew of Serenity after being taken on as a Passenger.

Book is a Christian of an unknown denomination. Throughout the series, he makes references to Christian theology and consults the Bible.

Shepherd Book also clearly has a secret past. He holds some sort of priority status within the Alliance, and on numerous occasions has demonstrated a depth of knowledge in a number of fields, including space travel, firearms, hand to hand combat, and criminal activity.

Though Book himself often hints at a dark past, he refuses to discuss it openly. When asked by Mal if he would like to explain the preferential treatment the Alliance gives him, he responds, "I surely would, and maybe someday I will."


Malcolm Reynolds: "There ain't-a one of us looks the part more than the good doctor. I mean, the pretty fits, soft hands — definitely a moneyed individual. All rich and lily-white, pasty all over—"
Simon: "All right! Fine. I'll go. Just... stop describing me."


Simon: "I’m very smart. Went to the best Medacad on Osiris, top three percent of my class, finished my internship in eight months. Gifted, is the term. So when I tell that my little sister makes me look like an idiot child, I want you to understand my full meaning. River was more than gifted. She was... a gift. Everything she did, music, math, theoretical physics – even dance – there was nothing that didn’t come as naturally to her as breathing does to us. She could be a real brat about it, too. She used to tell me... There was a school... a, uh, government-sponsored academy, we’d never heard of it but it had the most exciting program, the most challenging... We could have sent her anywhere, we had the money... but she wanted to go. She wanted to learn. She was fourteen. I got a few letters at first, then I didn’t hear for months. Finally, I got a letter that made no sense. She talked about things that never happened, jokes we never... it was a code. It just said… “they’re hurting us. Get me out.”

The two passengers that bring Serenity the most heat from the Alliance are brother and sister River and Simon Tam. River was a child prodigy, whose brain was subjected to experiments. As a result, she displays schizophrenia and often hears voices. However, she also has become a "reader," one who possesses intuition that approaches being psychic. Simon gave up a highly successful career as a surgeon to rescue her from a secret Alliance facility. This escape has made them both wanted criminals.

<font color="green">SAFFRON</font>

Saffron: "You won't tell anyone about me breaking down?"
Malcolm Reynolds: "I won't."
Saffron: [drawing his gun from behind her] "Then I won't tell anyone how easily I got your gun out of your holster."
Malcolm Reynolds: "I'll take that as a kindness."
Saffron: "You just may be the most gullible fool I ever marked. And that makes you special."

"Saffron" is one of several known aliases of a very crafty and apparently amoral con artist who assumes convenient identities to commit grand thefts. She is also known to use her feminine wiles on — and occasionally marry — her marks, or those she is trying to con.

According to Serenity crew member and Companion Inara Serra, Saffron has had some Companion training. This organization of legal, high-society courtesans appears to provide its members with psychological education to enable them to establish more than a merely sexual relationship with their clients. Saffron uses these skills to help her seduce her marks, even attempting to seduce Inara herself.

Saffron will work with the crew of Serenity, but only when it suits her needs and when she can double-cross them along the way.

<font color="green">ADELEI NISKA</font>

Niska: "You died, Mr. Reynolds."
Malcolm Reynolds: "Seemed like the thing to do."
Niska: "I don't like it when you die, Mr. Reynolds. When you die, it means that I can't hurt you anymore."

Adelei Niska is a major crime lord in the outer rim. Thoroughly ruthless in his business practices, he is dedicated to maintaining his reputation for exacting terrible reprisals on those that cross him. He often espouses admiration for the brutal philosophy of (fictional) dictator Shan Yu.

Niska operates out in the black, so both the Alliance and Reavers pose threats to him. However, after a deal with Mal going bad, Niska has been looking for his revenge ever since.

<font color="green">TRACEY SMITH</font>

Tracey: "Thanks. I didn't know you were out there."
Zoë: "Sort of the point. Stealth — you may have heard of it."
Tracey: "I don't think they covered that in basic."
Zoë: "Well, at least they covered "Dropping Your Weapon So You Can Eat Beans and Get Yourself Shot"."
Tracey: "Yeah, I got a badge in that."

