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Old 11-24-2007, 10:38 AM
Dr_Doctr Dr_Doctr is offline
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Default Re: KK TopSet/TurnPossibleFlush/RiverBoat/Linecheck

Well I am certain that he bets a flush, but I'm far less certain he has a flush. Actually I think he's more likely not to have one. But I cannot see us getting lots of value out of much else on this board. It's hard to put him on top pair because that would be the case K. He might have a T and may call a small river bet with it. If he has T7 he's just made a full house and is stacking off no matter what I do.

So going for the crai might lose small value from a T, would lose value to an unlikely TP probably. If he has KT (unlikely again), he may bet the river anyway. He'll almost certainly bet a random 7. I can see what you're saying about his range for calling the all-in. However if I was value-betting this river it would have to be small since I can't put him on a big hand other than a flush and if he has a flush a crai would get insta-called.
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