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Old 11-29-2007, 03:30 AM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default Re: How long do I withhold tips? Dealer mistake costs me $1800. (long)

Bullpucky happens. I've had the same thing happen to me. If the dealer is just a schmuck who doesn't give a damn about poker, who sits around, waiting to get tipped, don't tip for a while.

If there were extenuating circumstances (floor distracting them, hidden cards, quiet verbal bet) then consider is this dealer conscientious, careful and always trying to improve? If so, and it was purely an accident, let them slide.

I have ways to ensure all action is complete before I burn and turn, thus I've only ever done this twice, both times with someone hiding their cards. Some dealers do this virtually every day. Some people, like me, care about poker. Some don't, they just wanna get tipped.

Spread your tip money around according to who deserves it. But remember, dealers are human, even the best make mistakes occasionally. Plus, it's much much harder than it looks.
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