Tracey Smith was a war buddy of Mal and Zoe from the war against the Alliance. Mal helped get Tracey through the war, but after the war Tracey became something of a drifter, eventually falling in with organ smugglers. When he runs afoul of them, he arranges to have his apparently dead body shipped to Reynolds for transportation back home. In reality, Tracey is drugged to simulate a comatose state, trying to doublecross the organ smugglers.

His desperation to outrun his pursuers collides with his loyalty to Mal and Zoe. Whether he ultimately thinks they're "saps," or maintains loyalty to his former war buddies, is unknown.

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Old 01-25-2007, 07:22 AM
Madtown Madtown is offline
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)


This is no roleplay game, but Firefly has a great language style to it. Think "old west" crossed with a dose of Chinese, and a few slang curse words just as good as the real thing.

So I hope you'll all engage in some Firefly-speak for this game.


Gorram: A substitute for "god damn." Variation: Gorramit.

Humped: A substitute for the term "screwed"; as in, "we're totally humped."

Ruttin': A mild emphatic expletive, replacing the f-word. Example: "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here." -- Jayne Cobb


Hwoon dahn: "Jerk."

Mei-mei: Affectionate, meaning "little sister."

Go-se: Derogatory, meaning "piece of crap."

Wuh duh ma huh ta duh fung-kwong duh wai-shung doh: "Holy mother of God and all her wacky nephews!"

Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng: "Frog-humping sonofa*****."


Atmo: A shortened form of the word "atmosphere".

Backbirth: One born on a primitive or outer planet; implies naivety or stupidity.

The Black: Slang for space, particularly the outer rim.

Browncoats: A nickname for the rebels who fought against the Alliance in the Unification War, in reference to their brown trench coats.

The Core: The central, Alliance-governed planets of the star system in which the series takes place.

Cortex: An interplanetary information network roughly analogous to the modern-day Internet.

Purple-bellies: A nickname for Alliance soldiers, in reference to their purple body armor.

Shiny: An adjective roughly corresponding to modern-day "cool," "neat" or "sweet." IT'S IN THE GAME TITLE! ISN'T THAT SHINY?!

Sly: An adjective meaning "homosexual," rather than the modern word, "gay."

'Verse: A shortened form of the word "universe".
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Old 01-25-2007, 08:17 AM
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)


There are 3 factions, and 3 "neutral" characters outside those factions (these characters are not entirely neutral).


Reavers are standard wolves. None of them have extra powers. Their votes are worth 1 vote.

To win, all Alliance and all Serenity crew must be dead or "arrested" (lynched).

Reavers appear as "Reaver" when peeked by River.


The Alliance begins the game as a village-type faction -- they do not know one another's identities, cannot chat at night, and do not get night kills.

Alliance and Contractor votes count for 2 votes.

If all Reavers are killed, but Alliance and Serenity members remain, Alliance members convert immediately to a wolf faction. Each Alliance/Contractor will be informed of the other members of their faction, and they will be able to night-chat and night-kill. However, their votes will be devalued, becoming worth only 1 vote.

To win, all Reavers and all Serenity crew must be dead or "arrested" (lynched).

There are 4 vanilla Alliance/Contractor roles, and one special role. The vanilla roles are all given a generic "You are a member of the Alliance or an Alliance Contractor" role PM, and will also appear as such when peeked by River.


Dobson can "peek" one player each night, including night 0. However, he is only informed if he has peeked River Tam -- any other player will result in a "Player X is NOT River Tam" response. If Dobson peeks River, then all other Alliance/Contractors will also be PM'd her identity by the Mod.

Dobson can "arrest" (vigilante kill) one player during the entire game. This arrest can be made at any time, night or day, by PMing the mod. If Dobson makes his arrest during day, then the arrest will be posted in-thread as soon as the mod has read the message. Restriction: Dobson cannot arrest the last player he peeked. Thus, if he peeks River on night 0, he could not arrest her until night 1.

