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Old 11-30-2007, 06:05 PM
NoahSD NoahSD is offline
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Default Re: Child Raising - Discipline issues

My friends are floored. They cannot believe my parents raised me this way

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a shock response really blows my mind, and i have to think that these people are out of touch. people still hit their kids.

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I've learned that a few of my close friends were hit when they were little, and every time it shocked me.

I wasn't shocked because of the fact that parents hit their children, I was shocked because kids who I think turned out really well were hit when they were little.

I guess this is probably just because my parents told me a ton of times when I was little that hitting kids is wrong, and it's not a subject that comes up often enough for me to have really come to my own conclusion.

So I don't really have an opinion on the issue, I just have a gut reaction that it's a bad thing. I imagine a lot of other people are the same way.
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