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Old 11-17-2007, 03:03 PM
yanxchick yanxchick is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 65
Default Re: annoying dealer comments

The "nice hand" kills me to no end and only tip the dealer $1 when I win a pot no matter the size if they nice hand. I usually follow with a "it wasn't nice for the person that just lost," to get my point across.

However, the worst at the Showboat a few night ago. This guy was playing and winning some pots small to medium in size. He was $1 tipper. During the game he talked about how he was a waiter and it was important to tip 20 percent to waiters. He made some comment about how he should get going cause he has a long drive home and he's up.

The dealer says to him, "Well I'm shocked you any chips left the way you play."

Players at the table were in shock and he drove the guy away who was pretty decent action. The dealer was mad because he only tipped $1/hand and according to the dealers, "It's his game. He can say whatever he wants."

Sadly, dealers like this are making the game unenjoyable. I want to play poker and enjoy myself, not have to worry that dealers are going to drive action away.
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