If he peeks Jayne, it will give Jayne a chance to turn on the crew of Serenity. However, Dobson will not be notified that he has peeked Jayne (although it may be obvious, depending on Jayne's decision and the repurcussions).


The crew of Serenity is a village faction. They are not aware of one another's identity, cannot talk at night, and do not get any kills. Crewmember's votes are worth 1 vote. Exceptions are listed in power roles below.

To win, all Alliance/Contractors and Reavers must be dead or "arrested" (lynched).

There are 5 special roles and 4 vanilla roles on the Serenity crew. The vanilla roles are given a generic "You are crewmember of Serenity" style role PM. They will also appear that way when peeked by River.


Mal has 3 vigilante kills. He can use these at any time (day or night) and can use as many at a time as he wants, by PMing the mod. As with Dobson's vig kill, if requested during day it will be posted as soon as possible by the mod. If Mal dies before using his kills, they are lost.

Mal's vote is worth 3 votes. His voting power will be automatically passed on whenever he (or his successor) dies. The order of succession for Mal's triple vote is as follows: Mal, Wash, Simon, River. If all four are dead, the triple vote is lost.


Wash can PM the mod once and only once during the game -- during day or night -- and send Serenity into full-burn.

Going into full-burn during day will prevent any arrest (lynch) from happening -- the full-burn will be announced ASAP in-thread. It will remain day and disccusion can occur for the full length of time (until 10 PM), but no voting or lynch will occur.

Full-burn also prevents Mal and Dobson from using vig kills, but only AFTER the full-burn has been announced in thread.

Going into full-burn during night will prevent a Reaver night-kill from occuring, as well as any vig kills.


Doctor. Simon may protect one player each night from night-kill (does not include vig-kills). Cannot protect himself.


Seer. River gets one peek each night (including night 0). All special roles appear as their character name, except Jayne. All vanilla roles + Jayne appear as simply "Reaver," "Alliance/Contractor," or "Serenity Crewmember."

One out of every 4 peeks will fail -- which peek fails will be random. Essentially, a 25% chance of failure, but with less variance. River cannot run bad and have 3 fail in a row, nor run good and have the first 5 picks succeed. One of the first four peeks will fail, one of the second four peeks will fail, etc.

River is immune to Reaver night-kill. She can be killed by Mal's and Dobson's vigilante shots, and she can be arrested (lynched). If peeked by Lawrence Dobson, then all Alliance and Independent Contractors will be told River's identity, as they need River to be arrested to win. She can also be arrested if Jayne turns on the Crew of Serenity.

River can send a single message each night, choosing three players to send it to. However, the message will be sent through the moderator -- and the moderator will "rewrite" the message. This will largely mean that the moderator will turn the message into a riddle or into complex babbling. The moderator will not change the meaning, but may make it impossible for the correct meaning to be discerned. Anyone recieving a message from River should keep that in mind when trying to interpret the message.


Whoever is given the role of Jayne will initially be told that they are a "regular crewmember of Serenity."

If Lawrence Dobson peeks Jayne (note that Dobson isn't told anything other than that the player is an "average citizen") or if at the end of a day Jayne has two Alliance / Contractors voting for him (without getting arrested [lynched]), then Jayne will be given the opportunity to turn on the crew of Serenity.

If either of the above occurs, Jayne will be notified that he is Jayne and that he has to decide whether to turn on the crew of Serenity.

If he chooses not to turn: He is immediately arrested (killed), but his win conditions stay with the crew of Serenity.

If he chooses to turn: He will turn in Simon AND River in his place -- meaning that Simon and River will be immediately arrested (killed). 75% of the time, Jayne will become a regular member of Alliance and Independent Contractors (with a single vote). 25% of the time, despite turning in Simon and River he will still be arrested (killed), and his win conditions will remain with crew of Serenity.


- Saffron

Saffron is given hints to Mal's identity at the close of day. Aftwards, she selects a target each night. If Saffron targets Mal, then all actions from the crew of Serenity are blocked the following day and night (limited abilities like Mal's vigilante shots and Wash's full-burn ARE wasted if used while Saffron has blocked the crew). If Saffron blocks Mal, she instantly wins and leaves the game.

If Saffron targets an Alliance or Contractor:

- 66% of the time, she will become a vanilla member of the Crew of Serenity, sharing their win conditions. She would lose her targeting power.
- 33% of the time, she will be immediately arrested (killed).

Saffron may refrain from targeting on any night.



Roleblocker. Niska targets one player each night. Any night-actions made by that player will be blocked.

Niska is given hints to Mal's identity at the close of day. If Niska targets Malcolm Reynolds, he will be notified that he has targeted Mal, and Niska's vote will count 3 the following day. If Mal is lynched that day, then Niska wins and also leaves the game. If Mal is not lynched, then Niska loses and still leaves the game.

If Malcolm dies before Niska (and Niska had not yet targeted him), then Niska's target will move on to the power role that recieved Mal's triple vote (see order of succession). If Niska outlives all 4 without targeting them, then he wins and will immediately leave the game.

If Niska targets an Alliance/Contractor, there is a 20% chance he will be immediately arrested.

NISKA WIN CONDITIONS: Target Mal (or player who has recieved Mal's triple vote) and get them lynched the following day. If he outlives all 4 players who can hold the triple vote, he wins and leaves immediately.


Tracey Smith is on the run from the Alliance, trying to find Mal and Zoe. Thus, his role is as follows:

Tracey can privately change his in-thread vote via PM to the moderator.

If he votes for Mal or Zoe and they get lynched, then he will become a "captive" of the Alliance -- he will share their win conditions, but his vote will count for 0 votes for the remainder of the game.

If he votes for an Alliance / Contractor and they get lynched, then he will join the crew of Serenity -- he will share their win conditions for the remainder of the game. His vote will still count for 1 vote; however, he will no longer be able to privately change it.

If neither of these occurs before his death, then Tracey's final votes will be totaled. His win conditions will be those of whichever side he voted for least.

This means that it is possible for Tracey to not know which side he is on until after he's dead.


TOTAL PLAYERS: 5+6+9+3 = 23.

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Old 01-25-2007, 08:24 AM
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)

Player List
Stephen H


Alternates should stay ready to hop in. Anyone failing to read their role PM by 8 PM tonight will be replaced immediately.

I'd also like a co-mod, so if any of the three alternates would be interested in doing this, please PM me. Anyone just reading along is free to do so as well. Co-modding would entail doing vote-counts during the day and moderating any vigilante kills issued by Dobson or Mal, or full-burn issued by Wash.

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Old 01-25-2007, 08:27 AM
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)

<font color="red">IMPORTANT NOTE</font>

Obviously since roles are just going out now, Dobson and River will not have night 0 peeks immediately. I will do my best to hang around to send out a peek ASAP, but I won't be able to sit here every minute all day so it may be delayed. Just noting this so it's public knowledge.

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Old 01-25-2007, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)



Anyone else who failed to recieve a role, please notify me before reading the open thread.

The game thread will open soon. Day will open between 9-10 AM from here on. Night will always fall at 10 PM.

I'll copy over some of the questions asked in the sign-up thread and any other stuff I can think of, and then the DAY post will be made.

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Old 01-25-2007, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)


If Wash uses his full-burn to prevent a lynch, can Jayne still be given the chance to turn by being voted by two Alliance members?

[/ QUOTE ]


If Mal accidentally shoots River, can the Alliance still win, or do they need to kill her themselves / lynch her?

[/ QUOTE ]

It does not matter whether River is lynched, arrested by Dobson, or killed by Mal. She (along with the Serenity crew and Reavers) must die for the Alliance to win, but it doesn't matter how.

Will final vote counts reflect the bonus votes / Tracey Smith's vote-changing abilities, or will it just be a public vote count?

[/ QUOTE ]

Final vote counts will reflect in-thread votes only. I will then privately adjust the totals and announce the result (but not the numbers) in the NIGHT post.

When are night actions due?

[/ QUOTE ]

8 AM.

Any other questions/clarifications should be PM'd to me rather than posted in thread, so I can answer them anonymously.

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Old 01-25-2007, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: Firefly: The Shiny Long Game (GAME THREAD)

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me...

During a long trip in the black, the crew of Serenity encounters a small transport ship typically used by settlers looking to reach a border planet cheaply. It's adrift in space, and no distress call is being transmitted.

A search of the ship reveals no survivors, and quickly turns into a salvage mission. The crew hauls as many supplies and parts as possible aboard Serenity.

During the job, Jayne is knocked unconcious by an unknown assailant. A more detailed search uncovers a single survivor.

He's delirious, incomprehensible. He's sedated while Simon fixes him up.

Further examination of the ship reveals clues, that this ship must have been attacked by Reavers.

Mal: Nothing more we can do for him now, not after what he's seen. That ship was hit by Reavers.
Inara: Mal, how can you know?
Jayne: He don't, that's how. No way. It was that other fella, the one we run into, like I said before. He went stir crazy, killed the rest, then took a walk in space. Wasn't Reavers. Reavers don't leave no survivors.
Mal: Strictly speaking, I wouldn't say they did.
Book: What are you suggesting?
Mal: Don't matter we took him off that boat, Shepherd. That's the place he's gonna live from now on.
Book: I don't accept that. Whatever horror he witnessed, whatever acts of barbarism, it was done by men. Nothing more.
Jayne: Reavers ain't men.
Book: Of course they are. Too long removed from civilization, perhaps, but men. And I believe there's a power greater than men. A power that heals.
Mal: Reavers might take issue with that philosophy. If they had a philosophy. If they weren't too busy gnawing on your insides. Jayne's right, Reavers ain't men. They forgot how to be. They're just nothin'. They got out to the edge of the galaxy, to that place of nothin', and that's what they became.

Shepherd Book and Simon decide to give the bodies a proper ceremony. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew discover a boobytrap that won't allow Serenity to detach from the ship.

However, it's not long before an Alliance cruiser under the orders of Commander Harkin shows up.

Serenity is boarded and the crew is taken aboard the Alliance cruiser for questioning. The survivor is also taken to an Alliance sickbay. Meanwhile, the Alliance troops search for River and Simon... who happen to have an ingenious hiding place...

It becomes clear that Harkin suspects that the Serenity crew is responsible for slaughtering the families aboard the transport ship. Mal's Reaver theory is laughed at as nothing more than a campfire ghost story. Until the survivor slaughters the entire staff of Alliance doctors, mutilating his own body -- making himself appear as a Reaver.

Mal: That poor bastard you took off my ship, he looked right into the face of it, was made to stare.
Harkin: It?
Mal: That darkness. The kind of darkness you can't even imagine. Blacker than the space it moves through.
Harkin: Very poetic.
Mal: They made him watch. He probably tried to turn away, they wouldn't let him. You call him a survivor? He's not. A man comes against that kind of will, they only way to deal with it, I suspect, is to become it. He's following the only course left to him. First, he'll try to make himself look like one. Cut on himself, desecrate his flesh. Then he'll start acting like one.

Harkin disregards Mal's warnings, until getting word about the survivor's path of violence.

Mal returns to Serenity, looking for the new Reaver, with an Alliance escort. Still in cuffs, he manages to kill him -- but not before an Alliance soldier is killed and Harkin is attacked.

The crew of Serenity is released, and the transport ship is destroyed.

Jayne: You save his gorram life, he still takes the cargo. Hwoon dahn.
Mal: He had to. Couldn't let us profit. Wouldn't be civilized.

The Alliance has narrowly missed finding Simon and River Tam. The crew of Serenity has narrowly avoided arrest. And both have narrowly survived a Reaver encounter.

Not to mention, there's a few people out there in the 'Verse with their own motives.

Nothing ever quite goes smooth out in the black.



There are 5 Reavers, 6 Alliance/Contractors, 9 Serenity Crewmates, and 3 Neutrals. Have at it.

Stephen H


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Old 01-25-2007, 10:03 AM
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Old 01-25-2007, 10:11 AM
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